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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
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Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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Paap (C. H. N.) typescript

Day-by-day summary of war news as reported in the Hague newspaper De Residentiebode.

Paasche (John) papers

Memoirs, thesis, other writings, and printed matter, relating to the career and murder of Hans Paasche, social conditions in Germany during the Weimar and Nazi periods, German émigré life in Japan and the United States, and positions of the Communist...

Pacas (Bert) papers

Notes, news dispatches, reports, clippings, other printed matter, and a video tape, relating to guerrilla warfare and civil rights in El Salvador.

Pacheco (Felix) speech transcript

Relates to President Warren G. Harding of the U.S. Delivered at a memorial service in Rio de Janeiro after the death of Harding.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company collection

Sound recordings and motion picture film of a series of political education programs, featuring campaign presentations by candidates for election to major state political offices in California.

Pacific Island Employees Foundation newsletters

Relates to the condition of American prisoners of war held in Japanese prison camps during World War II. Includes issues of the Pacific Island Employees Foundation Bulletin, 1942-1945, and a few issues of the Pac-POW Bulletin, 1945-1947.

Pacific Workshop on German Affairs proceedings

Relates to the theme of "The German Search for Role and Identity," including consideration of political, social and economic aspects of both East and West Germany.

Packard-Gouzigian letters

Letters exchanged between members of the Packard family and members of the Markar Gouzigian family, and letters from others received by both families, relating to the immigration of Armenian refugees to the United States. Includes letters from an Armenian serving...

Packenham (Robert A.) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, interview transcripts and sound recordings, and printed matter, relating to economic development and dependency theory, American foreign aid, and political and economic development in Brazil.

Paderewska (Helena) memoirs

Relates to activities of Ignace Paderewski from 1910 to 1920, Poland during World War I, and the Paris Peace Conference and establishment of Polish independence.

Paderewski (Ignace J.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, clippings, printed matter, and photographs relating primarily to the establishment of an independent Polish state, the Paris Peace Conference, Polish politics in the interwar period, the occupation of Poland during World War II, and the musical...

Paderewski Testimonial Fund records

Reports, correspondence, press releases, financial records, printed matter, and photographs, relating to relief activities carried on by the Fund and by the Paderewski Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Page (Charles R.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, and miscellanea, relating to the work of the U.S. Shipping Board in regulating shipping rates and practices, allocation of ships, recruitment of seamen, and claims for insurance. Includes correspondence with Edward N. Hurley and Joseph...

Page (Frank Copeland) clipping collection

Relates to the death of Lord Horatio Herbert Kitchener, British general and secretary of state for war. Clippings from British newspapers and periodicals.

Page (Joseph A.) papers

Writings, printed matter, correspondence, clippings, and photocopies of United States Department of State documents released under the Freedom of Information Act, relating to Juan Perón, the Peronist political movement in Argentina, and relations between the United States and Argentina.

Pageler (Donald Wayne) papers

Interview transcript, personnel records, and photographs, relating to the Israeli naval and air attack on the American naval intelligence ship Liberty on 8 June 1967.

Pai (Ch'ung-hsi) papers

The Pai Ch'ung-hsi 白崇禧 papers (1926-2006) include diaries, writings, correspondence, notes, DVDs, photographs, and a videotape relating to the Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War.

Paillat (Claude) papers

Writings, correspondence, interview sound recordings and transcripts, notes, photocopies of government and other documents, and printed matter relating to political, social and economic conditions in France in the inter-war period, during World War II, and in the post-war period, and...

Pakdaman (Nasser) papers

Nasser Pakdaman was an Iranian political exile, writer, human rights activist, intellectual, and founding member of the Iranian Writers' Association. The collection includes Pakdaman's papers, biographical essays and other writing, correspondence, minutes and proclamations from the Iranian Writers' Association, documents...

Palei (Ol'ga Valerianovna (Karnovich), kniaginia) typescript

Relates to the Russian Revolution and Civil War. Memoirs published.

Paleolog (Sergei N.) papers

Correspondence, reports, and memoranda, relating to Russian refugees in Yugoslavia after the Russian Revolution and Civil War and the Board of the Government Plenipotentiary for the Settlement of Russian Refugees in Yugoslavia

Palestine resistance movement through 30 June 1970 typescript

Relates to the organization and activities of Palestine liberation and resistance movements in the Middle East, 1947-1970. Photocopy.

Palii (P. N.) writings

Relates to Russian prisoners in German prison camps during World War II, and to the Russkaia Osvoboditel'naia Armiia.

Palitsyn (Fedor Fedorovich) memoirs

Memoirs, entitled Perezhitoe, 1916-1918 (1918), and Zapiski Generala F. Palitsyna (1921), relating to Russian military activities during World War I, and to White Russian military activities during the Russian Civil War.

Palmer, (Lucy) typescript

Relates to conditions in civilian internment camps in the Japanese-occupied Philippines during World War II. Includes computer disk version.

Palmer (Lucy) typescript

Relates to conditions in civilian internment camps in the Japanese-occupied Philippines during World War II. Includes computer disk version.

Palumbo (Anthony L.) papers

Reports, studies, statistics, minutes, agenda, charts, correspondence, and memoranda, relating to law enforcement and administration of criminal justice in California during the gubernatorial administration of Ronald Reagan (1967-1974).

Pan American Union. Special Neutrality Commission miscellaneous records

Minutes of meetings, memoranda, declarations, and press releases relating to interruption of South American commerce by belligerents during World War I.

Pan-African Congress miscellaneous records

Reports, declarations, resolutions, speeches, and leaflets, relating to the Pan-African movement, colonialism, and worldwide diaspora of Africans. Includes printed matter about the congress, collected by Alma Robinson and Charles Ogletree.

Panama newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Panama newspaper collection (1944-1966) comprises six different Spanish and English-language titles of publication. All of the titles within this...

Panamanian subject collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, election campaign literature, bulletins, reports, and studies, relating primarily to political conditions and elections in Panama, the Panama Canal, relations between Panama and the United States, and the American invasion of Panama in 1989.

Pannwitz (Heinz) typescript

Relates to the assassination of the Nazi official R. Heydrich in Prague in 1942, and to the subsequent German investigation. Original memoir written in 1959. Photocopy.

Panteleieff (Maxim) papers

Clippings, flyers, and photographs, relating to the Russian Art Grand Opera Company.

Pantiukhov (Oleg Ivanovich) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, military documents, personnel lists, maps, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian participation in World War I, the Russian Revolution, and activities of His Majesty's 1st Rifle Household Troops Regiment during this period and subsequently in emigration.

Panunzio (Constantine M.) papers

The Constantine Maria Panunzio papers contain significant materials relating to the Mussolini dictatorship in Italy and the aftermath of fascist rule in the country at the end of World War II. As a sociologist whose primary research focus was on...

Pape (Robin) photographs

Photographs and postcards depicting Japanese military forces on maneuvers.

Papen (Franz von) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, speech transcripts, and photographs, relating to German politics, requests of office-seekers, and the last will of President Paul von Hindenburg. Includes letters to Major General Paul X. Kelley, United States Marine Corps.

Parabel Project records

Writings, translations, notes, and questionnaire responses relating to a comparative study of underground movements in China, France, Italy, Kurdistan, and Poland, 1939-1947. Project sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace and the Johns Hopkins University Operations Research...

Paradise (Scott Hurtt) papers

Writings, correspondence, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to Commission for Relief in Belgium relief activities and to conditions in Belgium during the German occupation in World War I.

Paramount Pictures Corporation photographs

Materials used in preparation of motion pictures released in 1944, the first titled , depicting the Nazi rise to power in Germany, scenes of party rallies, parades, SS troops, and Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders at various stages of...

Parant (Alexandre) letters

Relates to conditions on the western front during World War I. Includes postcards and photographs.

Pares (Bernard, Sir) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, notes, memoranda, and diary, relating to political conditions in Western Siberia during the Russian Civil War.

Paret (Peter) papers

Writings, together with correspondence, report, list, copies of judicial proceedings and printed matter used as research material, relating to executions following the attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler on 20 July 1944, and to the life of the German Nazi artist...

Paris letter newsletters

Relates to conditions in France during World War II and to American relief work in France.

Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) Commission on Baltic Affairs minutes

Relates to aspects of the World War I peace settlement regarding the Baltic States. Includes some notes on proceedings of the commission.

Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). United States Territorial Section miscellaneous records

Memoranda, notes, and reports relating to political and economic conditions in the Ottoman Empire and Latin America, proposals for new boundaries in Asia Minor, creation of an independent Armenia, and boundary disputes in South America.

Paris Peace Conference miscellaneous records

Transcripts of proceedings, summaries, speeches, and agenda, relating to the peace settlement at the end of World War II.

Paris resolutions and free-trade printed material

Appeal for the continuation of a free trade policy in Great Britain after World War I. Written by a private group of British subjects.

Park (Alice) papers

Diaries, correspondence, pamphlets, clippings, leaflets, and peace buttons relating to pacifism and the peace movement, the Ford Peace Ship Expedition, feminism, socialism, the labor movement, prison reform, child labor legislation, civil liberties, and a variety of other reform movements in...

Parker (David B.) papers

Writings, correspondence, reports, orders, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to American military engineering operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II, the atomic bombing of Japan, and General Douglas MacArthur.

Parker (G. Gordon) writings

Relates to Christianity in Liberia and elsewhere in Africa. Includes one essay by Evalyn Parker.

Parkyn (George W.) writings

Printed writings, relating to education, especially in international aspects.

Parmelee (Ruth A.) papers

Includes diaries, notes, correspondence, reports, clippings, printed matter, photographs, and awards relating to the life and work of Dr. Ruth A. Parmelee. Parmelee was born and brought up in Turkey by her missionary parents. After her education in the United...

Parming (Tonu) typescript

Published as Chapter 1 of the book entitled The Estonian S.S.R. : A Case Study of a Soviet Republic (Boulder, 1977), edited by T. Parming and Elmar Järvesoo.

Parshina (E. A.) papers

Memoirs, co-authored with her son Leonid Parshin, and sound recordings of interviews conducted by Tatiana Zhilkina, relating to Soviet intelligence operations in Spain during the Spanish Civil War, clandestine sabotage and intelligence operations in the German-occupied Soviet Union during World...

Parsons (Charles) mimeograph

Relates to the allegations of Tyler Kent, a code clerk at the United States Embassy in London, that President Franklin D. Roosevelt had conspired to bring about the entry of the United States into World War II.

Parsons (Marion Randall) slide collection

Depicts scenes in France during World War I.

Parti communiste reunionnais sound recordings

Songs performed at the fourth congress of the party.

Parti social francais miscellaneous records

Bulletins, membership records, questionnaires of members, and miscellany, relating to right-wing political activity in France prior to and during World War II.

Partial Inventory of the Maria Teresa Ronderos interviews

Phonotape sound recordings of interviews of Colombian government officials and others, relating to to drug trafficking in Colombia.

Partial list of civilian internees in Manila typescript

List of Americans in the Japanese civilian internment camp at Santo Tom�s University, Manila. Compiled by Mr. Tsurumi, Japanese consul in Manila, and delivered to Mr. Spiker, American consul in Shanghai.

Partido africano da independencia da Guine e Cabo Verde sound recording

Protest songs of the peoples of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Islands.

Partido Comunista Mexicano. Congreso Nacional proceedings

Proceedings of the Mexican Partido Comunista Mexicano, Congreso Nacional in 1939

Partiia sotsialistov-revoliutsionerov miscellaneous records

Reports and minutes, relating to the activities and views of the party, and to the Russian Revolution.

Partito nazionale fascista miscellaneous records

Letters, telegrams, and photographs, sent by local organizations of the party to Adolf Hitler to congratulate him upon his attainment of power in Germany.

Partridge (Stanley N.) papers

Photographs, postcards, and letters, relating to conditions in Siberia, China, and Japan, 1918-1920; and American military facilities in New Guinea and the Philippines, 1943-1945.

Pash (Boris T.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, orders, writings, photographs, motion picture film, and printed matter relating to the naval forces of General Nikolay Yudenich during the Russian Civil War; the Russian refugee camp in Wünsdorf, Germany, in 1922; American military intelligence service activities,...

Pa-shih nien-tai Tai-wan fu-yun video tape

Relates to the feminist movement in Taiwan during the decade of the 1980s. Produced in Taiwan by the Awakening Foundation.

Pasternak family papers

Correspondence, diaries, memoirs, other writings, biographical data, printed matter, drawings, photographs, and other audiovisual material relating to Russian art and literature, culture in the Soviet Union, and Russian émigré life. Includes papers of Leonid and Rosalia Pasternak; their sons, the...

Pastora Gomez (Eden) interviews

Sound recordings of interviews, relating to the Nicaraguan revolution of 1979, Nicaraguan-Cuban relations, and the Nicaraguan contra guerrilla war. Includes typed notes made from the interviews. Interviews conducted by William E. Ratliff.

Pastuhov (Vladimir D.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, interviews, maps, photographs, and printed matter, relating to the investigation of the Japanese incursion into Manchuria in 1931.

Pasztor (Laszlo) papers

Correspondence, press releases, and miscellany, relating to Republican Party activities among ethnic groups in the United States. Photocopy.

Patchin (Philip) papers

Philip Patchin was a journalist for the China Press in Peking from 1911 to 1912. He accompanied Secretary of State Robert Lansing to Versailles for the 1919 treaty negotiations. The collection includes letters, photographs, and documents related to the negotiations...

Pateman (Roy) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, printed matter, photographs, videorecordings, and sound recordings relating mainly to political conditions in Eritrea and the history of Eritrea.

Paterson (J. A.) papers

Journal, map, photographs, and spears, relating to exploration in the Lake Nyasa region of Africa.

Pathfinder Press mural project collection

Slides, video tapes, and keyed photographic representation of mural depicting international revolutionary leaders on Pathfinder Building in New York City, with biographical information on those depicted and on mural artists, with press releases and press coverage relating to the mural.

Pathfinder Press Photographic collection

Collected by Pathfinder Press for use in illustrating its publications, the collection includes photographs, drawings, and printed reproductions of illustrations, depicting Leon Trotsky, leading figures of the Russian Revolution, leaders of the Fourth International, leaders of the Socialist Workers Party...

Pathfinder Press Publications

Record copies of books, pamphlets, and bulletins, relating to Marxist theory and socialist political analysis and commentary, and including works of Leon Trotsky, Fidel Castro, Malcolm X and others. Includes publications of Pioneer Publishers, Merit Publishers, and Monad Press, predecessors...

Patiev (Aleksandr) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs relating to political conditions in Russia, elections in 1989, privatization of state property, and administration of Saint Petersburg.

Patouillet (Madame) diary

Relates to conditions in Petrograd and Moscow during World War I and the Russian Revolution, 1916 October-1918 August.

Patrick (Mary Mills) papers

Memoirs, entitled Transformations, and letters, relating to the history of Constantinople Woman's College during World War I, conditions in Turkey during the war, Turkish society, and the Turkish educational system.

Patriotyczny Ruch Odrodzenia Narodowego (Poland) Rada Wojewodzka w Siedlcach miscellaneous records

Minutes of meetings, reports, appeals, correspondence, and lists, relating to political conditions in Siedlce province following the imposition of martial law in Poland in 1981. Includes miscellaneous records of district and local branches within Siedlce province.

Pats (Konstantin) miscellaneous papers

Photocopies of letters by K. Päts, relating to his imprisonment in the Soviet Union, and appealing to the United Nations to bring about civil rights and independence in the Baltic States; translations and a press release from the Consulate General...

Patterson (David S.) mimeograph

Relates to foreign policy views of Herbert Hoover. Photocopy.

Patton (George S.) speech transcript

Speech to the United States Third Army during World War II.

Pauker (Guy J.) papers

Studies, reports, memoranda, notes, correspondence, trial transcripts, bulletins, press summaries, clippings, and printed matter, relating to political, social, and economic conditions in Indonesia; Indonesian foreign relations, especially with the United States; communism in Indonesia; the coup of 1965 in Indonesia,...

Paul (Gary Norman) typescript

Doctor of Library Science dissertation, University of California, Berkeley. Photocopy.

Paul (Michael) typescript

Relates to Romanian and German military operations at Stalingrad and in Yugoslavia during World War II, and to conditions in British prison camps. Photocopy.

Pavlov (D. P.) typescript

Relates to the economics of grain production in Canada and prospects for the future.

Pavlov (Iv.) typescript

Relates to the Trotskyist opposition in Russia.

Pavlov (Leonid) papers

Correspondence, minutes, protocols, reports, circulated material, and financial records relating to activities of the independent trade union Nezavisimost' in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.

Pavlovskaia (Elena Fedorovna) letters

Letters to E. F. Pavlovskaia from her sisters Ekaterina Fedorovna Estifeeva and Elizaveta Fedorovna Estifeeva, both residents of Voronezh, Russia, relating to family matters and social conditions in the Soviet Union.

Paz (Hipolito Jesus) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, and photographs, relating to American-Argentine relations, the presidency of Juan Perón of Argentina, activities of Perón after his deposition in 1955, and activities of the Peronist political movement. Includes letters by Perón and Milton Eisenhower (brother of...

Peabody (Paul E.) papers

Correspondence, orders, citations, and commendations, relating to American military intelligence operations, military liaison with Great Britain and Mexico, and occupation of Japan after World War II.

Peace subject collection

Pamphlets, clippings, leaflets, letters, memoranda, circulars, reports, and bulletins, relating to pacifism, disarmament, international law, the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, the League of Nations and other actual or proposed international organizations, and various proposed plans to ensure peace.

Pearson (Grace N.) papers

Correspondence, pamphlets, reports, newspaper articles, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to the evacuation and resettlement of Japanese Americans on the West Coast during World War II.

Peck (Templeton) papers

Memoirs, 1988, and radio broadcast transcripts, memoranda, and reports, 1944-1945, relating to activities of the Office of War Information during World War II, and especially to its radio broadcasts of news and commentary in various languages to Europe from its...

Peck (Willys R.) papers

Diary and other writings, correspondence, memoranda, biography, and clippings, relating to Chinese foreign relations, domestic politics in China, and the Japanese occupation in Bangkok, Thailand, during World War II.

Peirce (George J.) letters

Letters from friends in Great Britain relating to conditions in Great Britain during World War II, January-February 1941.

Peirce (Herbert H.D.) papers

The Herbert H.D. Peirce papers (1910-1916) consists almost exclusively of documents relating to Pierce's studies of conditions in the camps and among German and Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war in 1915.

Pekarek (Bohuslav) typescript

Typescript memoirs of participation in the Czechoslovak Legion in Russia during the Russian Civil War.

Pelenyi (Janos) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the history of Hungary, Hungarian-American relations, and Hungarian diplomacy during World War II.

Pelikan (John M.) papers

Correspondence, contractual agreements, and clippings, relating to engineering operations and economic conditions in the Soviet Union, and to exit difficulties of J. M. Pelikan and his wife, a Soviet citizen. Photocopy.

Peng (Shu-tse) and Chen Bilan papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, theses, and resolutions relating to the early communist movement in China, and to Trotskyist activities in China and elsewhere. Includes memoirs, other writings, and correspondence of Chen Bilan, the companion of Peng Shu-tse, relating to the...

Penningroth (Louis P.) papers

Correspondence, diaries, memoirs, financial records, reports, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to Young Men's Christian Association aid to Allied prisoners of war in Austria, especially juvenile Russian prisoners; aid to repatriated Russian prisoners at the end of World...

Pennington (Lee Roberts) papers

Correspondence, speeches, reports, memoranda, serial issues, clippings, and other printed matter relating to communism and other political issues in the United States, subversive activities in the United States, and investigative activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and private...

Pennington (Levi Talbott) correspondence

Relates to Pacific College, disarmament, the National Committee on Food for the Small Democracies, and the Boys' Clubs of America. Photocopy.

Penrose (R.A.F.) miscellaneous correspondence

Consists primarily of letters received from Herbert Hoover, relating to international mining, World War I Belgian relief, and American politics.

Pentlin (Susan Lee) collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to political, social, economic and cultural conditions in East Germany, and to German studies in the United States and the teaching of German as a foreign language. Mainly East German government...

Perduss (Jurgen) collection

Computer disks, lists, reports, roster, telephone directory, code book, judicial decision, and printed matter, relating to the organizational structure and operations of the East German secret service, and to post-unification investigations of it. Includes lists of East German secret service...

Perekrestenko (Vladimir Mikhailovich) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, personal documents, and printed matter, relating to displaced persons camps after World War II, and to Russian émigré affairs.

Perez de Cuellar (Javier) miscellaneous papers

Summaries of meetings and conversations, notes, letters, statements, and memoranda relating to United Nations involvement in international negotiations regarding the Middle East.

Perkins (James Alfred) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, minutes, reports, and printed matter, relating to education in the United States and other countries, especially developing countries, education in internationalism, and foreign language studies in the United States.

Perl (Martin G.) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, identification documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to social conditions in the zone of Germany under Soviet occupation in the years immediately after World War II.

Perlman (Janice E.) papers

Writings, studies, reports, notes, and printed matter relating to urban poverty in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, internal migration in Brazil, and urban poverty elsewhere in the developing world. In part, used as research material for Perlman's books (Berkeley, 1976) and...

Perón (Juan Domingo) papers

The Juan Domingo Perón papers consist primarily of correspondence between Perón and his followers, conducted largely during the period of his exile in Madrid, Spain. Among the correspondents are many of the major figures of the Peronist movement, including trade...

Peroutka (Ferdinand) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, writings, and printed matter, relating to postwar conditions in Czechoslovakia, the internal administration of Radio Free Europe, and Czechoslovak émigré politics.

Perovic (Mileta) indictment

Accuses M. Perovic of crimes against the state of Yugoslavia. Issued by the district public prosecutor of Belgrade. Photocopy.

Perry (Charlotte M.) clipping collection

Relates to World War I. Clippings from American and foreign newspapers.

Perry (W. L.) collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, handbooks, and miscellanea issued as guides to American soldiers in North Africa and Italy during World War II.

Perry (William) papers

The collection includes documents related to daily activities, speech drafts, office files, and scrapbooks of photographs taken from 1994-1997....

Perry (Winfred O.) collection

Printed matter, maps, photographs, glass slides, and battalion flags relating to American military activities in France during World War I.

Pershin (Dimitrii Petrovich) papers

Correspondence, diaries, writings, notes, and clippings relating to White Russian and Soviet activities in Mongolia during the Russian Revolution, and the Russian émigré population during the Russian Civil War and subsequent years. Includes a memoir entitled relating to counter-revolutionary events...

Persian newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Persian newspaper collection (1949-1999) comprises sixty different titles of publication, in English, Fārsī, and French. All of the titles...

Persico (Joseph E.) papers

Sound recordings and transcripts of interviews, correspondence, reports, drafts of writings, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to American secret service activities in Germany during World War II. Used as research material for the book by J. E. Persico, Piercing...

Person to Person Films records

Motion picture film, videotapes, sound recordings, and transcripts, relating to civil war in Nicaragua. Assembled in preparation for a projected documentary film to be produced by Ronald F. Maxwell that was not completed.

Personality review (Television program) video tape

Discussion among Edwin Meese III, counselor to the president of the United States, Bernard Siegan, law professor, and Herbert Klein, newspaper editor. Broadcast over KPBS-TV, San Diego, California.

Pertsov (Vladimir Aleksandrovich) diary extracts

Relates to the evacuation of White Russian military personnel from Kurgan in western Siberia, to Spassk, near Vladivostok, 1919 July-August.

Pertzoff (Constantin A.) letter

Relates to the question of Allied responsibility for the downfall of Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak during the Russian Civil War. Photocopy.

Peru. Legacion (United States) typescript

Relates to the seizure of a German ship during World War I for alleged violation of Peruvian neutrality.

Peru newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Peru newspaper collection (1912-1989) comprises seven different Spanish-language titles of publication. All of the titles within this collection have...

Peruvian subject collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, bulletins, and studies relating primarily to political conditions and elections in Peru, and to communist and guerrilla movements in Peru.

Peszczynski (Mieczyslaw) memoir

Relates to conditions among Polish deportees to the Soviet Union at the end of World War II, 1944-1947.

Petelin (Innokentii Stefanovich) papers

Correspondence, reports, and personal documents, relating primarily to the Chinese Eastern Railway.

Peter (Wilhelm) essays

Relates to Marxian philosophy, and to the international and German socialist and communist movements.

Peteritas (Chester Arthur) papers

Orders, letters, photographs, and miscellany, relating to American military aerial activities in the Middle East during World War II.

Peterjohn (Karl) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, serial issues, newsletters, printed matter, statistical data, campaign literature, videotapes, sound recordings, and photographs, relating to libertarian thought in the United States, activities of the Libertarian Party, Students for a Libertarian Society, and the presidential and other campaigns...

Peterkin (Wilbur J.) papers

Diary transcripts, letters, reports, maps, photographs, motion picture film, and memorabilia, relating to Chinese communist forces and the Japanese occupation of China during World War II. Includes weapons, clothing and equipment used by Chinese communists during World War II.

Peterson (Richard W.) typescript

Relates to psychological readjustment of American prisoners of war in Germany during World War II. Ph.D. dissertation, University for Humanistic Studies. Includes research materials assembled for the dissertation, among them memoirs of R. W. Peterson, memoirs of other American prisoners,...

Petkovic (Dusan) papers

Dispatches, radio broadcast transcripts, memoranda, and reports, relating to resistance movements in Yugoslavia during World War II, and to activities of the Yugoslav Government-in-Exile.

Petr Arkad'evich Stolypin subject collection

Letters, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to the Russian statesman Petr Stolypin.

Petrasievici (Cornel) papers

Correspondence, depositions, judicial sentence, and clippings, relating to the imprisonment of C. Petrasievici for treason in Romania, and to efforts to secure his release and permission for him to immigrate to the United States. Photocopy.

Petrenko (Glenn) photographs

Depicts American military activities in Vietnam, including visits to hamlets by General William C. Westmoreland and Congressman Cornelius E. Gallagher.

Petrescu-Comnen (Nicolae) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, diplomatic dispatches, clippings, and serial issues, relating to Romanian foreign relations, especially with Germany, Switzerland, and the Vatican; the League of Nations; World War II refugees and relief work; and postwar Romanian émigré life.

Petri (Heinrich) correspondence

Relates to German military operations during World War I.

Petri (Pal) typescript

Relates to World War I relief in Hungary.

Petropavlovskii (Vitalii Ivanovich) papers

Correspondence, reports, financial records, and printed matter, relating to relations of the Russian Provisional and White Russian governments with the United States during the Russian Revolution and Civil War.

Petrov (Arkadii Nikolaevich) certificates

Relates to the appointment of A. Petrov to official positions under the White Russian Omsk government in Siberia.

Petrov (Grigorii Spridonovich) writings

Relates to Russian culture.

Petrov (P. P.) papers

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian Civil War in Siberia, White Russian transfers of gold to Japan at the conclusion of the war, and Russian émigré affairs. Includes writings by Serge P. Petroff,...

Petrov (Racho) papers

Correspondence, dispatches, orders, and reports, relating to political, military, and diplomatic affairs in Bulgaria, Bulgarian participation in World War I, and the suppression of an attempted military coup in Bulgaria in 1886.

Petrov (Viktor Porfirievich) papers

Viktor Porfirievich Petrov (1907-2000) was a geographer, historian, and author specializing in the history of Russians in China and Alaska. Petrov's papers reflect various aspects of his life and career. The collection of Petrov's papers encompasses various facets of his...

Petrovic (Bora P.) papers

Speeches and writings, letters, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to various aspects of Yugoslav politics, and to King Peter II of Yugoslavia.

Petrushevich (Ivan) papers

Diaries, correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, and clippings, relating to Ukraine during the Russian Revolution, Ukrainian territorial questions, the cooperative movements in Ukraine, and Ukrainians in Canada and the United States.

Pettus (William B.) letters

Relates to the Sino-Japanese War and to political conditions in China and Japan. Includes reports by W. B. Pettus, John Leighton Stuart, and others.

Peurifoy (Robert L.) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, reports, studies, and printed matter, relating to nuclear weapons development and nuclear stockpile management in the United States.

Pfister (Bernhard) mimeograph

Relates to Allied economic policy in occupied Germany. Written by B. Pfister and Elisabeth Liefmann-Keil for the Deutscher Caritasverband.

Philby (H. St. J. B.) letters

Relates to world politics, the Middle Eastern political situation, and Saudi Arabia. Includes an essay, entitled Israel and the Arabs (1956), relating to the Palestinian question.

Philipp (Werner) mimeograph

Relates to the Russian tradition of political theory. Original study, entitled "Historische Voraussetzungen des Politischen Denkens in Russland," published in (Bd. I, 1954). English translation from German.

Philippines newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Philippines newspaper collection (1934-1957) comprises seven different titles of publication, in Spanish, English, and Tagalog. All of the titles...

Phillips (Ethel G.) collection

Clippings from American newspapers, relating to American foreign and domestic policy during the New Deal and reflecting conservative criticism of that policy. Includes pamphlets issued by the American Liberty League, 1935-1936, and texts of radio broadcasts on the Ford Sunday...

Phillips (James Holden) papers

Correspondence, orders, memoranda, and photographs, relating to the military career of J. H. Phillips, and to activities of the III Corps in the European Theater during World War II. Photocopy.

Phillips (Loring) papers

Correspondence, orders, and photographs related to American military activities in the United States and France during World War I.

Phillips (William) letter

Relates to the attitude of the State Department to British requirements that certain articles exported from Great Britain during World War I not be re-exported.

Philp (William R.) collection

The William Russell Philp collection consists of intelligence reports, interrogation reports, maps, and photographs relating to Adolf Hitler, the German military structure, national socialism, various aspects of German society during and immediately after World War II, various military campaigns of...

Photograph album of unidentified soldiers in the Korean War

A photograph album kept by an African American soldier stationed in Japan and later Korea with an artillery battery during the Korean War. Photographs from Japan and Korea featuring United States troops working and enjoying leisure time.

Pickering (A. K.) typescript

Relates to the activities of the United States 1st Cavalry Division during the Admiralty Islands campaign, February-April 1944. Includes maps.

Pickett (Carrie) papers

Letters, reports, citations, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to activities of the American Red Cross in Siberia and Poland. Includes an account of various operations of the Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia.

Pictorial miscellany collection

Photographs depicting miscellaneous or unidentified scenes. Includes photographs of various United Nations officials and activities, and of atomic weapons testing.

Piecuch (Henryk) collection

The collection is largely composed of Henryk Piecuch's research materials for his various books as well as his published and unpublished writings. The research materials in the collection span from 1920 to 2012 and focus on Polish Communist intelligence and...

Pier (H. W.) collection

Two issues of The Catapult, the ship's newspaper of the battleship U.S.S. Maryland, relating to the cruise of President-elect Herbert Hoover to South America on the Maryland, and a gold pen used by President Woodrow Wilson.

Pierce (Richard A.) typescript

Prepared for the Columbia University Research Program on the--History--of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Pierre (Chanoine) memoir

Relates to the arrest and imprisonment of Canon Pierre by German occupation authorities, 1944-1945.

Pierson (Harry H.) papers

Reports and printed matter, relating to Asia Foundation educational assistance and other activities in Thailand, and to political conditions in Thailand.

Piip (Antonius) writings

Relates to the independence of Latvia, diplomatic recognition of Estonia, Estonian membership in the League of Nations, and relations between Estonia and the Soviet Union.

Pike (M. J. W.) memoirs

Relates to the Gallipoli campaign of 1915 in World War I. Includes maps and drawings from the campaign. Digital copy also available at

Pilcher (Joseph Mitchell) obituary

Relates to Claude M. McCall, United States Army officer killed in World War I. Also includes biographical sketch of J. M. Pilcher.

Pilsudski (Jozef) proof sheets

Includes annotations to the preface to the German edition by Hermann Göring, German Nazi leader.

Pink (Louis H.) mimeograph

Relates to the situation of the insurance business in the Philippines.

Pino (Ricardo del) typescript

Relates to political conditions and the status of civil liberties in Cuba, and to the role of the Cuban armed forces. English translation of the published memoir by Ricardo del Pino, Proa a la libertad (Mexico City, 1991). Photocopy.

Pioneers of Science and Technology Historical Association collection

Video tapes of interviews with leading American scientists and promoters of technological development, relating to their lives and contributions to science and technology. Interviews conducted by the Pioneers of Science and Technology Historical Association.

Pipes (Richard) interview

Relates to the nature and significance of the Russian Revolution of 1917, to the subsequent course of Soviet history, and to current political events in the Soviet Union. Interview conducted by Arnold Beichman.

Pirnie (Malcolm) papers

Diary transcripts, correspondence, photographs, clippings, and miscellany, relating to Red Cross relief work in Russia and to conditions in Russia during the Russian Revolution.

Pitts (Forrest Ralph) papers

Correspondence, reports, notes, and slides relating to the population of Okinawa and to social and economic conditions on Okinawa in the post-World War II period.

Pius XI (Pope) encyclical

Relates to the situation of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany.

Plan du redressement francais typescript

Proposes German intervention to establish a new French government. Written by five French collaborationists, Joseph Darnand, Georges Guilbaud, Marcel Déat, Jean Luchaire, and M. de Tissot, and addressed to German occupation authorities.

Plank (Ewart G.) papers

Photographs, military reports, and newspaper issues, relating to activities of the United States Army in France, Belgium, and Germany during World War II, and particularly to communications operations.

Platonov (Valerian P.) papers

Correspondence, reports, and printed matter, relating to Russian governmental administration in Poland; political, economic, and religious conditions in Poland; and the Polish Revolution of 1863-1864. In part, microfilm from the Pilsudski Institute of America (3 reels). Collection material held at...

Platt (Frances Carson) photograph collection

Depicts activities of the American Expeditionary Forces in France in World War I. Includes photographic reproductions of drawings and photographs of Charles G. Dawes as a brigadier general.

Platt (Philip Skinner) papers

Memoirs, 1976, and photographs, 1916, relating to relief work in Europe during World War I.

Platt (William J.) papers

Speeches and writings, reports, memoranda, bulletins, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to international educational development, especially educational activities of Unesco.

Plotnicov (Leonard) key punch cards

Relates to court cases, tax rolls, welfare, and education in Africa, 1951-1965.

Poccia (Heidi) photographs

Depicts social conditions in Cuba.

Podgorski (Tadeusz) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, and photographs relating to activities of the Polska Partia Socjalistyczna in exile and to Polish émigré affairs.

Pogrebetskii (A. I.) typescript

Excerpts from study, entitled , published in Harbin, 1924. Translated from Russian into English by Elena Varneck.

Pohle (Elizabeth Malott) collection

Photographs, commemorative book, and other printed matter, relating to interment of the remains of Tsar Nicholas II and members of his family in St. Petersburg in 1998.

Pohoski (Henryk) processed volume

Relates to Polish intelligence and resistance activities under German occupation in World War II. Published in Dziennik Polski (Kraków) in 1988 September. Includes commentary by Czeslaw Niemczynski.

Poike (Werner) autobiographical writings

Relates to prison conditions and the status of civil liberties in East Germany.

Poindexter (Joseph Boyd) miscellaneous papers

Memoranda, letter, radio broadcast announcement, and photograph relating especially to the declaration of martial law in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

Pokrovsk (R.S.F.S.R.) Kantonnyi ispolnitel'nyi komitet reports

Relates to the activities of the local soviets, local administration, and economic questions.

Pokrovskii (N. N. (Nikolai Nikolaevich)) typescript

Relates to religious persecution in the Soviet Union.

Polach (Jaroslav George) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, bibliographies, biographical data, and personal documents, relating primarily to energy resources, and especially to oil and nuclear energy resources, and to nuclear energy in Eastern Europe.

Poland: 1,000 years of history and culture video tape

Relates to the history of Poland from the medieval period to the twentieth century. Produced by Roger Conant.

Poland, 1986-1989 : the end of the system conference proceedings

Agenda, sound recordings, distributed conference documents, and printed transcripts, relating to the fall of the communist regime in Poland.

Poland. Ambasada (Catholic Church) records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, dispatches, studies, log books, statistics, clippings, and printed matter, relating to Polish-Vatican relations, the Catholic Church in Poland, Polish diplomatic relations during World War II, and Polish refugees.

Poland. Ambasada (China) miscellaneous records

Correspondence and memoranda, relating to relations between China and the Polish Government-in-Exile in London.

Poland. Ambasada (France) records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and financial records, relating to Franco-Polish relations in the interwar period and during World War II.

Poland. Ambasada (Great Britain) records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, financial records, studies, conference proceedings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Anglo-Polish relations, especially relations between Great Britain and the Polish government-in-exile in London during World War II; Anglo-Polish trade; Polish foreign policy and participation in the...

Poland. Ambasada (Italy) Telegrams

Telegrams sent and received, relating to Polish-Italian relations. A digital copy of this entire collection is available at .

Poland. Ambasada (Soviet Union) records

Reports, correspondence, accounts, lists, testimonies, questionnaires, certificates, petitions, card files, maps, circulars, graphs, protocols, and clippings relating to World War II, the Soviet occupation of Poland, the Polish-Soviet military and diplomatic agreements of 1941, the re-establishment of the Polish embassy...

Poland. Ambasada (U.S.) records

Reports, correspondence, bulletins, communiques, memoranda, dispatches, and instructions, speeches and writings, and printed matter, relating to the establishment of the Republic of Poland; the Polish-Soviet War of 1920; Polish politics and foreign relations; national minorities in Poland; the territorial question...

Poland. Attache Wojskowy (Portugal) miscellaneous records

Correspondence, telegrams, memoranda, reports, relating to events and conditions in Portugal and Spain, relations between Poland and Portugal, and the Spanish Civil War.

Poland. Delegacja przy Lidze Narodow Telegrams

Telegrams and logbook transcripts of telegrams sent and received, relating to Polish foreign relations during the interwar period and Polish participation in the League of Nations. A digital copy of this entire collection is available at .

Poland. Glowna Komisja do Spraw Upanstwowienia Przedsiebiorstw miscellaneous records

Reports and correspondence, relating to nationalization of German firms in post-World War II Poland.

Poland. Konsulat (Cape Town) miscellaneous records

Correspondence, clippings, photographs, pamphlets, and printed matter, relating to Polish commercial interests, emigre organizations, fund raising for war relief, and consular activity in South Africa.

Poland. Konsulat Generalny (Chicago, Ill.) records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, bulletins, historical studies, and printed matter, relating to Poland during World War II and Poles in the United States.

Poland. Konsulat Generalny (Dublin, Ireland) records

Correspondence, reports, dispatches, memoranda, press releases, financial records, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to Polish-Irish relations, Polish citizens and consular affairs in Ireland, activities of the Polish Government-in-Exile during World War II, and postwar Polish émigrés and émigré affairs....

Poland. Konsulat Generalny (Lille, France) records

Correspondence, reports, dispatches, memoranda, financial records, passports and passport applications, and printed matter, relating to Franco-Polish relations, Polish citizens and consular affairs in France, and conditions in Poland and France during World War II. A digital copy of this entire...

Poland. Konsulat Generalny (New York, N.Y.) records

Correspondence, telegrams, memoranda, reports, agreements, minutes, histories, financial records, lists, press summaries, photographs, and printed matter, relating to the German and Soviet occupation of Poland during World War II, activities of the Polish Government-in-Exile (London), and displaced Polish citizens after...

Poland. Konsulat Generalny (Pretoria, South Africa) records

Correspondence, telegrams, circulars, notes, speeches, clippings, minutes, protocols, and seals, relating to Polish foreign relations with South Africa and Polish émigré organizations, fund-raising for war relief, and consular activity in South Africa.

Poland laws

Polish electoral bylaws for the Diet, adopted July 8, 1935. English translation from Polish.

Poland. Ministerstwo Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego records

Directives, memoranda, and reports relating to internal security procedures and practices in Poland. Used as research material for the Instytut Pamięci Narodowej--Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu documentary publication (Warsaw, 2011) edited by Bogusław Kopka. Photocopy.

Poland. Ministerstwo Informacji i Dokumentacji records

Correspondence, reports, bulletins, memoirs, and photographs, relating to conditions in Poland during World War II, deportation of Poles to the Soviet Union, the Katyn Forest Massacre, and activities of Polish armed forces and of the Polish Government-in-Exile. Includes release certificates...

Poland. Ministerstwo Prac Kongresowych. Rada Morska miscellaneous records

Reports, studies, statistical data, and statutes, relating to Polish shipping boundaries, and territorial disputes with the Soviet Union during World War II. Materials were issued, in part, by the Department of Marine Affairs of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and...

Poland. Ministerstwo Prac Kongresowych records

Essays, bulletins, reports, and studies, relating to Poland's boundary disputes following World Wars I and II; events and conditions in Poland under German and Soviet occupations during World War II; Polish-Soviet relations; communism in Poland; and twentieth century Polish agriculture,...

Poland. Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnetrznych issuances

Reports and bulletins, relating to Polish politics and government; social conditions in Poland; the German and Soviet occupations of Poland; and the Polish underground movement during World War II. Includes reports and studies prepared by the Ministries of National Defense...

Poland. Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnetrznych. Sztab Operacji Lato 80 records

Plans, memoranda, correspondence, and draft documents, relating to preparations for imposition of martial law in Poland in 1980. Includes some later documents. Photocopy.

Poland. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych. Departament III. Wydzial Ameryki Polnocnej records

Dispatches, correspondence, reports, and memoranda, relating to Polish foreign relations with the United States and Canada. Includes dispatches from the Polish embassy in the United States.

Poland. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych records

Correspondence, bulletins, memoranda, reports, studies, lists, financial records, and photographs, relating to Polish foreign relations during World War II, the Polish government in exile in London, Allied diplomacy during World War II, conditions in Poland during the war, deportation of...

Poland newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Poland newspaper collection (1900-2001) comprises two-hundred and sixty-two different titles of publication, in Polish, German, Yiddish, English, and French....

Poland. Polskie Sily Zbrojne miscellaneous records

When World War II began, Polish Armed Forces (Polskie Siły Zbrojne) were outfitted with a fighting force that was approximately one million strong. The initial 1939 invasion by Germany on September 1st and then later the Soviet Union on September...

Poland. Polskie Sily Zbrojne. Sztab Naczelnego Wodza miscellaneous records

Reports, dispatches, correspondence, memoranda, and speeches, relating to Polish military operations during World War II, the Polish government-in-exile, wartime Allied diplomacy, Polish refugees, and the deportation of Poles to the Soviet Union. Includes papers of General Wladyslaw Sikorski.

Poland, Polskie Siły Zbrojne, Armia Polska na Wschodzie issuances

The Armia Polska na Wschodzie (Polish Army in the East) was created on September 12th, 1942, by the direct order from the Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Armed Forces, General Władysław Sikorski. The Polskie Siły Zbrojne, Armia Polska na Wschodzie issuances...

Poland. Poselstwo (Belgium) records

Correspondence, telegrams, and dispatches, relating to Polish-Belgian relations and to Polish diplomacy during World War II. A digital copy of this entire collection is available at .

Poland. Poselstwo (Bulgaria) miscellaneous records

Correspondence, memoranda, and telegrams, relating to Legation operations and diplomatic relations between Poland and Bulgaria.

Poland. Poselstwo (Czechoslovakia) records

Correspondence, reports, dispatches, memoranda, bulletins, and printed matter, relating to Polish-Czechoslovak relations, conditions in Poland and Czechoslovakia during World War II, and Allied diplomacy during the war. A digital copy of this entire collection is available at .

Poland. Poselstwo (Denmark) Telegrams

Logbook transcripts of telegrams sent and received, relating to Polish-Danish relations during the interwar period. A digital copy of this entire collection is available at .

Poland. Poselstwo (Finland) records

Correspondence, telegrams, and memoranda, relating to Polish-Finnish relations and to Polish diplomacy during World War II.

Poland. Poselstwo (Hungary) Telegrams

Telegrams and logbook transcripts of telegrams sent and received, relating to Polish-Hungarian relations during the interwar period. A digital copy of this entire collection is available at .

Poland. Poselstwo (Netherlands) records

Telegrams, logbook transcripts of telegrams, and memoranda, relating to Polish-Dutch relations during the interwar period. A digital copy of this entire collection is available at .

Poland. Poselstwo (Portugal) records

Correspondence, memoranda, and reports, relating to foreign relations between Poland and Portugal between the two world wars, and to foreign relations between Portugal and the Polish Government-in-Exile in London during and after World War II.

Poland. Poselstwo (Romania) Telegrams

Logbook transcripts of telegrams sent and received, relating to Polish-Romanian relations during the interwar period. A digital copy of this entire collection is available at .

Poland. Poselstwo (Switzerland) Telegrams

Logbook transcripts of telegrams sent and received, relating to Polish-Swiss relations. A digital copy of this entire collection is available at .

Poland. Poselstwo (Yugoslavia) records

Correspondence, dispatches, reports, telegrams, and diplomatic agreements, relating to Polish-Yugoslav relations and to Polish and Yugoslav diplomacy during World War II.

Poland Rada Ministrow records

Reports, memoranda, and statistical data, relating to administration of the government of Poland.

Poland. Rada Narodowa records

Decrees, reports, stenographic records, minutes of meetings, and speeches, relating to political developments in Poland and Eastern Europe, and to activities of the Polish Government-in-Exile.

Poland Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa Departament III collection

Underground pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, bulletins, photographs, video tapes, and miscellany, collected by Polish internal security police. Includes some reports and bulletins issued by Polish security police.

Poland (Territory under German occupation, 1939-1945) German occupation proclamations

Relates to regulation of the civilian population of the Kraków region of Poland by German occupation authorities during World War II.

Poland. Urzad do Spraw Wyznan bulletins

Issues of Problemy Wyznan i Laicyzacji, 1968-1975, and of Prasa Zagraniczna o Kosciele, 1978-1979, relating to church and state in Poland.

Poland (William B.) photographs

Depicts relief work of the American Relief Administration in Poland. Presented by the Polsko-Amerykanski Komitet Pomocy Dzieciom to W. B. Poland in gratitude for his relief activities with the American Relief Administration in Poland.

Polchaninov (R. V.) papers

Writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to the Russian scouting movement.

Poletika (W. P. von) collection

Reports, studies, bibliographies, and proclamations relating to Soviet agricultural policy, and to German agricultural policy in occupied parts of Russia during the two world wars.

Poliakov (Ivan Alekseevich) papers

These papers contain the correspondence, and writings of Ivan Alekseevich Poliakov, participant in the Don Cossack uprising of 1918, and ataman of the Don Cossacks in emigration since 1947.

Poliakov (Valerii Nikolaevich) collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, proclamations, bulletins, serial issues, and clippings, relating to political, social and economic conditions in the Soviet Union, and to Russian émigré activities. Includes a few letters written to Poliakov.

Polikarp (Archimandrite) papers

These papers contain the personal papers of Archimandrite Polikarp (Gorbunov). After the Russian Revolution, Archimandrite Polikarp found himself in Harbin, China, where he was closely associated with Metropolitan Meletii (Zaborovskii), and was assigned as rector of the Annunciation cathedral.

Polish American Congress records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, press releases, resolutions, petitions, financial records, printed matter, and audiovisual material, relating to Polish Americans, conditions in Poland, official and unofficial relations between the United States and Poland, and grant and charitable aid to Poland.

Polish Arts and Culture Foundation records

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, photographs, sound recordings, video tapes, and motion picture film, relating to Polish culture and history, and to the Polish community in the United States. Includes material collected by the Foundation.

Polish cross video tape

Finished English and Polish videotape versions, raw videotape footage, and transcripts, relating to the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Polish society and politics. Produced by Bohdan W. Oppenheim. Polish version entitled Polski Krzyz.

Polish Grey Samaritans records

Memoirs, reports, correspondence, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to relief activities carried out in Poland at the end of World War I, and to conditions in Poland at that time. Includes memoirs by Martha Gedgowd and Amy Pryor Tapping,...

Polish Independent Publications collection

Serial issues, books, and pamphlets, published by underground and uncensored presses in Poland, relating to political and cultural conditions in Poland. Includes issuances of Solidarnosc, among other organizations.

Polish Information Center (New York, N.Y.) records

Clippings (primarily from American sources), correspondence, administrative files, press reviews and summaries, bulletins, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs, relating to World War II, the German and Soviet occupations of Poland, the persecution of Jews in Poland, and the spread...

Polish Information Service (New York) memorandum

Relates to the controversy between Germany and Poland in the interwar period regarding the decision of the Polish government to destroy the bridge at Opalenica, Poznan Province, that had been constructed by the German government in 1909.

Polish National Committee of America postcards

Depicts scenes of destruction in Poland during World War I, coins of Lithuania and Poland, and Polish-American soldiers in France during World War I.

Polish Research Centre (London) records

Reports, studies, bulletins, and printed matter, issued by the Polish Research Centre, the Polish Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Information and Documentation, and other agencies of the Polish Government-in-Exile (London), relating to Polish-Soviet relations, conditions in occupied Poland, Polish underground...

Polish subject collection

Materials in the Polish Subject Collection have been collected over time by the Hoover Institution Library and Archives from various creators and are reflective of Polish history from 1908 to 2014. The collection consists of serial issues, pamphlets, election campaign...

Polishchuk (Arkady) papers

Correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Pentecostal Christians and civil liberties in the Soviet Union.

Politicheskii ob'edinennyi komitet miscellany

Memorandum relating to the program of the Politicheskiĭ ob'edinennyĭ komitet, and bulletins relating to the Politicheskiĭ ob'edinennyĭ komitet and to political developments in Russia.

Politische Leben in Russisch-Polen printed material

Relates to political life in Russian Poland.

Polizeiprasidium in Berlin miscellaneous records

Reports from agents in the United States relating to participation of Germans and other Europeans in anarchist and socialist movements, 1894-1916. Also includes some original proclamations from the Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871; and photocopies of charts of the Berlin police communication...

Polk (Bill) scrapbook

Photographs and United States Army and Navy press releases, relating to the Vietnamese War.

Polonia Solidarity Association records

Correspondence, minutes, membership lists, financial records, and photographs, relating to efforts to promote nongovernmental Polish-American contacts, to support charitable causes in Poland, and to influence American governmental policy toward Poland.

Polovets (Alexander) papers

Includes correspondence, writings, printed matter, photographs, books, digital files, and audiovisual material relating to Russian literature and to Russian émigré affairs.

Polpress press releases

Relates to Polish political and diplomatic events.

Polska Agencja Telegraficzna (London) press excerpts

Relates to events and conditions in Poland during World War II, the deportation of Poles to the Soviet Union, Polish displaced persons, relations between Poland and the Soviet Union, and Polish boundaries. From various international sources.

Polska Partia Socjalistyczna issuances

Leaflets, flyers, announcements, pamphlets, and serial issues, relating to socialist activities in Poland, and to the movement for Polish independence. Issued by party groups in Warsaw and in emigration in Paris and London. Includes some items issued by other Polish...

Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza. Komitet Wojewodzki w Siedlcach miscellaneous records

Decrees, directives, reports, memoranda, plans, resolutions, bulletins, and correspondence, relating to governmental administration, social and economic policy planning, and educational policy, in Siedlce province, Poland.

Polski Instytut Zrodlowy w Lund collection

Testimonials of Polish inmates of German concentration camps during World War II, relating to conditions in the camps. Testimonials transcribed by the Polski Instytut Zródlowy w Lund.

Polskie Archiwum Wojenne catalog

Catalog of pamphlets, leaflets, and periodicals at the archives.

Poltavskiia eparkhial'nyia diela printed material

Broadside relating to the situation of religion in Poltava, Ukraine, during the Russian Revolution.

Poltiniak (Kurt) drawings

Anti-fascist, anti-American, and pro-communist drawings, commenting on twentieth-century German and world events.

Polumbaum (Judy) papers

Judy Polumbaum (1953-) was the first Western researcher to do fieldwork focusing on post-Mao journalism in mainland China. China-related correspondence through the 1980s-1990s, with both Chinese and American colleagues, friends, and students.

Pomaret (Charles Henri) typescript

Relates to the capitulation of the French government during World War II.

Pomian (Andrzej) papers

The collection includes materials related to Poland, the Polish Underground, the Warsaw Uprising, Polish politics and government during and after World War II and Polish émigré affairs, in the form of correspondence, writings, reports, publications, notes, and clippings. Also available...

Pommers (Ansis) papers

The Ansis Pommers Papers contain materials pertaining to the history of the Latvian emigration after World War II, from the experience of Latvians in Displaced Persons camps in Germany immediately after the war to their subsequent lives as immigrants in...

Poncelet (Eugene F.) printed material

Relates to life in Belgium before and during World War I, and to engineering in Canada and the United States.

Poninski (Alfred) papers

Correspondence, memoirs, reports, notes, and printed matter relating to Polish-Soviet and Polish-Romanian relations, and to religious persecution in the Soviet Union.

Poninski (Ellen, Grafin) typescript

Relates to conditions in Potsdam under Soviet occupation after World War II.

Pool (Ithiel de Sola) collection

Mimeographed letters and circulars, pamphlets and leaflets, relating to American Trotskyism, especially to factional disputes within the Socialist Workers Party, 1938-1940, and to Trotskyist activities in the anti-fascist, anti-war labor movements. Includes some radical non-Trotskyist material.

Poole (Robert W., Jr.) papers

Author, editor, mechanical engineer, Director of Transportation Policy at Reason Foundation, and Searle Freedom Trust Transportation Fellow. The collection consists primary of Reason magazine issues from 1968-2022 and also includes business files, correspondence, annual reports, newsletters, sound cassettes, and associated...

Poole (William T.) collection

Reports, correspondence, minutes, hearing transcripts, legal exhibits, clippings, serial issues, pamphlets, and leaflets relating to communism and radicalism in the United States, and to the anti-Vietnam War movement. Includes exhibits of the United States Subversive Activities Control Board and files...

Poon (Ying Ho) trial exhibits

Exhibits from a Hong Kong Central Magistracy case trial involving bank fraud in the Hong Kong branch of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Photocopy.

Poort (Willem Andries) daily logbook

Relates to war news, the Allied bombing campaign against Germany, and conditions in the Netherlands under German occupation.

Pope (Henry) collection

Writings, speech transcripts, and photographs, relating to the views of the educator William Wirt regarding the monetary situation and the economic policy of the New Deal in the United States.

Pope (Hope Cox) papers

History of the Montevideo Chapter of the American National Red Cross, 1917-1919; and correspondence, relating to wartime conditions in South America, 1915-1917.

Popescu (Dimitri G.) papers

Memoranda, reports, correspondence, and dispatches, relating to Romanian foreign relations during World War II, especially Romanian negotiations with the Allies, and to political conditions in Romania during World War II.

Popovic (Zarko R.) papers

The papers include diaries, correspondence, reports, memoranda, and clippings, relating to Yugoslav-Soviet relations, the Yugoslav coup d'état of 1941 March 27, relations of the Yugoslav Government-in-Exile with the United States and Great Britain, Draža Mihailović and the Yugoslav resistance movement...

Popovskii (Mark A.) collection

Reminiscences, reports, correspondence, and other writings of members of Tolstovtsy communes in the Soviet Union, relating to the agrarian dissent movement of followers of Leo Tolstoy. Digital use copies of the entire collection are available in the reading room.

Poppe (N. N.) sound recording

Sound recording relates to the Akademiia Nauk SSSR (Soviet Academy of Sciences). Sergei Yacobson is believed to have played some role in the creation of this recording.

Popper (Sir Karl R.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs relating to philosophy, the nature of knowledge, the philosophy of culture, the philosophy and methodology of science, and the philosophy of history and the social sciences.

Poreba (Bohdan Wincenty) papers

Writings, bulletins, printed matter, sound recordings, and video tape, relating to Polish nationalism and to the Zjednoczenie Patriotyczne "Grunwald".

Port Arthur diary : typescript

Translation of table of contents of diary of an unknown Russian relating to the siege of Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905. Translated from Russian to English by Elena Varneck.

Porto Rico Child Health Committee disbursement vouchers

Vouchers drawn on accounts of the United States Department of Education and the American Relief Administration Children's Fund.

Portugal newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Portugal newspaper collection (1941-1990) comprises sixteen unique titles of publication, in both Portuguese and French. All of the titles...

Portugal since the revolution conference papers

Relates to political, economic and cultural conditions in Portugal since the revolution of 1974. Conference sponsored by the Iberian Studies Group at the University of California, Berkeley.

Portuguese subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, and serial issues, relating to the Portuguese revolution of 1974, and to Portuguese foreign relations, trade unions, and armed forces.

Posadskaya (Anastasia) interviews

Sound recordings and transcripts of interviews of Russian women, relating to social conditions for women over the course of Soviet history. Used as the basis for the book edited by Barbara Alpern Engel and Anastasia Posadskaya, (Boulder, Colo., 1998).

Posledni leto motion picture film

Relates to President Tomáš G. Masaryk of Czechoslovakia. Lacks soundtrack.

Possony (Stefan T.) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, research notes, bibliographic card files, and printed matter relating to military science, technology, national defense, international relations, Soviet foreign policy, revolution in the twentieth century, and communism.

Post (Ken) miscellaneous papers

Notes, photographs, and miscellany relating to political developments in Africa.

Post (Wilber E.) and Maurice Wertheim history

Relates to the Russian Revolution and Civil War in the Caucasus region, Allied intervention in the area, and economic conditions in the Caucasus. Written by W. E. Post and Maurice Wertheim. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Poster collection

Posters from many countries relating to a broad range of topics in twentieth-century history. A large proportion of the posters are propagandistic in nature. American, British, French, German and Russian posters are particularly numerous. Among the major events covered are...

Postnikov (Fedor Fedorovich) photograph album

Fedor Fedorovich Postnikov, a prominent Russian architect, is recognized for his significant contributions to shaping the architectural landscape of central Vladivostok, Russia. The collection comprises photographic prints illustrating construction scenes in Vladivostok, Russia, from 1906 to 1908, featuring Postnikov's architectural...

Postnikova (E.) typescript

Relates to the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic during the Russian Civil War, 1919-1921.

Postulates, principles, proposals for the international law of the future mimeograph

Relates to proposals for post-World War II international organizations and international law.

Post-war economic development of India typescript

Relates to economic development planning for India after World War II. Report by eight Indian businessmen and economists, published in the , January 29-February 1, 1944.

Potashov (Vladimir) writings

Relates to Vladimir Putin, the Russian secret service, and Russian politics.

Pototskii (Sergei N.) papers

Correspondence, telegrams, reports, protocols, lists, orders, circulars, accounts, and receipts, card file, and photographs, relating to Russian Imperial military agencies in Copenhagen and Berlin, the Russian Imperial Passport Control Office in Copenhagen, the Russian prisoner-of-war and refugee camp at Horserod,...

Potter (Mrs. W. T.) typescript

Relates to the visit of President-elect Herbert Hoover to Argentina in December 1928.

Potulicki (Michal) papers

Bulletins, reports, studies, correspondence, notes, and clippings, relating to Polish politics and government, German war crimes, Germany during World War II, prisoners of war in Germany, the German invasion of Poland, and Polish relations with Britain, France, and the Soviet...

Potworowski (Gustaw) papers

Notes and other writings, letters, dispatches, and printed matter, relating to Polish diplomacy during World War II.

Potworowski (Tomasz) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, and military and identification documents, relating to Polish military training in Great Britain and subsequent military operations in France, Belgium and the Netherlands during World War II.

Poveda Sediles (Leonel) papers

Memoranda, reports, letters, resolutions, statements, press releases, equipment inventories, financial records, and printed matter, relating to activities of the Alianza Revolucionaria Democrática, the Unión Nacional Opositora, and other Nicaraguan anti-Sandinista organizations; anti-Sandinista military operations along the Nicaraguan-Costa Rican border; and...

Powell-Evans (V.) report

Relates to terrorist activities during the emergency period in Malaya.

Powers (Iris R.) papers

Transcripts of meetings, correspondence, writings, testimony, and printed matter relating to readjustment of American prisoners of war returning from the Vietnamese War.

Powers (Joshua B.) collection

Correspondence, telegrams, biographies, articles, pamphlets, clippings, writings, photographs, maps, scrapbooks, and memorabilia relating to Homer Lea, military adviser to Sun Yat-sen and author of , and to the revolutionary movement in China, circa 1900-1920. Includes writings and correspondence of Homer...

Powers (Philip M.)

The scrapbooks contain cartoons from the German press relating to World War I and the German Revolution of 1918-1919, as well as a personal scrapbook of photographs, souvenirs, and miscellanea.

Pownall (Charles Alan) papers

Correspondence, orders, reports, memoranda, personnel records, printed matter, maps, and photographs relating to American naval aviation, especially in the Pacific Theater during World War II, and to post-war naval administration of Guam.

Poznanski (Karol) papers

Correspondence, diary, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Polish foreign relations, especially with France and Great Britain, during the interwar period, and to Allied diplomacy and the Polish government in exile during World War II.

Pozsgay (Imre) papers

Documents relating to political conditions in Hungary during the communist and post-communist periods: speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, minutes, bulletins, serial issues, printed matter, and audiovisual materials.

Pratt (Richard R.) processed volume

Relates to the naval career of R. R. Pratt, including service on destroyers in the Pacific Theater during World War II, and a variety of postwar assignments in the United States and Europe, and to Pratt family life. Photocopy.

Pravda article excerpts

Relates to the socialist peace conference in Stockholm, and to the suppression of the Bolsheviks during the July days. Excerpts are dated 1917 July-August. Includes a false satirical issue of Pravda, 1980, prepared by anticommunists.

Pravoslavnoe palestinskoe obshchestvo records

By-laws, minutes, correspondence, memoranda, reports, and legal documents relating to administration of Orthodox Church property in Palestine and to legal disputes over its ownership.

Prečan (Vilém) papers

Correspondence with Václav Havel, video tapes, and audio tapes, relating to political conditions and civil rights in Czechoslovakia. Also includes photographic reproductions of memoranda, 1947-1948, relating to political conditions in Czechoslovakia (In Czech).

Preparatory Commission of the United Nations records

Commission for work preparatory to the founding of the United Nations.

Present state of Latvia's railways and the views for the future mimeograph

Regarding the present state of Latvia's railways and the views for the future.

Presidentielle 1965 sound recording

Speeches of candidates for President of France, including speeches by Marcel Barbu, Charles de Gaulle, Jean Lecanuet, Pierre Marcilhacy, Fran�ois Mitterrand, and Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour.

President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership (1931 : Washington, D.C.) records

Memoranda, reports, correspondence, pamphlets, clippings, press releases, and expense statements, relating to housing conditions in the United States, and to proposals for improving them, and especially for promoting home ownership through home loan banks.

Presses nationales associees press releases

Relates to the Algiers coup of 1958 and the return to power of General Charles de Gaulle in France.

Preston (Archibald E.) papers

Correspondence, orders, training manuals, and maps related to American military engineering activities in the United States and France during World War I.

Prüfer (Curt Max) papers

Diaries, memoirs, report, and clippings relating to German military liaison with Turkish military operations during World War I, German foreign policy during the interwar period (especially in Ethiopia), and German foreign policy during World War II (especially in Brazil).

Prianishnikov (A. P.) holograph

Relates to Russian military operations during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878.

Prianishnikov (Boris V.)

Contains documents relating to the disappearance of émigré Russian generals A. P. Kutepov (1930) and E. K. Miller (1937) from Paris, Russian émigré anti-communist groups and Soviet penetration of them, the Narodno-Trudovoi Soiuz organization, White forces during the Russian Revolution,...

Pribylovskii (Vladimir) collection

The collection consists of circulated material, serial issues, bulletins, clippings, other printed matter, and notes relating to political parties and political leaders of post-Soviet Russia and other parts of the former Soviet Union. Used as research material for various publications...

Price (Ernest B.) papers

Correspondence, diary, dispatches, writings, lecture material, photographs, and printed matter, relating to Japanese military intervention in China and Manchuria, 1931-1945; political and economic development in China, 1914-1950; and American foreign relations with China, 1914-1929.

Price family papers

The Price family papers are comprised of correspondence, writings, diaries, orders, memoranda, genealogical material, printed matter, notes, photographs, and memorabilia, documenting several generations of the Price family. Due to the diverse careers of the family and their residence in different...

Price (Frank L.) collection

Clippings, serial issues, other printed matter, and notes, relating to protest movements against the Vietnam War, and to radicalism in the U.S., especially among college students, and particularly in the San Diego, California, region.

Price (Harry Bayard) typescript

Regarding American aid to China

Price (John Roy) papers

John Roy Price, Jr. served as Special Assistant to the President for Urban Affairs and was the Executive Secretary of the Council for Urban Affairs during the first Nixon administration. The collection includes material related to Prices' time in the...

Price (Raymond K.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, press summaries, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to American foreign and domestic policy during the administration of President Richard M. Nixon, and to the presidential elections of 1968 and 1972.

Primorskaia oblast' (Russia) Komissiia po obsledovaniiu obstoiatel'stv sobytii 4-6 aprelia vo Vladivostoke report

Relates to activities of Japanese troops in the Maritime Province of Siberia during the Russian Civil War.

Prince (Eugene) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, military and legal documents, identification papers, certificates, biographical data, printed matter, and photographs, relating primarily to American military operations in Russia during the Russian Civil War, and to American military intelligence activities in the Russian Civil War...

Princeton Listening Post Transcripts

Transcripts of news broadcasts from London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, and Moscow, relating to war news, December 1939-May 1941.

Prisoners' pie. L'assiette sans beurre serial issues

Published in Crefeld, Germany, for Allied prisoners of war.

Pritchard (E. Onslow) miscellany

American flag hoisted by E. O. Pritchard over Canadian trenches in France on 9 April 1917 upon receipt of news of American entry into World War I; photographs of Pritchard; and letter written by him regarding trench warfare in France.

Private spies video tape

Relates to surveillance of left-wing activities in the United States by private organizations on behalf of American government agencies. Broadcast as a three-part television program on KRON-TV, San Francisco. Includes a transcript of the broadcast.

Prochazka (Theodor) papers

Correspondence, writings, pamphlets, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to political, social, and cultural conditions in Czechoslovakia; events in Czechoslovakia during World War II; Czechoslovak journalism; and Czechoslovak émigré activities.

Procope (Hjalmar Johan Fredrik) papers

Correspondence, diplomatic dispatches, memoranda, and reports, relating to Finnish foreign relations during the Russo-Finnish War and World War II.

Procopiu (Irina) papers

Letters, clippings, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to Queen Marie and the Romanian royal family.

Proffer (Carl R.) galley proofs

Relates to efforts to publish a Russian language edition of Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago outside the Soviet Union. Photocopy.

ProfTek records

Correspondence, minutes, statements, bylaws, and legal and financial records, relating to the independent labor movement in post-Soviet Russia.

Program on Overseas Development records

Reports and reading lists, relating to the instruction of foreign technicians in matters regarding economic development. Program conducted by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace under a contract with the United States International Cooperation Administration.

Pronin (Alexander and Ethel) collection

Writings, notes, printed matter, photographs, sound recordings, video tapes, motion picture film, and miscellany relating to aspects of Russian and Soviet culture and history.

Pronin (Dimitri Theodor) typescript

Relates to the Soviet and German occupation of Poland, 1939-1945. Photocopy.

Protesting Committee Against the U.S. Marines Violence propaganda

Anti-American propaganda distributed at the National University of Taiwan in Taipei.

Protsess video tape

Soviet television program, relating to the debate in the Soviet Union on re-evaluation of Soviet history since the Russian Revolution.

Provo (Bartolomeo) papers

Correspondence, serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, photographs, drawings, and miscellany, relating to anarchism in the United States, Italy and elsewhere.

Pruitt (Ida) papers

Letters, reports, and printed matter, relating to missionary and social work in China, the Sino-Japanese Conflict, and Chinese industrial cooperatives.

Prusiński (Andrzej) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, bylaws, note cards, and identification documents, relating to the Polish émigré community in Germany.

Prussia (Germany) Justizministerium reports

Relates to the assassination of General Kurt von Schleicher, former chancellor of Germany, in 1934. Photocopy.

Prussia (Germany) Ministerium des Innern. Politische Abteilung miscellaneous records

Copies of correspondence, notes, and proclamations, relating to activities of the Nazi Party in Prussia.

Pruszynski (Aleksander) papers

Writings, correspondence, reports, personal documents, photocopies of government documents, election campaign literature, and other printed matter, relating to political conditions in Belarus and Poland. Includes photocopies of Polish secret police files.

Prymasowski Komitet Pomocy Osobom Pozbawionym Wolnosci i Ich Rodzinom records

Reports, memoranda, lists, and clippings, relating to human rights in Poland following imposition of martial law.

Pryor (Roy) radio broadcast collection

Relates to American neutrality in World War II, the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor and the Philippines, and the first weeks of American participation in the war. Includes speeches by President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States and Prime...

Przestancie stale nas przepraszac mimeograph

Poetry of Polish workers involved in the general strike of 1980.

Pstrokonski (Stanislaw) typescript

Relates to the disbanding of Polish armed forces in Great Britain at the end of World War II.

Psuty (Kazimierz) processed item

Relates to induction into and desertion from the German army, and service with French and Polish forces in North Africa and Europe.

Ptaczek (Jozef) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, photocopies of Polish government documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Radio Free Europe broadcasting activities to Poland.

Pétain (Philippe) papers

Statements prepared by P. Pétain in anticipation of his arrest by German authorities in 1944. Includes depositions and photographs, relating to the trial of P. Pétain for treason, at the conclusion of World War II.

Ptasinski (Jan) papers

Photocopies of diaries and notes relating to Polish-Soviet relations.

Ptasnikowa (Zofia Ludwika) processed volume

Diary transcript, relating to conditions of Polish deportees in Kazakhstan during World War II. Edited by Mieczyslaw Ptasnik. Includes English translation.

Puchkov (F. A.) typescript

Excerpts from a memoir entitled Vosmaia Kamskaia Strelkovaia Diviziia v Sibirskom Ledianom Pokhode. Relates to the retreat of White forces to Siberia in the winter of 1919-1920. Translated by Elena Varneck.

Puddington (Arch) collection

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, printed matter, and sound recordings, relating to Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. Used as research material for the book by A. Puddington, Broadcasting Freedom: The Cold War Triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (Lexington,...

Puente (José Ovidio) papers

Correspondence, writings, serial issues, clippings, photographs, and miscellany, relating to Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional guerrillas in Nicaragua. Includes writings and letters by the Sandinista leader Carlos Fonseca.

Puerto Rico newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Puerto Rico newspaper collection (1943-1949) comprises two unique Spanish-language titles of publication. Each title within this collection have been...

Pullen (Harold F.) photographs

Depicts scenes at the United States Naval Academy, and American naval vessels and installations.

Pulwers (Jack Edward) writings

Relates to American military journalism and to public and internal information programs within the American armed forces, especially during World War II.

Puric (Bozidar) papers

Writings, correspondence, diaries, reports, press releases, bulletins, clippings, pamphlets, and photographs, relating to pre-World War II Yugoslav diplomacy, resistance movements in Yugoslavia during the war, diplomatic activities of the Yugoslav government-in-exile, and postwar Serbian émigré affairs. Includes photographs of Serbian...

Purington (Chester Wells) report

Relates to political and economic conditions in eastern Siberia, and to Japanese intervention in that area, during the period 1918-1921. Report submitted to the United States State Department and United States Army Military Intelligence Division. Typed transcript. Also available on...

Pushkarev (Boris) papers

Boris Pushkarev (Борис Сергеевич Пушкарёв, 1929-) is the émigré political activist and leader. The Boris Pushkarev papers (1970-2015) contains correspondence, reports, newsletters, memoranda, photographs, and audio recordings relating to the activities of the Народно-Трудовой Союз (NTS) and it its publishing...

Pusta (Kaarel Robert) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Estonian politics and diplomacy, Soviet-Baltic States relations, the League of Nations, international law, and Estonian émigré politics.

Putnam (Edward Kirby) correspondence

Relates to civilian relief work in France.

Putnam (John F.) Slides

Depicts scenes in Japan.

Putnam (John Risley) collection

Chinese and Tibetan art objects and memorabilia, including scrolls, tankas, embroidery, ornate articles of clothing, and jewelry.

Putnam (Osgood) collection

Correspondence, leaflets, pamphlets, and clippings, relating to the solicitation of funds in the United States by a variety of charitable organizations for relief work in Europe during World War I.

Putnam (Ruth) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, and photographs, relating to description of Luxembourg and to the role of Luxembourg in World War I.

Pye (W. S.) memorandum

Relates to reports of American naval activities in the Solomon Islands in August 1942. Photocopy.

Pyle (Ernest Taylor) dispatches

Relates to American naval activities in the Mediterranean Sea.