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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
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Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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Sabin (Lorenzo S.) papers

Memoirs and other writings, correspondence, orders, and memoranda relating to American naval operations in the Atlantic during World War II, the evacuation of North Vietnamese refugees to South Vietnam in 1954, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Sabine (Edward G) photograph collection

Depicts famine victims and American Relief Administration relief activities in the Samara region of Russia

Sabine (William Henry Waldo) collection

Leaflets, posters, form letters, pamphlets, and memorabilia, relating to British war aims and propaganda efforts during World War I, civilian defense, the British Union of Fascists, and Oswald Mosley.

Sachs (Johannes) mimeograph

Relates to World War I and the question of an independent Polish state. Speech delivered in Frankfurt am Main, April 6, 1916.

Sad (Ahmad Sadiq) holograph

Relates to the communist movement in Egypt from 1947 to 1957. Includes additional bibliographical notes

Sadoul (Jacques) correspondence

Relates to political conditions in France and Europe at the beginning of World War II. Correspondents include Léon Blum, Paul Reynaud, and Pierre Laval.

Sadykiewicz (Michael) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, studies, printed matter, and photographs relating mainly to analysis of Soviet and Warsaw Pact armed forces.

Safonov (Ludmila Tschebotariov) typescript

Relates to life in Russia from 1900 until 1919, emigration through the Far East, arrival in the United States, and work with displaced persons in Europe during World War II Photocopy.

Saga of a superliner motion picture film

Documentary film of the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth.

Sagan (Ginetta) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, minutes, financial records, press releases, reports, interview transcripts, notes, lists, questionnaires, news dispatches, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to civil liberties, political prisoners, and refugees, especially in Vietnam and Cambodia. Includes records of the Aurora Foundation, Amnesty...

Saint Veran (Robert) typescript

Relates to political and economic conditions in French Somaliland and its role in international affairs, primarily during the period 1967-1977. Originally published under the title A Djibouti avec les Afars et les Issas (Paris, 1977). Translated and revised by Virginia...

Saito (Siberius Y.) drawings

Photographic copies of sketches depicting the physical facilities at the Tanforan Assembly Center.

Sak'art'velos erovnul-demokratiuli partia issuances

Serial issues, leaflets, flyers, and other printed matter, relating to political conditions in Georgia.

Sak'art'velos SSR sakhelmtsipo usisroebis komiteti [Georgian KGB] records

Correspondence, reports, and investigative and judicial files relating to secret police investigative activities and prosecutions in the Georgian S.S.R. Includes lists of persons tried and judicial proceedings in 1937-1938. Digital copies.

Sakata (Yasuo) papers

Writings and grant proposal relating to nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century Japanese immigration to the United States. Includes transcribed copies of documents from this period.

Sakharov (Andrei) letter

Open letter to the Soviet Academy of Sciences, relating to civil rights in the Soviet Union. Includes American newspaper clippings reporting the letter. Photocopy.

Sakharov (Konstantin Viacheslavovich) letter

Relates to the book by W. S. Graves, America's Siberian Adventure, 1918-1920.

Salamone (Frank A.) slides and photographs

Depicts scenes of rural life in northwestern Nigeria.

Salandra (Antonio) speech transcript

Relates to the Italian policy of neutrality during World War I. Speech delivered to the Italian Parliament, December 3, 1914. Translated by Jean Black.

Saleam (Jim) collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, newsletters, and clippings, relating to neo-Nazi and other far right political organizations in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Great Britain, and Europe. Includes the master's thesis by Jim Saleam, "American Nazism in the Context...

Salisbury (Laurence E.) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, and memoranda, relating to American foreign relations with China, Japan, and the Philippines, and to political developments in the United States

Salmon (Brainerd P.) writings

Letters and reports, relating to relief work for refugees in Greece.

Salnais (Voldemars) papers

Correspondence, reports, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Latvian independence movements, foreign relations, and women's organizations; Latvians in Siberia (Vladivostok); and the Office of the Latvian Representative in the Far East and Siberia. Includes some materials collected by Milda...

Salvadoran subject collection

Reports, serial issues, pamphlets, flyers, press releases, other printed matter, and video tape, relating to political conditions, guerrilla warfare, and civil rights in El Salvador.

Sammis (Frederick M., Jr.) collection

Depicts various scenes from the German occupation of Memel; the Polish campaign; the Russo-Finnish war; the German air and rocket offensive against Great Britain; naval warfare in the Atlantic; and the European Theater during 1944-1945, including scenes of the Allied...

Samoilovich (Aleksandr V.) papers

Correspondence and printed matter, relating to activities of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad.

Samonov family miscellaneous papers

Birth and marriage certificates, military service record, internal passports, and photographs, relating to the Russian Imperial army.

Samper Pizano (Ernesto) collection

Discussion papers, booklets, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to social and economic policy planning in Colombia, other aspects of governmental administration in Colombia, and human rights in Colombia. Includes many discussion papers issued by the Departamento Nacional de...

Sams (Crawford F.) papers

The Crawford F. Sams papers contain correspondence, orders, speeches and writings, research data, printed matter, certificates, and photographs relating to American military medical activities in the Middle East during World War II, American military medical activities in the Korean War,...

Samsonow (Michael S.) papers

Memoirs, writings, and a photograph, relating to Tsar Alexander III of Russia, Russian émigrés in Hungary after the Russian Revolution, and the provisions for a veto in the United Nations Charter.

Samuels (Lawrence) collection

Materials relating to Libertarianism and Libertarian organizations collected by Lawrence Samuels, who is the Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Monterey County, and Northern Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party in California.

San Diego Aerospace Museum collection

Photographs, postcards, and miscellany, relating mainly to American participation in World Wars I and II. Collected by the San Diego Aerospace Museum.

San Francisco Public Library collection

Pamphlets relating primarily to World Wars I and II in Europe and to other aspects of 20th century European history. Collected by the San Francisco Public Library.

San Jose Conferences on the Holocaust proceedings

Proceedings of the First Western Regional Conference on the Holocaust, relating to the ancient, medieval, and modern origins of the Holocaust, its meaning for western civilization, and the methodology for teaching about the Holocaust in schools and universities.

Sander (William) collection

Writings, correspondence, reports, and photographs, relating to political, social, and economic conditions and to repression of civil liberties in the zone of Germany under Soviet occupation. Some items relate to the western zones of occupation and to the condition of...

Sanders (Harry) photograph collection

Depicts the meeting aboard the H.M.S. Prince of Wales between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill in Newfoundland, 1941; leading American naval and political figures; and United States Navy oil exploration efforts in Alaska, 1949.

Sandlands (Roger J.) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, notes, and clippings, relating to the career of the American economist Lauchlin Currie, and particularly to his role in the dispatch of the Flying Tigers to China in 1941. Used during preparation of the book by R. J. Sandilands,...

Sanera (Michael) papers

Resolutions, position papers, letters, bulletins, flyers, convention material, and printed matter, relating to the 1969 national convention of Young Americans for Freedom.

Sankt-Peterburgskoe obshchestvo "Memorial" collection

Transcripts of interviews of former political prisoners; secret police case files; articles; and speeches; relating to the execution, imprisonment, and sentence to forced labor camps of political prisoners in the Soviet Union. Collected by the Sankt-Peterburgskoe obshchestvo "Memorial." Photocopy.

Sannikova (Elena) papers

Diaries, writings, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs relating to the status of civil liberties and to political prisoners in the Soviet Union and in post-Soviet Russia.

Santa Clara County (Calif.) Juvenile Probation Dept. miscellaneous records

Annual records and budgets, relating to juvenile delinquency in Santa Clara County, California.

Santo Tomas Internment Camp (Manila, Philippines) Internee Executive Committee issuances

Memoranda, notices, and administrative orders, relating to living conditions in the camp.

Santo Tomas Internment Camp typescript

Relates to living conditions in the Japanese prison camp for American and other civilian internees at Santo Tom�s, Philippines. Prepared by released prisoners for the United States Department of State.

Santos M. (Herard von) interviews

Digital sound recordings and transcripts of interviews of former Salvadoran military officers and guerrillas relating to guerrilla warfare and counterinsurgency operations in El Salvador in the 1970s and 1980s.

Santos (Paulino) diary excerpts

Relates to the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, January 1 to August 26, 1942.

Santovenia y Echaide (Emeterio Santiago) printed writings

Relates to the history of Cuba and the United States and their leaders. Published in Diario las Americas and in Journal of Inter-American Studies.

Sao Tome and Principe subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, statutes, circulars, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Sao Tome and Principe, and to establishment of its independence.

Sapon'ko (Angel O.) papers

Correspondence, reports, essays, studies, articles, notes, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Christianity, disarmament, pacifism, religion and science, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, fascism, world politics, Russians in foreign countries, and the Russian Orthodox Church. Includes papers of...

Sargent (Clyde Bailey) letter extracts

Relates to the Sino-Japanese War, social conditions in China and conditions in North Korea in 1947

Sarles (Ruth) typescript

Relates to the America First Committee, isolationist lobby in the United States during World War II

Sartiano (Joseph Frank) papers

Colonel Joseph "Joe" Frank Sartiano (1913-2017) was a OSS/CIA officer. The Joseph Frank Sartiano papers contains Class B and C WWII Tribunal investigation reports, court cases, inventories, photographs of Sartiano's personal life in Japan and war criminal executions, interviews of...

Sasaki (Kay) Papers

Includes United States Army Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) orders, leaflets from the Office of War Information (OWI), and photographs containing images of Allied-occupied Japan, the Korean War, and Vietnam....

Satorn (Pinyo) collection

Printed matter, relating to education in Thailand. Published by the Thai Ministry of Education

Saudi Arabia. Wizarat al-I'lam issuances

Brochures, slides, and a videotape relating to the government, economy, transportation system, and culture of Saudi Arabia, and to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. Includes issuances of the Ministry of Communications.

Saudi Arabia. Wizarat al-Ma'arif

Reports and serial issues, relating to education in Saudi Arabia.

Sauer (Wolfgang W.) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, curricular material, and printed matter, relating to the history and culture of Germany, German intellectual history, twentieth century German political history, the revolution of November 1918 in Germany, the relationship between President Friedrich Ebert and General Wilhelm...

Savez Zemljoradnika leaflet

Relates to the political program of the party.

Savich (N. V.) memoir

Relates to the Russian war program for 1917

Savin (Petr Panteleimonovich) papers

Photocopy of writing, entitled Gibel' Generala Millera, relating to the death of the White Russian leader, E. K. Miller; and correspondence and printed matter, relating to the writing and to Russian émigré anti-communist activities, 1917-1968.

Savinkov (Boris Viktorovich) writings

Letter to Baron Petr Vrangel', White Russian military commander, 1920, relating to White Russian military activities; and translation of the testimony of B. Savinkov at his trial for counterrevolutionary activities, 1924. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Savintsev (Lieutenant) diary

Relates to the Russian Civil War in Siberia, 1920 August-1921 January.

Saxby (Sheila McDorney) papers

Memoir and printed matter relating to Eric Hoffer. Also includes photocopy (apparently only extant copy) of the original draft version of the book by Hoffer, (New York, 1979).

Saxon (Olin Glenn) papers

Correspondence, election campaign literature and memorabilia, other printed matter, personal documents, and photographs, relating mainly to Republican Party politics and especially to the presidential campaigns of 1936 and 1940.

Sayamontry (Chantha N.) writings

Letters and press releases, relating to post-1975 political conditions in Laos. Includes photocopy of a letter from L. Desaix Anderson, director, Office of Vietnam, Laos and Kampuchea Affairs, United States Department of State, to C. N. Sayamontry, relating to American...

Saylor (John Galen) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, instructional materials, reports, conference papers, reprints, and other printed matter, relating to elementary and secondary school curriculum development, and other aspects of education, primarily in the United States.

Sayre (Lynda Y.) processed item

Relates to person-to-person contacts between Americans and citizens of the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.

Sazman-i Mujahidin-i Khalq issuances

Pamphlets, booklets, serial issues, press releases, and video tapes, relating to the incidence of torture and other violations of human rights by the Islamic fundamentalist regime in Iran, and to Iranian political opposition to the regime.

Sazonov (Sergei Dmitrievich) papers

Clippings, correspondence, and writings relating to Russian political and foreign affairs in 1909-1917, Russian involvement in World War I, and the career of Sergeĭ Dmitrievich Sazonov as Russian foreign minister

Scaff (Alvin H.) papers

Memoranda, reports, diaries, photographs, and printed matter, relating to the communist movement in the Philippines, and to Japanese prison camps in the Philippines during World War II. Used as research material for the book by A. H. Scaff, (1955)

Scandinavian Airlines System passenger list

Passenger list of a flight from Rome to Munich, 1950 July 1, including the names of members of the family of Bruno Pontecorvo, British atomic scientist who defected to the Soviet Union. Photocopy.

Scapini (Georges) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, writings, legal documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to French politics, French prisoners of war in Germany during World War II, and the trial of Georges Scapini as a Nazi collaborator, 1952

Scarf (Maggie) notes

Notes on interviews with Israeli political leaders, including Prime Minister Menahem Begin and former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, relating to prospects for a Middle East peace settlement. Photocopy.

Schacht (Henry Mavis) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and printed matter, relating to international trade negotiations and American agriculture.

Schacht (Hjalmar Horace Greeley) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, autographed book, newsletter, photograph, and clippings, relating to the career and economic views of H. Schacht.

Schaechter (Kurt Werner) collection

Acquired in 2007, the Kurt Werner Schaechter Collection in the Hoover Institution Library & Archives consists primarily of photocopies made by Schaechter of documents from French state archives. These copies relate to the role played by the Vichy France government...

Schakovskoy (Prince Wladimir) typescript

Relates to conditions in Russia during the Russian Revolution and Civil War. Photocopy.

Schapiro (Leonard Bertram) papers

Speeches and writings, radio broadcasts, correspondence, notes, photographs, and printed matter relating to Russian history and literature during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and to the development of the Soviet political system.

Schauman (Georg Carl August) writings

Study entitled Kampen om Statsskicket i Finland 1918, and an untitled memorandum, relating to the Finnish Revolution of 1917-1918 and to political conditions in Finland.

Schechter (Robert) papers

Reports, studies, memoranda, minutes, correspondence, financial data, and printed matter, relating to Stanford University investments in South Africa.

Schecter (Jerrold L.) collection

Jerrold L. Schecter was an author and journalist who covered Russia, Korea, Japan, China, and Southeast Asia. His papers include writings and photographs from Schecter's time at Time magazine, photocopies of declassified Soviet and American government documents, printed matter, and...

Scheel (Beth Flippen) papers

Reports, Kwajalein army base newspaper issues, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to United States Army atomic bomb tests at Bikini atoll in 1946.

Scheinman (William X.) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, bulletins, serial issues, clippings, photographs, sound recordings, video tapes, and motion picture film relating to American relations with Africa, the political and economic development of Kenya and other African countries, assistance to African students in the United...

Scheiter (Hellmut) correspondence

Relates to German military operations on the Eastern front during World War II.

Schelling (Ernest) papers

The Ernest Schelling papers largely consist of printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia, much of it relating to Schelling's service as a major in the United States Army during World War I and as an assistant military attaché in Switzerland during...

Schenck (Hubert G.) papers

Correspondence, diaries, speeches and writings, reports, clippings, maps, and photographs relating to the Allied occupation of Japan, relations between Taiwan and the United States, and economic conditions in Japan and Taiwan.

Scherbacher (Marcus W.) photographs

Photographs of John J. Muccio and Huh Jung (and Marcus W. Scherbacher) on government and diplomatic business in South Korea during the mid 1940's up to the late 1950's.

Scherbatoff (George S.) photographs

Mainly depicts visit of United Nations commissioners to Greece.

Schetelig (Oberleutnant) diaries

Relates to German military activities during World War I.

Schetter (Hans Otto) diary

Relates to German military activities in France and Belgium during World War I. Includes typewritten translation.

Schevenels (Walther) papers

Correspondence, reports, speeches, writings, notes, bulletins, interviews, pamphlets, clippings, and printed matter, relating to European and international trade unions, the labor movement in Europe, communism in the labor movement, and the post-World War II European Recovery Program.

Schidlewski (Albert) papers

Correspondence, personal documents, drawings, paintings, and photographs, relating to official German artwork during World War II.

Schidlof (Richard) memoirs

Relates mainly to land reform in Czechoslovakia in the interwar period, and to proposals for Central European agricultural cooperation.

Schilling (J. M.) translations

Translations of documents published in the Soviet journal Krasnyi Arkhiv during the 1920s. Includes translations of excerpts from the diaries of the Russian statesman A. A. Polovtsov, 1877-1908; of dispatches by foreign diplomats in Russia at the time of the...

Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) Presse- und Informationsstelle der Landesregierung issuances

Pamphlets and leaflets, relating to economic reconstruction in Schleswig-Holstein and to West German participation in the Marshall Plan.

Schlomann (Friedrich-Wilhelm) papers

Writings, clippings, press releases, bulletins, newsletters, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, correspondence with German and Swiss politicians, and other printed matter relating to post-World War II anti-communist movements in East Germany, communist movements in West Germany, propaganda and espionage in East and...

Schmelzer (Janis) typescript

Relates to resistance activities of foreign forced laborers in Germany during World War II.

Schmid (Sonja) interviews

Interviews relating to the Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine in 1986. Also includes video tape, slides, and printed matter relating to the incident.

Schmidt (Frieda) papers

Diaries, 1932-1945, and clippings and miscellanea, 1914-1945, relating to pacifism and social conditions in Germany during the Nazi period and World War II.

Schmidt (Harry) papers

Correspondence, orders, speeches, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs, relating to activities of the U.S. Marine Corps in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Schmölders (Günter) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, conference papers, minutes, reports, financial records, and printed matter relating to economic theory, monetary policy, and economic research foundations in West Germany.

Schmuser (Lydia Bubeshko) papers

Diary and correspondence, relating to social conditions in China during and after World War II. Includes letters written by Carl Otto Hans Schmüser, German citizen and husband of Lydia Schmüser. Also includes form letters and printed ephemera relating to postwar...

Schnabel (Lucy Hooker Clark) letters

Relates to personal matters and social conditions in Germany. Addressed to relatives and friends in the United States.

Schneider (Elizabeth) letters

Relates to political and racial unrest at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. One letter is written on the obverse side of a leaflet, possession of which was illegal.

Schneider (Leo Victor) papers

Writings, clippings, and miscellanea, relating to the Russian Revolution, and to American military medicine during World War II.

Schnelle (Heinz) papers

Certificates, medals, and photographs, relating to economic administration in East Germany.

Schnetzer (Max) typescript

Relates to conditions in Berlin and in Russia in the spring of 1945, immediately before the German surrender.

Schoenberner (Franz) papers

Writings and correspondence, relating to German literature, national socialism in Germany, and anti-Nazi German émigré life

Schofield (Mary Lusia) sound recording collection

Songs of the Red Army Chorus of the Soviet Union; songs of the International Brigade from the Spanish Civil War; and the British Broadcasting Corporation tribute to President John F. Kennedy immediately after his assassination.

Scholly (Nora) printed material

Austrian elementary school textbook published under supervision of Allied occupation authorities.

Scholtz-Klink (Gertrud) speech transcript

Relates to the role of women under national socialism in Germany. Includes translation of excerpts from a speech by Adolf Hitler, German Führer. Both speeches delivered at the 7th Congress of the Nazi Party at Nuremberg.

Schowalter (Herbert P.) collection

Photographs and miscellany, relating to American military activities in France and the United States during World War I, and Arab life in North Africa during World War II. Includes a German pictorial book on Nazi industrial production, and a certificate...

Schreiber (Julius) collection

American propaganda leaflets, flyers and serial issues produced for distribution to German soldiers during World War II, and pamphlets and clippings relating to the production of propaganda.

Schreibman (Enid) papers

Correspondence, notes, reports, grant proposals, meeting materials, financial records, printed matter, and photographs, relating to activities of the Center for Safe Energy in promoting nuclear safety and alternative energy sources in the former Soviet Union, and to women's leadership training...

Schreyer (Leslie J.) collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, postcards, and miscellany, relating to World Wars I and II, radicalism in Mexico, and other subjects.

Schubert (Miroslav G.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to World War II, the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1945, international affairs in Europe during the interwar period, the communist movement in Czechoslovakia, and the coup d'état...

Schuck (Victoria) papers

The bulk of the collection spans from 1961 to 1977, mainly while Schuck was a professor of the Political Science Department at Mount Holyoke College. The collection primarily reflects Schuck's research interests in South Vietnam: elections, government administration, the Vietnam...

Schuder (Kurt) writings

Relates to world peace and German-American relations.

Schulte (Eduard) mimeograph

Relates to economic conditions in post-World War II Germany.

Schulze (Hans Georg) diary

Relates to campaigns on the Eastern front during World War II.

Schulze-Gaevernitz (Gero von) papers

Letters, relating to liaison between Allied forces and anti-Nazi groups, and the capitulation of German troops in Italy and southern Austria, and a report relating to a journey to Russia in 1923. Photocopy.

Schulzentrum Lehmhorster Strasse (Bremen) Abteilung Eggestedter Strasse. Klasse 9a. mimeograph

Relates to Kristallnacht persecution of Jews in Bremen, 1938. Paper entered in the Schülerwettbewerb deutsche Geschichte um den Preis des Bundespräsidenten. Includes material describing the competition.

Schulz-Schwekhausen (Emil) writings

Memoirs, entitled "Ein bewegtes Leben," circa 1944, relating to world travel and to German culture and politics; and biographical sketches of Stjepan Radic, Croatian peasant leader, and Carl Muth, German Catholic newspaper publisher.

Schumacher (J. Paul) collection

Photographs of scenes in the Soviet Union, 1937, and printed miscellany, 1924-1937, relating to China and the Soviet Union.

Schutte (Ehrenfried) typescript

Relates to the German periodical Osteuropa under the editorship of Werner Markert, 1934-1940, and to a published article on this subject by Jutta Unser, 1976. Photocopy.

Schwaner (Carl) diary

Relates to German military activities during World War I.

Schwantes (Robert S.) miscellaneous papers

Report, letters, and clippings, relating to the Joint United States-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange held in Tokyo in 1962.

Schwartz (Bern) photographs

Portraits of prominent British and other political figures.

Schwartz (Gene) album of paintings

Depicts scenes in the camp.

Schwartz (Martha) electronic mail printout

Relates to formulation of standards for science and mathematics teaching in California schools.

Schwartz (Thomas A.) writings

Relates to the role of John J. McCloy, United States Military Governor and High Commissioner for Germany (1949-1952), in formulation of postwar American policy toward Germany, especially in regard to rearmament of West Germany. Photocopy.

Schwarz (Robert) correspondence

Correspondence with wife, family, and friends, relating to German military activities in occupied France during World War II and to conditions in American prisoner of war camps.

Schwarz (Salomon) collection

Transcripts of newspaper articles relating to the sit-down strikes in France in the summer of 1936. Includes photographs.

Schwerin von Krosigk (Graf Lutz) memorandum

Relates to the position of the Protestant churches in Germany.

Schwien (Edwin E.) miscellaneous papers

Memorandum relating to the warning by E. E. Schwien of the impending German attack in the Battle of the Bulge; and two letters, from Major General H. R. Vaughan, military aide to the president, and from President Harry Truman. Photocopy.

Schwimmer (Rosika) papers

Correspondence, petitions, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the pacifist movement during World War I, the Henry Ford Peace Expedition, the International Congress of Women, and the presentation of the World Peace Prize to R. Schwimmer in 1937

Schwyetz (Otto) correspondence

Relates to personal matters and the outbreak of World War I.

Scientists For Sakharov, Orlov and Shcharansky records

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, memoranda, press releases, statements, petitions, lists, financial records, printed matter, photographs, video tapes, and sound recordings, relating to civil rights and dissident scientists in the Soviet Union, and especially to Andrei Sakharov, Yuri Orlov and...

Scigliano (Robert G.) papers

Correspondence, reports, party regulations, interviews, clippings, cartoon, and maps, relating to political conditions in Vietnam and Vietnamese-American relations.

Scipio (Lynn A.) photograph collection

Depicts educational and relief work of the Young Men's Christian Association among Russian, Armenian, and other refugees in Constantinople, Turkey.

Scitovsky (Tibor) typescript

Relates to Central European politics, 1918-1945.

Scott (John Anthony) papers

Newsletters, announcements, minutes, reports, and published articles, relating to the teaching of history and folksongs in American schools. Includes newsletters of the Committee on History in the Classroom, and issues of the newsletter Folksong in the Classroom.

Scott (Kandis V.) photographs

Depicts social conditions in Romania and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.

Scott (Merle) papers

Photographs, report, other writings, and printed matter, relating to daily life in Poland, and to activities of the Young Men's Christian Association there. Includes examples of currency and postage stamps from Poland and neighboring countries.

Scott (Roderick) papers

The papers include correspondence, reports, newsletters, writings, photographs, and memorabilia from both Scott and his wife, Agnes Kelley Scott, relating to missionary activity and Christian education in China. Also includes materials generated by and about Fukien Christian University (FCU), where...

Seabury (Paul) papers

Writings, leaflets, correspondence, notes, clippings, reports, books, and other printed matter, relating to West German university reform, higher education in West Germany, government regulation of West German universities, the International Council on the Future of the University, and Soviet espionage.

Sebald (Edith de Becker) typescript

Relates to social conditions in Burma and Burmese-American relations.

Sebald (William Joseph) diary extracts

Relates to Burmese-American relations, Burmese politics and thecommunist movement in Burma.

Secomski (Kazimierz) miscellaneous papers

Writings and proceedings, relating to deliberations of the Rada Konsultacyjna regarding political, social and economic conditions in Poland. Includes printed proceedings of the Rada Konsultacyjna, selected mimeographed proceedings, summary of the work of the Rada by K. Secomski, and biographical...

Second report on Hungary under German occupation mimeograph

Relates to conditions in Hungary during World War II as revealed from analysis of the Hungarian press, June-July 1944.

Secours francais records

The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, writings, and the financial records of Le Secours Français, an American relief organization founded by Mrs. Seton Porter during World War II to aid the civilian population of France.

Secrest (Meryle) collection

Sound recordings, notes, writings, clippings, and photographs relating to Svetlana Allilueva, daughter of Joseph Stalin, compiled by Meryle Secrest as working materials for an unfinished biography of Allilueva. Includes recorded interviews with Allilueva conducted in 1994.

Secret world of the CIA: the testimony of John Stockwell video tape

Relates to the career of John Stockwell as an agent of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, and to his critique of the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in the conduct of American foreign relations. Produced by Insight Video.

Sedov (Sergei L'vovich) letters

Relates to conditions in the Soviet prison camp in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, where S. L. Sedov was confined. Letters written to his wife. Includes typewritten translations. Also available on microfilm.

See (Alonzo B.) letterbook

Relates to conservatism in social policy in the United States.

See (Elizabeth M.) photograph collection

Depicts the U.S.S. Maryland, the battleship upon which President-elect Herbert Hoover visited South America in 1928

Seegers (Scott) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to description and travel and to political, social, and economic conditions, primarily in Latin America.

Seelos (Gebhard) memorandum

Relates to the anti-Nazi movement and to Bavarian separatism.

Segal (Mandal Robert) typescript

Relates to problems of legal jurisdiction of Allied military governments during World War II. Written by M. R. Segal and Bert Leon Werner, privates first class, United States Army.

Segall (Joel) papers

Correspondence, reports, and memoranda, relating to international labor and American labor policy during the presidential administrations of Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford.

Seifullin (Vladimir) papers

Vladimir Seifullin was born in 1893 in Russia. The collection is composed primarily of correspondence, including correspondence between Seiffulin's family members and between Russian military cadets.

Seine (France) Prefecture de police memoranda

Relates to the presence of members of the family of Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary, in France, 1933, and to the theft of papers of Leon Trotsky from the International Institute for Social History in Paris, 1936.

Seja (Karlis-Ludvigs) papers

Correspondence, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to the displacement of the Seja family during World War II, and to the arrest of L. Seja by Soviet authorities at the end of the war.

Selden (Elizabeth S.) papers

Clippings, writings, and notes, relating to conditions in Germany following World War II, the Berlin blockade, reparations, displaced persons, and denazification.

Selected materials in the Central Military Archive of Poland microfilm

Relates to Polish military activities during and after World War II, during the period from 1939 to 1968. Filmed from Polish governmental and military records in the Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe, Warsaw, Poland. Description of the materials from the Library of...

Selic (Momcilo) mimeograph

Relates to the rule of President Josip Broz Tito in Yugoslavia. Includes clippings (in French) relating to the imprisonment of M. Selic for circulating this writing.

Selling (Lowell Sinn) printed material

Relates to the psychological condition of men rejected for militay service in the United States during World War II. Published in the New York State Journal of Medicine, Vol. I, No. 13, July 1, 1941.

Sellmann (Hedwig) letters

Letters from German soldiers, relating to German military operations on the Eastern front during World War II.

Selzam (Edwart von) deposition

Relates to the activities of Ernst von Weizsaecker as secretary of state in the German Foreign Office, 1938-1943, and to the war crime charges brought against Weizsaecker at the Nuremberg trials. Includes translation.

Semchevskii (Konstantin Vasil'evich) papers

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian Civil War in Siberia, and to Russian émigré affairs.

Semeka (Sergei Aleksandrovich) diaries

The collection contains Semeka's diaries relating to administration of medical services in the Soviet army during World War II.

Semenov (Evgenii Petrovich) typescript

Relates to allegations of German government subsidies to the Bolsheviks. Written by E. P. Semenov and Pavel Miliukov. Published in Poslednie novosti, 1921 April.

Semenov (G. (Grigorii)) typescript

Relates to the Russian Civil War in Siberia. Includes a biographical sketch of G. Semenov, circa 1937. Photocopy. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Semenov (Sergei) papers

Legal documents demonstrating Sergei Semenov's relationship to Ataman Grigorii Semenov, one of the signal figures of the Russian Civil War.

Semenova (Viktoriia Grigor'evna) papers

Correspondence, writings, radio broadcast scripts, memoranda, printed matter, and audiovisual material, relating to Radio Liberty broadcasting to the Soviet Union and to Russian emigre affairs.

Semler (Johannes) speech

Relates to Allied economic policy in Germany. Speech delivered before Christlich Sozial Union members of the Bavarian legislature, at Erlangen, Bavaria. Includes commentary by J. Semler, written to defend the criticisms of Allied policy made in his speech.

Sendero Luminoso publications

Serial issues and pamphlets, relating to Maoist guerrilla activities in Peru. Includes issues of and supplements to the newspaper El Diario, and an interview with Abimael Guzmán Reynoso, leader of the organization. Also includes computer disc version of trial records...

Senegalese subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, serial issues, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Senegal.

Senese (Donald J.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, studies, reports, and printed matter, relating to educational policy during the presidential administration of Ronald Reagan, and to the applications of technology to education.

Senior (James K.) papers

Correspondence, diaries, reports, other writings, and certificates, relating to gas warfare in France during World War I, preparations for gas warfare in World War II, and the Alsos mission in 1945 to assess the progress of German scientific warfare research...

Serdici (Georges de, baron) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, press releases, depositions, legal documents, and printed matter, relating to political conditions in Romania; the trial of Iuliu Maniu, Vasile de Serdici and other leaders of the Partidul National Taranesc in 1947; Romanian émigré affairs; the Comitetul National...

Serebrennikov (I. I.) papers

Diaries, correspondence, writings, photographs, clippings, and notebooks relating to the Russian Civil War in Siberia, Russian émigrés in the Far East, and Chinese history and culture. Also available on microfilm (33 reels).

Serebriakova memoir

Relates to activities of L. P. Serebriakov during the Russian Revolution and as a Soviet official in the 1920s. Photocopy.

Serov (IAkov Alekseevich) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, personal documents, and printed matter, relating to political conditions in the Soviet Union.

Servas International records

Bylaws, minutes, manuals, bulletins, newsletters, correspondence, writings, notes, reports, traveler and host lists and files, financial records, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to promotion of peace and international understanding, and especially to sponsorship of international travelers and international hospitality....

Seryshev (Innokentii Nikolaevich) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian Orthodox Church abroad, Russian émigré affairs, and the promotion of Esperanto.

Seth (Ronald) holograph

Relates to anti-Nazi resistance movements in Western Europe during World War II.

Setina (Jiri) collection

Photocopies of selected minutes, reports, memoranda, and letters, of the central committee of the Czechoslovak communist party and the Czechoslovak ministry of the interior, relating to political persecutions in Czechoslovakia, trials and imprisonment for political offenses, forced labor camps, confiscation...

Seward (Samuel Swayze) papers

Correspondence, reports, certificates, citations, passports, medals, photographs, memorabilia, printed matter, and other material, relating to relief work carried out by the Commission for Relief in Belgium and to the operations of the United States Army Ambulance Service in France during...

Sexson (Paul A.) papers

Correspondence, drafts, notes, printed matter, and photographs relating to Herbert Hoover. Includes letters and speech drafts by Hoover.

Seychelles subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, press releases, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Seychelles.

Seymour (J. Matt) collection

Reports, studies, statistics, directives, syllabi, and textbooks, relating to education and development in various African countries, and to education in Malaysia.

Seymour (Jack M.) typescript

Relates to efforts by United Nations observers to monitor a truce between Jewish and Arab forces in Palestine in 1948. Includes a printed article by Seymour on the same subject. Photocopy.

Seyss-Inquart (Arthur) memorandum

Relates to Austrian politics and economics, 1918-1945. Incomplete.

Sgovio (Thomas) papers

Memoir, relating to imprisonment in Soviet forced labor camps also known as the gulags; photocopies of Soviet arrest records and summaries of judicial proceedings, and of United States Federal Bureau of Investigation reports on interviews after repatriation; and 44 original...

Sha (Fei) papers

The Sha Fei 沙飛 papers (1933-2017) include photographs, pictorial publications, correspondence, and printed matter relating to Sha, his family members, and the activities of the Chinese Communist Party's Red Army in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region in Northwest China during Second...

Shaffer (John Richard) papers

Photographs, printed matter, and writings relating to military activities in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II. Includes photographs of Chiang Kai-shek and of General Joseph W. Stilwell.

Shaikevich (Anatolii Efimovich) memoirs

Relates to social conditions in the Soviet Union.

Shalikashvili (Dimitri) writings

Diary and memoirs, relating to Georgian relations with Turkey, 1920- 1921; Georgian refugee life in Turkey and Poland; the Polish Army in the interwar period, and its defeat in 1939; the Georgian Legion in the German Army during World War...

Shanghai (China) Municipal Council proclamation

Relates to emergency measures in Shanghai.

Shanghai Peace Delegation declaration

Relates to a Shanghai delegation sent to the Nationalist government at Nanking to urge a peaceful conclusion to the Chinese Civil War.

Shapiro (Nadia L.) papers

Papers of the Russian-American writer and journalist include writings, letters, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian Civil War in Siberia, and to Russian émigré life in China and the United States. Contains a memoir of the Russian Civil...

Sharify (Nasser) papers

The Nasser Sharify papers document his long career as a librarian, academic, advocate, and consultant. The papers relate in part to the formulation of plans for the creation of a national library for Iran, and to development of library and...

Sharp (Ulysses S. Grant) miscellaneous papers

Transcript of interviews, lecture, memorandum, and photographs, relating primarily to the Vietnamese War.

Sharp (Walter Rice) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, loyalty board interrogatory, and printed matter, relating to administration of the United Nations and other international organizations.

Sharypkin (Ivan Georgievich) writings

Relates to the Soviet Union during World War II.

Shattan (Joseph) papers

Speeches of Jeane Kirkpatrick, Elliott Abrams, William Bennett, George Shultz, and Dan Quayle, letters, memoranda, testimony, bulletins, and printed matter, relating to American foreign and domestic policy during the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, to human rights violations...

Shaw (John Putnam) papers

Writings, personnel records, correspondence, memoranda, and press releases, relating to Soviet-American disarmament negotiations and to world communism.

Shawa (Izzidine) interview summary

Relates to political conditions in the Middle East. Interview conducted in Los Angeles, August 29, 1946.

Shawkat (Hamid) collection

This collection is comprised of newsletters, newspapers, journals, pamphlets, booklets, reports, and other writings issued by the Confederation of Iranian Students National Union (CISNU) and other Iranian student groups in Europe and abroad. These materials relate to political conditions and...

Shchepikhin (Sergei Afanasevich) papers

Diaries and writings relating to the retreat of the Russian Volunteer Armies toward Siberia, the government of Grigorii Semenov, Japanese intervention in the Siberian Far East, and the military activities of the Ural Cossacks against the Bolsheviks. Also available on...

Shcherbachev (Dmitrii G.) papers

Correspondence, orders, reports, and printed matter, relating to Russian military operations during World War I, Russian prisoners of war in Germany, and the Russian Revolution and Civil War.

Shebeko (Boris Konstantinovich) photographs

Depicts Russian domestic life before the Russian Revolution, members of the Romanov family and Russian court, military scenes from the Russian Civil War, and Russian émigrés abroad following the revolution.

Sheiman (Boris) translations

Soviet statutes and articles published in Soviet journals, 1932-1938, relating to the Soviet judicial and penal systems, labor, social and welfare legislation, and the legal position of the family in Soviet society.

Shekerjian (Haig) papers

Correspondence, notes, speeches, and medals, relating to American chemical warfare activities during World War II

Sheldon (Donald R.) papers

Letters, diaries, reports, orders, personnel records, printed matter, and photographs, relating primarily to conditions in Germany under Allied occupation after World War II, and to the educational policy of the Allied military government, especially in Munich.

Shelekhova-Benke (M.) diary

Relates to conditions in a displaced persons camp in Austria.

Shelton (Frederick D.) collection

Campaign literature and clippings, relating to the 1928 campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination.

Shen (Junshan) photograph collection

Depicts a demonstration in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Shen (Keqin) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to General Sun Liren, Chinese military operations in Burma during World War II, the Chinese Civil War, and political conditions in Taiwan. Includes papers of Sun Liren.

Shepard (Louise Cleveland) scrapbook

Clippings, programs, and autographs, relating to musical performances and society news.

Shepherd (George W.) papers

Memoirs, study, certificates, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to social and political conditions in China, Chiang Kai-shek, and the New Life Movement.

Sherley (Swagar) interview summary

Relates to Congressional passage of a $100,000,000 appropriation for European relief in 1919.

Sherman (Murray P.) papers

Photographs and miscellany, relating to Nuremberg trials of German war criminals in 1945. Includes official identification photographs of defendants.

Sherwell (G. Butler) collection

Newspaper clippings relating to the visit of President-elect Herbert Hoover to Latin America. Clippings from Argentine and Brazilian newspapers.

Sherwin (Samuel B.) papers

Transcripts of speeches and Congressional testimony, studies, and reports, relating to American commercial policy.

Sherwood (Edward J.) collection

Photographs of scenes at the Nuremberg war crime trials of major Nazi war criminals, miscellaneous mimeographed and printed material issued during the trial, organization charts of the Nazi high command, and photographs of major Allied military leaders in Germany in...

Shevardnadze (Eduard Amvrosievich) radio interview transcripts

Computer disc transcripts of radio interviews, relating to Georgian internal and foreign policy.

Shevelev (Klavdii Valentinovich) papers

Birth certificate, White Russian Naval Ministry identification document, International Refugee Organization documents, and photographs, relating to the naval career and émigrélife of K. V. Shevelev. Photocopy.

Sheviakov family papers

Correspondence and photographs, relating to social conditions in the Soviet Union and to the Russian émigrécommunity. Includes letters from family members who remained in the Soviet Union and from family members who emigrated.

Shigemitsu (Mamoru) sketch books

Depicts scenes at the proceedings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Digital copy. Digital copies of select records also available at

Shih (Rock J.) papers

The Rock J. Shih 石銳 papers (1948-2013) contain writings, correspondence, photographs, certificates, and memorabilia relating to Shih's military career as a Signal Communication Officer and English translator for the Republic of China's army, as well as materials related to his...

Shil'nikov (Ivan Fedorovich) typescript

Relates to military operations of the Zabaikal Cossack Division in World War I. Published as 1-aia Zabaikal'skaia Kazach'ia Diviziia v Velikoi Evropeiskoi Voine 1914-1918g (Harbin, 1933)

Shimazu (Sōji) papers

Major (later Lieutenant Colonel) Shimazu served in the accounting department of the Japanese Imperial Navy. The Shimazu Sōji papers includes includes bulletins, drafts, correspondence, reports, course material, and other documents from Shimazu Sōji's time as a student at the University...

Shimizu (Iwao) papers

Iwao Shimizu (1915–1976) was a journalist who was the president of Hokubei Mainichi and founded the Totalizer at the Tanforan Assembly Center.The Iwao Shimizu papers include digitized journals and interviews about the Tule Lake segregation center and memorabilia from the...

Shimkin (Demitri Boris) mimeograph

Relates to the extent and distribution of Soviet mineral resources and production.

Shinkarenko (Gregory G.) papers

Writings, translations, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to Russian émigré life, fictional and historical writing by Russian émigrés (especially regarding Russian naval history), and the right-wing Russian émigré party Mladorosskaia Partiia.

Shinkarenko (Nikolai Vsevolodovich) memoirs

The Nikolaĭ Vsevolodovich Shinkarenko memoirs contain material relating to Russian cavalry operations in World War I, White Russian military operations in the Russian Civil War, Spanish military operations in Africa, and Francoist military operations in the Spanish Civil War. Includes...

Shinoda (Jisaku) papers

Correspondence, reports, and memoranda relating to territorial issues between China and Korea and to the Kanto region of China.

Shinyo Maru bulletins

Relates to wireless dispatches reporting the outbreak of World War I. Issued on board the Shinyo Maru, August 3-4, 1914.

Shipman (Charles) papers

Contains correspondence, memoirs, meeting minutes, plays, clippings, notes, and photographs relating to the life of Charles Shipman. Shipman was active in anti-war, anti-imperialist, and communist groups in the United States. He was also a delegate to the second and sixth...

Shishkin (V. I.) collection

Laws, regulations, reports, directives, and memoranda, by Soviet governmental and communist party agencies, relating to the Russian Revolution and Civil War in western Siberia, and to collectivization, peasant revolts, and operations of the Soviet secret police in the Novosibirsk region...

Shishmanian (John Amar) papers

Correspondence, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia relating to the Armenian-Turkish conflict at the end of World War I, and to the Armenian question at the Paris Peace Conference.

Shjeflo (Walter E.) papers

This collection contains correspondence, legal records, and printed matter relating to efforts to determine the fate and resolve the legal status of American servicemen captured or missing in action during the Vietnam War. Includes copies of military records and other...

Shkurkin (Pavel Vasil'evich) papers

Diaries, correspondence, speeches and writings, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia relating to the Russian community in China, the history and culture of East Asia, Russian culture, and Russian émigré affairs. Includes papers of other Shkurkin family members and papers of...

Shkuro (Andrei Grigor'evich) letter

Relates to Russian émigrépolitics.

Shlaudeman (Harry W.) papers

Harry W. Shlaudeman served in the US Foreign Service from 1955 to 1992. He was Executive Director of the Bipartisan Commission on Central America (Kissinger Commission 1983-1984) and Presidential Special Envoy to Central America (1984-1986). The Harry W. Shlaudeman papers...

Shmulevsky (Abraham Benjamin) papers

Correspondence, personal and identification documents, and school records, relating to the Russian community in Shanghai.

Shneyeroff (M. M.) papers

Memoirs, writings, and photographs, relating to the Russian revolutionary movement in the early twentieth century.

Shockley (William) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, press releases, and circulars, relating to international protest of Soviet reprisals against the dissident physicist Andrei Sakharov. Photocopy.

Shoemaker (Harry Earl) miscellaneous papers

Photographs, clippings, and miscellanea, relating to naval aviation and the career of H. E. Shoemaker. Includes photographs of American naval personnel in China, circa 1914, and of the United States Naval Air Station, Sunnyvale, California, 1933-1934.

Shoemaker (James H.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, orders, manuals, printed matter, and photographs, relating to economic warfare during World War II, the bombing of Japan, American military government in Japan and Korea, and the economy of Hawaii.

Shokat (Parviz) collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, bulletins, newsletters, flyers, and leaflets issued by Iranian student groups abroad and leftist Iranian political groups in exile relating to political conditions and civil liberties in Iran, political opposition to the Pahlavi monarchy, and communist movements in...

Shoriki (Matsutaro) miscellany

Memoranda and pamphlets by M. Shoriki and others, relating to his plans for the development of Japanese and international telecommunications systems.

Short review of the development of Latvian literature mimeograph

This collection contains a mimeograph of a short review of the development of Latvian literature....

Short (Walter Campbell) papers

Writings, correspondence, defense statements, photographs, film, scrapbooks, certificates, clippings, congressional prints, and other printed matter relating to Lieutenant General Walter Campbell Short, especially his military career and investigations of defense preparations at the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl...

Shotwell (James Thomson) typescript

Describes the site of World War I battles between Canadian and German troops in Belgium in 1918.

Shoup (David M.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, writings, printed matter, photographs, sound recordings, and motion picture film relating to the Tarawa campaign, other World War II campaigns in the Pacific Theater, post-war activities of the Marine Corps, service as the Commandant of the Marine Corps,...

Shoup (Mrs. Jack W.) letters

Relates to conditions in relocation centers of Japanese-Americans in the United States during World War II. Written by interned Japanese-Americans.

Shrewsbury (Kenneth O.) papers

Photographs, clippings, and miscellanea, relating to the activities of volunteer American aviators who formed the Kosciuszko Squadron of the Polish Army during the Polish-Russian War, 1919-1921.

Shriver (Harry Clair) collection

Clippings, pamphlets, writings, directives, and regulations, relating to government censorship, propaganda, and civil liberties in the United States during World War II.

Shu'a'iyan (M.) papers

The writings of Iranian leftist, M. Shu'ā'iyān, consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, poetry, and notes, relate to political conditions in Iran, the Jangal movement, and the career of Iranian premier Mohammed Mossadeq. In addition to these materials are articles written by...

Shugg (Roland P.) papers

Memoranda and correspondence, relating to American military aid to Turkey, and to American defense policy.

Shultz (George Pratt) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, studies, printed matter, photographs, phonotapes, videotapes, and memorabilia, relating to American domestic policy and foreign relations, especially during the presidential administrations of Richard M. Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Included are materials from his years...

Shuman (Ronald Buswell) papers

Dissertation, correspondence, military orders and personnel records, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to various aspects of business education, and to American military operations in the European Theater during World War II.

Shutko (IAkov Ivanovich) collection

Reports, orders, and correspondence, relating to Russian troops stationed at La Courtine, France, during World War I, and to revolutionary movements among the troops.

Shvetzoff (Dimitri A.) typescript

Relates to the activities of the Russian Imperial Horse Guard Regiment during the Russian Revolution and Civil War. Photocopy.

Siarkiewicz (Marian) processed volume

Relates to conditions of Polish soldiers in German prison camps during World War II.

Siberia (Provisional Government, 1917-1918) miscellaneous records

Proclamations, memoranda, and reports, including some issuances of United States Army forces in Siberia, relating to the Provisional Government, and to the Civil War in Siberia.

Siberia typescript

The collection consists of a typescript by George H. Quinn, "Siberia". Quinn was a United States military officer who served with the American Expeditionary Force in Siberia from 1918 to 1919.

Sicular (Terry) papers

The Terry Sicular papers (1987-1988) consist of a set of completed household survey questionnaires from rural Qingyuan County, Guangdong province, China from the late 1980s.

Sidney Hook Reconsidered conference proceedings

Videotape footage and sound recordings, relating to the American philosopher Sidney Hook.

Sidor (Karol) papers

Correspondence, writings, diaries, printed matter, and photographs relating to inter-war politics in Czechoslovakia, the independent Slovak state during World War II, and post-war Slovak émigré affairs. Includes papers of other members of the Sidor family.

Siebecke (Horst) sound recordings

Speeches and radio broadcasts by prominent German political leaders, 1914-1945, relating to World War I, the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich and World War II, selected and edited by H. Siebecke.

Siebert (Friedrich) typescript

Relates to German military operations in France in 1940. Includes related military documents, printed matter and photographs of Lieutenant H. Beckmann regarding operations of Infanterie-Division 44 and of Grenadier-Regiment 852 during World War II.

Siedlar-Kolyszko (Teresa) photographs

Letters, photographs, and phonotape cassettes, relating to Polish minority communities in the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan. Photographs include depictions of buildings and people from Polish minority communities in Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.

Siedlce miscellaneous records

Decrees, directives, reports, correspondence, and logbook, relating to various aspects of governmental administration in Siedlce province, especially economic policy, division of land, prosecutions for violation of economic decrees, and church-state relations. Includes miscellaneous records of district governments within Siedlce province.

Siemionow (Jerzy) papers

Writings, notes, letters, clippings, and personal documents, relating to Russian émigréaffairs.

Sierra Leone subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, studies, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Sierra Leone.

Siewers (Margaret) papers

Diary, letters, printed matter, photographs, postcards, and memorabilia, relating to Secretary of State E. R. Stettinius, and to American foreign policy at the end of World War II.

Sighet Memorial collection

Sound recordings of interviews of former prisoners, relating to the status of civil liberties and to political and religious repression under the communist regime in Romania.

Siial'skii (Vladimir Pavlovich) collection

Excerpts from official regimental journals, diaries, letters, and reminiscences, relating to military operations of the Russian 3-ia Gvardeiskaia Pekhotnaia Diviziia, 1914 July-December, including the August campaign in Eastern Prussia.

Sikorski (Wladyslaw) miscellaneous papers

Speeches, writings, and correspondence, relating to the conditions and events in Poland during World War II, and the roles of Germany and the Soviet Union in the occupation of Poland and the outbreak of the war.

Sikstulis (Janis) papers

Newspaper issues, other printed matter, and photographs relating to the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Siktanc (Karel) miscellaneous papers

Relates to Czech literature.

Silberman (Laurence H.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, studies, testimony, legal documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to U.S. government domestic policy during the presidential administrations of Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford, labor relations, investigations of the United Mine Workers,...

Silingas (Stasys) papers

Correspondence, identification documents, printed matter, miscellany, and photographs, relating mainly to imprisonment of Stasys Silingas in Siberia after 1940.

Silins (Leonids) typescript

Relates to the Latvijas Centrala Padome, an underground Latvian nationalist organization during World War II. Photocopy.

Sillin (Lelan Flor) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, minutes, reports, studies, manuals, and meeting materials relating to the electric and nuclear power industries and to environmental and energy policy in the United States, especially to activities of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Northeast...

Silva (Cassio Aires da) typescript

Relates to political, social and economic conditions in Angola. Includes photographs.

Silva (Leonel Pedro Banha da) typescript

Relates to the tourist industry in Africa, and to its potential development in the Portuguese colonies of Africa. Report to the Portuguese Agência Geral do Ultramar. Includes photographs.

Silver (George and Hanna) papers

Correspondence, reports, translations of memoirs, printed matter, and photographs relating to the anti-Nazi movement in Germany during World War II, and to post-war labor in occupied Germany. Includes papers of Hanna Silver, a Jewish resident of Germany during the war...

Silverlock (John) letters

Includes the British businessman in China's letters to parents, relating to the tea trade between Great Britain and China.

Silvey (Jack, collector) Motion Picture Film

Depicts miscellaneous American military operations during World War II.

Simaite (Ona) papers

Correspondence, notes, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to underground aid to the Jewish ghetto inhabitants of Vilnius, Lithuania, during the German occupation, 1941-1944.

Siminskii (Georgii Konstantinovich) papers

Writings, letters, passports, certificates, and photographs, relating to the Russian Civil War, the nature of communism, and the imprisonment of G. K. Siminskii by French authorities in 1945 as a suspected German collaborator.

Simmons (Robert Glenmore) papers

Memoirs, speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, and clippings, relating to American politics and Nebraska state politics. Includes correspondence with Herbert Hoover. In part, photocopy.

Simoncic (Klement) papers

Correspondence, radio broadcast scripts, reports, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to Radio Free Europe broadcasts to Czechoslovakia, and to activities of the Society of International Broadcasters in representing the interests of current and retired RFE/RL employees.

Simonet (Joseph) typescript

Relates to Belgian military activities during World War I.

Simonlatser (Albert) diary

Relates to the Soviet occupation of Estonia in 1940, conditions in camps for Estonian displaced persons in Germany during and after World War II, and the emigration of the Simonlatser family to the United States in 1949.

Simonov (Igor Vladimirovich) papers

Election campaign literature, Soviet criminal police records, serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, studies, statistical data, and other printed matter relating to political conditions and elections in Russia, and especially to the Demokraticheskai͡a partii͡a Rossii. Also includes political campaign materials from...

Simovic (Dusan T.) writings

Consists of correspondence, speeches, a memoir and a diary documenting Simović's military career, Serbian military operations during World War I, political conditions in Yugoslavia prior to World War II, the Yugoslav coup d'état of 27 March 1941, and the government-in-exile...

Simpson (Helen) papers

Correspondence and clippings, relating to the Russian political leader Aleksandr Kerensky. Includes letters by Kerensky.

Simpson (John L.) collection

Photographs, depicting war damage in France during World War I; and French and Belgian municipal currency from World War I.

Simpson (Robert Moore) papers

Orders, certificates, and miscellanea, relating to American bombing operations in the Pacific and European Theaters during World War II.

Sinclair (Louis) typescript

Calendar of documents of the International Secretariat of the Fourth International, 1929-1940, located in the Leon Trotsky Papers at Houghton Library, Harvard University, and elsewhere. Includes index. Photocopy.

Sinclair (Robert L.) papers

Writings, correspondence, reports, studies, and conference materials, relating to activities of the Coalition for School Improvement, the National Network for Educational Renewal and the National Coalition for Equality in Learning in promoting cooperation between elementary and secondary schools and university...

Singapore Criminal Investigation Department mimeograph

Relates to the work of the Singapore police in combating crime and political terrorism.

Siniavskii (Andrei) papers

Writings, diaries, correspondence, interrogation and trial records, printed matter, sound recordings, photographs, and memorabilia relating to Russian literature, civil rights in the Soviet Union, political trials and conditions of political prisoners in the Soviet Union, and Russian émigré affairs. Includes...

Sino-American Conference proceedings

Relates to current conditions in China and prospects for future developments.

Sino-Judaic Institute records

Memoirs, letters, personal identification documents, financial reports, bylaws, printed matter, photographs, and audiovisual material relating to Russian, Polish, other European Jews, and Jewish communal organizations in China, especially in Shanghai. Includes photocopy of a register of Polish citizens in China...

Skal'skii (Vladimir Evgen'evich) memoir

Relates to White Russian military operations against the Bolsheviks in 1918, and to the escape of V. E. Skalskii from Bolshevik captivity, 1918. Photocopy.

Skarzynski (Tadeusz) papers

Letters, notes, identification papers, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, and miscellany relating to Polish émigré affairs.

Skeehan (Olga B.) papers

Letters, memoranda, postcards, clippings, printed matter, and memorabilia, relating to World War II, and to American Red Cross work with American servicemen. Includes postcards of Adolf Hitler.

Skinner (Emmett W.) papers

Serial issues, directories, writings, clippings, photographs, and miscellany, relating to Japanese military operations in China, Americans in China, and activities of former Americans in China.

Skinner (Kiron K.) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, and reviews, relating to Ronald Reagan. Includes drafts of, and research material used for, the books (New York, 2001), Reagan's Path to Victory (New York, 2004), and (Stanford, 2008), all edited in whole or in part by...

Sklenarz-Bokota family papers

Memoirs, genealogical data, printed matter, personal documents, and photographs, relating to conditions in Poland during World War II and to immigration to the United States. Includes papers of Józef Bokota, his son Stanislaw Bokota, and Krystyna Maria Sklenarz Bokota, wife...

Skobov (Aleksandr Valer'evich) papers

Writings, circulated material, election campaign literature, and printed matter, relating to political conditions in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.

Skubik (Stephen J.) papers

Memoirs, reports, depositions, and propaganda leaflets, relating to apprehension and interrogation of Nazi party members by American military authorities in Germany in 1945; communist activities in Germany in 1945; and the death of General George S. Patton and allegations that...

Skuse (Paul Howard) papers

Reports, memoranda, press releases, correspondence, reports, and job description, relating to police administration in the American-occupied Ryukyu Islands after World War II. Photocopy.

Skvorecky (Josef) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, and photographs relating to Czech and world literature, Czech culture, political and social conditions in Czechoslovakia, and Czech émigré life.

Sky (Anastasia) papers

Contains two memoirs; one in Russian and one in English.

Slaughter (Moses Stephen) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, photographs, memorabilia, and printed matter, relating to relief activities of the Red Cross in Italy at the end of World War I and to the occupation of Fiume by the forces of Gabriele d'Annunzio. Includes papers of Gertrude...

Slaviane v Amerikie typescript

Relates to Czechs, Slovaks, Russians, Ukrainians, Yugoslavs, and Poles in North and South America; their national organizations and political activities during World War I. Written by a Russian diplomatic agent in the United States.

Slavik (Jan) proof sheets

Relates to Czechoslovakia in the Munich crisis of 1938.

Slavik (Juraj) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, dispatches, memoranda, telegrams, clippings, and photographs relating to Czechoslovak relations with Poland and the United States, political developments in Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak emigration and émigrés, and anti-Communist movements in the United States.

Slavov (Atanas) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to Bulgarian civilization and literature, and to dissident intellectuals in Bulgaria.

Slavsky (Galina) collection

Clippings, photographs, sound recordings, videotape cassettes, and miscellany, relating mainly to the Russian writer Joseph Brodsky.

Sliupas (Vytautas J.) collection

Video tapes of political demonstrations, demonstrations against pollution of the Baltic Sea, and local ceremonies, in Lithuania, 1988; related clippings; transcript of a speech by V. J. Sliupas relating to impressions after a visit to Lithuania, 1988; and writings by...

Sloan (Raymond McKnight) papers

The Raymond McKnight Sloan papers (1920-1926) consists of correspondence, reports, financial records, photographs, and ephemera relating to the American Relief Administration operations in Russia.

Sloane (Charles Francis) papers

The Charles Francis Sloane papers consist of scrapbooks, writings, correspondence, public safety publications, photographs, slides, and other materials that primarily relate to police training, counter-insurgency warfare, and South Vietnamese police activities during the Vietnam War.

Sloss (Leon) papers

Reports, studies, and other writings, relating to American nuclear weapons strategy.

Slosson (Preston W.) letter

Relates to the existence and location of records of the proceedings of the Paris Peace Conference.

Slovak League of America. Congress resolution

Relates to the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Slovak League of America. Addressed to the president and secretary of state of the United States, and the American ambassador to the United Nations.

Slovak subject collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, election campaign literature, other printed matter, and memorabilia, relating to various aspects of twentieth-century Slovak history and politics, including the Soviet invasion of 1968 and the end of the communist regime in 1989; and to post-1989 political,...

Slovenian subject collection

Printed matter and video tapes, relating to aspects of the history of Slovenia, and especially to the establishment of Slovenian independence.

Slowikowski (Mieczyslaw Zygfryd) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, radio and telegraph dispatches, charts, and lists, relating to Polish intelligence operations in French North Africa and the evacuation of Polish troops from France in 1940.

Sluchevsky (Nicholas) collection

Writings and translations, relating to Prince Vladimir Meshcherskii, adviser to Tsars Alexander III and Nicholas II of Russia. Includes transcripts of their corespondence.

Slutsky (Leonid) collection

Miscellany relating to forced labor camps in the Soviet Union. Includes photographs of a labor camp and a labor camp newspaper issue.

Smarandache (Florentin) papers

Writings and biographical data relating to Romanian literature and to Romanians in the United States.

Smith (Bradley F.) miscellaneous papers

Interview and other notes, letters received, and printed matter, relating to American and British cryptological and electronic intelligence during World War II. Used as research material for the book by B. F. Smith, The Ultra-Magic Deals and the Most Secret...

Smith (Bruce M.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes of meetings, and clippings, relating to American commercial relations with China, and to the views of American businessmen in China regarding American foreign policy in China.

Smith (Clint E.) miscellaneous papers

Letter, official publications on governance of elections and list of participating political parties, newspaper issues, and photographs, mainly relating to the Romanian elections of May 1990.

Smith (Dan T.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, minutes, reports, memoranda, notes, clippings, and other printed matter, relating primarily to tax policy in the U.S.

Smith (Douglas) miscellaneous papers

Memoir, leaflets, printed matter, photographs, posters, and research materials related to Smith's research on Rasputin, the attempted coup in the Soviet Union in 1991, and the American Relief Administration.

Smith (Earl E. T.) papers

Collection contains materials relating to American relations with Cuba and to the Cuban revolution of 1959. Includes drafts of the memoir by Earl E. T. Smith, (New York, 1962).

Smith (Eddie) diary extracts

Relates to the Peace Corps and social conditions in Ghana. Edited by George Jenkins. Revised version published under the title Where Now Black Man?

Smith (Edward Ellis) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter, bibliographies, and photographs relating to the tsarist Russian secret police, the youth of Joseph Stalin, Roman Malinovskii (Malinovsky), and the history of Soviet espionage. Digital copies of select records also available at

Smith (Harold) sound recording

Relates to American and Philippine guerrilla military activities on Leyte. Recorded by the Mutual Broadcasting System.

Smith (Henry B.) papers

Diaries, correspondence, reports, memoranda, financial records, printed matter, and photographs, relating to American food relief in Europe, economic reconstruction in Poland, and agricultural market conditions in Europe.

Smith (Jack A.) typescript

Relates to White Russian military activities and Japanese intervention in Siberia during the Russian Civil War.

Smith (Jessica) reports

Relates to famine conditions in the Bashkir area of the Soviet Union.

Smith (Nicol) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, military orders and dispatches, interview transcripts, printed matter, and photographs, relating to world travel, and to Office of Strategic Services operations in France and Thailand during World War II. Includes research materials collected by Sharon E....

Smith (R. Harris) papers

Correspondence and writings relating to operations of the United States Office of Strategic Services during World War II, and to Allen Dulles and post-war operations of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Includes research material for the book by R....

Smith (Ralph Corbett) papers

Correspondence, diaries, reports, writings, and printed matter relating to the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I, activities of the Command and General Staff School and Army War College in the inter-war period, and American military operations in...

Smith (Ralph Elberton) typescript

Relates to grading systems in American colleges and universities. Photocopy.

Smith (Robert) reports

Relates to political and economic conditions in Manchuria and Mongolia, and to Soviet-Japanese relations.

Smith (Robinson) writings

Memoir entitled , relating to the administration of the Commission for Relief in Belgium by Herbert Hoover; and a pamphlet entitled, relating to Commission for Relief in Belgium food relief.

Smith (Thor M.) papers

Letters, press releases, speeches, and writings, relating to Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces, in England and France during World War II, and especially to the Allied invasion of Normandy. Photocopy.

Smith (Truman) papers

The Truman Smith papers (in part, photocopies) relate to the German army between World Wars I and II, national socialism in Germany, American military intelligence activities before and during World War II, and post-war American military policy. The collection is...

Smith (Walter Gifford) papers

Notes, printed news dispatches, book, and photographs, relating to the Sino-Japanese War.

Smith-Hutton (Henri Harold) papers

Transcript of an oral interview, memoranda, correspondence, photographs, and cartoons, relating to American-Japanese relations immediately before the attack on Pearl Harbor, American naval intelligence during World War II, and postwar activities of Radio Free Europe.

Smolin (I. S.) typescript

Relates to the discovery of the bodies of members of the Russian royal family at Alapaevsk, Russia, in 1918. Translated by W. Yourieff.

SMOT (Svobodnoe mezhprofessional'noe ob'edinenie trudiashchikhsia) records

Correspondence, circulated and internal documents, and printed matter, relating to the labor movement in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.

Smyke (Raymond J.) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets, relating to the American educator William G. Carr. Includes correspondence with and printed copies of writings by Carr.

Snap-spots of my life in Russia from 1917

Memoir by an unidentified Russian woman, member of a family of landowners and subsequently an émigré in Turkey, relating to conditions in St. Petersburg and in the Russian countryside during the Russian Revolution.

Snekvik (Andrew) processed volume

Relates to the study of Russian history in the United States. Includes sound recordings of interviews with American historians used as research material for the study.

Snell (Jane) collection

Clippings, newspaper issues, letters, and memorabilia, relating to public activities of Herbert Hoover.

Sniecinski (Jozef) collection

Writings, bulletins, press releases, government documents, trade union documents, and printed matter, relating to domestic conditions, economic policy, foreign relations, and trade union activity in Poland under the communist regime.

Sniegon (Tomas) interviews

Recordings of interviews of Soviet politicians relating to political conditions in the Soviet Union in the late Soviet period.

Snigirevskii (Konstantin Vasil'evich) holograph

Relates to a Russian organization founded in the nineteenth century for the care of wounded soldiers.

Snook (Mrs. John) papers

Correspondence, pamphlets, and clippings, relating to the deportation of Belgians to Germany, American prisoners of war in Germany, and relief activities for Belgium during World War I. Includes letters from Herbert Hoover and Queen Elisabeth of Belgium.

Snook (Walter B.) collection

The collection is comprised of photographs of military operations in France during World War I, and reports, surrender instructions, and military newspaper issues, relating to military operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Includes a copy of a...

Snyder (Frederic Sylvester) papers

Correspondence and memoranda, relating to the United States Food Administration, World War I, and the Snyder family genealogy. Photocopy.

Snyder (Harry Roscoe) papers

Datebooks, correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, memoranda, reports, studies, printed matter, maps, posters, and photographs relating to Arabian American Oil Company personnel training and education in Saudi Arabia, American educational assistance in the Middle East, the promotion of Arab-American cultural...

Snyder (W. R.) typescript

Relates to conditions in Santo Tomás and Los Baños prison camps in the Japanese-occupied Philippines. Photocopy.

Soares (Edward J.) collection

United States Army manuals, maps, charts, and miscellany, relating primarily to United States Army ordnance during World War II. Also includes material relating to postwar military intelligence activities, the military occupation of Germany following both world wars, miscellaneous aspects of...

Sobeck (Katherine Ream) papers

Materials in this collection were acquired by Katherine Ream Sobeck. The collection is comprised of memoirs, correspondence, internee lists, newsletters, other printed matter, and photographs related to the experiences of American civilians interned by the Japanese during their occupation of...

Socha-Jakubczyk (Danuta H.) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, bulletins, other printed matter, photographs, and videotape cassettes, relating to activities of the Polish anti-communist organization Wolnosc i Niezawislosc immediately after World War II, and to conditions of political prisoners in Poland.

Socialist Workers Party records

Correspondence, minutes, resolutions, theses, and internal bulletins relating to Trotskyist and other socialist activities in Latin America, Western Europe, Iran, and elsewhere, and to interactions of the Socialist Workers Party with the Fourth International; and trial transcripts, briefs, other legal...

Societe agricole armenienne mimeograph

Relates to agriculture in Armenia in 1913 and 1917-1918.

Societedes amis de l'Espagne reports

Relates to political conditions in Spain, Franco-Spanish relations, and Spanish public opinion regarding World War I.

Society for Educational Reconstruction records

Correspondence, memoranda, conference and meeting agenda, serial issues, other printed matter, photographs, and video tapes, relating to reconstruction in education.

Society for the Prevention of World War III issuances

Press releases, pamphlets, leaflets, and form letters, relating to postwar Allied policy toward Germany, and to the question of recurrent German war guilt. Includes some clippings and other printed matter collected by the society.

Society of Professors of Education records

Correspondence, minutes of meetings, memoranda, newsletters and other publications, conference papers, membership records, and financial records, relating to education of teachers in the United States.

Socjalistyczny Związek Studentów Polskich records

The Socjalistyczny Związek Studentów Polskich of the Instytut Filozofii at the Uniwersytet Warszawski formed in 1978. The collection contains overviews, reports, correspondence, memoranda, and printed matter.

Sofaer (Abraham D.) papers

The Abraham D. Sofaer papers document Sofaer's work as a former United States District Judge (1980-1985) and Legal Adviser to the State Department of the United States (1985-1990), along with his tenure as a professor of law at Columbia Law...

Soiuz leib-gvardii tsarskosel'skikh strelkov records

These papers consist of select records of the Soiuz leib-gvardii tsarskosel'skikh strelkov, the veterans association of the Leib-gvardii 2-oi tsarskosel'skii strelkovyi polk.

Soiuz russkikh shofferov records

Correspondence and clippings, relating to the Russian émigré community and to labor conditions in France.

Sokobin (Samuel) papers

Writings relating to books written by Western travelers to China from the sixteenth century through the nineteenth century; and Chinese paintings, scrolls and engravings.

Sokol (Anthony Eugene) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, printed illustrations and diagrams, photographs, and glass slides, relating to Austrian history and culture, and world maritime (especially naval) history; and depicting ships of various historical periods, and scenes of daily life in Indonesia.

Sokolnicki (Michal) papers

Diaries, correspondence, writings, dispatches, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to the Polish nationalist movement before and during World War I, Polish relations with Denmark and Turkey, and the Polish Government- in-Exile during World War II. In part, microfilm of originals...

Sokol'nikov (Grigorii IAkolevich) typescript

Translated by Elena Varneck. Translation published (Stanford, 1931)

Sokolnitskii (V.) typescript

Relates to the activities of Aleksandr Petrovich Kaigorodov, Cossack Ataman and White Russian military leader in Mongolia during the Russian Civil War, 1919-1921. Translated by Elena Varneck.

Sokoloff (Boris) photographs

Depicts scenes of daily life in Russia, primarily in Petrograd, during the Russian Revolution, including scenes of economic production under war communism, destroyed buildings, Soviet leaders and delegates to the Communist International, and examples of Soviet art. Includes holograph commentary...

Sokolov (B. N.) writings

Writings, entitled Soviet Dumping (1931), and Industry in the U.S.S.R. in 1931 (1932), relating to Soviet commerce and industry.

Sokolov (Mikhail) papers

Mikhail Sokolov was a Russian Orthodox priest and former naval officer. Papers primarily relate to Russian military and naval history, particularly the fate of military school cadets and naval officers who emigrated after the 1917 revolution. Contains lists reports, minutes...

Sokolov (Nikolai Alekseevich) miscellaneous papers

Report, 1919, relating to the deaths of Tsar Nicholas II and his family, and books and porcelain used by members of the Romanov family during their captivity in Ekaterinburg.

Sokolsky (George E.) papers

Writings, radio broadcast transcripts, correspondence, printed matter, phonorecords, and photographs, relating to politics, communism, internal security and anti-communist movements in the United States, and to politics and communism in China and elsewhere.

Solc (Jiri) typescript

Relates to activities of Czechoslovak parachute troops trained in Great Britain during World War II to parachute into German-occupied Czechoslovakia.

Soldatov (Aleksandr) papers

Journalist specializing in contemporary church-state relations and religious persecution in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The Aleksandr Soldatov papers includes correspondence, printed matter, reports, interviews, and other papers relating to Soldatov's research concerning church-state relations and religious persecution in the...

Soldiers of the Press sound recordings

News stories by American war correspondents, relating to Allied military, naval, and aerial operations in Europe, North Africa, and the Pacific during World War II.

Sole (Maria A.) collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, internal bulletins, and conference proceedings, issued by Spanish socialist, communist, anarchist, Trotskyist, Maoist and trade-union organizations, and by Catalan and Basque nationalist organizations, relating to conditions in Spain under the regime of Generalissimo Francisco Franco,...

Soler (Dorita) papers

Pamphlets, leaflets, bulletins, posters, and clippings, relating to the work of the United States Committee for the Care of European Children in transporting displaced children to the United States and providing relief aid to them during World War II.

Solid Principles podcast recordings

Digital recordings of interviews and other events relating to domestic political issues in the United States and especially to the Tea Party movement.

Solomon (Samuel) photographs

Scrapbook of photographs depicting U.S. forces in Vladivostok during the Russian Civil War taken by Samuel Solomon. Also Samuel Solomon's honorable discharge certificate.

Soloukhin (Vladimir Alekseevich) writings

Relates to Russian literature. Distributed in samizdat form. Photocopy.

Solovei (Dmytro) typescript

Relates to the history of agrarian cooperatives in Ukraine.

Solov'ev (Emiliian I.) memoirs

Relates to conditions in the Solovetski Islands concentration camp in the Soviet Union, 1925-1932. Photocopy.

Solow (Herbert) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, depositions, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to the communist movement in the United States, the Non-Partisan Defense League, the Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made Against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials, Soviet...

Solski (Waclaw) writings

Memoirs, and a study, relating to Bolshevik agitation in the Russian army during the Russian Revolution, the formation of Soviet policy in literature and other cultural affairs during the 1920s, and Soviet propaganda techniques.

Solzer family correspondence

Relates to German military activities during World War II.

Solzhenitsyn (Aleksandr Isaevich) speeches and writings

Sound recordings of speeches, and typescript and printed copies of speeches and writings, relating to the literary works of A. Solzhenitsyn, and to civil rights in the Soviet Union. Includes the text of his Harvard University commencement address, 1978, and...

Solzhenitsyn (Nataliia) speech

Relates to civil rights in the Soviet Union. Delivered before the Believers of Freedom, Hanover, New Hampshire.

Somali subject collection

Electronic bulletins, serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, communiqués, reports, clippings, studies, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Somalia, and especially to revolutionary movements in Somalia, and to American military intervention in Somalia in 1992.

Somerville (John) papers

Correspondence, writings, and notes, relating to Marxist philosophy, philosophy and education in the Soviet Union, peace and nuclear disarmament movements, and the loyalty-security program in the United States.

Somov (Sergei) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, circulars, leaflets, sound recordings, and video tapes, relating to political conditions in Russia and to activities of Demokraticheskii soiuz.

Song (Feiqing) papers

Correspondence, writings, legal and financial records, printed matter, motion picture film, and audiovisual material relating to operations of the Oriental Corporation in Tianjin, China, and subsequently in Hong Kong.

Song (Qingling) speech

Relates to political conditions in China, and to Sino-American relations.

Sonyi (Hugo) papers

Correspondence, writings, registers, and printed matter, relating mainly to post-World War II Hungarian émigré affairs, and especially to Hungarians in Germany.

Soong (T. V.) papers

The T. V. Soong 宋子文 papers (1920-1999) contains correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, and photographs relating to political and economic conditions in China during the 1930s and 1940s; Chinese foreign relations, especially with the United States; events in China...

Sorensen (Carsten Lehmann) collection

Campaign literature relating to the 1979 elections for the European Parliament. Includes issuances of various Danish political parties, and of federations of other European parties. Photocopy.

Sosin (Gene) papers

The collection includes correspondence, writings, notes, memoranda, radio broadcast transcripts and working materials, and printed matter, relating to Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe broadcasting to the audiences in the Soviet Union, political and social conditions in the Soviet Union,...

Sosnowiecki (Jan) typescript

Relates to conditions in Soviet concentration camps during World War II. Photocopy.

Souchy (Agustin) typescript

Relates to Leon Trotsky. Photocopy.

Soudakoff (Peter) writings

Relates to the Romanov dynasty, Leon Trotsky, and the Russo-Japanese War.

Sousa (Richard) and Hanna Skandera papers

Correspondence, notes, reports, studies, statistics, and printed matter, relating to education in the United States. Used as research material for the book by Hanna Skandera and Richard Sousa, (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2003). Includes drafts of the book.

South Africa. Delegation to the United Nations Conference on International Organization proposal

Relates to the future disposition of the mandated territory of Southwest Africa.

South African Subject collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, reports, leaflets, election campaign literature, flyers, newsletters, other printed matter, letters, sound recordings and video tapes, relating to political, social and economic conditions, apartheid and race relations, and elections in South Africa; revolutionary movements in South Africa,...

South Korea newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The South Korea newspaper collection (1946-1996) comprises nine different titles of publication, in both Korean and English. All of the...

South Pacific Judicial Conference proceedings

Relates to problems of law and administration of justice in the islands of the South Pacific Ocean.

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization issuances

Reports, manuals, and instructional materials, relating to education in various countries of southeast Asia. Includes many issuances of the Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics, in Glugor, Penang, Malaysia.

Southworth (Susan) papers

Susan Southworth managed, with author Lenora Ferro, the project to document the life of Sidney D. Drell through interviews with his family, friends, and colleagues. The collection includes correspondence, interviews, chapter revisions, and photographs.

Souvarine (Boris) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, and printed matter, relating to the French Communist Party, the Communist International, Marxism, Soviet agricultural and economic policies, and political events in twentieth-century Russia. Includes correspondence with Ekaterina Kuskova, Sergei Prokopovich, Nikolai Valentinov, and the Marx-Engels Institute...

Soviet and post-Soviet independent publications collection

Serial issues, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Russia.

Soviet ruble, gold ruble, tchernovetz and ruble-merchandise mimeograph

Relates to the circulation of currency in the Soviet Union. Original article published in Agence économique et financière, 1923 July 18. Translated by S. Uget.

Soviet Treaty Series Project records

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, bibliographies, and translations of published material, relating to Soviet treaties. Project sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Used in preparation of A Calendar of Soviet Treaties, 1917-1957, by Robert M. Slusser and Jan...

Soviet Union. Gosudarstvennyi komitet po kinematografii motion picture film

Relates to the role of the Soviet armed forces during World War II and subsequently.

Soviet Union. Narodnyi komissariat finansov. Sekretariat miscellaneous records

Resolutions, protocols, and minutes of meetings, relating to financial and economic policy in the Soviet Union. Includes resolutions of the TSentral'nyi Ispolnitel'nyi Komitet, the Sovet Narodnykh Komissarov, and the Sovet Truda i Oborony.

Soviet Union. Narodnyi komissariat po inostrannym delam diagrams

Illustrates the organization of the commissariat.

Soviet Union. Voenno-Morskoi Flot photographs

Photographs depicting Soviet naval leaders, ships, and sailors.

Soviet-Polish dispute typescript

Relates to historical, political, and legal aspects of the boundary dispute between Poland and the Soviet Union, 1918-1945. Signed I. I. D.

Sowers (Margaret Cosgrave) papers

Correspondence, clippings, serial issues, other printed matter, and mimeographed material, relating to the internment of Japanese Americans in relocation centers during World War II.

Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands issuances

Reports, pamphlets, and leaflets, relating to the 1929 election campaign of the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands in Germany; clandestine anti-fascist activities of the party, 1933-1938; conditions in Germany during World War II and wartime activities of German socialists in Great Britain;...

Sozialistische Arbeiterhilfe leaflet

Lists rules of conduct for underground anti-fascists in Germany.

Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands miscellaneous records

Miscellaneous memoranda and reports, relating to party administration and to political, economic, and cultural activities in various parts of East Germany.

Spain newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Spain newspaper collection (1906-1977) comprises sixty-nine different Spanish-language titles of publication. All titles within this collection have been further...

Spalding (Merrill Ten Broeck) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian Revolution and Soviet foreign policy; various aspects of Soviet society from 1917 to World War II, including economic conditions and labor; and nineteenth and twentieth century European...

Spangenberg (Karl R.) papers

Medal of Freedom and associated documentation, relating to scientific research during World War II.

Spanish subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, bulletins, serial issues, election campaign literature, clippings, and video tapes, relating to various aspects of twentieth-century Spanish history and politics, and especially to the Spanish Civil War and pro-Republican Spanish refugees in France.

Sparks (B. Abbott) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, agreements, press releases, clippings, serial issues, and photographs, relating to publication of Inzhener-neftianik, a Russian-language edition of the American journals Petroleum Engineer and Pipeline and Gas Journal, for distribution in the Soviet Union.

Spartacist League of the U.S. records

Records of the American Trotskyist political organization include minutes, internal bulletins, pamphlets, position papers, press releases, flyers, and leaflets relating to Trotskyist political activities in the United States. Includes issuances of youth groups and international affiliates of the Spartacist League.

Spasokukots'kyi (Serhii) photographs

Depicts social and political scenes in Ukraine, including nationalist gatherings and demonstrations, religious services, ceremonies marking the establishment of Ukrainian independence, and sessions of Ukrainian governmental bodies.

Spasowski (Romuald) papers

Memoirs, other writings, notes, correspondence, personal documents, printed matter, photographs, audiotapes, and videotape interviews, relating to conditions in Poland during World War II, postwar Polish foreign policy, Polish-American relations, and post-1981 political conditions in Poland. Video use copies of videotape...

Spaulding (Seth Joseph) papers

Correspondence, reports, studies, bulletins, newsletters, appointment and note books, and printed matter, relating to education in, and educational assistance to, underdeveloped countries, especially in relation to their economic development.

Spencer (David) collection

Salvadoran military interrogation and other reports, transcripts of interrogations, Salvadoran government press releases, captured guerrilla documents, guerrilla warfare manuals, leaflets, flyers, and photographs relating to guerrilla activities of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front in El Salvador and to allegations...

Spencer (Jane) collection

The Jane Spencer collection contains writings, correspondence, flight logs, lists, printed matter, videotapes of interviews, clippings, and photographs relating to the British Air Transport Auxiliary, an organization of civilian British and American and other foreign pilots of both sexes to...

Speranza (Gino Charles) papers

The papers primarily document Gino Speranza's work as a journalist and foreign correspondent for and the in Italy during the war and political and military attaché for the United States embassy in Rome from 1917 to 1919. The papers are...

Sperr (Ingeborg) memoir

Relates to Rudolf Hess.

Spethmann (Dieter) papers

Relates to German, European and international economic conditions, and especially to the steel industry.

Spielberger (Frederick Clare) papers

Correspondence, writings, personnel records, photographs, and miscellany, relating to Signal Corps photography and recording during World War II. Includes recordings of the Japanese surrender ceremonies aboard the U.S.S. Missouri in 1945.

Spies (Georg) correspondence

Relates to Deutsche Bank efforts to secure oil concessions in Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey. Includes explanatory note by M. J. Larsons.

Spinning (Frederick W.) miscellany

Letters, printed matter, photographs, and military paraphernalia, relating mainly to American military operations during World War I and in the postwar occupation of Germany.

Spitzer (Robert R.) papers

Correspondence, reports, minutes, drafts of writings, printed matter, and audio-visual material, relating to Food for Peace, world food supply and agricultural production, and Wisconsin and United States politics, especially the 1968 and 1972 presidential campaigns of Richard M. Nixon.

Spitzer (Tadeusz B.) memorandum

Relates to post-World War II reconstruction of Europe.

Sprague (Joe S.) typescript

Typescript of "Study in relief : the Commission for Relief in Belgium, 1914-1919."

Spravki o glavnokomanduiushchikh frontami, komandirakh armiiami, komandirakh korpusov i proch holograph

List of commanding officers of the Russian Imperial army at the time of World War I.

Sprenger (Jakob) letter

Relates to national socialism in Germany.

Sprigg (Rodney Searle) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, writings, bulletins, clippings, and photographs, relating to American military activities in Siberia during the Russian Revolution.

Spring (Agnes Wright) collection

Letters from American and Belgian soldiers in France during World War I, relating to military life at the front, and photographs and memorabilia, relating to American soldiers during World War I.

Sprinkle (Robert M.) collection

Reports, pamphlets, serial issues, minutes, conference proceedings, discussion bulletins, and other printed matter, relating to activities of the United States National Student Association and its relation to international student organizations. Consists mainly of issuances of the United States National Student...

Sprouse (Phillip D.) papers

Printed matter, clippings, maps, invitations, programs, diplomatic list, and photographs, relating to American relations with China and Cambodia, the Marshall Mission of 1945-1946, and cultural and political conditions in Cambodia.

Spruance (Raymond Ames) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, addresses, statements, biographical material, and lectures, relating to American naval operations in World War II. Includes correspondence with Presidents Harry S.Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Spunt (Georges) papers

Photographs, motion picture film, video tape, maps, letters, printed matter, miscellany, and memorabilia, relating to social conditions and the European community in Shanghai from the 1910s through the 1940s. Includes printed copies of writings by G. Spunt.

Spychalski (Marian) papers

Memoirs, other writings, clippings, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to underground movements in Poland during World War II, and to postwar political conditions in Poland. Includes a Polish doctoral dissertation by Marek Katolik relating to Marian Spychalski.

Squires (James Duane) typescript

Speech delivered at Urbana, Illinois, December 28, 1933.

St. Gabriel's School photographs

Depicts scenes of commercial and industrial activity in Malaya.

St. John (Stephen) typescript

Relates to a proposed territorial settlement regarding Israel and Palestine. Includes appendices.

Stachiewicz (Waclaw) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, government documents, and printed matter relating to Polish participation in World War II and to Polish émigré affairs.

Stachiewicz (Wanda) processed volume

Relates to social conditions and historical events in Poland up to its defeat in World War II, and to wartime and postwar Polish émigrélife in Canada.

Stachnik (Tadeusz) papers

Pamphlets, serial issues, bulletins, newsletters, leaflets, flyers, memoranda, reports, identification papers, and photographs, relating to political and human rights conditions in Poland, dissent from the communist regime, and the growth of Solidarnosc and other opposition movements.

Stackelberg (Baron Rudolf von) memoir

Relates to activities of Tsar Nicholas II and his court during World War I and the Russian Revolution. Photocopy.

Stader (James A.) papers

Correspondence, reports, orders, photographs, and miscellanea, relating to American Relief Administration activities in Silesia at the end of World War I, the German-Polish territorial dispute over Silesia, and political and economic conditions in the area.

Stadtmuller family correspondence

Relates to German military operations during World Wars I and II. Includes letters from family members and friends serving in the German army.

Stafford (Clayton I.) typescript

Relates to an American naval visit to the Crimea during the Russian Civil War, 1920. Photocopy.

Stafford (Francis E.) photographs

Photographs of scenes in China, mainly between 1909 and 1915, and 1932 and 1933.

Stahlberg (Ester Elfving) miscellaneous papers

Translations of book reviews and letters, relating to two books by Ester St�hlberg, entitled Mathilda Wrede and Mathilda Wredes Testamente, biographies of a Finnish social worker active in work with prisoners, and to the question of their publication in English....

Staley (Eugene) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, reports, studies, conference proceedings, curricular material, and printed matter, relating to international economic development assistance to developing countries, education as a means toward economic development, education in internationalism, international relations, international economic relations, and international...

Stalin video tape

Relates to the life of Joseph Stalin. Includes PAL and VHS versions of finished video, and PAL and VHS versions of raw footage of interviews used in preparation of video. Interviews conducted by Oksana Bulgakova. Produced by Mosfilm.

Stamps collection

Postage stamps from many countries issued at various times.

Stanchov (Dimitri) papers

Correspondence, dispatches, statements, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to Bulgaria and the World War I peace settlement, Bulgarian foreign relations, and national minority problems in Bulgaria.

Stanfield (Boris) interview

Relates to the Revolution and Civil War in Russia. Interview conducted by Anatole Mazour at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Use copy reference number: 76111_a_0012485

Stanford (Barbara Dodds) papers

Writings, course outlines, and other teaching materials, relating to education for peace and conflict resolution. Photocopy.

Stanford Committee for Justice in the Middle East miscellaneous records

Statement of purpose, flyers, petitions, letters to the editor, and clippings, relating to political conditions in the Middle East, and especially to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Stanford communist newspaper issues

Two genuine issues, January-February 1949; and one false issue, actually issued by anti-communists, February 1949.

Stanford Draft Counseling Office collection

Newsletters, handbooks, leaflets, and ephemeral publications of government agencies, legal organizations, and political action groups, relating to military conscription in the United States. Collected by the Stanford Draft Counseling Office at Stanford University.

Stanford (Jane Lathrop) miscellaneous papers

Photocopy of letter, 1895, relating to the prospects of Stanford University and to a United States government lawsuit against the estate of Leland Stanford; and 3 photograph albums of scenes in Japan, presented to Mrs. Stanford upon her visit in...

Stanford Listening Post records

Correspondence, transcripts of radio broadcasts, study papers, notes, and card indexes, relating to radio broadcasts from east and southeast Asia

Stanford Nisei alumni newsletter issues

Relates to Japanese-American activities during World War II.

Stanford Research Institute. China Project newspaper article extracts

Relates to Chinese economic policy, finance and trade, transportation, communications, agriculture, manufacturing, and raw materials. Extracts from Chinese newspapers.

Stanford University 50th anniversary celebration motion picture film

Depicts Herbert Hoover, Ray Lyman Wilbur, and others speaking at the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Stanford University. Includes VHS videocassette viewing copy. Digital copy also available at

Stanford University. Center for International Security and Arms Control information packets

Briefing papers, press releases, transcripts of speeches, unpublished studies, published articles, and clippings, relating to the international security situation and conventional force levels in Europe, negotiations concerning them, political changes in Eastern Europe, and their impact on the security situation.

Stanford University collection

Certificates, leaflets, programs, lists, and miscellany, relating mainly to participation of Stanford University and of Stanford students in the American war effort during the two world wars. Includes certificates from the Fédération interalliée des anciens combattants, 1933, and from the...

Stanford University. Food Research Institute records

Correspondence, reports, and printed matter, relating to the founding and research work of the Institute, and to the production, supply, and marketing of wheat.

Stanford University Institute of Hispanic American and Luso-Brazilian Studies collection

Pamphlets, clippings, and serial issues, relating to political, social, and economic conditions in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal. Collected by the Institute of Hispanic American and Luso-Brazilian Studies at Stanford University

Stangl (Peter) memoirs

Relates to Jewish life in Hungary during World War II and the post-war period, and to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Digital copy also available.

Stansky (Peter) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence with Harry Milton and others, radio broadcast transcript, clippings, photographs, and miscellany, relating to the acquaintanceship of Milton with the British writer George Orwell in Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

Stanton (Charles E.) speech transcript

Relates to the Franco-American alliance during World War I. Speech delivered at the tomb of the Marquis de Lafayette, Paris, July 4, 1917.

Starck (Pia-Maria) papers

Correpondence, minutes, reports, studies, bulletins, newsletters, pamphlets, clippings, serial issues, flyers, and leaflets, relating to student and faculty radicalism and other educational issues in West Germany.

Starek (Jiri) collection

Proclamations, statements, speeches, letters, and legal documents, including clandestine dissident literature, relating to political and social conditions in Czechoslovakia, political trials and the status of civil liberties, the Czech dissident movement, and international communism.

Starewicz (Artur) interview transcript

Relates to political conditions in Poland and to Polish foreign relations. Photocopy.

Stark (Franklin Culver) papers

Writings, correspondence, reports, printed matter, newsletters, conference material, photographs, video and sound recordings, and miscellany, relating to proposals to reform and strengthen the United Nations, and to efforts of the World Peace Through Law Center to promote international law as...

Stark (Herbert S.) photograph collection

Depicts gold mining operations in South Africa, and British troops in South Africa at the time of the Boer War.

Stark (IUrii Karlovich) memoir

Relates to the evacuation of the Siberian Flotilla from Vladivostok via China to the Philippines at the conclusion of the Russian Civil War, 1922-1923. Memoir incomplete, consisting of Parts II and III only. Photocopy.

Stark (Shirley Mae) papers

The papers of Shirley Mae Stark, wife of American prisoner of war William Stark and advocate on behalf of the American prisoners of war (POWs) in Vietnam, consist of correspondence, newsletters, press releases, bulletins, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, and...

Stark (William R.) papers

William Robert Stark, born in 1930 in Indiana, enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1948. Stark served in the Vietnam War and was interned as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam until 1973.The collection includes a letter, photograph, and...

Starr (Chester G.) papers

Memoranda, reports, and printed matter, relating to activities of the Historical Section of the United States Fifth Army in documenting Fifth Army operations in Italy during World War II. Includes pamphlets and serials distributed to American troops.

Starr (Clarence T.) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, transcripts of testimony, and printed matter, relating to the Soviet coal mining industry, forced labor in the Soviet Union, and efforts to secure an embargo on Soviet imports into the United States.

Starr (Walter A.) miscellaneous papers

Transcript of a speech, correspondence, and memoranda, relating to activities of the United States Grain Corporation in regulating distribution of grain in the United States for domestic consumption and export during and immediately after World War I.

Stars and stripes editorials

Relates mainly to American armed forces in China at the end of World War II.

State bank of the republic of Soviets typescript

Relates to banking institutions in the Soviet Union. Original article published in Agence économique et financière, 1923 April 25. Translated by S. Uget.

State Historical Society of Wisconsin collection

Depicts military camps in the United States during World War I, miscellaneous World War I scenes in Europe, and scenes from the Boxer Rebellion in China. Includes glass plate negatives. Collected by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

State of the Iranian Revolution conference proceedings

Sound recordings, relating to political conditions in Iran since 1979. Conference co-sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace and St. Mary's College of California.

Statement to the Peace Conference typescript

Opposes the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Presented to the Paris Peace Conference by a group of Jewish Americans, March 4, 1919.

Stauffenberg (Freiherr Hans Christoph von) speech transcript

Relates to the German resistance movement and K. von Stauffenberg. Speech delivered at Stanford University.

Stavrianos (Leften S.) papers

Writings, press releases, press translations and digests, reports, memoranda, clippings, and pamphlets, relating to political and military developments in Greece and Cyprus, especially during the Greek civil war period, 1944-1949. Includes material collected by a member of the Allied Mission...

STCIRCUS Archive of Tibetan Resistance

Writings, instructional and propaganda material, printed matter, photographs, video tapes, and memorabilia, relating to Central Intelligence Agency programs to train Tibetan guerrillas.

Stearns (Cuthbert P.) typescript

Relates to general description of North Africa.

Steele (A. T.) papers

Writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating mainly to conditions in China and to the Sino-Japanese War.

Stegner (Wallace Earle) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, notes, photographs, and copies of newspaper articles and trial transcripts, relating to the murder trial of labor organizer Joe Hill in 1914-1915. Used as research material for the historical novel by W. E. Stegner, The Preacher and the Slave...

Steichen (Edward) photographs

Depicts ships and airplanes of the United States Navy in action during World War II, mostly in the Pacific Theater.

Steinberg (Isaac Nachman) typescript

Relates to the assassination of the German ambassador to Russia, Graf Wilhelm von Mirbach-Harff, and the suppression of the Left Socialist Revolutionary Party.

Steiner (Gerald John) slides

Tinted glass slides, depicting scenes in Cambodia, including the temple ruins at Angkor Wat and a rice festival of the Panchen Lama. Coloring done by Lucille Douglass.

Steiner (Kurt) collection

Reports, press releases, letters, and printed matter, relating to allegations of participation in World War II war crimes by President Kurt Waldheim of Austria, to public reaction to the charges in Austria, and to assessments of the national socialist period...

Steinfeldt (Eric) photographs

Depicts scenes at Vladivostok during the Russian Civil War, the Allied intervention, and the Czechoslovak Legion.

Steinhart (Alfons) diary

Relates to German military operations during World War I. Includes posthumous material relating to the death of A. Steinhart in battle on the Western front.

Stein-Pick (Charlotte) typescript

Relates to conditions in Germany under national socialism, persecution of Jews, the journey of Charlotte Stein-Pick in 1939 from Germany to Western Europe and ultimately the United States, and her return visit to Germany in 1951. Photocopy.

Stenbock-Fermor (Graf Ivan) memoirs

Relates to social conditions in Russia before the Russian Revolution, events during the Revolution, and Russian émigré affairs afterward. Includes a map of Saint Petersburg and Russian coins from the tsarist period. Photocopy.

Stenlake (Ronald P.) papers

The Ronald P. Stenlake papers (1960s-1980s) includes papers, official documents, correspondents, reports, programs, brochures, and pamphlets regarding education. Stenlake was a Peace Corps volunteer serving in Ethiopia from 1966-1968. He established the Ethiopian Educational Television and was the radio advisor...

Stepanov (Afanasii Ivanovich) papers

Correspondence, legal documents, memoranda, reports, engineering diagrams, and photographs, relating to proposals for technological innovations in the Minsk Motorcycle Factory, the Soviet judicial system, administrative procedures and trade unions, Soviet factory management operations, and daily life and social conditions in...

Stepanov (Aleksandr Stepanovich) outline of projected memoirs

Relates to secret military organizations in Siberia, 1918-1920.

Stepanova (Anna Abramovna) papers

Photographs, clippings and certificates, relating to a women's automobile race in honor of the 1936 Soviet constitution. Includes photographs of Soviet officials and autographed portrait of Aleksandra Kollontai.

Stepanova (Vanda Kazimirovna) holograph

Relates to activities of the 12th Army during World War I.

Stepanov-Mamaladze (T. G.) writings

Diaries and notes relating to Soviet foreign relations, and to Georgian politics and foreign relations. Includes summaries of conversations between Eduard Shevardnadze and foreign leaders. Also available on microfilm (10 reels).

Stephan (John J.) collection

Photocopies of trial transcripts and other legal documents; photocopies of surveillance reports and internal memoranda and correspondence of the United States State Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation; and clippings, printed matter and photographs, relating to activities of the interwar...

Stephens (Frederick Dorsey) papers

Correspondence, photographs, printed matter, and miscellany, relating to relief activities of the Commission for Relief in Belgium, the American Relief Administration in Russia, and the Finnish Relief Fund.

Sterling (Claire) papers

The collection contains writings, notes, correspondence, reports, photocopies of trial transcripts and interrogations, clippings, other printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs related to the Mafia, organized crime in Italy and the United States, international organized crime, and international terrorism.

Sterling (J. E. Wallace) miscellaneous papers

Letters, writings, photographs, and printed matter, relating to Herbert Hoover and Stanford University. Includes letters by Herbert Hoover. Also includes collected communiqués of belligerent governments printed in the New York Times, 1942-1945, relating to military operations during World War II;...

Stern (Mrs. Harold) postcard collection

Depicts European cities and scenes from World War I.

Stevens (Harley C.) papers

Texts of treaties, concessions, and agreements between various oil companies and governments of the Middle East, relating to Middle Eastern oil concessions.

Stevens (John Frank) papers

Memoirs and correspondence, relating to railroads in Siberia and Manchuria during the Russian Revolution, and to Allied intervention in the Russian Revolution.

Stevenson (Harry Clinton) miscellaneous papers

Reports, design manuals, lists, graphs, and photographs, relating to submarine warfare during World War II. Includes photographs of German naval operations.

Stewart (Hattie E.) papers

Lecture notes, teachers' college catalogs, and miscellany, relating to education in the United States.

Stewart (John B.) diary

Relates to British aerial operations in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East during World War II.

Stewart (Robert A.) statement

Relates to proposals for reparation payments to Japanese Americans interned in relocation camps in the United States during World War II, and presents arguments against reparation payments.

Stewart (William Lyman) letters

Letters to family members, relating to American naval operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Stillman (Charles L.) papers

Reports, correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs, relating to American foreign and commercial policy in China during the Chinese Civil War, and efforts to promote economic reconstruction in China.

Stilson (Fielding J.) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence and clippings, relating to Herbert Hoover and to the presidential elections of 1920, 1928, and 1932. Includes correspondence with Herbert Hoover.

Stilwell (Joseph Warren) papers

Diaries, correspondence, radiograms, memoranda, reports, military orders, writings, annotated maps, clippings, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs relating to the political development of China, the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945, and the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II. Includes some subsequent...

Stines (Norman C.) papers

Letters, printed matter, and photographs, relating to social conditions in Bolivia, Guatemala, Yugoslavia, and the Soviet Union, and to United States Department of State loyalty investigations. Includes letters of the parents of N. C. Stines, Americans in Russia during the...

Stinnett (Robert B.) papers

Robert B. Stinnett (1924-2018) served in the United States Navy during World War II as an aerial photographer and was a photographer for the Oakland Tribune from 1947-1986. The Robert B. Stinnett papers (1931-2019) primarily consists of Stinnett's research material...

Stockdale (James B.) papers

Vice admiral, United States Navy; North Vietnamese prisoner of war, 1965-1973. Collection consists of correspondence, memoirs, other writings, personnel records, notes, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to conditions in North Vietnamese prison camps during the Vietnam War, and to...

Stockdale (Sybil Bailey) papers

Diaries, coorespondence, notes, press releases, clippings, photographs, and phonotapes, relating to American prisoners of war during the Vietnamese War and to their families.

Stockton (Gilchrist B.) papers

Correspondence, dispatches, reports, clippings, and photographs, relating to activities of the Commission for Relief in Belgium, 1915-1916, and of the American Relief Administration in Austria, 1919-1933; and to establishment of the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Base.

Stoddard (George D.) miscellaneous papers

Memoirs, correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, memoranda, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to the U.S. Education Mission to Japan, and to the subsequent development of Japanese education. Also available on microfilm (4 reels)

Stoelzner (Erich) memoirs

Relates to activities of German military advisers in China during World War II and the Civil War. Photocopy.

Stojadinovic (Milan M.) mimeograph

Speech delivered in the Yugoslav Parliament, June 9, 1923.

Stolen Years video recordings

Videotaped raw footage of interviews with historians and Soviet forced labor camp survivors, relating to forced labor camps in the Soviet Union. Used as background material for the program. Program produced by the Blackwell Corporation and broadcast by the Public...

Stoll (David) collection

Reports, newsletters, bulletins, writings, notes, printed matter, and sound recordings, relating to evangelical Protestant missionary activities in Latin America, and to activities of the Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics in translating the Bible into languages of...

Stone (Ellery W.) papers

The Ellery W. Stone papers contain correspondence, speeches and writings, reminiscences, orders, memoranda, reports, personnel records, printed matter, and photographs relating to Allied occupation policy in Italy during and after World War II and to the development of radio and...

Stone (Frank A.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, bulletins, reports, and audiovisual material, relating to international education, education in Turkey and the West Indies, and ethnic studies.

Stone (George E.) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to the Photographic Section of the United States Army Signal Corps in France during World War I.

Stone (Marcia) papers

Transcripts of letters, and reports, relating to International Rescue Committee medical aid in Israeli-occupied Lebanon.

Stone (Michael) typescript

Relates to social conditions in Latvia, Russia and Germany from the 1910s to the 1930s. Published under same title (Los Angeles, 2001).

Story of the lost Polish officers mimeograph

Relates to the internment of Polish officers in prison camps in Starobel'sk, Kozel'sk and Ostashkov in the Soviet Union from 1939 to 1940, to the subsequent disappearance of these officers, and to efforts of the Polish government in exile to...

Story (Russell McCulloch) papers

Letters, photographs, and glass slides, relating to relief work in Russia, conditions in Moscow and elsewhere in Russia during the Russian Revolution, and the Czechoslovak Legion; and depicting scenes in Japan, Russia and western Europe

Stowell (Ellery Cory) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, and clippings, relating to the London Naval Conference of 1909, and various proposals for international limitation of armaments.

Stransky (Jaroslav) papers

Speeches and writings, radio broadcast transcripts, and correspondence, relating to politics and culture in Czechoslovakia, and to conditions in Czechoslovakia under communism.

Strasser (Bernard) typescript

Relates to the early lives of the brothers Gregor and Otto Strasser, their early prominence in the Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, the development of differences between them and Adolf Hitler, the assassination of Gregor Strasser in 1934, and the anti-Nazi activities...

Stratton (Richard A.) papers

Correspondence, memoirs, speeches and writings, interview transcripts, memoranda, conference proceedings, flight logs, military records, personal documents, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to American prisoners of war and persons missing in action during the Vietnam War, and to the treatment...

Strauss (Lewis L.) miscellaneous papers

Diary, 1918, relating to the trip of Herbert Hoover to Europe in 1918; and galley proofs of the Allied conference proceedings at Malta and Yalta, 1945.

Strench (Mary Minthorn) papers

Photographs and photocopies of correspondence, relating to the Minthorn and Hoover families. Includes photocopies of letters by Herbert Hoover and photographs of Henry John Minthorn, uncle of Herbert Hoover.

Stricker (Noemi) appeal

Appeals for contributions for relief work in Germany and France.

Strobridge (William S.) mimeograph

Relates to the training of the 8th Division of the United States Army at Camp Fremont, California, prior to its departure for Siberia during the Russian Revolution.

Strong (Agnes L.) journal

Relates to Red Cross work in the Balkans during the typhoid epidemic of 1915.

Strong (Sydney) newsletters

Relates to the conference and to the world disarmament movement.

Stroop (Jurgen) typescript

Relates to the German suppression of the Warsaw uprising and destruction of the Warsaw ghetto. Photocopy.

Stroynowski (Juliusz) collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, serial issues, clippings, reports, bulletins, and newsletters, relating to pre-World War II socialism, communism, nationalism and antisemitism in Poland; the German occupation of Poland during World War II and the Polish resistance movement; and miscellaneous aspects of...

Struggles for Poland video tape

Relates to the history of Poland in the twentieth century. Produced by television station WNET, New York.

Struve (Gleb) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, printed matter, and audio-visual material, relating to Russian literature and culture both in the Soviet Union and the emigration, political conditions in the Soviet Union, Soviet dissidents, and the Russian emigre community. Includes correspondence and writings...

Struve (Petr B.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, memoranda, essays, editorial files, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia relating to Russia in World War I, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, anti-Bolshevik movements, the Russian economy and industry, conditions in the Soviet Union after...

Stuart (Charles E.) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, and clippings relating to the fuel industries in the United States during and after World War I, coal mining in the United States and the Soviet Union, and economic planning; and motion picture film of social...

Stuart (Gilbert) memoirs

Relates to guerrilla warfare in southern China and Burma during the Sino-Japanese War, Chinese military cooperation with the United States Office of Strategic Services during World War II, and Nationalist Chinese military activities in Manchuria during the Chinese Civil War.

Stuart (Graham H.) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, press releases, notes, and printed matter, relating to the legal status and foreign relations of the international zone of Tangier, the foreign relations of Morocco, Stanford University, and the history and organization of the Department of State.

Stuart (John Leighton) miscellaneous papers

Diaries, letters, memoranda, and biographical notes, relating to the Chinese Civil War, and to relations between the United States and China. Photocopy.

Stuart Jr. (Robert D.) papers

Robert D. Stuart Jr. (1916-2014) was the founder of the America First Committee (AFC). The Robert D. Stuart Jr. papers (1940-1941) includes correspondence, records, promotional materials, pamphlets, brochures, and posters.

Stuart (Robert D.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, printed matter, and memorabilia, relating to American politics, American relations with Canada, and activities of the Canadian-American Committee.

Stubbs (Violet) collection

Card depicting British occupation troops in Germany.

Stultz (Newell Maynard) miscellaneous papers

Letters, pamphlets, leaflets, statistical summaries, and photographs, relating to the political development of the Transkei in South Africa. Used as research material for the book by N. Stultz, South Africa's Transkei (1967).

Stupina (T. A.) papers

Primarily relates to the activities of the Russian American Women's League in San Francisco, California, as well as the activities of other Russian émigré organizations.

Sturgis (Samuel Davis) letter

Relates to the capture of Manila by American troops. Photocopy.

Sturies (Carl Herman) papers

Diaries, correspondence, orders, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the United States Army Signal Corps and to South Korean military activities during the Korean War.

Sturtevant Engineering Company pamphlet

Relates to American ambulance service in France.

Styron (Rose Burgunder) interview

Relates to civil liberties in Chile, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union and South Africa. Interview conducted by Elena S. Danielson.

Sud (Usha) typescript

Indian political scientist. Relates to post-World War II decolonization and world politics, the United Nations, and prospects for future international government organization. Photocopy.

Sudan. Wizarat al-I'lam wa-al-Thaqafah photographs

Depicts rural areas, agricultural production, ethnic groups, economic development, and factories in Sudan.

Sudanese subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, reports, serial issues, press releases, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions, civil war, and human rights in Sudan.

Sudoplatov (Pavel) interviews

Videotape recordings and transcripts of interviews, relating to Soviet espionage. Interviews conducted by Anatolii Sudoplatov, Jerrold L. Schecter and Leona Schecter. Used as the basis for the book by Pavel Sudoplatov, Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness, a...

Suehsdorf (Adolph) papers

American propaganda leaflets dropped in Burma during World War II and reports relating to psychological warfare activities. Includes declassified records returned to file after February 2016 release by Hoover.

Suetnov (Aleksandr) papers

Writings, samizdat issuances, and bibliographical and documentary materials, relating to independent publications and to political parties in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia, and especially in the Ural region.

Suhir (Leonid Rafaĭlovich) letters

Letters from Leonid Rafaĭlovich Suhir letters, a Soviet artillery officer during World War II, relating to Soviet military operations on the Eastern Front.

Sukacev (Lev Pavlovich) typescript

Relates to Russian military activities during World War I and the Russian Civil War; Albanian military activities, 1924-1939; and Italian military activities during World War II. Translation of original memoirs published in Novoe Russkoe Slovo, 1972. Photocopy.

Sukhov (Grigorii) papers

Correspondence, writings, personal documents, and photographs, relating to publication of Novaia zaria, at first in Shanghai and subsequently in San Francisco, and to Russian emigre affairs. Includes papers of Matrena Sukhova, wife of Grigorii Sukhov.

Sukiennicki (Wiktor) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, reports, radio broadcast transcripts, and printed matter relating to twentieth-century Polish history, the history of the Communist International, and Radio Free Europe broadcasting to Poland. Includes draft and finished reports of the Polish Rada Ministrów,...

Sullivan (Joseph Michael) papers

Correspondence, printed matter, and photographs relating to social conditions in Japan.

Sullivan (Mark) papers

Correspondence, diaries, speeches and writings, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to journalism and to social, political, and economic developments in the United States.

Sullivan (William C.) typescript

Relates to the philosophic basis of communism.

Sullivan (William E.) photographs

Depicts daily life in the Philippines, 1920; naval activities at Camp John Hay, Luzon, Philippines, 1920; cultural sites in China; atrocities resulting from the 1920-1922 uprisings in China; and cultural sites on Guam.

Sullivant (Robert S.) typescript

Relates to the national question in Eastern Galicia, 1772-1939.

Sultan (Garip) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and sound recordings relating to Radio Liberty broadcasting to Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.

Sumanis (Vilis) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, bulletins, press excerpts, clippings, photographs, memorabilia, and other materials, relating to Latvian foreign relations, 1925-1948.

Sung (Feng-en) papers

Correspondence, reports, writings, certificates, and photographs relating to relations between Taiwan and the Soviet Union.

Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue broadsides

Relates to plans for a demonstration.

Supreme Economic Council and American Relief Administration Documents Project records

Transcriptions of minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, press releases, and clippings, relating to economic policies of the Supreme Economic Council and its predecessor, the Supreme Council of Supply and Relief, and to relief activities of the American Relief Administration in...

Surface (Frank M.) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to regulation of the American economy, especially food products, during World War I; American Relief Administration activities; and postwar marketing of American commodities.

Surnin (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich) papers

Lectures, correspondence, bulletins, financial records, and photographs, relating to Russian military history and to Russian émigréaffairs. Includes papers of the widow of A. A. Surnin.

Surush (Abd al-Karim) lectures

Sound recordings of lectures, relating to political and philosophical aspects of Islam.

Survey of Race Relations records

An anthropological investigative project sponsored by various private organizations, the Survey of Race Relations records include a report, correspondence, interview transcripts, questionnaires, and printed matter relating to the social and economic status of Chinese, Japanese, other Asian, Mexican, and other...

Susskind (David Howard) mimeograph

Relates to the activities of the Mellette during the battle of Iwo Jima.

Sustrova (Petruska) papers

Photographs, correspondence, and related materials documenting the Czechoslovak dissident movement around Václav Havel in the 1970s and 1980s, the 1989 Velvet Revolution, and the role of the former dissidents in the post-communist government

Sutton (Antony C.) papers

Writings, clippings, letters, and notes, relating to the incidence, magnitude and category of wars, civil wars, revolutions and other violent conflicts throughout the world from 1820 to 1970; and to the career of the American entrepreneur Armand Hammer, and especially...

Sutton (Jesse W.) papers

Photographs, postcards, printed matter, miscellany, and memorabilia, relating to American military operation of railroads in the Murmansk region of Russia during World War I and the Russian Civil War. Includes World War I military helmets.

Suvorovskii kadetskii korpus

These papers consist of select records of the Suvorovskii kadetskii korpus (Suvorov cadet corps), located in Moscow, whose members were active in emigration in its alumni association. The records relate to the history of the cadet corps as well as...

Sviatopolk-Mirskii (Kniaz' Nikolai Vladimirovich) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, genealogical charts, certificates, and photographs relating to the history of the Svi͡atopolk-Mirskiĭ family from the tenth to the twentieth century and to Russian émigré affairs. Consists mainly of drafts of, and working materials for, a genealogical history....

Svitich (Aleksandr Kallinikovich) papers

These papers provide insight into the life of the Orthodox Church in Poland in the Interwar period. Aleksander K. Svitich, a theologian and member of the faculty of the Vilno Theological Seminary, served on the editorial board of , a...

Svodki o politicheskom i ekonomicheskom polozhenii v Sovetskoi Rossii za 1922 god typescript

Relates to political and economic conditions in the Soviet Union in 1922.

Swabeck (Arne) papers

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, resolutions, bulletins, minutes, pamphlets, and serial issues, relating to socialist and communist movements in the United States, and especially to the Socialist Workers Party and other Trotskyist groups in the post-World War II period.

Swansea (Zuzana) photographs

Depicts street scenes in Czechoslovakia at the time of Soviet military intervention in 1968, and scenes of subsequent political activity in Czechoslovakia.

Swarthmore College collection

The Swarthmore College collection consists largely of pamphlets and other printed matter, arranged by subject. The preponderance of the materials relate to World War I; the Spanish Civil War; the espionage case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Martin Sobell;...

Swarts (Clifford) letter

Relates to conditions in Romania during World War II, 1939-1941.

Swazi subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, leaflets, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Swaziland.

Sweden newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Sweden newspaper collection (1914-1990) comprises twenty-two different titles of publication, in Swedish, Estonian, Latvian. The titles within this collection...

Sweeney (John) papers

Writings, printed matter, videocassettes, and memorabilia relating to the training of Chinese troops by American instructors at the Ramgarh Training Center during World War II.

Sweet (Clytie) collection

Correspondence and miscellanea, relating to the radio broadcast of a "Salute to the War Mothers," 1942, and the publication of a pamphlet, Salute to the Gold Star Mothers (1943), by the American Legion San Francisco Post No. 1.

Sweet (Paul Robinson) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, and clippings, relating to attitudes of the British and American governments toward publication of captured German documents appearing as Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945 (Washington and London, 1949-1983), especially in relation to the Duke of Windsor....

Swent (Langan Waterman) papers

Diaries, 1942-1944, relating to landing craft tank (LCT) operations in the Mediterranean theater during World War II, and especially to the landings at Anzio, including both original diaries and typed transcripts; and reports and protocols of International Labour Organisation meetings,...

Swerczek (Ronald Emil) typescript

Relates to the American diplomat Hugh Gibson. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa. Photocopy.

Swiatowy Zwiazek Polaków z Zagranicy issuances

Press bulletins and reports, relating to conditions in Poland and activities of Poles in foreign countries during World War II.

Swidlicki (Andrzej) papers

Includes correspondence, writings, memoranda, reports, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs relating to Radio Free Europe broadcasting to Poland, political conditions in Poland, and Polish émigré affairs. Also includes radio broadcast materials: RFE/RL Polish Service script coversheets and recordings (compact...

Swiechowski (Marjan) processed volume

Relates to the ethnic composition of Lithuania, and especially to the Polish population there.

Swinnerton (C. T.) letter

Relates to events in Petrograd during the Russian Revolution, 1917 March 12-27.

Swiss subject collection

Photographs, serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to various aspects of Swiss military, history and politics, and radical and youth movements in Switzerland.

Switzer (Richard S.) collection

Phonotapes and typewritten transcripts of interviews of General Bruce Palmer, Jr., commander, United States Forces, Dominican Republic, 1965, relating to city fighting in the Dominican Republic; and of Lieutenant Colonel John Plantikow, United States Army, relating to city fighting in...

Switzerland newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Switzerland newspaper collection (1914-2001) comprises thirty-nine different titles of publication, in German, French, Italian, and English. All titles within...

Sworakowski (Witold S.) papers

Statistics, writings, translations, notes, maps, and printed matter, relating to the ethnography of Upper Silesia in 1910; Polish boundary questions, 1918-1945; the Paris Peace Conference of 1919; communism in Eastern Europe after World War II; and the authorship of the...

Sychev (E.) typescript

Relates to the uprising in Irkutsk, and the liquidation of the rule of Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak in the region of Irkutsk in the period from 1919 December 23 to 1920 January 5.

Symbionese Liberation Army collection

Pamphlets, flyers, leaflets, and miscellany, relating to the Symbionese Liberation Army.

Syndicat des editeurs issuances

Convention on censorship and list of books withdrawn from sale, September-October 1940. Photocopy.

Synnerberg (George) papers

George Synnerberg (1882-1957), also known as Georgii Georgievich Siunnerberg, was a Russian Imperial Army officer and trade representative of Swedish-Finnish origin. The collection includes speeches and writings, typescripts, audiotapes, photographs and photograph albums, identification papers, correspondence, diaries, and other biographical...

Szczesna (Joanna) collection

Reports, bulletins, serial issues, pamphlets, and leaflets, relating to political, economic, and human rights conditions in Poland, Solidarnosc and other oppositional organizations, political prisoners, and official and oppositional press and radio broadcasting.

Szuros (Matyas) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, notes, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to political conditions in Hungary during the transition from communist to post-communist regime, socialist movements in Hungary, and Hungarian foreign relations.

Szyk (Arthur) artworks

Unfinished illuminated copy of the Covenant of the League of Nations; and framed caricature of Adolf Hitler.