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San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library
San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, California 94102
Phone: (415) 557-4567
Email: sfhistory@sfpl.org
Collections with online items: 36
Physical collections: 378
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1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake Collection
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Abstract of title & certificate of search to Portion of Block 84 Horner's Addition
Abstract of title and certificate of search as to … portion of 50 Vara lot No. 3 of Block 212, Western Addition
Abstract of title and certificate of search as to all that lot of land commencing at a point on the Easterly line of Walter Street … being portion of Mission Block No. 100
Abstract of title and certificate of search for… a subdivision of Block number 61 in the Mission Addition
Abstract of title and list of incumbrances on 50 Vara lot 810 in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California
Abstract of title for that piece or parcel of land situate in the City and County of San Francisco [Kane Title]
Abstract of title to all that lot of land situated in the City … being part of 50 vara Lot 2 in Block No. 118, Western Addition
Abstract of title to all that lot of land situated in the City … part of 50 vara Lot No. 1267
Abstract of title to entire City Slip lots 111 to 115 inclusive and part of 116
Ackerman, Charles L. family papers
Aerial Photographs of San Francisco in 1978
Afro-Americans in San Francisco prior to World War II Oral history project records
Agnes Fay Photograph Album, 1914-1943.
Agnos (Art) papers,
Alcatraz Indian Occupation Records
Alfafara (Celestino Tagimacruz) Papers SFH 557
Alfred Henry Jacobs San Francisco Zoo Photograph Albums, 1941-1942.
Alien Enemy Registration Affidavits, 1918
Alioto (Joseph L.) papers
Allen (Harris S.) Ina D. Coolbrith collection
Alzofon (Marian) papers,
Anderson (John Hawkins) papers,
Antelope (steamship) receipt book
Anthony (T.J.) Papers
Apcar papers on Dan White
April (Wayne) Portrait Photograph Collection
Arrowsmith (Augustus T.) letter: San Francisco, California, to Amos P. Catlin, January 20, 1853
Assessor’s block books of San Francisco
Atkinson (Thomas Emory) papers
Audrey Chisholm scrapbooks
Austin (Benjamin F.) Gold Rush correspondence
Aviles (Mauricio) Papers on Carnaval San Francisco
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Baffico (Paul) Rebuilding the San Francisco Cable Car Line Color Slide Collection
Baldwin & Howell records
Baldwin (George Abel) Photographs
Balunsat (Dalisay Bocobo) Filipiniana collection
Bardis (John) Supervisorial Campaign Records,
Bay Area Radical Teachers' Organizing Collective Records
Bay Area Reference Center (BARC) records
Beggs (Larry) Papers on Huckleberry House
Bertelsen (Emil T.) family papers
Bethel Order of the Eastern Star ledger
Bishop (Mrs. James Hall) scrapbook
Blaisdell (Marilyn) Photograph Collection
Blanding (William) letter: San Francisco, California, to Collector of the Port,
Bohemian Grove Photographs
Boldemann Chocolate Company records
Bolton (Charles) Papers on Community Organizing
Booth (Charles L.) earthquake refugee camp letter book
Borel (Frank) Motion Picture Portrait Photograph Collection
Born (Chester (Chet)) Papers
Bowen (George T.) Photographs
Brady (Ed) Aero Photographers, Inc. San Francisco Aerial Photographs
Brailove (Michael) Photographic Negatives
Brigman (Anne) Photographs
Brooks, Benjamin Photograph Albums
Brooks (Thaddeus Ransom) surveying notebooks
Brower (Robert W.) Old Poodle Dog Restaurant Collection
Brown, Jr. (Willie L.) Papers
Brownie Mary Collection,
Bunyan (Matthew C.) Photograph Album of the Construction of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
Burton (Shirley Cohelan) Photograph Collection
Bush (Larry) papers
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Caen (Herb) 'Faded Summer Love' typescript
Cahill (Thomas J.) Papers
California Camera Club Lantern Slide Collection of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition
California Camera Company daybook
California Ephemera Collection
California Midwinter International Exposition and California Photograph Album
California Photo Postcard Collection
California Photograph Collection
California Pictorial Lettersheet Collection
Carlos J. Maas Family Photograph Album, 1948-1966 (bulk 1948-1951).
Cavagnaro (Victoria L.) journal
Chew (Rose) Photograph Collection
Chiang (Franklin Chuin) Photographs
Christopher (George) Papers
City and County of San Francisco Sheriff's Department Records
City Central Committee, Socialist Party of San Francisco accounts book
City Guard, Company B, First Regiment of Infantry, Second Brigade, National Guard of California Records
City of Paris Records
Clare Phinney's Snaps of San Francisco Photograph Album
Clark Davis Miner Jr. Family Photograph Album, January 24-March 12, 1904.
Clifford (George) letter book
Clift (Amos) papers
Colvin (Marjorie) San Francisco Bay Area Antiwar Papers, 1965-1971
Communities of the Outer Mission Organization Records
Cook (Doris) Federal Theatre at Golden Gate International Exposition Collection
Cooke (Thomas) Slide Collection
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Dana (William A.) correspondence, San Francisco
Davies (Donna C.) Welsh American collection
Davis (Dell) Blindcraft Photographs
Davis Jerry
Deaf AIDS Center Collection
Decree of Settlement of Final Account and of Final Distribution in the matter of the estate of Kate D. McLaughlin, deceased
Deeter (Amy) California Hiking Clubs scrapbooks
Derricotte (Cheryl) Pandemic Bookkeeping prints
Derruau (Irene) School Collection
Destruction of San Francisco Photograph Album
Deutch (Carole) Papers on Carnaval San Francisco
Dobay (Norma Garrigues) Family Photograph Collection
Donnell (Charles C.) correspondence, Sacramento, California
Downtown Association of San Francisco Records
Downtown Peace Coalition Records
Dub (Debbie) Collection
Durden (Robert) Color Slide Collection
Durden (Robert T.) family papers
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Edgewood Records
Edith Schnaittacher's Photograph Album, [between 1895 and 1910].
Emporium Company Records
Epps (Edie) Visitacion Valley
Eureka Valley Promotion Association Records
Everett Junior High School records
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Family Service Agency of San Francisco Records
Farrell (Robert C. (Nappy Chin)) Photograph Collection
Fay (Agnes) Photograph Album
Filipino American Development Foundation (FADF) Records
Fire Underwriters' Association of the Pacific material
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company Records
Frank L. Fenton papers, 1906-1915 (bulk 1914-1915).
Frediani (Edwin A.) Collection
Freitas, Jr. (Joseph) Papers
Fremont (John C.) correspondence with Trenor W. Park
French Hospital and Family Photograph Album, [1908-1918].
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Geary (John W.) papers
George Sterling's Friends and Family Photograph Album, 1898-1905.
Giddings (Harold (Bill)) Bradley's Corner Bar Photograph Collection
Girvin (Hal) scrapbook
Glen Park: Baldwin Plan for Parking map
GLIDE Historical Records
Golden Gate International Exposition Photograph Albums
Gonong (Maxine) Papers
Gordon (James E.) Color Slide Collection of San Francisco Murals
Graham (John Gerrard) Photograph Collection
Green Street Theater Records
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Hacker (Patricia M.) San Francisco Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Celebration Photographs
Halsted N. Gray–Carew & English Funeral Home Records
Hanks, (V.M.), Jr. Photographs and Papers
Hardly Strictly Bluegrass scrapbook
Healy (George M.) Papers
Higgins (Adah Lowe) papers
Hippies Collection
Historic Districts of San Francisco files
Holdredge (Helen) Collection
Housing Conservation Institute Photograph Archive
Houston (Penelope) Avengers Collection
Howden (Edward) Papers,
Humboldt Bank Ledgers
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I. Magnin & Co. records
Indenture, Charles H. Sherman to George F. Bunker, San Francisco,
Indenture, Cosmas Damm to Jacob Breiling, San Francisco
Indivisible Project / CHALK Collection
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Jackson (Charles Tenney) and Carlotta Weir Jackson papers
James Tracy San Francisco Housing Rights Activism Collection, 1996-2006.
Jim Goggin Jazz Research collection
John McLaren Society Hagiwara Memorial Fund correspondence
Johns (Nellie E.) sketch book
Jordan (Frank (Francis) M.) Papers
Joseph Ambrose Marron 1911 Rolph Campaign Photograph Album, 1911
Junior League of San Francisco "Here Today" building research files
Justet (Stephen) letter, San Francisco
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Kanemoto (Lisa) Photographs
Kellam (Frederick) Papers
Kellogg (Sheldon I.) Jr. shooting contest scrapbook
Kenady Legal Papers on Joseph L. Alioto v. Cowles Communications., Inc. Trials
King (Lillie Mae Ransom) Photographs and Papers
Klussmann (Friedel) San Francisco Beautiful Records
Koenig (Louise H. "Ila") 1906 Earthquake Collection
Kortum (Jean) papers
Kostura (William) Historic Building Reports
Kristen (Christine) Burning Man ephemera collection
Kuhn (Cecilia) Frightwig Collection
Kularts Records
Kulzick, Alfie Chatterbox Bar Collection
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Ladies' Silk-Culture Society of California ledger
Lantern Slide (San Francisco) Collection
Lasar (Matthew) Papers on KPFA and Pacifica Foundation
Lederer (Tom) ‘Huckleberry’ (musical) collection
Lee, Edwin M.
Les Nickelettes Photographs and Papers
Lick (James) Middle School
Livermore Action Group Records
Louise Peelor Curtis diary, 1877-1879.
Luther Burbank Middle School Records
Lynch (T. A.) account book
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Mance, Ajuan Posters for the SF COVID Command Center Artists in Residence Program
Mann, Jr. (Ray M.) Color Slides of Golden Gate International Exposition
Marks (Milton) AIDS files
Marshall (John Jr.) family papers,
Martin (James A.) Color Slides of San Francisco
Mastropasqua (Louis “Luigi” A.) Photograph Album
Mattson (Phyllis Helene) Correspondence
McCarthy (William H.) scrapbooks
McCreary (Glen) Photographs of United Nations Conference on International Organization
McLaren (John) Collection
Mersereau (Wallace D.) San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Real Estate Records
Mezey (Phiz) Photographs and Papers
Middleton Motor Car Company Ledger
Miller collection, Joan and Patricia
Minnich (S. A.) Photograph Album
Miraloma Park Improvement Club Records
Mizpah Club Records
Monteroso (Ray) Polytechnic High School Football Collection
Morcombe (Mrs.Joseph (Elizabeth), San Francisco, Second District, California Congress of Parents and Teachers (PTA) Records
Moriarty (Ellen G.) letter, Salem, Massachusetts, to Mrs. Makee
Morrison (Jack) Papers
Mrs. James Rolph, Jr. Some of the Family and a Few Fiends Scrapbook Album, 1900-1910.
Mullen (Kevin J.) San Francisco Police Department collection
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Nelson (Sonny) Papers
Neri (Simo) Color Slides of Carnaval San Francisco
Neutra (Richard J.) and Otto Winkler project records
Newsom (Gavin Christopher) Papers
Noe Valley Community Archives Records
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O'Donnell (Arthur) Bound to Fall Books and Images collection
O'Farrell (Jasper) correspondence
Office of the City Attorney (San Francisco) Records
Olwell (Carol) Publication Photographs for a “Gift to the Street”
O'Neil (Hazel) Signs in the Window prints
Open Forum: A School of Collective Learning Records
Otoole (Corbett) papers,
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Parker (Jean) Collection
Parkside Tennis Club scrapbook
Parrott (Enoch G.) correspondence
Passera Family papers,
Payne (Miles) poetry collection
Pecora (Joseph B.) Papers
People vs. Owen Bathhouse Closure Litigation Records
Phelan (James Duval) Papers
Pierce Family Letters to William Pierce
Police Court minute dockets, 1905-1906.
Poll List of the Republican Primary Election for the Election of Delegates to the Republican County Convention
Poly Alumni Association Records
Portola Festival Photograph Album October 19-23, 1909.
Potrero Women's Club Records
Powk (Johnathan) Papers on Carnaval San Francisco
Punk '77 Interview Cassettes
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Radin (Paul) Papers
Randall (Josephine D.) Junior Museum records
Red Cross Influenza Relief Station, District No 6, Final Report and Photographs
Regional Service Committee Records
Risdon Brothers Builders Records
Risse (Guenter B.) Research Files
Robbins, Trina, Forbidden City collection
Roberts (Jerry) Collection on Dianne Feinstein
Roberts (Lois) Parades and Protests Photographs
Robinson (Elmer E.) Papers
Robinson (Judith) Interviews with Ed Moose, Mary Etta Moose, and Sam Deitch
Rolfe (Norman) Transportation collection
Rolph Family Trip to Hawaii Photograph Album, 3/24/1920 - 4/27/1920.
Rolph (James, Jr.) Papers
Royal Indemnity Company records of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire
Ruperto (Celso) Photographs of Nightclub Dance Performers
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San Francisco and California Scrapbooks Collection
San Francisco Architectural Club Records
San Francisco Arts Commission Neighborhood Arts Program Records
San Francisco Arts Festival Photographs and Records
San Francisco Assessor's Office Homestead Maps
San Francisco Biography Collection
San Francisco Birthday Celebration Records
San Francisco Bureau of Governmental Research
San Francisco Cabinet Card Collection
San Francisco Carte-de-Visite Collection
San Francisco Charter Commission Records
San Francisco Chinese Newcomers Study Committee Records
San Francisco Citizens Charter Revision Committee Records
San Francisco Civic Unity Committee Minutes
San Francisco Civil Service Commission records,
San Francisco Common Cause
San Francisco Department of City Planning Records
San Francisco Department of Public Health AIDS Office records
San Francisco Department of Public Health Records
San Francisco Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering Photograph Records
San Francisco Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering records,
San Francisco Department of Public Works Proposed San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridges Records
San Francisco Department of the Environment Records on the Loma Prieta Earthquake
San Francisco District Attorney's Office
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Photograph Album
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Photograph Album, 1906.
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Photograph Album, 1906.
San Francisco Ephemera Collection
San Francisco Folk Music Club Records
San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Ward 5B/5A Archives
San Francisco Horsemen's Association Records
San Francisco Human Rights Commission's Lesbian/Gay Activities Office records
San Francisco Human Services Agency Records,
San Francisco Marriage Requests; San Francisco Land for Sale; Rainfall and Reservoir Tables Ledger
San Francisco Mural Archive
San Francisco News-Call Bulletin Newspaper Photograph Archive and Newsclipping Files
San Francisco Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign Records
San Francisco Office of the Assessor-Recorder Same-Sex Marriage Licenses
San Francisco Office of the Chief Medical Examiner's Records
San Francisco Office of the Controller Unemployment Relief Program Minutes and Reports
San Francisco Oversize Photograph Collection
San Francisco Photo Postcard Collection
San Francisco Police Department Records
San Francisco Portrait Photograph Collection
San Francisco Postcard Collection
San Francisco Poster collection
San Francisco Public Library Performing Artists Photograph Collection
San Francisco Punk Collection
San Francisco Recreation Department records
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency Records
San Francisco Scots Soccer Club minute book
San Francisco Select Committee on Charter Reform Records
San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Records
San Francisco Souvenir Photograph Collection
San Francisco Subjects Photograph Collection
San Francisco Typographical Union No. 21 cash book
San Francisco Unified School District records
San Francisco Urban Fair Contest Records,
San Francisco Voter Information Pamphlets
Sandoval (Judith) Visitacion Valley Gift of Stories Collection
Sarah Kirsch Zine Collection
Savoy Tivoli scrapbook
Schermerhorn (John M.) journal
Schussler (Louise) Scrapbook
Scott (James A.) Photographs
Second District of the California State PTA (San Francisco PTA) Records
Sequoia Club Records
Sheldon (Jimmy) collection,
Shelley (John F. "Jack") papers
Sheraton (Leslie) Color Slides of California
Significant San Francisco Photographers Photograph Collection
Sims (Lee) Photographs of Tenants and Owners in Opposition to Redevelopment (TOOR)
Slavery era insurance documents,
Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of San Francisco Refugee Shacks Collection
Sotomayor (Antonio) Papers
Spakler, Herman W. Collection, 1852-1985
Spring Valley Water Company Construction Views Photograph Albums, 1918 July 19 - 1929 September 10.
Square and Circle Club Records
St. Francis Square Cooperative, Inc. collection
Stack (Loretta Starvus) Glenridge Apartments Residents' Council papers
Stanton (Edward) Photographs
State Compensation Insurance Fund of California Time Capsule for April 25, 1960
State of California vs. John Chinaman
Steele (James G.) scrapbook
Stereograph (San Francisco) Collection
Sunnyside Oral History Project Transcripts
Sunset-Parkside Education and Action Committee (SPEAK) records
Sutro (Adolph) Collection
Swan (Roberta) Valencia Gardens Oral History Project records
Sward (Susan) interviews,
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Taber (Isaiah West) Photographic Album of Principal Business Houses, Residences and Persons
Talbot (David) Season of the Witch Book Research collection
Tarlen (Carol) and David Joseph Papers
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation records
The Tenderloin Times Photograph Archives
Theater, Motion Picture and Performing Arts Photograph Collection
Theodore Binner Studios drawings
Thomas Day Company salesman's album and catalog
Thomas H. Selby & Company records
Travelers Aid Society of San Francisco Records
Tsukahara Family Collection on St. Francis Square Cooperative,
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United States Naval Station Treasure Island Photographs
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Victorian Architecture Collection
Views of the Earthquake and Fire in San Francisco and Palo Alto Photograph Album, April 18, 1906.
Vuksich (Dorothy) Presidential Advance files
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Walker (Willie) San Francisco Club Flyers Collection
Wall + Response
Washington (Sir Lawrence) Papers on Carnaval San Francisco
Wassman, Max, Jr. Panama Pacific International Exposition Photograph Album
Waterhouse (Edwin S.) journal
Weiss (Mike) Double Play Collection
Western Furniture Exchange and Merchandise Mart Records
Weston Family Color Slides of Golden Gate International Exposition
Westwood Movie Club Scrapbook
Wickham (Gloria) Japanese Tea Garden Research Files,
Wilcox (William) letter: San Francisco, California, to Mary, East Hartford, Connecticut
Wilke (William Hancock) Panama-Pacific International Exposition Photograph Album
William H. Bain Photograph Albums, 1915-1939.
Williams (Buford) correspondence with Elizabeth Leslie Roos,
Williamson (J. M.), M.D. Board of Health Photograph Album of Chinatown, San Francisco
Wilson (Jessey C.) letter: Berkeley, to Mrs. Wallis
Women of the resistance: mural and portfolio project
Worden (Willard E.) Glass Plate Negatives
Wright (John A.) and Michael Maher San Francisco earthquake accounts
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Yoes (William E.) San Francisco Emergency Medical Service Scrapbook
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