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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
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Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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Uchida (Zenʼichirō) papers

Zenʼichirō Uchida was a former Japanese Imperial Army soldier who fought in the Philippines and New Guinea. The Zenʼichirō Uchida papers includes personal journals, address books, photographs, drafts, and other documents related to the life and work of Zenʼichirō Uchida.

Udy (Giles) collection

Photographs of the sites of forced labor camps near Noril'sk, Russia.

Uexkuell-Idol (Marie von, Baroness) memoirs

Relates to Russian émigré life in Estonia, France, Germany and the United States. Photocopy.

UFA motion picture newsreels

The UFA motion picture newsreels depict German military operations and conditions in Germany during World War II, mainly during the 1939-1942 period. Includes a few pre-war newsreels of Nazi leaders and rallies, and a few photographs. Most newsreels were distributed...

Ufficio patrioti della Lombardia typescript

Relates to activities of the Italian Partisans in Lombardy at the close of World War II.

Ugandan subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, serial issues, leaflets, reports, studies, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Uganda.

Uhlig (Heinrich) sound recording

Recordings of speeches, radio addresses, and trial proceedings, 1933-1944, relating to the anti-Nazi movement, and especially to the attempt of July 20, 1944 to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

Ukraine newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Ukraine newspaper collection (1905-2022) comprises eighty two titles of publication in Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish, and English. All titles within...

Ukrainian pictorial collection

Photographs of various scenes from Ukraine, and especially of demonstrations for Ukrainian independence, and of Ukrainian government officials and governing bodies in session.

Ukrainian subject collection

Memoranda, pamphlets, serial issues, proclamations, broadsides, leaflets, flyers, election campaign literature, and video tapes, relating to various aspects of Ukrainian history, mainly in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, and especially to events leading up to establishment of Ukrainian independence in...

Ukrains'ke Presove Agentstvo press releases

Relates to political developments in the Ukraine and the Soviet Union and to the movement for Ukrainian independence. Includes a few clippings, pamphlets, and serial issues.

Ulany ego Velichestva, 1876-1926 mimeograph

Relates to the history of the Uhlan troops of the Russian Imperial army.

Ulitin (V. G.) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia relating to Russian émigré affairs, Russian culture, Cossack history and Cossacks in emigration, and post-World War II resettlement of Russian displaced persons.

Ulmer (Laura M. White) diary

Relates to social conditions and medical missionary activities in China.

Ulmer (Vic and Barby) collection

The collection contains photographs, posters, letters, sound and video recordings, pamphlets, bulletins, reports, and other printed matter collected by Vic and Barby Ulmer, founders of Our Developing World. The bulk of the material relates to social, political, and economic conditions...

Ultimate weapon: the H-bomb dilemma video tape

Videotape raw footage, relating to the American decision to develop the hydrogen bomb. Used in preparation of the television program produced by the History Channel. Includes interviews with scientists and government officials involved in the decision.

Umam lil-Tawthīq wa-al-Ȧbḥāth (أمم للتوثيق والأبحاث) publications

Pamphlets, booklets, and other issuances relating to conflict in Lebanon.

Umbreit (Fritz C.) clipping collection

Clippings from English-language Philippine newspapers, relating to political, social and economic conditions in the Philippines; culture, education and religion in the Philippines; the history, foreign relations, ethnology, and flora and fauna of the Philippines; and news of East and Southeast...

Unabhangige internationale Kommission von Militarhistorikern typescript

Relates to activities of Kurt Waldheim (subsequently president of Austria) as a German officer in Yugoslavia and Greece during World War II, and especially to allegations of participation in war crimes by Waldheim. Includes subsequent printed version of report. Photocopy.

Unams (Zanis) typescript

Relates to the Soviet and German occupation of Latvia, 1940-1944.

Uncommon Knowledge Video Tapes

Relates to various aspects of American foreign and domestic policy. Television program sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace.

Understanding Herbert Hoover: two approaches video tape

Relates to Herbert Hoover. Includes three presentations: David Burner, "A Humanistic Approach : The Quaker Childhood of Herbert Hoover"; Ellis Hawley, "A Sociological Approach : Neo-Institutional History and the Understanding of Herbert Hoover"; and William G. Robbins, "Summary and Comment."...

Unger (Jonathan) collection

Relates to the democratic movement in China. Photocopy.

Ungern-Sternberg (Baron Roman Fedorovich) miscellaneous writings

Copy of a pamphlet, entitled Letters Captured from Baron Ungern in Mongolia, reprinting correspondence of Baron Ungern-Sternberg; and translation by Elena Varneck, of a military order issued by Baron Ungern-Sternberg, relating to White Russian activities in Mongolia during the Russian...

Union de la jeunesse socialiste congolaise sound recordings

Songs performed at the 3rd Congress of the Union.

United Nations Association of the United States of America. San Francisco Chapter records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, agreements, minutes, histories, financial records, lists, press summaries, pamphlets, posters, clippings, motion picture film, photographs, and printed matter, relating to the operations of United Nations organizations, world politics, and international human rights.

United Nations Conference on International Organization proceedings

Sound recordings of conference proceedings recorded by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), photographs and contact sheets depicting delegates and scenes at the conference, and printed copies of the Charter of the United Nations. Digital copies of select records also available...

United Nations issuances

Pamphlets, leaflets, bulletins, and microfilmed pamphlets relating to human rights; efforts to abolish torture, mistreatment of prisoners, and racial and religious discrimination; and operating procedures of agencies of the United Nations. Includes some material about the United Nations.

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. China Office. records

Reports, manuals, bulletins, correspondence, and administrative orders, relating to social and economic conditions in China, and to United Nations relief activities in China

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. Estonian Displaced Persons' Assembly Center issuances

Bulletins and yearbook, relating to civilian relief for Estonian displaced persons in Germany after World War II.

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration issuances

Pamphlets, journals, and printed matter, relating to the relief and reconstruction activities of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, particularly in China.

United Press Associations miscellaneous records

Teleprinter dispatches, December 7, 1941, relating to the attack on Pearl Harbor; and background reports, 1940-1941, relating to conditions in Europe and the Far East during World War II, and to the censorship policies of various countries.

United Press is on the air radio broadcast series

Relates to news-gathering activities of the United Press during World War II.

United Restitution Organization miscellaneous records

Office files, correspondence, and mimeographed directives, relating to Jewish restitution claims against the West German government. Includes draft of a proposed revision of the German restitution law.

United States. Army. 10th Army mimeograph

Relates to Japanese forces, tactics and morale during the Okinawa campaign in World War II.

United States. Army. 26th Infantry Division intelligence summary

Relates to activities on the 26th Division front in France, 1918 November 9-10.

United States. Army. 2nd Infantry Division leaflet

Commemorates the celebration of the Fourth of July by the American occupation forces in Germany.

United States. Army. 38th Infantry Regiment news bulletin

Relates to activities of the 38th Infantry Regiment, stationed at Camp Lewis, Washington, February-May 1922.

United States. Army. 81st Infantry Division miscellaneous records

Orders, memoranda, reports, and intelligence summaries, relating to activities of the 81st Division in France, 1918 November-1919 January.

United States Army 8th Psychological Operations Battalion (Airborne) issuances

Propaganda leaflets, flyers and broadsides, distributed in Iraq in conjunction with the Iraq War. Digital copies of select records also available at

United States. Army. 91st Infantry Division miscellaneous records

Reports and photographs, relating to activities of the 91st Division in France and Belgium during World War I. Includes Red Cross casualty reports, and divisional intelligence reports summaries.

United States. Army Air Forces. 13th Air Force Service Command miscellaneous records

Reports and photographs, relating to activities of the 13th Air Force in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Includes an official history, descriptions and photographs of South Pacific air fields, plans for garrisoning the Philippines, and statistics on bomb...

United States. Army Air Forces. 509th Composite Group operations orders

Orders 35 and 39 (August 5 and 8, 1945), ordering the strike missions that dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, August 6 and 9, 1945.

United States. Army Air Forces. Air Materiel Command. T-2. Air Documents Division. Translation Section translations

Abstracts and translations of captured German military and industrial technical reports, 1937-1945, relating to aeronautics. Includes German texts of reports in many cases. Translations made by the Air Matériel Command and by various American aeronautical companies, especially the Lockheed Aircraft...

United States. Army Air Forces communiques

Relates to American bombing missions carried out against Japan. Issued from Guam, August 1945.

United States. Army Air Forces. Weather Service reports

Relates to the history of the Weather Service, 1935-1943, and to weather and climatic conditions affecting bombing and other military operations in the European and Pacific Theaters during World War II.

United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces records

Intelligence reports, news summaries, bulletins, orders, instructions, memoranda, proclamations, and miscellany, relating to military operations of the American Expeditionary Forces in France and Siberia during World War I and the Russian Revolution

United States. Army. American Forces in Germany miscellaneous records

Bulletins and reports, relating to military, political, and economic developments in Germany under Allied occupation. Includes excerpts from the German and French press, reports on censorship activities of the occupying powers in Germany, and regulations regarding the Upper Silesia plebiscite...

United States. Army. Armored Division, 2nd sound recording

Messages recollecting the 2d Armored Division of World War II

United States. Army. Army, 6th mimeograph

Relates to a joint United States Army and Air Force training exercise conducted in California, Arizona, and Nevada. Photocopy.

United States. Army. Board of Inquiry (Camp Lewis, Washington) hearing transcripts

Relates to appeals of men inducted into the United State Army to be granted conscientious objector status.

United States. Army. Center for Army Lessons Learned bulletins

Relates to considerations relevant to combat readiness. Includes analyses of experiences from the Persian Gulf War and American interventions in Panama and Somalia.

United States. Army. Construction Division typescript

Relates to military construction work in the United States and its territories, 1917-1919. Prepared under the direction of Brigadier General R. C. Marshall, Jr., commanding general of the Construction Division.

United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Regiment, 29th records

Depicts areas of France in which military operations were conducted during World War I. Some maps include printed or hand-drawn indications of troop positions. A few maps are of French or German origin.

United States Army European Command, Historical Division Typescript Studies

Relates to German military operations in Europe, on the Eastern Front, and in the Mediterranean Theater, during World War II. Studies prepared by former high-ranking German Army officers for the Foreign Military Studies Program of the Historical Division, U.S. Army,...

United States. Army. European Theater of Operations. Communication Zone. Western Base Section mimeograph

Relates to American military communications in Europe during World War II. Prepared by Colonel Fenton S. Jacobs, United States Army.

United States. Army. European Theater of Operations. Information and Education Division pamphlets

Relates to the history of individual combat divisions and supporting units of the United States Army in the European Theater during World War II.

United States. Army. Far East Command. Historical Section mimeograph

Relates to projects of the Historical Section for preparing histories of World War II Pacific Theater campaigns and of the occupation of Japan.

United States. Army Far East Command. Psychological Warfare Branch leaflets

Propaganda aimed at North Korean and Chinese soldiers during the Korean War. Includes translations of the leaflets.

United States. Army. First Army miscellaneous records

Reports, memoranda, orders, and maps, relating to military conditions in France during World War I, the German railway system, and experiences of German and Allied prisoners of war.

United States. Army. Forces in China Theater translations of newspaper articles

Relates mostly to allegations of abusive treatment of Chinese civilians by American military personnel in China. Translations by United States Army forces of articles in the Chinese press.

United States. Army. Forces in Korea miscellaneous records

Miscellaneous correspondence and dispatches, relating to the American occupation of South Korea.

United States. Army. Forces in the European Theater issuances

Intelligence reports and press releases, relating to Allied military occupation and the general political situation in Europe at the end of World War II.

United States. Army. Forces in the Western Pacific. Military Commission records

Arraignments, trial transcripts, and exhibits, relating to the trials of Jiro Mizoguchi, Seiichi Ohta, Mariano Uyeki, and Tomoyuki Yamashita

United States. Army. Forces, Pacific. General Headquarters. Civil Affairs Section mimeograph

Relates to governmental administration of the Philippines by the Civil Affairs Section from October 20, 1944 to August 25, 1945.

United States. Army. Forces, Pacific. Psychological Warfare Branch issuances

Propaganda leaflets prepared for distribution in the Pacific Theater, 1944-1945; and a report on psychological warfare against Japan during 1944-1945 in the Pacific Theater, 1946.

United States. Army. I Corps intelligence summary

Relates to activities on the I Corps front in France, 1918 November 8-9.

United States. Army. III Corps intelligence summary

Relates to activities on the III Corps front in France, 1918 November 9-10.

United States. Army. Infantry Division, 1st. Historical Section maps

Illustrates front-line positions held by the 1st Division, and battlefield maneuvers and other troop movements made by the 1st Division, in France, 1917-1919, and positions held and maneuvers made by German military units opposing the 1st Division, 1917-1918.

United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 511th. Battalion, 1st Battalion order

Relates to the rescue of internees at the Los Baños Internment Camp, Philippines.

United States Army Infantry School instructional exercises

Relates to military tactics to be used in suppressing domestic rebellions.

United States. Army. IV Corps miscellaneous records

Orders, maps, and photographs, relating to the activities of the IV Corps of the United States Army during the battle of St. Mihiel, 1918 September. Includes IV Corps intelligence summaries for 1918 November 9 and 10.

United States. Army. School for Military Government and Administration (New York) Section, 2d. Group V typescript

A case history about The United States military government in the Dominican Republic from 1916 to 1922 by the United States Army, School for Military Government and Administration.

United States. Army. Signal Corps pictorial matter

Motion picture film and photographs, depicting activities of the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I. Motion picture film reels are entitled Chateau Thierry and the Aisne-Marne Operation, The St. Mihiel Drive, and The Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Photographs include...

United States. Army. Small Wars Operations Research Directorate studies

Relates to the theory of military counterinsurgency operations. Photocopy.

United States. Army. Third Army miscellaneous records

Reports, including an official history of the United States Third Army in France and Germany, 1918 November to 1919 July; and summaries of Third Army intelligence reports, 1918 November to 1919 June.

United States. Army typescript

Relates to the state funeral of Herbert Hoover, with diagrams of the seating arrangement in the Capitol Rotunda, the line of march of the funeral procession in Washington, D.C., and interment ceremonies in West Branch, Iowa. Photocopy.

United States. Army. V Corps intelligence summary

Relates to activities on the V Corps front in France, 1918 September 1-2.

United States. Army. VIII Corps intelligence summaries

Relates to activities on the VIII Corps front in France.

United States. Central Intelligence Agency typescript

Relates to the history of the Monarkhicheskaia Organizatsiia TSentral'noi Rossii, known as the Trust, and its control by the Soviet secret police for purposes of penetration and manipulation of anti-communist Russian groups in exile, from 1922 to 1927. Photocopy.

United States. Civil Affairs Training School records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, financial and personnel records, handbooks, syllabi, and instructional materials relating to the politics, governments, economies, and cultures of Japan, other areas in the Pacific, and various countries in Europe; and intelligence assessments of the war in the...

United States. Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of Government records

Correspondence, reports, minutes, press releases, and printed matter, relating to rationalization of the organization of the executive branch of the United States government. Includes records of the second Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (1953-1955).

United States. Committee on Public Information photographs

Depicts activities of the American Expeditionary Forces in the United States and France during World War I, including scenes of training, and aerial and naval operations.

United States. Committee upon the Arbitration of the Boundary between Turkey and Armenia report

Consists of typescripts of the full report "Committee Upon the Arbitration of the Boundary Between Turkey and Armenia", as well as appendicies and maps.

United States. Congress. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe reports

Relates to various aspects of European political developments, human rights and national minority issues, security considerations, and cooperative programs.

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws miscellaneous records

Clippings, summaries of newspaper articles, Congressional hearing testimony, other printed matter, and memoranda, relating to international communism, and communist and other radical movements in the United States.

United States. Consulate General (Zurich, Switzerland) circulars

Relates to plans for the evacuation of American citizens to the United States upon the outbreak of World War I.

United States. Consulate (Petrograd, Russia) dispatches

Relates to events in Petrograd during the Russian Revolution, 1917 March 20-July 10.

United States. Council of National Defense. Hospital Committee map

Indicates the location of United States Army hospitals in the United States. Photocopy.

United States Department of State International Information Administration collection

Translations of Soviet documents, relating to sentencing of individuals to forced labor camps in the Soviet Union. Translated by the International Information Administration of the United States Department of State in 1953.

United States. Department of State records

Mimeographed reports, 1942-1943, relating to the imposition of international sanctions against aggressor nations, and to the effects of League of Nations sanctions against Italy in 1935 1936; microfiche copies of reports, memoranda, and correspondence, 1967, relating to the Israelinaval and...

United States. Dept. of State. Office of External Research typescript

Series of summaries of interviews of defectors from the Soviet Union and other Eastern European communist countries, relating to their life histories, and to their observations of political, social, and economic conditions in their native countries. Later reports entitled The...

United States. Dept. of State. Office of Foreign Liquidation report

Relates to American lend-lease aid to the Soviet Union, 1941-1945. Includes text of an agreement between the American and Soviet governments on disposition of material in inventory or procurement in the United States at the end of World War II.

United States. Dept. of State. Office of International Information printed material

Based on analysis by the United States Library of Congress of responses to questionnaires by former Polish prisoners in Soviet forced labor camps, in the Anders Collection at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Includes typewritten draft, and...

United States. Economic Cooperation Administration miscellaneous records

Report entitled Supervision over Fertilizer Distribution in Taiwan since 1949 (1950); and photographs of communist and anti-communist posters in Paris, ca. 1948-1951.

United States. Embassy (Great Britain) mimeograph

Series of reports, listing writings published in Great Britain, 1941-1943, relating to post-World War II reconstruction.

United States. Embassy (Greece) reports

Relates to the organization and activities of the Embassy, the United States Information Service in Athens, and economic conditions in Greece.

United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation miscellaneous records

Reports, memoranda, and correspondence, relating to investigation of possible subversive activities of the American educators George S. Counts, John Dewey and Harold O. Rugg, and the journalist I. F. Stone. Photocopy. Additional report from 1945 relating to Soviet espionage in...

United States. Federal Security Agency Phonorecords

Relates to the immigration of various nationalities and ethnic groups to the U.S.

United States Food Administration Project records

Correspondence, notes, and miscellany, relating to documentation of activities of the United States Food Administration during World War I. Project sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace.

United States Food Administration records

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes, press releases, surveys, statistics, printed matter, and photographs relating to the regulation of food distribution and consumption in the United States during World War I.

United States. Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service miscellaneous records

Sound recordings of radio broadcasts, and translations of transcripts of Chinese communist broadcasts from Yenan, China. Digital copies of select records also available at

United States. Fuel Administration records

Press releases, minutes of meetings, and printed matter, relating to production, distribution, and conservation of fuel in the U.S. during World War I

United States. House Republican Research Committee. Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare reports

Contains reports relating to global implications of terrorist activities, guerrilla operations, and regional conflicts throughout the world.

United States Information Agency radio broadcasts

Sound recordings prepared for broadcast on Voice of America, including a program entitled , 1961, relating to Soviet nuclear test resumption (transcript included); and interviews of W. Glenn Campbell, director of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, and...

United States. Interdepartmental Committee for the Acquisition of Foreign Publications minutes

Relates to plans for microfilming publications abroad for shipment to the United States.

United States. Maritime Service photographs

Depicts activities of the United States Maritime Service during World War II, including training, medical examination, and recreational activities of merchant seamen.

United States. Military Mission to Armenia photographs

Depicts American army officers in Armenia and conditions in Armenia at the end of World War I

United States. National Guard Bureau miscellaneous records

Memoranda, correspondence, itineraries, studies, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to deployment of United States National Guard units in Central America. Includes material relating to legal challenges to the right of the United States government to deploy National Guard units...

United States. National Resources Planning Board. Youth Section mimeograph

Relates to national planning goals for youth in the areas of unemployment, health, social services, education, and recreation.

United States National Student Association International Commission records

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes of meetings, bulletins, circulars, questionnaires, notes, lists, financial records, printed matter, photographs, and sound recordings relating to the international activities of the association, including delegation and scholarship exchanges with other nations, American representation at annual International...

United States Naval Air Combat Intelligence School mimeograph

Relates to American and British World War II warships. Includes photographs.

United States. Naval Reserve miscellaneous records

Syllabi and examination questions, used to train Naval Reserve officers at the United States Naval Academy, Naval Reserve schools, and Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps programs at various universities.

United States. Navy. Liberty (Ship) Court of Inquiry records

Transcript of proceedings, exhibits, findings, and endorsements of findings, relating to circumstances surrounding the Israeli naval and aerial attack on the American naval intelligence ship Liberty on 8 June 1967. Photocopy.

United States. Navy. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas communiques

Relates to World War II naval operations in the Pacific Theater. Issued from Pacific Fleet advance headquarters, Guam, January-August 1945.

United States. Navy. Submarine Squadron 20 printed material

Relates to the submarine force at Yokosuka Naval Base, Yokosuka, Japan, in World War II.

United States newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The United States newspaper collection (1908-2001) comprises two-hundred and fifty-six different titles of publication in English, Spanish, Hungarian, Latvian, French,...

United States. Office of Civilian Defense issuances

Pamphlets, bulletins, and memoranda, relating to civil defense, particularly to blackout regulations, during World War II.

United States. Office of Defense Transportation reports

Relates to coordination and direction of transportation in the United States to facilitate the American war effort during World War II, January 1942-March 1944.

United States. Office of Naval Intelligence. Air Intelligence Group maps

Cloth maps of areas in the Pacific Theater, prepared for Navy survival kits.

United States. Office of Naval Intelligence printed material

Relates to American naval operations in the Solomon Islands campaign during World War II, 1942-1943. Includes only Volumes I and IV-IX.

United States. Office of Strategic Services. Special Operations Branch. Western Europe Section reports

Reports relating to sabotage and resistance liaison activities in German-occupied France of agents of the Western Europe Section of the Special Operations Branch of the United States Office of Strategic Services

United States Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Survey Staff (Yale University) card file

Project to compile anthropological information on peoples of the Pacific Islands and East Asia. Notes, photographs, and extracts from printed sources, relating to the people of the Bonin and Izu Islands, the Carolines, Hokkaido, the Kuriles, the Marianas, the Marshalls,...

United States. Office of War Information miscellaneous records

Reports, press releases, memoranda, clippings, and photographs relating to regulation of the wartime economy in the United States, and to background information on various countries during World War II and dissemination of American propaganda. Includes a study entitled "Chronology of...

United States Office of War Information Psychological Warfare Division propaganda

Propaganda leaflets distributed in Europe and in the China-Burma-India Theater of operations during World War II. Includes translations of most Asian language material.

United States. Pacific Command printed material

Relates to the Vietnamese War. Includes two sections, by Admiral U. S. G. Sharp, commander in chief, Pacific, and General W. C. Westmoreland, commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, respectively. Published (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office). Includes unpublished draft...

United States President's Famine Emergency Committee records

Correspondence, reports, notes, and clippings, relating to food conservation in the United States and to famine conditions throughout the world. Includes memoranda and diaries of Herbert Hoover, honorary chairman of the committee.

United States. President's Research Committee On Social Trends records

Relates to demographic, educational, racial, recreational, cultural, religious, medical, legal, and governmental aspects of society; urban and rural trends; and the role of the family. Reports published under the title (New York, 1933)

United States. Provost Marshal General's Bureau typescript

Relates to training of American military government officers for administration of occupied territories during World War II. Volumes I and IV only. Microfilm copy of Vols. I-IV available in Hoover Institution Library. Includes a directive on the occupation of Japan.

United States. Reparations Mission to Japan photographs

Depicts Manchurian industrial plants, showing destruction or removal of equipment by Soviet occupation forces.

United States. Selective Service System report

Relates to United States government policy regarding conscientious objectors and to criticisms of this policy made by the National Committee on Conscientious Objectors.

United States. Shipping Board and Norwegian Ship Owners' Association agreement

Relates to registry of Norwegian ships entering American waters, freight rates, and other terms of trade. Agreement between the United States Shipping Board and the Norwegian Ship Owners' Association.

United States. Special Mission on Yen Foreign Exchange Policy report

Relates to the establishment of a currency exchange rate for Japan.

United States Strategic Bombing Survey reports of interrogations

Relates to a variety of aspects of the Japanese war effort in World War II, and especially to Japanese intelligence operations. Based on interrogations of Japanese political, military, and naval leaders.

United States. Subversive Activities Control Board records

Hearing transcripts, decisions, and reports, relating to determination of communist-action and communist-front organizations in the United States.

United States. Supreme Court issuances

Printed copies of egal briefs and court decisions in the cases of Gordon K. Hirabayashi v. United States, and Minoru Yasui v. United States, reviewed before the Supreme Court, relating to the constitutionality of restrictions upon the liberties of Japanese...

United States. United States. Adjutant-General's Office miscellaneous issuances

Manual, report, and test sound recordings, relating to testing for radio operator training aptitude in the United States Army during World War II.

United States. War Dept. Bureau of Public Relations. Industrial Services Division miscellaneous records

Official history of the division, speeches, press releases, leaflets, clippings, and photographs, relating to American military efforts to promote morale of American war production workers during World War II.

United States. War Dept. Committee on Education and Special Training miscellaneous records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and syllabi, relating to the War Issues Courses conducted at Stanford University and various other colleges in the western United States under the auspices of the Committee on Education and Special Training of the United States War...

United States. War Production Board. Office of Civilian Requirements. Civilian Relations Division mimeograph

This collection contains a mimeograph about prices paid by consumers for 75 clothing and textile items during January to March 1944....

United States. War Relocation Authority miscellaneous issuances

Statistical reports, press summaries, and bulletins, relating to internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Includes statistics of weekly arrivals, departures and leaves granted; summaries of West Coast press coverage; and bulletins from the Tule Lake, California, and Topaz,...

United States. War Shipping Administration. Division of Statistics and Research reports

Relates to shipping volume for December 1945; and positions of dry cargo and passenger vessels on February 25, 1946, and of tankers on February 26, 1946.

United States Wartime Civil Control Administration miscellaneous records

Materials relating to the evacuation and relocation of Japanese-Americans in the United States during World War II, including proclamations, orders, memoranda, population statistics, manuals and maps.

United Veterans Council of Berkeley, California records

Minutes, correspondence, and resolutions relating to veterans' activities in Berkeley. Includes letters, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, and postcards, 1917-1949, relating to activities of the 91st Infantry Division in France during World War I and to subsequent activities of the...

United War Work Campaign scrapbook

Posters, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, and pledge cards, issued during the week of 1918 November 11-18, relating to war work fundraising. Autographed by Bruce Barton, publicity director, and other Campaign officials.

United World Federalists miscellaneous records

Letters, pamphlets, resolutions, and leaflets, relating to the United World Federalists, their activities in southern California, purposes, policies, meetings, financial status, membership, and fundraising, and opposition to their work. Includes some material on the United Nations.

Universal Newspaper Newsreel motion picture film

Depicts Japanese intervention in China. Includes scenes of the bombing of Shanghai and of other events in Shanghai.

Universitat Munchen collection

Leaflets distributed at the University of Munich, relating to Allgemeiner Studentenausschuss elections and party politics in Germany.

Universite libre de Bruxelles. Institut de sociologie typescript

Relates to German reparation payments after World War I.

University of California Center for Slavic and East European Studies collection

Videotape cassette recordings of Soviet television programs, relating to political and social conditions in the Soviet Union. Collected by the Center for Slavic and East European Studies of the University of California, Berkeley.

University of Hawaii collection

Photographs depicting World War II campaigns in France and Germany, activities of American troops, and Allied military and civilian leaders. Collected by the University of Hawaii.

University of Nebraska collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, and reports, relating primarily to the home front in the United States during World War II, and especially to economic aspects and to prospects for postwar peace and international organization. Includes issuances of political, business, labor, religious,...

University Professors for Academic Order records

Includes bylaws, histories, and news clippings relating to the University Professors for Academic Order....

Unna (Warren W.) letters

Relates to observations on conditions in nonaligned countries in Asia and Europe, and to interviews with leaders of those countries, made by W. W. Unna in the course of a trip around the world.

Unruh (Benjamin Heinrich) studies

Relates to the emigration of German Mennonites from the Soviet Union, 1921-1933. Includes typewritten copies of documents relating to the Mennonites in Russia from 1820 until 1870.

Untersuchungsausschuss Freiheitlicher Juristen issuances

Flyers, leaflets, and pamphlets, relating to the status of civil liberties in East Germany. Includes list of communists in West Berlin. Also includes subsequent printed matter about the organization.

Uperov (Vasilii Vasil'evich) papers

Reports, orders, maps, and diaries, relating to activities of the 5th Infantry Division on the Western front during World War I.

Upman (Frank) papers

Correspondence, memoirs, reports, and printed matter, relating to American politics, the growth of government bureaucracy and welfare programs, and communists in government

Upovalov (Ivan) typescript

Relates to the Russian Civil War in the areas of Votkinsk and Izhevsk, Russia, in 1918. Original memoirs, entitled Kak My Poteriali Svobodu, and Rabochee Vosstanie Protiv Sovetskoi Vlasti, published in Zaria (Berlin), 1922-1923. Translated by Elena Varneck.

Upson (William Ford) papers

Diary and letters, relating to American Red Cross work among French soldiers during World War I, and to the Interallied Trade Commission after the war.

Upton (Miller) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, conference material, reports, printed matter, and miscellany relating to American participation in international cooperative activities, especially in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; international education; the Federal Union; and economics.

Urban (Jerzy) papers

Correspondence, writings, personal documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to political conditions and journalism in Poland.

Urquhart (Leslie) letter

Relates to the Russian Revolution and its prospective outcome, as of May 1917.

Uruguay newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Uruguay newspaper collection (1911-1988) comprises sixteen unique Spanish-language titles of publication. All of the titles within this collection have...

Uruguayan subject collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, bulletins, studies, and sound recording, relating primarily to political conditions and elections in Uruguay, and to communist and guerrilla movements in Uruguay.

Urzad Ochrony Panstwa collection

Reports, memoranda, and investigative proceedings, relating to Radio Free Europe broadcasting to Poland. Includes records of the Polish Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnetrznych. Photocopy.

U.S. Commercial Company. Pacific Ocean Division mimeograph

Relates to the study of economic conditions and prospects in the Pacific Islands.

Usher (George L.) papers

Depicts World War I German aircraft, American aircraft in 1909, and scenes of Vera Cruz in 1914. Includes aerial reconnaissance views of World War I military activity in France

U.S.-Korean Economic Relations conference proceedings

Relates to economic relations between the United States and South Korea.

U.S.S. Liberty Veterans Association collection

Videotape and sound recordings, essays, service records, printed matter, and photographs relating to the Israeli naval and air attack on the American naval intelligence ship on 8 June 1967. Includes recordings of reunions of the U.S.S. Liberty Veterans Association and...

USSR lend-lease program typescript

Relates to American military assistance to the Soviet Union during World War II.

Ustredni Vedeni Odboje Domacilia records

Radio dispatches, reports, and memoranda, relating to conditions in German-occupied Czechoslovakia, resistance activities, activities of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, and Soviet intelligence activities in Czechoslovakia. Includes transcripts of clandestine radio transmissions between London and Prague, and lists of the...

Ustrialov (Nikolai) papers

Correspondence and writings, relating to the Russian Revolution, the White governments in Omsk, 1918-1919, and eurasianism.

Utechin (Sergej) interviews

Sound recordings of interviews, relating to aspects of twentieth-century Russian history, and especially to the Narodno-trudovoĭ soi͠uz. Interviews conducted by Tat'i͡ana Zhilkina.

U-Tender Isar holograph

Journal of an unknown crew member of the German submarine tender Isar in the Baltic Sea, relating to German naval operations during World War II. Illustrated with drawings. Incomplete.

Utley (Freda) papers

Correspondence, writings, and printed matter, relating to social and political conditions in Russia, Japan, and China in the interwar period; the Sino-Japanese conflict; World War II; American relations with China; Germany in the post-World War II reconstruction period; social and...

Uzbek subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, newspapers, election campaign literature, and memorabilia, relating to the 2016 presidential election and various aspects of Uzbek history....