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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
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Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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Vagner (Ekaterina N.) papers

Correspondence, writings, diaries, and printed matter, relating to revolutionary movements and events in Russia. Includes a study by N. N. Dzvonkevich (father of E. N. Vagner), titled Reminiscences, relating to the Strelnikovskii trial in Odessa; and letters from Ekaterina Breshko-Breshkovskaia

Vail (Edwin H.) letters

Relates to social and economic conditions in Russia, and to Quaker relief work in Russia.

Vaistikh (Grigorii) collection

Correspondence and printed matter, mainly relating to Evgeniĭ Voli͡anskiĭ, Soviet partisan commander in Slovakia during World War II.

Vaizey (John) papers

Writings, correspondence, appointment books, printed matter, phonotapes, and photographs, relating to education in Great Britain and elsewhere; calculation of economic aspects of education; economic conditions in Great Britain; economic theory, especially the natures of capitalism and socialism; public support of...

Vajay (Szabolcs de) typescript

Relates to the international apsects of the attempts at Hapsburg restoration in Hungary, March-October 1921. .

Vajdic (Dragutin) typescript

Relates to conditions of political prisoners confined to the island of Goli Otok by Yugoslav authorities following the rupture of Yugoslav-Soviet relations in 1948. Photocopy.

Vajraprahar (Dr.) printed material

Relates to the Indian struggle for independence.

Vaksmut (A. P.) holograph

Relates to the end of the Caspian flotilla during the Russian Civil War under the command of General Denikin.

Valentinov, N. (Nikolai) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, reports, and photographs, relating to Russian revolutionary movements and emigre life, Imperial Russian and Soviet agricultural and economic policies, labor movements, Menshevism, and political events in Russia.

Valjavec (Fritz) collection

Clippings and research notes, relating to the diplomatic and trade relations of Nazi Germany with the countries of central and southeastern Europe, and to the economic and political conditions in those countries.

Valkeapaeae (P. J.) printed material

Relates to American food relief activities in Finland for 1918-1919. Includes the first issue in English of the Finland Sentinel, organ of the Finland Constitutional League of America, July 4, 1918, relating to Finnish independence.

Valters (Erika) letters

Relates to Latvian Red Cross work in Belgium.

Valters (Mikelis) papers

Reports to Janis Balodis, Latvian deputy prime minister and minister of war, 1938-1940; and minutes of the First and Second Conferences of Latvian Envoys Abroad, at Riga, 1923 and 1935, all relating to Latvian diplomacy

Valyiova (Lisa) papers

Letters, memoranda, and broadcast scripts, relating to radio broadcasting to Czechoslovakia, and to United States relations with Czechoslovakia. Digital copies of select records also available at

Vambery (Rusztem) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, and printed matter, relating to criminology, Hungarian domestic and foreign affairs, Hungarian- American relations, and Hungarian emigres in the U.S.

Van Antwerp (William M.) papers

Reports, writings, maps, and photographs, relating to the campaigns of Saipan, Makin Atoll, Koubash Atoll, and Okinawa during World War II, especially to attitudes of civilian populations, interrogation of prisoners, terrain, disposition of Japanese troops, and battles.

Van Cise (Philip Sidney) papers

Letters, clippings, and miscellanea, relating to activities of the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I.

Van Deman (Ralph H.) papers

The papers of Ralph Henry Van Deman, a US military intelligence officer, consist of correspondence, special orders, memoranda, personal documents, and photographs relating to American military intelligence activities during World War I and to the establishment of the United States...

Van der Kaar (Helena) letters

Relates primarily to social and economic conditions in Germany and also to conditions in the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Great Britain, immediately after World War II. Written by friends abroad.

Van der Linden (Frank) papers

Drafts of writings, notes, and interview summaries, relating to Ronald Reagan. Used as research material for the book by Frank Van der Linden, The Real Reagan: What He Believes, What He Has Accomplished, What We Can Expect from Him (New...

Van der Stricht (Paul) papers

Correspondence, orders, memoranda, and maps relating to clandestine operations carried out by the Office of Strategic Services in German-occupied France during World War II, and to liaison with French resistance forces. Includes a short official history of operations carried out...

Van Hook (Clifford E.) papers

Correspondence and reports, relating to American naval operations during World Wars I and II.

Van Keuren (Alexander H.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, clippings, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to the Naval Research Laboratory, Anacostia Station, Washington, D.C., and to the London Naval Conference and the Geneva Disarmament Conference

Van Patten (Nathan) certificate

Certificate awarded to N. Van Patten by the Disabled American Veterans of the World War.

Van Til (William) papers

The William Van Til papers document the career of an important figure in the history of American education in the twentieth century. Identified with the progressive movement of John Dewey and William Heard Kilpatrick, Van Til was an early supporter...

Van Wetter (Alex) collection

Afghan costume, musical instrument, and sound recording of music.

Van Wyk (Peter) collection

Photocopies of correspondence and writings, and printed matter, relating to Frederick Russell Burnham, American explorer and British army chief of scouts in the Matabele and Boer Wars. Used as research material for the book by Peter van Wyk, Burnham: King...

Van Zonnefeld (Helen) typescript

Relates to conditions in Great Britain during World War II.

Vander Meer (Paul) papers

Writings, notes, statistical data, and maps relating to landholding patterns in Taiwan. Used as research material for the book by Paul Vander Meer, (1982).

Vanderhoof (Frank E.) mimeograph

Relates to a plan for the assurance of world peace through the establishment of an international association of states.

Vandevanter (Elliott) writings

Relates to American defense policy, especially in relation to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and to the organizational structure of armed forces under North Atlantic Treaty Organization command.

Vansittart (Baroness Sarita) letter

Relates to the private life of Lord Vansittart.

Vardy (Alexander) papers

Writings, transcripts and sound recordings of Radio Liberty broadcasts, Radio Liberty memoranda and other internal documents, and reports, studies, newsletters, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Radio Liberty broadcasts to the Soviet Union, and to Soviet politics, culture and society.

Varneck (Elena) papers

Research notes, drafts of writings, and translations, relating to a proposed publication entitled Revolution and Civil War In Siberia and the Far East, pertaining to events of the Russian Revolution and Civil War in Siberia.

Varnek (Tat'iana Aleksandrovna) typescript

Relates to the training of nurses in Petrograd and nursing on the Eastern front during World War I.

Varney family papers

Family papers of materials related to Nils August Riffolt and Robert N. Varney includeing patents, photographs, letters, and scrapbooks.

Varska (A. S.) printed material

Relates to the Russian Civil War in Blagoveshchensk, 1918. Published in the Russkoe Obozrenie (Chicago), 1938 March. Written by A. S. Varska under the pseudonym A. Ravich.

Vasil'ev (Dimitrii Stepanovich) miscellany

Marriage and death certificates, 1907 and 1915. Includes issues of Bulletins of the Russian Imperial Naval Academy, 1973-1975, and a document concerning the Russian Military-Naval Agency in the United States, 1915-1918. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Vasil'ev (E.) holograph

Relates to the imprisonment of E. Vasil'ev in a German prison camp during World War I.

Vasil'ev (Viacheslav Viacheslavovich) photographs

Depicts scenes of the Russian community in Harbin and Shanghai, China, and post-1949 Russian refugee camps.

Vasin (Leonid Timofeevich) writings

Relates to Grigorii Semenov, Cossack ataman and White Russian commander during the Russian Civil War; and to the North Korean political leader Kim Il Sung.

Vassart (Albert) memoirs

Relates to activities of the Parti communiste français and of the Confédération générale du travail unitaire, and especially to their relationships to the Communist International and the Red International of Labor Unions, from 1920 to 1934. Photocopy.

Vassart (Cilly) typescript

Relates to the Popular Front in France.

Vatatsi (Mariia Petrovna) papers

Memoirs and correspondence, relating to family affairs, political conditions in Russia, 1904-1917, White Russian activities during the Russian Civil War, and the Kuban Republic.

Vatcher (William H.) papers

Correspondence, writings, pamphlets, leaflets, slides, and photographs, relating to South African political parties; Afrikaner and African nationalism; the Afrikaner Broederbond; American, Japanese, and North Korean propaganda and psychological warfare methods during World War II and the Korean War; and the...

Vekshin-Dutikow papers

Correspondence, personal documents (including passports and family trees), printed matter, and photographs relating to life in displaced person camps in Germany after World War II, and to Russian émigré affairs. Includes papers of Irene Dutikow, daughter of Vladimir Vekshin, and...

Veneman (John G.) papers

Correspondence, speeches, memoranda, reports, clippings, sound recordings, and photographs relating to domestic political issues in the United States, especially welfare and social policy, and to national and California state politics.

Venezuela newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Venezuela newspaper collection (1945-1969) comprises four different English-language titles of publication. All of the titles within this collection have...

Venezuelan subject collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, bulletins, resolutions, and internal documents, relating primarily to political conditions in Venezuela, and to socialist and communist movements in Venezuela.

Verbouwe (A.) collection

The collection contains underground serial materials issued in German-occupied Belgium, summaries of World War I news, and other printed matter.

Veresov (D.) typescript

Relates to demographic conditions in Russia and the Soviet Union since 1861 and projects trends up to the year 2020.

Veress (Laura-Louise) processed volume

Relates to Hungarian diplomacy during World War II; secret talks with the Allied Powers undertaken by László Veress as a representative of the Hungarian government in 1943; and conditions in Hungary during the war.

Vergotti (Jacques) papers

Memoirs, other writings, deposition, and correspondence, relating to King Michael, Romanian participation in World War II, the transition of Romania from monarchy to communist regime, and Romanian emigre affairs. Includes a dissertation on Swiss neutrality.

Verheye (Pierre C. T.) papers

Writings, letters, and charts, relating to the liberation of the Buchenwald and Dachau concentration camps at the end of World War II, and to aspects of comparative military organization during World War II.

Verkhovskiy (Solomon S.) collection

Writings, notes, biographical data, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to Soviet military aviation, primarily during World War II.

Vernadsky (George) miscellaneous papers

Notes for a projected social and economic history of Russia during the period 1917-1921; and a copy of a letter to A. F. Iziumov, relating to serfdom in Russia.

Vernadsky (Nina) memoirs

Relates to the Russian Revolution and Civil War. Includes an incomplete translation.

Vernon (Manfred C.) collection

Letters from Dutch children to American children, in gratitude for American food relief in the Netherlands at the end of World War II.

Verstraete (Maurice) typescript

Relates to French relations with Russia, and historical and political events in Russia from 1894 until 1918.

Vervon Orval Watts papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, instructional materials, research materials, clippings, and other printed matter relating to economic conditions in the United States and economic theory, especially laissez-faire economics.

Vesecky (Carol B.) papers

The Carol B. Vesecky papers (1965-2020) include correspondence, administrative documentation, reports, and course content related to workshops, conferences, exchange programs, and ecology projects related to cooperation between the Soviet Union and the United States.

Vesel (Joseph M.) papers

Writings, letters, a sound recording of an interview, and printed matter, relating primarily to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and its role in precipitating World War I.

Veselovzorov (Major General) holograph

Relates to regulations of the Russian Imperial army.

Vesinne-Larue (Maitre de) speech transcript

Closing defense address in the trial of H. Dentz on charges of treason, April 20, 1945.

Vesselago (George M.) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, clippings, and photographs, relating to Russian naval operations during World War I and the Russian Revolution and Civil War

Veysey (Victor V.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, clippings, photographs, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to California and United States politics, government and election campaigns, and American environmental and energy programs.

Viazemskii (Sergei Sergeevich) correspondence

Relates to Russian naval operations during World War I, especially the battles in Riga Bay in defense of the Irbenskii Strait.

Victor (George) mimeograph

Relates to the emigration of G. Victor from Russia via Turkey and western Europe to the United States around the time of the Russian Civil War.

Victor Gollancz Ltd. miscellaneous records

Correspondence and publication agreements relating to publication of an English-language edition of the novel by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Video Kontakt video tapes

Relates to various aspects of Polish history, especially Poland during World War II, postwar Polish dissidents, and the growth of Solidarnosc.

Video Studio Gdansk video tapes

Relates to political developments in Poland.

Viereck (George Sylvester) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, writings, and clippings relating to literature, German-American relations, American foreign policy during World War I, and the trial of G. S. Viereck as a pro-German propagandist in the United States during World War II. Includes correspondence with, and writings...

Vietnamese subject collection

Includes books, pamphlets, communist propaganda leaflets, letters by East German schoolchildren, a manuscript diary of a North Vietnamese air force Pilot, Nguyen Dang Quy, and other printed matter relating to various aspects of Vietnamese history, the Vietnam War, and government...

Vigh (Albert) typescript

Relates to rehabilitation of disabled World War I veterans in Hungary.

Vilenskii (Leonid) and David Brontman family papers

Leonid Semenovich Vilenskii (1880-1950) was a Communist Party functionary. David Brontman (1915-2002) was a Soviet engineer specializing in aviation and space technology. The collection includes personal documents and artifacts.

Villa (Simeon A.) typescript

Relates to the Philippine insurrection against the American forces, November 1899-March 1901.

Villamor (Jesus A.) papers

Correspondence, memoirs, printed matter, and photographs, relating to guerrilla activities in the Japanese-occupied Philippines during World War II, and especially to the Indochinese War and American military assistance to French Indochina and subsequently to South Vietnam.

Villard (Henry Serrano) typescript

Relates to the American Red Cross ambulance service in Italy during World War I and to Villard's acquaintanceship with the writer Ernest Hemingway in the ambulance service. Appendices include rosters of Red Cross personnel in Italy and a copy of...

Vinaver (Rosa Georgievna) memoirs

Relates to political conditions in Russia, the Russian Revolution, and the Crimean Regional Government.

Vincent (George E.) papers

Military orders, certificates, and soldier's pay book, relating to British military activities in World War I.

Vining (Robert E.) typescript

Relates to political and economic conditions, Irish attitudes toward American military forces stationed in Northern Ireland, and activities of the Irish Republican Army.

Vinogradoff (Igor) collection

Diary of Countess Mariia Benkendorf', and letters by her sons Aleksandr and Vasilii Dolgorukov, 1915-1919, relating to the Russian army in World War I and to the Russian Revolution; diary of the journey of a noble Dutch family to Russia,...

Vinogradov (A. K.) typescript

Relates to the museum, and especially to its library. Includes photographs.

Vinogradova (Lidiia Alekseevna_ miscellaneous papers

Letters, photographs, and miscellany, relating to social conditions in Latvia.

Violin (IA. A.) typescript

Relates to famine and cannibalism in Russia, 1921-1922.

Vishniak (Mark V.) papers

Correspondence, speeches, writings, and clippings, relating to Russian and Soviet history, Russian revolutionists, Russian émigrés, and political conditions in the Soviet Union by the Russian historian and Socialist Revolutionary Party leader.

Visoianu (Constantin) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches, writings, and photographs, relating to Romanian foreign relations, political developments in Romania, and anti-communist emigre activities

Vitkovskii (Vladimir K.) mimeograph

Relates to the evacuation of White Russian troops at the end of the Russian Civil War.

Vladimir Kirillovich, Grand Duke of Russia printed material

Relates to communism in Russia. Published in Nasha Strana (Buenos Aires). Photocopy.

Vladimirov (Ivan A.) paintings

Depicts scenes of daily life during the Russian Revolution. Digital copies available at

Voci della nostra storia sound recording

Relates to the history of the Partito comunista italiano. Includes recordings of party leaders.

Voegelin (Eric) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, memoranda, conference proceedings, and printed matter relating to the philosophy of history, the philosophy of science, various other aspects of philosophy, and to political science and other social sciences, especially as considered from a philosophical...

Voice of America radio broadcast transcripts

Relates to American foreign policy.

Voice of Democracy Committee sound recordings

Promotional announcements and model radio broadcasts, relating to a contest for high school students for radio broadcast scripts on democracy in the United States, sponsored by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Broadcasters, and the...

Voice of Peace sound recording

Appeals to American women to ensure peace through prayer. Includes a recording of the song Ave Maria sung by Wilma Reynolds.

Voigt (Rector) collection

Regulations, proclamations, ration cards, and miscellanea, relating to economic conditions in Germany during and immediately after World War I, especially food rationing, procurement of raw materials, and war loan drives.

Voitsekhovskii (Sergei L.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian history after 1917, Russians and Russian anti-communist movements in foreign countries, the Romanov dynasty, Soviet espionage within Russian emigre circles, and Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich

Vojnovic (Lujo, knez) typescript

Relates to the history of the Dubrovnik Republic from the medieval period to the nineteenth century.

Vokietaitis (Algirdas) papers

Photocopies of clandestine printed matter, and translations of declarations and clandestine radio broadcasts, of Lithuanian resistance groups during World War II, relating to their struggle against German and Soviet occupation.

Voldemars (Arnolds) and Ingrida Feldmanis papers

Correspondence, personal documents, and photographs relating to displaced persons during World War II and to Latvian émigré affairs.

Volkhovskii (Felix Vladimirovich) papers

Correspondence, writings, photographs, periodicals, and clippings relating to revolutionary movements in Imperial Russia.

Volkogonov (Dmitrii Antonovich) papers

Writings, correspondence, and collected research materials, relating to the history of the Soviet Union. Finding aid to the microfilm reels available from the Library of Congress Manuscript Division:

Volkonskii (Vladimir Mikhailovich) memoir

Relates to the canonization of Saint Serafim of Sarov by the Russian Orthodox Church, 1903. Photocopy.

Volkov (Boris N.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian literature, the Russian Civil War in Siberia and Mongolia, the career of the White Russian commander Baron Ungern-Shternberg, Russian émigré affairs, and anti-communist movements in the United...

Volkov (Leon) papers

Diaries, correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, clippings, press excerpts, and printed matter, relating to social and political conditions in the Soviet Union, Soviet foreign policy, international politics, and Russian refugee life

Volkov (Vadim Vasil'evich) papers

Minutes, manifestos, programmatic statements, internal documents, and printed matter, relating to political activities of the Leningradskiĭ narodnyĭ front and of the Rossiĭskai͡a ob'edinennai͡a sot͡sial-demokraticheskai͡a partii͡a and its predecessors, and to trade unions in Russia.

Volksdeutsche Bewegung in Luxemburg reports

Relates to political conditions in Luxembourg under German occupation. Reports addressed to agencies of the German Nazi Party.

Volkszeitung Leipzig telegrams

Dispatches from the Budapest correspondent of the Volkszeitung Leipzig, relating to the Hungarian Soviet Republic.

Vollbehr (Otto H. F.) writings

Reprint of a newspaper interview, 1931, and letter to the editor, 1934, relating to world politics and national socialism in Germany.

Volmenskii (Viktor) papers

Personal documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian Civil War and to the Russian community in China.

Volne sdruzeni ceskych rusistu records

Correspondence, financial and subscription records, flyers, published issues of journals, and photographs, relating to Russian studies in the Czech Republic.

Vologodskii (Petr Vasil'evich) papers

Diaries, resolutions, reports, and translations of diary excerpts relating to the Omsk government, the Russian Civil War in Siberia, and economic conditions in Siberia. Diary also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Vol'skii (Andrei I.) writings

Novel, relating to the Russian Revolution and Civil War.

Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei : sound recording

Excerpts from speeches by prominent German statesmen, relating to the course of German history during World War I and the Weimar Republic.

Von Arnold (Antonina R.) papers

Diaries, correspondence, writings, financial records, printed matter, photographs, artwork, and memorabilia, relating to Russian émigré affairs, and to social work in California. Includes papers of other members of the Von Arnold family.

Von Blon (Henriette B.) papers

Letters received from Japanese Americans interned first at the Pomona Assembly Center in California and later at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center (Wyoming) during World War II relating to conditions in the camps; and clippings from American newspapers relating to...

Von Mohrenschildt (Dmitri) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to various aspects of Russian history and Russian emigre affairs; the acquisition of Russian historical materials; and the Russian Orthodox Church in the United States. Includes letters from Sergei A. von Mohrenschildt,...

Von Sothen (Margretta) papers

Personnel records, printed matter, and photographs, relating to American naval aviation and intelligence, and to women in the United States Navy. Digital copies of select records also available at

Von Wiegand (Karl H.) papers

Correspondence, dispatches, writings and manuscripts, diaries, photographs, clippings, and printed matter relating to European diplomacy and German politics between the world wars, the Sino-Japanese War, the European theater in World War II, the Cold War, post-war Middle East, the Italo-Ethiopian...

Vooruzhennye Sily na IUgie Rossii. Nachal'nik snabzheniia records

Correspondence, reports, receipts, and accounts, relating to the payment of Russian soldiers in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, financial subsidies to refugees, administration of refugee camp facilities, and the composition and distribution of units of the First Army Corps and the Don...

Vooruzhennye Sily na IUgie Rossii. Sudnoe otdielenie records

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, orders, and affidavits, relating to administration of military justice in the Armed Forces of Southern Russia, Russian emigres in Bulgaria, the political situation in Bulgaria, and the composition and distribution of the First Army Corps and the...

Vorontsov Family papers

Correspondence, financial and legal records, reports, and photographs, relating to Russian émigré forestry and stockraising business activities in Manchuria and Mongolia.

Vorotovov (Colonel) memoirs

Memoirs, entitled 2-i Orenburgskii Kazachii Polk v 1918-1920 g.g., and V Zabaikal'ie i na Primorskom Frontie v 1920-21 g.g., relating to the Russian Civil War.

Votaw (Homer Cutts) collection

Maps, posters, memoranda, letters, news releases, newspapers, proclamations, and articles, relating to the occupation of the Philippines by the Japanese during World War II.

Voyce (Arthur) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, photographs, slides, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to Russian art and architecture from the fifteenth to the twentieth century.

Vrangel' collection

Reports, orders, correspondence, memoranda, dispatches, financial records, minutes, printed matter, maps, and photographs relating to Russian military operations in France during World War I; White Russian diplomatic activities and military operations, especially in southern Russia, during the Russian Revolution and...

Vrangel' family papers

The Vrangel' family papers include correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian military activities during World War I, White Russian military activities during the Russian Civil War, and especially to Russian émigré affairs in the interwar period. Includes obituaries...

Vrangel' (Mariia D.) collection

Correspondence, writings, memoirs, biographical material, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, photographs, clippings, and printed matter relating to Russian émigré activities following the Russian Revolution and Civil War, including political, military, veterans', religious, educational, cultural, literary, artistic, and social activities. Includes a few...

Vrede en Vrijheid leaflet

Anti-communist propaganda leaflet.

Vserossiiskoe uchreditel'noe sobranie proceedings

Relates to the opening session of the assembly, 1918 January 5.

Vsevelikoe Voisko Donskoe miscellany

Military orders, relating to the Russian Civil War in southern Russia, and a printed memorandum, presented to the Paris Peace Conference, relating to the Don national question and the World War I peace settlement.

Vucinich (Wayne S.) collection

The collection contains reports, minutes, dispatches, and translations of and extracts from dispatches, relating to conditions in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and other areas of the Balkans and Eastern Europe before and during World War II, and especially to World War II...

Vukcević (Radoje) writings

Autobiography, plays, poems, and essays, relating to philosophy and world history.

Vuksanovic (Vladeta) typescript

Relates to the study of the state.

Vulfsons (Mavriks) papers

Correspondence, writings, personal documents, printed matter, photographs, and sound recordings, relating to political and cultural conditions in Latvia during the twentieth century, and to the Jewish community in Latvia.

Vyrypaev (V. I.) typescript

Relates to the Russian Civil War, and the activities of the Volunteer Army detachments under the command of V. O. Kappel'. Includes partial translation.