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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
Phone: (650) 723-3563
Fax: (650) 725-3445
Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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Obbard (Norman) photograph album documenting a TIME news tour of Europe

Norman Buckle Obbard was a United States businessman and participant in the TIME news tour of Europe in November 1963. The collection consists of a photograph album containing images that document the TIME news tour of Europe.

Ob"edinenie chinov Kornilovskogo udarnogo polka records

Correspondence, financial records, and photographs, relating to operations of the Kornilovskii Polk during the Russian Civil War, and to postwar activities of its veterans in emigration.

Obedinenie russkikh v Marokko records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, lists, and financial records, relating to activities of the Russian émigré community and Russian Orthodox Church in Morocco, primarily in Casablanca.

Ober (Richard) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, personnel records, memoranda, reports, legal records, and printed matter, relating to the Central Intelligence Agency and its Operation CHAOS. Consists mainly of reportage of post-Watergate debate on intelligence agency oversight and of documentation of related litigation.

Oberheitmann (Theo) deposition

Relates to allegations made at the Nuremberg war crime trials regarding German propaganda activities during World War II. Typed transcript.

Oberlander (Theodor) memoranda

Two memoranda, entitled , relating to German relations with the occupied territories in Eastern Europe, especially the Caucasus region.

Oberlin (B. G.) collection

Newspaper issues and clippings, depositions, and photographs, relating to the Japanese war crime trials after World War II. Includes mimeographed prison newspapers issued by Japanese prisoners awaiting trial.

Obolensky (Prince Alexis) typescript

Relates to social conditions in pre-World War I Russia. Includes a synopsis of Obolensky's subsequent life.

O'Brian (John L.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, affidavits, clippings, printed matter, and speeches and writings, relating to the administration of the War Emergency Division of the Department of Justice, registration of enemy aliens, civil liberties in time of war, and domestic subversion in the United...

O'Brien (Charles A.) papers

Diary, notes, photographs, postcards, clippings, and memorabilia relating to American Red Cross activities in Siberia, and the Russian Civil War and Allied intervention in Siberia.

O'Brien (James Edward) papers

Correspondence and personnel records relating to American naval operations in the Pacific theater during World War II.

Obshchestudencheskii russkii khor imeni A. A. Arkhangel'skogo records

Correspondence, minutes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to émigré Russian choir activities in Czechoslovakia.

Obshchestvo formirovaniia boevykh otriadov proclamation

States regulations of the Obshchestvo formirovaniia boevykh otriadov.

Obshchestvo obedineniia i vzaimopomoshchi russkikh ofitserov printed material

States basic regulations of the Obshchestvo obedineniia i vzaimopomoshchi russkikh ofitserov i dobrovol'tsev.

Obshchestvo rossiisko-chechenskoi druzhby issuances

Printed matter, relating to human rights issues in Russia.

Obshchestvo russkikh veteranov Velikoi voiny v gorode Los Anzhelose records

Legal, financial, and membership records, correspondence, printed matter, audiovisual material, and memorabilia relating to Russian émigré affairs.

O'Connor (John Jay) notes

Notes on courses in the Stanford University School of Law.

O'Connor (Michael G.) papers

Dissertation, other writings, correspondence, orders, personnel records, and flight log books, relating to American naval aviation, and to managerial principles in the American armed forces.

Ode to joy and freedom: the fall of the Berlin Wall video tape

Relates to the history of the Berlin Wall from its construction in 1961 to its demolition in 1990.

Odintsov (Gleb Nikolaevich) papers

The collection includes materials related to the Russian Imperial army; events in Russia before, during, and after the Russian Revolution and Civil War; the Romanov family, and other Russian dignitaries and nobility, in the form of correspondence, writings, notes, clippings,...

O'Donnell (Edward J.) correpondence

Relates to evacuation procedure plans for dependents of American military personnel at Guantanamo during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

O'Donovan (James) photographs

Depicts scenes in Ireland and events in Irish history in the twentieth century.

O'Driscoll (Gerald P.) correspondence

Relates to economics. Photocopy.

Oertel (Irmgard) typescript

Relates to conditions in Germany during World War II, and to the experiences of Irmgard Oertel from 1942 to 1945 as a war labor service worker, a medical student, a nurse, and a refugee at the end of the war.

Ogden (David Ayres Depue) letter

Relates to the career of D. A. D. Ogden as a military engineer, 1918-1957, including service in the Pacific Theater during World War II and in the Korean War.

Ogden (Helen) papers

Memoirs and letters, relating to education in China. Includes papers of Frederick McGarrity, also an American teacher in China

Ogromenko (Grigorii) papers

Grigorii Denisovich Ogromenko (also known by his pen name Khromenko) was a Russian émigré journalist and member of the Russian Liberation Army (Russkai͡a osvoboditelʹnai͡a armii͡a) during World War II. Includes biographical materials, writings, and photographs, many of which relate to...

O'Guinn (Allan Asbury) papers

Memoirs, notes, correspondence, newsletters, and clippings, relating to conditions in Japanese prison camps during World War II. Includes a memoir by Helen Marguerite O'Guinn, daughter of A. A. O'Guinn.

Oiderman (M.) typescript

Relates to the history of Estonia during the Russian Revolution and to the establishment of an independent Estonian state. Prepared under the auspices of the Estonian Foreign Office.

Okamoto (Rikichi) holograph

Relates to philosophy and economics. Includes printed synopsis.

Oksenberg (Michel) papers

The Michel Oksenberg papers (1976-2000) document Oksenberg's visits Zouping County, Shandong Province, China, where he interviewed a number of local political leaders on topics such as the economy and industry, education, and the justice system. The papers consist of research...

Okulich (Iosif K.) papers

Diaries, correspondence, speeches and writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to agriculture in Russia prior to World War I, White Russian relations with the United States during the Russian Revolution and Civil War, and Russian émigré affairs.

Olchowski (Edward F.) collection

Dental records of German Nazi leaders undergoing trial for World War II war crimes. Includes signatures of the Nazi leaders

Olds (Charles Burnell) papers

Letters, writings, and pamphlets, relating to Christianity in Japan.

Oleinikov (Pavel) collection

Reports, printed matter, map, and photographs, relating to the Soviet nuclear energy program, and to pre-World War I copper mining operations in the Ural region of Russia by the Kyshtim Corporation, of which Herbert Hoover was a director. Includes photocopies...

Olekhnovich (Aleksei Semenovich) papers

Alekseĭ Semenovich Olekhnovich was a Major general of the Imperial Russian army. The Alekseĭ Semenovich Olekhnovich papers (1918-1965) consists of memoirs and other writings, diaries, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs relating to the Russian Revolution and Civil War and to...

Olferieff (Fyodor Sergeyevich)

Fyodor Sergeyevich Olferieff (aka Theodore Olferieff) was a Russian career military officer. The Fyodor Sergeyevich Olferieff papers includes biographical materials on Olferieff and his wife, original manuscript of his memoirs, Soviet Russia in the Orient typscript, photographs depicting members of...

Olins (Peters Z.) papers

Correspondence, dispatches, writings, financial records, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to Latvian foreign relations and émigré affairs.

Oliphant (David D.) papers

Correspondence, speakers' schedules, memoranda, and printed matter related to Four Minute Men speakers at war loan drives in Alameda County during World War I.

Olivereau (Louise) trial transcript

Relates to the trial of L. Olivereau in United States District Court, Western District of Washington, Northern Division, on charges of inciting insubordination and obstructing recruitment in the United States Army during World War I. Includes text of indictment.

Olmsted (Scott M.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, resolutions, newsletters, leaflets, and clippings, relating to the libertarian movement in the United States, and especially to Students for a Libertarian Society

Olney (Warren) motion picture film

Motion picture film of ceremonies held in Hindenburg Park in Los Angeles on German Day, 1936; and of interviews of Dr. Salin, a criminologist, and W. Olney III, United States assistant attorney general, 1953-1957, relating to the incidence of crime...

Olonetskaia Kareliia typescript

Relates to Russian influence in Karelia during the Russian Civil War.

Olszowski (Stefan) papers

Recordings and transcripts of interviews, other writings, genealogical data, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to political conditions in Poland, and to Polish foreign relations.

One Hundred Years of Revolutionary Internationals Conference proceedings

Sound recordings and conference papers, relating to the history of Marxist doctrine and of the communist movement

O'Neal (A. Daniel) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, memoranda, legal documents, notes, and printed matter, relating to federal regulation of interstate commerce, and especially to regulation of railways and motor carriers.

O'Neill (June) papers

The collection includes manuscripts, documents, cassette-recorded interviews, and digital media related to the life and career of free market economist and Hoover fellow June O'Neill.

Onikul (Abram Grigor'evich) papers

Police and judicial records, and photographs, relating to political offenses in the Soviet Union. Includes some police and judicial records relating to other family members. Photocopy.

Open End (Television Program) sound recordings

Phonotape reels of interviews with Premier Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union, Vice President Richard M. Nixon of the U.S., Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York, and others, relating to Soviet-American relations, American politics, the election of 1960, and...

Open Society Archives collection

Relates to the Polish unit of Radio Free Europe.

Opgenorth (Olive) typescript

Relates to rival French and German territorial claims to the Saarland, and to French administration of the territory following the end of World War I. Master's thesis, Stanford University.

Oppenheim (Siegfried) papers

Correspondence, orders and other military documents, photographs, and miscellany, relating to American military operations in China at the end of World War II.

Oppenheimer (Donald R) photographs

Satellite photographs of intelligence facilities in Cuba.

Oppenheimer (Fritz E.) papers

Minutes, reports, speech, and printed matter, relating primarily to the meetings of the Council of Foreign Ministers in Moscow, London, and Washington, D.C., 1947. Includes an account by F. E. Oppenheimer of the signing of the German surrender to the...

Orage (Desmond L.) papers

Press releases, statements, letters, deposition, and clippings, relating to the Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People in Nigeria, its leader Ken Saro-Wiwa, and the murders of Ogoni leaders of which Saro-Wiwa was convicted. Photocopy.

Orata (Pedro Tamesis) writings

Relates to education in the Philippines.

Orbison (Thomas J.) papers

Diaries, writings, photographs, and memorabilia relating to relief work in Latvia at the end of World War I. Diaries and typescript also available on microfilm (3 reels).

Orders and Medals Society of America publications

Relates to military and other governmental medals and decorations of the United States and other countries, mainly in the twentieth century

Oreamuno (J. Rafael) interview

Relates to American-Costa Rican relations, and inter-American relations during World War II, especially Argentina's declaration of war and participation in the United Nations Conference on International Organization. Interview conducted by Raymond Henle. Includes typewritten transcript.

Organisation Armee secrete leaflet

Relates to the program of the Organisation Armée secrète and to the Algerian independence movement.

Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, Intergovernmental Committee on the Establishment of a European Free Trade Area.

Memoranda, resolutions, and reports, relating to the initial plans for the European Free Trade Association

Orion (Walter Harold) papers

Reports, orders, printed matter, photographs, and a poster, relating to American assistance in teacher training programs in South Korea

Orlov (Nikolai Vasil'evich) writings

Relates to the Russian imperial Zaamurskii okrug Otdel'nogo korpusa progranichnoi strazhi.

Orr (Charles Andrew)

Autobiographical writings and miscellany, relating to socialism in the United States, conditions in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War, and encounters with George Orwell in Spain in 1936-1937 and with Leon Trotsky in Mexico in 1940. Photocopy.

Orr (George Vernon) notes

Relates to meetings of advisers to Ronald Reagan concerning the 1980 presidential election campaign and the transition to the presidency of Ronald Reagan.

Orzechowski (Marian) writings

Relates to political conditions in Poland and to Polish foreign relations. Photocopy

Osiatynski (Wiktor) papers

Speeches and writings, bulletins, minutes, and curricular material, relating to the government and constitution of Poland. Includes draft versions of a constitution.

Osipov (Lidiia) diary

Relates to the siege of Leningrad, and conditions in the Soviet Union during World War II.

Osmanczyk (Edmund Jan) papers

Correspondence, writings, and printed matter, relating to political conditions in Poland, Polish foreign relations, and international relations in general.

Osobka-Morawski (Edward) papers

Memoirs and other writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to political conditions in Poland during and after World War II.

Osswald (R. P.) mimeograph

Relates to allegations of German war crimes in combating Belgian resistance fighters during World War I.

Ostland miscellaneous records

Reports and memoranda, relating to German agricultural policy in occupied Belarus during World War II.

Ostroukhov (P.) collection

Newspaper articles relating to the Russian Civil War in Siberia. Articles published in Siberian newspapers. Typed transcript.

Osusky (Stefan) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, clippings, printed matter, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to Czechoslovak politics and diplomacy, and European diplomatic relations between the two world wars.

Otis (Frances L.) diary

Relates to conditions in Florence during World War II.

Oto zdrada narodu radzieckiego mimeograph

Relates to the policies of the Soviet government under Nikita Khrushchev. Editorial published in the Chinese newspaper . Polish translation from Chinese.

Otorchi (Ulan) typescript

Relates to the communist movement in Mongolia during the Russian Revolution.

Otselelite video tape

Relates to forced labor camps under the communist regime in Bulgaria. Includes interviews with survivors of the camps. In Bulgarian with captions in English.

Ott (Emil H.) photograph album

Emil H. Ott was a businessman from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The collection comprises photographs taken by businessman Emil H. Ott during his 1901 trip to Russia, Turkey, Italy, Greece, and the Madeira Islands.

Otvos (Ervin George) collection

Letters, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to Hungary during World War II and to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956

Our globe under siege video tape

Relates to the international geopolitical situation, the nature of communism, and Soviet-American relations. Narrated by Robert Morris. Produced by the New Hampshire Association for Freedom through Strength.

Ovcharov (Svetoslav) video tapes

Relates to King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria and to the Bulgarian general Nikola Ivanov.

Ovchinnikov (Anton Zakharovich)

Relates to the Russian Civil War in Siberia, 1918-1920. Includes translation.

Overseas Weekly photographs

Negatives and contact sheets depicting scenes from the Vietnam War and American servicemen in Vietnam. Digital copies of select records available at

Owen (C. R.) papers

Writings, correspondence, clippings, notes, printed matter, and videotapes, relating to the German national socialist leader Otto Strasser, his break with Adolf Hitler in 1930, his oppositional political activities in Germany until 1933, his attempts to form a German anti-Nazi movement...

Owens (Claude M.) papers

Legal briefs and decisions, transcripts of testimony, notes, and photographs relating to the trial of Japanese military personnel for atrocities in the Philippines during World War II.

Owings (Alison) interviews

Phonotape sound recordings of interviews of German women from a variety of societal backgrounds, relating to their experiences and recollections of life in Germany during the Nazi period. Used as research material for the book by Alison Owings, Frauen: German...

Ozerova-Papernyi family papers

Includes correspondence, minutes, memoir, writings, photographs, printed matter, and other papers that originated with Kaleriia Ozerova and Zinoviĭ Papernyĭ. Documents cover topics related to their education, their literary and cultural careers, and the cultural life of the USSR during the...

Ozols (Oskars) typescript

Relates to the Bermondt-Avalov campaign in Riga in 1919 during the Russian Civil War. Photocopy.