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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
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Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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Maas (James) letters

Relates to American military aviation training in the United States during World War II, and to operations of the 384th Bomb Group from bases in Great Britain and France.

Mabee (James Irving) papers

Memoirs and orders relating to activities of the Medical Department and 1st Sanitary Train of the 1st Division in France during World War I.

MacArthur (Douglas) collection

Speech relating to the role of the soldier in society. Delivered to the graduating class at the United States Military Academy, West Point.Includes photographic prints.

MacCloskey (Monro) papers

Reports, memoranda, and minutes of meetings, relating to operational plans in the Mediterranean Theater during World War II, and to the Japanese chemical industry during the war.

Maccoby (Eleanor E.) slides

Depicts children and schools in China.

MacDonald (Donald E.) printed diary

Relates to American military operations in Italy, especially at Anzio Beach, during World War II. Privately printed in 1992.

Macedonian subject collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, election campaign literature, video tape, and sound recording, relating to aspects of the history of Macedonia, establishment of Macedonian independence, and political conditions and elections in Macedonia.

MacGowan (Ciaran) slides

Depicts political wall murals from the streets of Belfast. Includes both Catholic pro-Republican murals and Protestant loyalist murals. Includes some printed articles relating to the murals.

Machlup (Fritz) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, memoranda, notes, questionnaires, data, financial records, grant proposals, instructional materials, and printed matter, relating to economic theory and to information systems and the creation and transmission of knowledge.

Mackay (LaMar Seal) collection

Studies, reports, memoranda, press releases, and pamphlets, relating to activities of the Office of War Information and other United States government agencies in disseminating information and propaganda, and exercising censorship, during World War II.

MacKenzie (Sybil) video tape collection

Relates to the guerrilla war of the Resistência Nacional Moçambicana in Mozambique; and to techniques of hand-to-hand combat.

MacLafferty (James Henry) papers

Diaries, letters, memoranda, and photographs, relating to Herbert Hoover and to American politics during the presidency of Herbert Hoover. Includes photocopies of doodles drawn by Herbert Hoover.

MacLean (Malcolm Shaw) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, and reports, relating to education in the United States, including education for Afro-Americans, and to Allied military government in occupied territories during World War II.

Macmillan (Harold) speech

Recording of a speech, entitled Winds of Change, by H. Macmillan, to the Parliament of South Africa, and a reply by Hendrik F. Verwoerdt, prime minister of South Africa. Phonotape reel recording also available.

MacQueeney (Patrick Thomas) papers

Orders, personnel records, correspondence, certificates, and photographs, relating to the service of P. T. MacQueeney in the United States Army and Massachusetts National Guard, including his service in the Logistics Group of the Operations Division of the War Department General...

MacRae (Lillian M.) papers

Correspondence and postcards, relating to the collection of funds in California for relief work in Belgium and northern France.

Macrakis (Kristie) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, photocopies of East German government documents, and printed matter, relating to the East German intelligence service, and especially to its use of technological applications in espionage. Used as research material for the book by Kristie Macrakis, (Cambridge,...

Macro International reports

Relates to evaluation of the Federal Direct Student Loan Program. Reports prepared by Macro International under contract to the United States Department of Education. Includes memoranda, handbooks, manuals, printed matter, computer disks, video tapes, and sound recordings, assembled as working...

Macy (Francis Underhill) papers

Correspondence, reports, meeting materials, notes, lists, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs, relating to nongovernmental exchange programs between Americans and citizens of the Soviet Union and its successor republics, and to promotion of Gestalt psychology, environmentalism, nuclear safety and alternative energy...

Maday (Istvan) miscellaneous papers

Clippings, relating to the trials of Hungarian political leaders accused of war crimes during World War II; and a memorandum, relating to a conversation with LászlóBárdossy, prime minister of Hungary, 1941-1942, on the eve of his execution in 1946.

Madden (Henry) collection

Memoranda and reports relating to activities of Hermann Göring and other high Nazi officials in the final days of the Third Reich, and to German refugees from the Sudetenland and other areas separated from Germany at the end of World...

Madeira (Dashiell L.) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, reports, and orders, relating to American naval operations in the Atlantic and Pacific prior to and during World War II, and to the Allied occupation of Japan.

Mae (Hjalmar) letters

Relates to political conditions in Estonia, especially during World War II.

Maevskii (Vladislav Al'bionovich) papers

These papers reflect the writings and research interests of Vladislav Al'bionovich Maevskii, church historian and theologian. Among his writings are works relating to late 19th and early 20th century history of the Eastern Orthodox Church, especially relating to Russian Orthodoxy,...

Magerovsky (Eugene L.) papers

Writings, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to aspects of Russian history, Russian studies in the United States, Russian émigré affairs, and the Russian Orthodox Church. Includes some papers of L. F. Magerovskii, father of E. L. Magerovsky and curator...

Magistretti (William L.) Slides

Depicts the funeral in Moscow of Lev Mekhlis, Soviet commissar of state control, 1940-1941 and 1945-1950, and deputy commissar of defense, 1937-1940 and 1941-1942.

Magnus (Saul) papers

Military orders, memoranda, and maps, relating to activities of the U.S. 332d Infantry Regiment and the Italian 31st Division on the Italian front during World War I, October-November 1918. In English and Italian.

Magruder (Jeb Stuart) papers

Writings, correspondence, office files, memoranda, reports, sound recordings, and printed matter relating to the elections of 1968 and 1972 and the Watergate hearings.

Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt Központi Bizottság miscellaneous records

Minutes and transcripts of meeting proceedings, and reports, relating to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and the reaction in Hungary. Includes Political Bureau records. Photocopy.

Mah (Soo-Lay) papers

The Mah Soo-Lay 馬樹禮 papers (1941-2000) document the activities of Republic of China politician, ambassador, and journalist Mah Soo-lay. These include the speeches and writings, correspondence, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to political conditions in China and Taiwan, the...

Maier (Dieter) papers

Correspondence, serial issues, bulletins, newsletters, pamphlets, journal articles, and clippings, relating to human rights conditions in Latin America, right-wing political movements in Latin America, evangelical Protestant groups in Latin America, and foreign corporate investment in Latin America.

Makarenko (Mikhail Ianovich) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, personal documents, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to forced labor, political prisoners, civil rights, and dissent in the Soviet Union, and to human rights activities of Resistance International.

Makarov (N.) holograph

Social-economic essays on Russia and the Russian Revolution, 1917-1920.

Makerere University Slides

Illustrates the history of Christianity in East Africa. Prepared by the Department of Religious Studies and the Audio-Visual Aids Center of Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.

Makhno (Nestor Ivanovich) printed material

Relates to the role of the anarchists in the Russian Civil War. Published serially in the Chicago .

Makhov (Grigorii Grigor'evich) typescript

Relates to agriculture in Ukraine.

Makinsky (Alexander) diary

Relates to the evacuation of Rockefeller Foundation personnel and other foreigners from Paris and La Baule, France at the time of the French surrender, June 8-25, 1940.

Makiya (Kanan) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, interview transcripts, conference papers, government publications, printed matter, and audiovisual materials relating to the history of the Middle East, political conditions in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East, the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq and the...

Maklakov (Vasilii A.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, diaries, and clippings, relating to Russian foreign relations with France, the Bessarabian territorial question, the Russian Revolution, and Russian emigres in France after the revolution.

Makowiecki (Zygmunt) typescript

Relates to the Polish national independence movement.

Malagasy subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Madagascar.

Malawi subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, serial issues, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Malawi

Malayan Communist Party propaganda

Propaganda leaflets and bulletins and translations of propaganda leaflets and bulletins, issued by the Malayan Communist Party, relating to the communist-led independence movement in Singapore.

Malaysian Chinese Association speech transcript

Relates to political conditions in Malaya during the emergency period. Speech delivered by a spokesman of the Kluang branch of the Malaysian Chinese Association, in Malacca, September 8, 1950.

Malaysian subject collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, brochures and other printed matter relating to the history of Malaya; to political, social, economic, and cultural conditions in Malaysia; and to the Chinese community in Malaysia.

Malec (Victor) letters

Letters from Ukrainian displaced persons and prisoners of war, relating to conditions of displaced persons and to post-World War II repatriation issues.

Malek (Frederic V.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, and notes, relating to domestic politics and administration of the federal government during the presidencies of Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford. Digital copies of select records also available at

Malian subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, serial issues, reports, studies, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Mali.

Malik (Charles Habib) typescript

Speech delivered at the Conference on the United Nations at 25 : Performance and Prospect, held at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Photocopy.

Malloch (James A.) collection

Commemorative illustrated booklet on Belgium in World War I, Nazi banner, and Nazi dagger.

Malloch (Suzanne Norman) papers

Writings, reports, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to American intelligence operations during World War II, and to the wartime situation in China. Includes reports by Theodore H. White and Randall Gould.

Malott (Robert H.) letters received

Letters received by Robert H. Malott, former chairman and chief executive officer of FMC Corporation, from American and foreign political, diplomatic, military, and business leaders, relating to domestic and international affairs.

Malozemoff (Elizabeth) papers

Correspondence, biographical data, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian literature, and to Russians in the United States.

Malta newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Malta newspaper collection (1950-1954) comprises nine different titles of publication, in both Maltese and English. All of the titles...

Maltese subject collection

Election campaign literature, relating to elections in Malta.

Mamlock (Isidor) correspondence

Correspondence, mainly letters received from acquaintances in Europe, relating to family affairs and to conditions in Palestine, mainly in the 1930s. Includes correspondence of other Mamlock family members.

Mamukov (E. I.) memorandum

Relates to a proposed Russian publishing house and newspaper in Argentina.

Man (Henri de) miscellaneous papers

Letters, writings, and clippings, relating to Marxism, Belgian politics, European socialism, the German occupation of Belgium during World War II, and the conviction of H. de Man for Nazi collaboration. Includes a photocopy of the book by H. de Man,...

Manchester (Laurie) collection

Correspondence, memoirs, newsletters, and other printed matter relating to the Russian community in Harbin, China. Consists mainly of correspondence among Russian former residents of Harbin.

Manchurian manifesto mimeograph

Protests Soviet influence in Manchuria. Signed by a number of American anti-communists.

Mandel (William M.) papers

Radio broadcast transcripts, other writings, and sound recordings, relating to American opinion regarding the Soviet Union and development of the Cold War between 1945 and 1948; investigation of subversive activities in the United States; and social conditions in the former...

Manghirmalani (Ramesh) typescript

Relates to the family background, political career, and assassination in 1991, of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India. Photocopy.

Mann (Jim) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, interview recordings and transcripts, photocopies of government documents, internet printouts, and other printed matter, relating to American foreign relations with China, foreign policy during the presidential administration of Ronald Reagan, and foreign and military policy during the...

Mannerheim (Carl Gustaf Emil, Friherre) telegram

Relates to the Russo-Finnish War.

Manno (Bruno V.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, studies, press releases, briefing books, personnel records, printed articles, and video tapes relating mainly to educational policy in the United States during the presidential administration of George Bush.

Mansell (Roger) collection

The collection consists of materials collected by Roger Mansell during the course of his research for his publication , as well as his role as director of the Center for Research of Allied POWs under the Japanese and its corresponding...

Manuel (Charles) memoir

Relates to conditions in Moscow during the Revolution of 1905; in Turkestan and the Caucasus in 1907; in Moscow during World War I and the Russian Revolution, 1914-1918; and in the Caucasus during the Russian Civil War, 1919-1920.

Manuila (Sabin) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches and writings, clippings, printed matter, and other material, relating to political events in Romania, and Romanian anti-communist emigre movements.

Mao (Ping-wen) Autobiographical sketch

Relates to the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945, and the Civil War in China, 1945-1949. Photocopy.

Marawske (Max) collection

Clippings from German newspapers and periodicals, relating to World War I.

Marburger Hochschulgesprache report

Summarizes proceedings of the Marburger Hochschulgespräche, a conference of German and foreign scholars held at Marburg, concerning academic studies in Germany.

Marchetti (Donna) papers

An author and critic, the Donna Marchetti papers includes materials related to the World War II-era Japanese internment camp, Los Baños (Philippines).

Marcus (Fred) papers

Diaries and oral history recording and transcript relating to the condition of Jews in Nazi Germany, and to the Jewish refugee community in China during World War II.

Mardian (Robert Charles) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, proposals, minutes, testimony, legal documents, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to education policy during the presidential administration of Richard M. Nixon, school desegregation, surveillance of radical movements, administration of the Federal Bureau of...

Margulis (Rena K.) papers

Correspondence, press releases, reports, clippings, printed matter, and memorabilia, relating to human rights conditions and conditions of political prisoners in Czechoslovakia, and to Jiri Wolf and other Czechoslovak dissidents.

Maricourt (Andre, baron de) holograph

Relates to Ferdinand Foch, marshal of the French Army.

Marie (Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania) letter

Relates to personal matters and international relations.

Mariia Feodorovna, Empress, Consort of Alexander III, Letters to Queen Alexandra

Letters to Queen Alexandra of Great Britain. Relates to matters of state and family.

Marin (Patricia J.) collection

Postcards depicting scenes along the Rhine River; and a program for a carnival in Coblenz held by the United States Third Army while serving as an occupation force in Germany.

Marinescu (Mihai) papers

Soviet propaganda leaflet, dropped over Romania in 1944; and two letters from the Romanian politician Iuliu Maniu, relating to conditions in Romania under communism.

Marizus (J.) typescript

Relates to changes in the French law regarding taxation of profits of defense contractors.

Markov (Anatoliĭ L'vovich) writings

The collection consists of memoirs and other writings relating to Russian military operations in World War I and the Russian Revolution, subsequent anti-communist movements in the Soviet Union (including biographies of participants), Soviet agents in Egypt and police surveillance and...

Markov (Walter M.) typescript

Relates to world history from 1871 to 1945. Photocopy.

Markovic (Lazar) writings

Memoirs, entitled Uspomene, relating to the formation of the Yugoslav state following World War I and Yugoslav political developments, 1919-1925; and a biography, entitled Nikolas Pachitch (1845-1926) : Histoire d'un Olympien que le Petit Peuple des Serbes a Donné au...

Marks (Edward B.) papers

Memoirs and other writings, correspondence, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to international assistance to refugees from World War II to the 1980s.

Marland (Sidney P.) papers

Speeches and writings, reports, correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs, relating to education in the United States, governmental educational policy, and the career education movement.

Marlowe (Sanford S.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, printed matter, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to the American diplomatic service.

Marmon (Howard C.) papers

Photographs, maps, reports, and orders, relating to American and Italian military aviation during World War I, including the manufacture of airplanes and airplane engines.

Marosy (Ferenc) papers

Correspondence, reports, speeches and writings, and clippings, relating to anti-communist Hungarian emigre activities, Hungarians in Spain, and political conditions in Spain.

Marotta (George) papers

Writings and clippings relating to Hoover Institution governance at Stanford University. Includes video tapes depicting race riots in the United States, 1967-1968; the Democratic National Convention, 1968; the Attica prison riot, 1971; the presidential election campaign, 1972; and the controversy...

Marquardt (Frederic Sylvester) papers

Conference papers, printed matter, and correspondence, relating to land reform, especially in Taiwan; the 6th Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries, Havana, 1979; and communism, Central America, and the media. Includes a number of studies prepared...

Marshak (Robert Eugene) papers

Correspondence, memoirs and other writings, memoranda, reports, studies, minutes, trial testimony, clippings, and serial issues, relating to administration of the City College of the City University of New York.

Marshall (Herbert) typescript

Relates to the arrest and imprisonment in the Soviet Union of Sergei Iosipovich Paradianov, Soviet film director. Includes a petition for the release of S. I. Paradianov. Photocopy.

Marshall Islands (Military Government, 1944-1947) mimeograph

Relates to American military administration of the Marshall Islands during World War II.

Marshall McDonald and Associates typescript

Relates to the history of Angel Island, California, the architecture of buildings on the island, and recommendations for developing it as a recreational facility and historical site. Report prepared for the California State Division of Beaches and Parks. Photocopy.

Marshall (Stewart McCulloch) slides

Depicts World War I scenes in France, scenes of engineering construction in India and the Soviet Union, and Stanford University.

Marshall (William J.) papers

Diaries, orders, reports, correspondence, clippings, certificates, maps, cartoons, and photographs, relating mainly to U.S. naval operations in the Atlantic and Pacific Theaters during World War II.

Martens (L. K.) and Santeri Nuorteva letter

Demands that B. Bakhmetev, ambassador of the Russian Provisional Government to the United States, hand over all property of the Russian government in the United States. Written by L. K Martens and Santeri Nuorteva. Photocopy.

Martens (R. C.) letters

Relates to diplomatic, economic, and political events during World War II.

Martin (Charlotte Ellen) papers

Memoirs, diary, correspondence, financial records, printed matter and photographs relating to the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II. Includes papers of Cecil John Martin, husband of Charlotte Martin, a port captain of Cebu City and the owner...

Martin (David) papers

Correspondence, reports, dispatches, memoranda, press releases, testimony, printed matter, and sound recordings of interviews, relating to the Cetnik resistance movement led by Draža Mihailovic in Yugoslavia during World War II, and to his trial for treason in 1946. Includes transcripts...

Martin (Percy Alvin) papers

Outlines, notes, correspondence, summaries of interviews, and printed matter, relating to contemporary political, social and economic conditions in Mexico. Includes summaries of interviews with American businessmen and other Americans in Mexico, as well as with prominent Mexicans.

Martin (Werner) diary

Relates to German military operations on the Eastern front during World War II. Includes later notes by the author, 1949. Typed transcript. In part, photocopy.

Martin (William) notes

Summaries of interviews of European diplomats and statesmen, relating to European and world military, political, and diplomatic events during and after World War I. In part, photocopy.

Martov (L.) typescript

Relates to the Russian Revolution and Civil War.

Martynov (Aleksandr Pavlovich) writings

Relates to activities of the Okhrana. Published under same title (Stanford, 1972). Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Martynov (Lieutenant General) mimeograph

Relates to the organization, training, and utilization of a future Russian cavalry.

Martynov (Zakhar Nikiforovich) papers

Correspondence, writings, reminiscences, printed matter, clippings, and photographs, relating to the Russian Imperial army, Russia's role in World War I, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, and anti-communist movements in the United States. Includes a cigarette case from the desk...

Marx (Guido Hugo) typescript

Relates to the pacifist movement in the United States.

Maryhill Museum of Art miscellaneous records

Correspondence, and lists and photographs of exhibits, relating to the acquisition by the Maryhill Museum of furniture and souvenirs donated by Queen Marie of Romania. Includes photocopies of letters by Queen Marie.

Masaryk (T. G.) proclamation

Issued to the Czechoslovak Army in Siberia. Photocopy.

Maser (Werner) miscellaneous letters received

Relates to Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess. Includes letters by Ilse Hess, wife of Rudolf Hess.

Masland (John W.) papers

Reports, minutes of meetings, directories, notes, and printed matter, relating to the United Nations Conference on International Organization at San Francisco and the founding of the United Nations.

Maslov (Aleksandr Alekseevich) papers

Correspondence, personal documents, and photographs, relating to Russian emigre affairs in China.

Maslov (Sergei Semenovich) mimeograph

Relates to collective farms in the Soviet Union.

Maslovskii (Evgenii Vasil'evich) letters

Relates to Russian military activities in northern Persia before World War I, and in the Turkish campaigns of General Nikolay Yudenich during World War I.

Mason (Frank E.) papers

Correspondence, reports, journalistic dispatches, and other material, relating to German and Soviet politics and diplomacy in the interwar period, and to Allied military administration of Germany at the end of World War II. Includes a copy of the logbook of...

Mason (James B.) papers

Reports and photographs, relating to American military medical activities in the European Theater during World War II.

Mason (John Brown) papers

Reports, memoranda, syllabi, and organization charts, relating to the training of Foreign Economic Administration personnel for service in occupied Germany and Austria at the end of World War II, and to living conditions for American consular officials around the world.

Massing (Hede) papers

Correspondence, writings, police reports, clippings, and photographs, relating to Soviet espionage activities in the United States.

Massip (Mireille) papers

Sound recordings of interviews, printed matter, photographs, correspondence, and postcards relating to Aleksandr Kazem-Bek and the Mladorosskai͡a partii͡a. Also includes papers relating to the Ilyin family and other Russian émigrés. Used as research material for the book by Mireille Massip,...

Mathews (Forrest David) speeches

Relates to American social welfare policy. Photocopy.

Mathews (Sarah E.) papers

Memoirs, diary, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and oral history with transcript relating to the disposition of the remains of Tsar Nicholas II and his family, social and political conditions in Siberia, and relief work of the American Red Cross in Siberia...

Mathieu (Jules) typescript

Relates to Belgian troops attached to German forces during World War II, 1941-1945. Photocopy.

Mathurin (Owen Charles) typescript

Relates to the West Indian pan-African leader Henry Sylvester Williamanuscript Published (Westport, Conn., 1976). Photocopy.

Matley (Ian) collection

British propaganda from World War II, and propaganda from both sides in the Korean War.

Matosian (Khacher A.) typescript

Relates to the persecution of Armenians in Turkey during and immediately after World War I, and to Armenian refugees in Greece.

Matsuzaka (Yasushi) papers

Matsuzaka was an Imperial Japanese Navy artist. The Matsuzaka Yasushi papers contains journals, correspondence, photographs, and diaries.

Matteson (Robert Eliot) pamphlets

Relates to the capture of the Nazi leader Ernst Kaltenbrunner in 1945; a meeting between Joseph Stalin and Harold Stassen in 1947; and a trip on the Trans-Siberian Railroad in 1982.

Matthews (Harold S.) papers

Writings, correspondence, reports, and printed matter, relating to Christian missionary work in China and Japan, and to the communist movement in China.

Matthews (Herbert Lionel) papers

Drafts of the book The Cuban Story (1961), and a draft and galley proofs of the article Return to Cuba (1964), relating to conditions in Cuba following the 1959 Revolution and to Cuban-American relations.

Matthews (John P. C.) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, memoranda, radio scripts, and printed matter relating to Radio Free Europe broadcasting to Eastern Europe, conditions in Eastern Europe and especially in Hungary, and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Includes research materials used for the books by...

Matthiesen (Hans Heinrich) typescript

Relates to activities of the German gunboat Luchs off the coast of China.

Mattox (Elmer L.) papers

Correspondence, writings, pamphlets, and photographs relating to missionary work in Hangchow, to Hangchow Christian College, and to social conditions in China.

Mattusch (Kurt R.) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, printed matter, and maps, relating to economic conditions in Germany and the United States in the 1930s and 1940s, the postwar occupation of Germany, the transition of India to independence, postwar economic conditions in South...

Matulić (Rusko) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, appeals, and printed matter, relating to civil and human rights in Yugoslavia, and to Yugoslav dissidents. Includes records of the international Committee to Aid Democratic Dissidents in Yugoslavia and issues of the organization's CADDY Bulletin, and photocopies...

Matveev (General) holograph

Relates to Russian military operations during World War I.

Matveev (Pavel) collection

Circulated material, resolutions, flyers, printed matter, and photographs, relating to political conditions in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.

Matzat (Wilhelm) typescript

Relates to Wilhelm Schrameier, German colonial administrator in Tsingtao, China, 1897-1909, and the influence of his ideas concerning land reform on the political program of Sun Yat-sen. Photocopy.

Mau Mau oath ceremonies typescript

Relates to initiation oaths of the Mau Mau movement in Kenya. Photocopy.

Maugeri (Franco) typescript

Relates to the Italian secret service during World War II. Includes a translation of the memoir, and correspondence relating to the memoir and its publication. Photocopy.

Maurin (Joaquin) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, photographs, and printed matter relating to communism and socialism in Spain, the Spanish Civil War, and the American Literary Agency.

Mauritanian subject collection

Electronic bulletins, reports, pamphlets, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Mauritania.

Mauritian subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, serial issues, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Mauritius.

Maverick (Lewis A.) papers

The Lewis A. Maverick papers consist of correspondence, photographs, essays, reports, memoranda, diaries, newspaper clippings, and other documents related to the Henry Ford Peace Expedition (1915), the Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation and International Committee for Immediate Mediation (1916), and...

Maximova-Kulaev (Antonina Alexandrovna) memoir

Relates to her service as a surgeon in a Red Army hospital in Koslov, Russia, and to the occupation of Koslov by White Russian forces in 1919.

Mayers (Henry) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, and printed matter, relating primarily to the Cold War Council.

Mayock (Storey) collection

Leaflets distributed by American armed forces during the Korean War.

Mazan (Walter L.) papers

Speeches, correspondence, personnel records, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the United States Office of Emergency Preparedness, transportation policy during the presidential administration of Richard M. Nixon, and the White House Conference on Children and Youth.

Mazowiecki (Tadeusz) writings

Reports and speeches, relating to the status of human rights in the Yugoslav successor states. Photocopy.

Mboya (Tom) papers

Correspondence, speeches, memoranda, reports, studies, minutes, and printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Kenya, trade unions and education in Kenya, Kenyan foreign relations, and pan-Africanism. Also available on microfilm (82 reels).

McAfee (Howard Bailey) papers

Letters, notes, photographs, and miscellany, relating to Young Men's Christian Association war work during World War I, and to postwar relief work in the Middle East.

McAllister (Bruce R.) photographs

Depicts French soldiers in West Berlin, and street scenes in East Berlin. Published in the Harvard Alumni Bulletin, 1959.

McAninch (George C.) manuscript

Relates to activities of the 173rd Ordnance Company and its successor units in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II.

McBride (Donald W.) diary

Relates to air transport of supplies from India and Burma to Chinese forces during World War II. Photocopy.

McCaffrey (Barry R.) miscellany

Official history and video tape of operations of the 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) during the Persian Gulf War.

McCain (John Sidney) papers

The John Sidney McCain papers consist of correspondence, reports, dispatches, orders, and photographs relating to American naval aviation and to naval operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II. John Sidney McCain was an admiral in the United States...

McCann, (Robert Ezra) papers

The papers include correspondence relating to American business interests in China and to the detainment of Robert Ezra McCann, who was arrested in 1951 by Chinese authorities and charged with espionage in 1956. Also included are slides depicting Beijing in...

McCarran (Margaret P.) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to the Fabian Society, and to socialist thought in Great Britain and the U.S. Includes a book-length study, entitled The Fabian Transmission.

McCarthy (Frank) processed volume

Relates to activities of the No. 1 Aerodrome Construction Squadron of the Royal New Zealand Air Force in constructing airfields in Malaya for the defense of Singapore from October 1941 until the unit's evacuation in February 1942 following the Japanese...

McCarthy (Robert E.) papers

Briefing book and meeting notes relating to foreign and domestic policy planning between the election and inauguration of Ronald Reagan as president of the United States.

McCaw (Arthur B.) papers

Correspondence, speeches, reports, memoranda, and appointment calendars, relating to American developmental assistance to South Korea and to various African countries, administration of the food stamp program in the United States, and representation of blacks in United States governmental positions.

McCloskey (Paul N.) papers

Consists of the congressional papers maintained by Paul (Pete) McCloskey's staff at his Washington, D.C., office and California district office while McCloskey was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1967 to 1983. The papers relate to many...

McClure (Donald) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, and trial transcripts, relating to "The Long March" of the 1st Division, U.S. Infantry, into German occupied areas following World War I; German military operations in the West during World War II; and German war crime trials, especially...

McClure (Robert B.) miscellaneous papers

United States Army report on organization of the Chinese Department of National Defense, 1946; text of a speech at the dedication of radio station XMAG, Nanking, China, 1946; and a guest book, 1945-1946.

McCombs (William F.) letters

Nine letters, including seven by Woodrow Wilson, one by George B. Pugh, and one by Louis Wiley, relating to the 1912 Democratic National Convention and to Democratic Party politics. Also includes two statements by Wilson to be transmitted to delegates...

McConnell (Philip C.) papers

Diaries, correspondence, notes, reports, brochures, printed matter, maps, and photographs relating to operations of the Arabian American Oil Company in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East, and to Arab customs.

McCormick (Chauncey) papers

Reports, correspondence, orders, printed matter, phonorecords, and photographs, relating to relief work in Poland and political and economic conditions in Poland at the end of World War I.

McCormick (Vance C.) diaries

Relates to inter-Allied diplomacy and the Paris Peace Conference.

McCutcheon (John Tinney) cartoons

Relates to world politics and American foreign relations.

McDonald (John Deloy) diary transcript

Relates to American bombing operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

McDonald (John) photograph collection

Depicts Sun Yat-sen and Chinese and foreign associates, including T. V. Soong and Mikhail Borodin.

McDonnell (Geoffrey) papers

Photographs, correspondence, and memorabilia, relating to the activities of the Canadian and other Allied expeditionary forces in Siberia.

McDowell (Leo) papers

The Leo McDowell papers (1950-1986) contains correspondence, invitations, photographs, newspaper clippings, military insignia, and other ephemera that belonged to McDowell (1927-2017), a decorated African American Marine who served during World War II, Korean War, and the Vietnam War. McDowell earned...

McDuffee (Roy W.) mimeograph

Relates to evaluation of the Russian Revolution and formation of American policy toward it by the United States Department of State.

McFaul (Michael) collection

The collection contains materials related to political and economic conditions in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia, consisting of printed matter, sound and video recordings of interviews of Russian political leaders, and miscellany. Mainly used as research material for the...

McGarvey (Patrick J.) typescript

Relates to the Communist Lunar New Year Offensive (Tet offensive) in South Vietnam. Includes maps. Photocopy.

McGaughey (Emmett C.) papers

Correspondence, reminiscences, printed matter, and photographs, relating to J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Includes many letters written by Hoover.

McGonagle (William Loren) papers

The William L. McGonagle collection describes the devastation caused by the Israeli naval and air attack on the American naval intelligence ship Liberty on June 8, 1967, and the honors and citations bestowed on him for heroism and sacrifice. Materials...

McGoran (John H.) processed volume

Relates to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

McGrath (Earl James) speeches and writings

Relates to education in the United States and to American governmental education policy. Photocopy.

McGrew (Tarn) typescript

Relates to proposals for international trade reform.

McKay (Harriet Mills) papers

The collection is comprised of Harriet Mills McKay's diaries, manuscripts, correspondence, and photographs, relating primarily to conditions in the Philippines under Japanese occupation in World War II. It also includes manuscripts written by her daughter, Mary Maynard and another American,...

McKinnon (Ronald I.) papers

Correspondence and writings relating to international finance, especially to currency exchange.

McKnight (John P.) papers

Contains reports, notes, orders, proclamations, and photographs, relating to American military operations in Italy and France during World War II, and especially to activities of the Fifth Corps (V Corps) in Normandy following the D-Day landings.

McLaughry (John) miscellaneous papers

Letter, memoranda, press releases, position papers, and printed matter, relating to the presidential election campaign of Ronald Reagan in 1980, and to policy regarding creation of enterprise zones during his presidential administration.

McLean (Hulda Hoover) papers

Photocopies of letters from Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoover to Theodore Hoover, brother of Herbert Hoover, and Hulda McLean, 1903-1964, and of letters of Hulda Randall Minthorn Hoover, mother of Herbert Hoover, all relating to personal and family matters; typewritten...

McLean (Katherine S.) papers

Memoranda, clippings, photographs, and miscellanea, relating to Young Women's Christian Association work among American soldiers stationed at Camps Fremont and Kearny, and Czechoslovak soldiers evacuated to these camps from Siberia.

McLure (Charles E.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, working papers, and printed matter relating to American taxation policy during the presidential administration of Ronald Reagan and especially to worldwide unitary taxation proposals.

McMahon (Sir Henry) letters

Letters to Husain ibn 'Ali, sharif of Mecca and future king of Hejaz, relating to Arabia during World War I. Photocopy of handwritten transcript.

McMaster (H. R.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, manuals, handbooks, studies, reports, instructional materials, printed matter, audiovisual material, and memorabilia, relating to American tank military operations during the Gulf War of 1991, to American military operations during the Afghan War of 2001 and...

McMasters (Harry L.) letters

Relates to the American occupation of Japan immediately after the Japanese surrender in 1945, and to conditions in Japan at that time.

McMeeking (John G.) reports

Reports of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, relating to personnel regulations and to surplus property procurement in China and the Philippines.

McMichael (R. Daniel) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, diary, memoranda, reports, studies, financial records, printed matter, and photographs, relating to American and international business enterprises, and especially to the American defense industry.

McMicking (Henry) papers

Photographs, printed articles, and miscellany, relating to American aerial bombardment of Germany from bases in Great Britain during World War II.

McMullin (Dare Stark) papers

Writings and correspondence, including two studies entitled Heirlooms : An Anthology of White House Furniture and The Furniture of the White House, and letters from Herbert Hoover.

McNamara (Francis Terry) typescript

Relates to evacuation of civilians from South Vietnam at the conclusion of the Vietnam War. Written by Francis T. McNamara with the assistance of Adrian Hill under the pseudonym Patrick Julian. A subsequent version was published under the title "Escape...

McReynolds (Martin) papers

The papers include letters, memoranda, maps, printed matter, and photographs collected by American journalist Martin McReynolds and relating to the trial in Bolivia for guerrilla activities of the French revolutionary journalist René Debray.

McVickar (John A.) papers

John A. McVickar was a United States Foreign Service officer, who served in India, Hong Kong, Russia, and Bolivia. Collection contains writings, correspondence, and printed matter. Includes an unpublished typescript memoir of McVickar's posting in Moscow from 1959-1961, titled "View...

McWilliams (Carey) miscellaneous papers

Writings, correspondence, press releases, and clippings, relating to the evacuation and relocation of Japanese Americans during World War II. Used as research material for the book by C. McWilliams, (1944)

Meader (Ann) diary

The Ann Meader diary relates to conditions of daily life in England during World War II. Includes biographical materials, correspondence, other writings, and photographs.

Meadowcroft (Jean Helen) papers

The Jean Helen Meadowcroft collection contains significant materials relating to educational assistance programs in Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, Lesotho, and Nepal. After serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Bolivia in 1966-1968, Meadowcroft joined the United States Agency for International Development...

Means (Thomas) papers

Orders, regulations, and memoranda, relating to Allied motor transportation in France during World War I.

Mears (Eliot Grinnell) papers

Correspondence, reports, and photographs relating to economic conditions in the Balkans and Near East, to American commerce with Turkey, and to the American war economy during World War II.

Medal collection

Medals from many countries, relating to the two world wars, to political events in the twentieth century, and to miscellaneous subjects.

Medigovich (Leo) papers

Letters, postcards, and identification documents, relating to American military operations in the Philippines during World War II, and to trials of Japanese war criminals. Includes identification cards and autographs of defendants and others.

Medvedev (Vsevolod Sergeevich) typescript

Relates to conditions in Kharkiv under German occupation in 1941. Photocopy.

Meek (Loyal G.) papers

Memoir, press releases, serial issues, and miscellany, relating to the surrender of Japan at the end of World War II, and to relations between journalists and military authorities regarding press coverage of that event.

Meese (Edwin) papers

Speeches, correspondence, memoranda, reports, schedules, press releases, legal documents, printed matter, photographs, and sound recordings related to California politics and administration of the California state government during the governorship of Ronald Reagan; and to American domestic policy, Republican Party politics,...

Meeting of Three Scandinavian Kings communique

Official communiqué of the meeting of the kings of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark at Malmö relating to Scandinavian neutrality in World War I.

Mehlinger (Howard D.) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to a joint project of American and Soviet educators to compare and evaluate history and geography textbooks in the United States and the Soviet Union, and to the preparation of a Unesco manual...

Mehner (Harald) papers

Letters and legal documents, relating to efforts to secure restitution for confiscated property in East Germany.

Mehnert (Enid Keyes) processed volumes

Relates to conditions in Germany, the Soviet Union, East Asia and the United States.

Mehnert (Klaus) typescript

Relates to reading habits in the Soviet Union.

Mehring (Franz) writings

Writings, entitled "Ein Bärendienst," "Die Friedensfrage," "Krieg und Völkerrecht," and "Regierung und Reichstag," relating to political conditions in Germany, German participation in World War I, and the prospects for a peaceful settlement.

Mei (Yiqi) miscellaneous papers

Diaries and correspondence relating to education and political conditions in Taiwan. Portions also available on microfilm (3 reels).

Meiendorf (Baronessa Mariia F.) typescript

Relates to social conditions in tsarist Russia, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, and Russian émigré life afterwards. Includes a printed copy of the memoirs (clippings from Russkaia Zhizn [San Francisco]).

Meier (Andrew) papers

The collection primarily consists of research materials for Andrew Meier's book (New York, 2008). This research material includes correspondence and notes; photocopies of correspondence and of genealogical and biographical data; photocopies of investigative, consular and other government documents; and printed...

Meisner (Hans) mimeograph

Observations about the United States based on a trip funded by the United States Department of State. Meisner accompanied Arnold Ehlers, senator for the interior of the Free City of Bremen.

Melby (John) video tape collection

Depicts the parade of captured German soldiers through Moscow during World War II.

Mel'gunov (Sergei P.) papers

Clippings, writings, correspondence and reports, relating to the Russian Revolution and Civil War, and the operations of the Soviet secret police. Also available on microfilm.

Mellini (Peter) papers

Correspondence, writings, and notes relating to Sir Eldon Gorst, British consul general in Egypt, used as research material for the book by Peter Mellini, (Stanford, 1977); and sound recordings of interviews of Theodore "Dutch" J. Van Kirk and Bernie Badler,...

Melnikova-Raich (Sonia) papers

The collection comprises thousands of copies of documents from Russian state archives, related to the history of Soviet foreign concessions of the 1920s to the early 1930s.

Melrose (Paul C.) papers

Reports, newsletters, and notes, relating to missionary work in China, including the Hainan mission newsletter, 1914-1949, and the Hainan mission annual reports, 1906-1948.

Mel'tev (IUrii Viktorovich) papers

Correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian literary and émigré affairs in France.

Mendenhall (Joseph Abraham) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, printed matter, personal documents, and photographs relating to American foreign relations and to the Vietnam War.

Mendershausen (Horst) papers

Correspondence, and memoranda, relating to conditions in Germany under Allied occupation, American occupation policy, and prospects for German unification and reconstruction. Includes letters from members of the Neu Beginnen movement.

Mendonca (Manuel Lopes de) papers

Memoranda, reports, studies, and briefing notes, relating to Portuguese naval and counterinsurgency operations in Guinea-Bissau, Angola and other Portuguese colonies.

Menem (Carlos Saul) issuances

Speeches and interview transcript, relating to domestic and foreign policy of Argentina.

Menke (Carl Fred) papers

Correspondence and photographs, relating to the World War II activities and postwar readjustment problems of 63 flight cadets of the United States Army Air Forces.

Mensing family papers

Diaries, logbooks, orders, correspondence, and passports, relating primarily to the journey of Franz Mensing as captain of the S.M.S. Prinz Adalbert, to Asia, Africa, and America, 1883-1885, with the German crown prince Friedrich Carl von Preussen on board from Genoa...

Mentel (Emil S.) papers

Writings, printed matter, and miscellany, relating to Polish military operations in World War II, especially operations of the Pulk Ulanów Karpackich, and to guerrilla activities in Rhodesia in the 1970s.

Mentula (Turre A.) collection

Reports, manuals, brochures, and other printed matter, relating to education in Finland.

Menzel (Preben M.) mimeograph

Relates to the Danish resistance movement during World War II.

Mercier (Ernest) papers

Correspondence, writings, and notes, relating to French electrical and oil industries, to the Redressement fran�ais movement, and to political conditions in France.

Merkulov (Nikolai Dionisievich) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to the Russian Civil War, the Chinese warlord Zhang Zongchang, and Russian emigre life in China.

Merland (Mildred) motion picture film

Depicts the state burial of Sun Yat-sen, president of China, in Nanking.

Merriam (Kendall) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter, and computer disks, relating mainly to the Katyn Forest Massacre.

Merrill's Marauders Association issuances

Unit history, newsletters, and video tape cassettes, relating to operations of the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) in Burma during World War II.

Merritt (Walle W.) papers

Letters, telegrams, reports, statistical tables, and posters, relating to the fundraising activities of the Minnesota Committee of the Commission for Relief in Belgium. Includes personal letters, relating to the founding of fraternity organizations.

Mertvago (Dmitrii Fedorovich) letters

Relates to conditions in Russia during World War I and the Russian Revolution.

Meservey (Douglas W.) papers

Clippings, printed matter, personal documents, and photographs, relating to United States Office of War Information activities during World War II.

Messner (Zbigniew) papers

Speeches, correspondence, transcripts of interviews, reports, conference proceedings, and printed matter, relating to political and economic conditions in Poland and to activities of the Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza.

Metallized Materials Company records

Contracts, agreements, protocols, minutes, and legal and financial records, relating to manufacture of metal products in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.

Metcalfe (John C.) papers

Diary, correspondence, reports, notes, pamphlets, clippings, and printed matter, relating to the infiltration of the German-American Bund by J. C. Metcalfe as an investigative reporter in 1937, and to the activities of fascist organizations in the U.S.

Metzger (H. Peter) papers

Writings, clippings, reports, studies, printed matter, and letters, relating to nuclear energy, environmental problems, and other issues resulting from the impact of science and technology on public policy.

Metzger (Thomas A.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, and notes, relating to the history and culture of China, Chinese political thought, political conditions in China and Taiwan, American relations with China and Taiwan, and East Asian studies in the United States.

Meurich (Willi) papers

Letters, postcards, memorabilia, maps, and photographs, relating to German military life in Belgium and France during World War II.

Mexican subject collection

Reports, policy statements, resolutions, bulletins, speeches, agenda, election material, serial issues, pamphlets, and other printed matter, relating to political conditions in Mexico. The collection focuses primarily on communist, socialist and Trotskyist organizations in Mexico, and consists largely of issuances of...

Mexico newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Mexico newspaper collection (1939-1985) comprises eighteen different titles of publication, in Spanish, Catalan, and French. All of the titles...

Meyer (Armin H.) interview transcript

Relates to American foreign policy in the Middle East, and especially to American relations with Lebanon and Iran. Includes an interview segment on Iran conducted by the Columbia University Oral History Research Office. Photocopy.

Meyer (Frank S.) miscellaneous papers

Notes, printed articles, and clippings, relating to political philosophy and conservative thought in the United States.

Meyer (George von) papers

George von Meyer was born in Russia in 1897, emigrated with the White Army, and came to the US after World War II, working for the US Government, in part as Russian language instructor. The collection primarily includes drafts of...

Meyer (Henry C.) papers

Correspondence, reports, conference papers, notes, speech, memorandum, printed matter, and sound recordings, relating to miscellaneous aspects of twentieth-century European, especially German, history, and to the ideas of the German nationalist writer Paul Rohrbach. Includes sound recordings of World War I...

Meyer (Horst) correspondence

Relates to German military operations during World War II.

Meyer (Oscar) papers

Letters written by assorted prominent German political, academic and religious figures, mostly addressed to Friedrich Naumann or to Theodor Heuss.

Meyer (Robert E.) collection

Writings, correspondence, printed matter, photographs, and miscellanea, relating to the history of air bases in the U.S. and to miscellaneous subjects regarding Italy.

Meyerowitz (Joel) World Trade Center photographs

Photographer specializing in street, landscape, and portrait photography. The collection comprises thirty-nine signed color photographs, depicting the destruction and aftermath of the World Trade Center.

Michael (Franz H.) interview

Relates to the development of Chinese studies in the United States, and to various aspects of modern Chinese history. Interview conducted by Ramon H. Myers. Includes photocopy of a memorandum by F. H. Michael, 1944, relating to the United States...

Michael I, King of Romania interview

Relates to the Romanian monarchy. Interview conducted by Paul D. Quinlan.

Michael (Louis Guy) mimeograph

Relates to agriculture and social conditions in Bessarabia, 1910-1916, and to the Russian Revolution of November 1917.

Michael Teltoft collection

Writings, letters, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian emigre community in China after the Russian Revolution. Includes some Teltoft family papers and papers of Andrei A. Borisov.

Michigan. Legislature. Joint Committee on Reorganization of State Government miscellaneous records

Relates to the reorganization of various state agencies and departments.

Michigan State University. Non-Formal Education Information Center issuances

Newsletters, studies, bibliographies, and manuals, relating to non-formal education throughout the world.

Michniewicz (Wladyslaw) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Polish military operations during World War II, especially at the Battle of Monte Cassino; and to the Soviet espionage organization Monarkhicheskaia Organizatsiia TSentral'noi Rossii, known as the Trust. Includes the typescript...

Mickelson (Sig) papers

Minutes of meetings, reports, memoranda, financial records, speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, interviews, conference papers, press releases, printed matter, and phonotapes, relating to broadcasting activities of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and...

Middlemas (Keith) collection

Sound recordings and written summaries of interviews with British, Portuguese and African diplomats, politicians, economic advisers, journalists, and businessmen, relating to the Portuguese revolution of 1974, revolutionary developments in Portuguese colonies, and other aspects of the political situation in southern...

Miessner (Rudolf) papers

Correspondence and writings relating to the fascist movement in Czechoslovakia and to the Sudetendeutsche Partei.

Mietkowski (Andrzej) papers

Police and judicial records, writings, and printed matter, relating to activities of Solidarnosc and to political repression in Poland. Photocopy.

Mihajlov (Mihajlo) papers

The papers consist mostly of writings and research materials relating to political conditions and human rights in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, and to Russian literature. Additional materials include correspondence, printed matter, and sound and video recordings.

Mihkelson (Johannes) collection

Study and leaflet relating to the communist system in Estonia, and to Estonian and Latvian émigré politics.

(Mikhailovich) George, Grand Duke, family letters and photographs

The collection relates to political and military conditions in Russia during World War I, the Russian Revolution, and family affairs.

Mikhaĭlov (Igor Alekseevich) collection

The Mikhaĭlov collection is comprised of pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, serial issues, circulated material, and photocopies of government documents, relating to post-Soviet politics in Russia, Moldova and Abkhazia.

Mikheev (Yaropolk) papers

Born in Kosovska Mitrica, Yugoslavia, 29 April 1939. Most of this collection, with the exception of a few documents of a personal character, deals with the final fate of the Russian All-Military Union, founded by General Peter Vrangel in 1924.

Miklas (Wilhelm) proclamation

Thanks Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss for his role in the suppression of the Austrian Socialist Party.

Mikolajczyk (Stanislaw) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, notes, newsletters, clippings, photographs, tape recordings, motion picture film, and printed matter, relating to communism in Eastern Europe and Poland, agriculture in Poland, Polish politics, especially during World War II, Polish-Soviet relations, the International Peasant...

Milanovic (Vladimir) papers

Contains writings, diaries, correspondence, notes, bulletins, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Yugoslav foreign relations, especially during World War II, postwar conditions in Yugoslavia, and Yugoslav émigré affairs. Includes memoirs entitled "Iz nedavne prošlosti" relating to Yugoslav relations with Germany...

Milburn (Josephine F.) typescript

Relates to the role of business in the development of Ghana, 1937-1957.

Milczanowski (Maciej) photographs

Digital photographic images of coalition military forces and bases in Iraq. Also includes images of archeological sites in Iraq.

Miles (Milton E.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, memoranda, notes, orders, and photographs relating to the Sino-Japanese Conflict, U.S.- Chinese relations during World War II, post-war military defense in Latin America, Canadian-U.S. joint defense policies, and the Indochina and Korean Wars. Digital copies...

Militant photographic collection

Photographs, drawings, and printed reproductions of illustrations depicting activities of anti-war, civil rights, labor, racial justice, women's rights, and other protest movements in the United States and other countries, mainly from the 1960s through the 1990s. Includes many photographs from...

Military Order of the World Wars records

Biographical data on members, chapter histories, minutes, convention proceedings, memoirs, printed matter, photographs, memorabilia, relating to American military activities, especially in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnamese War; and to veterans' activities.

Miliukov (Pavel Nikolaevich) typescript

Relates to Russian diplomatic history.

Millay (Edna St. Vincent) sound recording

Prepared for the Allied invasion of Normandy, and read by Ronald Colman in a broadcast by the National Broadcasting Company, June 6, 1944.

Miller (Bernice) papers

Photographs, letters, pamphlets, and clippings relating primarily to the political and other public activities of Herbert and Lou Henry Hoover.

Miller (Evgenii) papers

Correspondence, reports, orders, printed matter, and photographs, relating to White Russian military and diplomatic activities during the Russian Civil War, Bolshevik atrocities, and White Russian refugees

Miller (Francis) photographs

Francis Miller was a combat photographer during World War II. He became a staff photographer for Life in 1947. The collectoin includes photographs, taken by Miller, while stationed in the South Pacific during World War II, captuing scenes from the...

Miller (Iva M.) photograph collection

Depicts scenes at the Isabella Fisher Hospital, Tientsin, China.

Miller (James C.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, studies, statistics, clippings, and other printed matter relating to domestic policy in the United States during the presidential administration of Ronald Reagan, and especially to policy regarding regulation of commerce, planning and implementation...

Miller (Jesse Conn) photographs

Depicts scenes of American military operations in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II.

Miller (Krzysztof) photographs

Depicts conditions in concentration camps in Bosnia during the Yugoslav civil war.

Miller (Marion Freed) papers

Correspondence, printed memoir, flyers, leaflets, clippings, printed matter, and photographs relating to activities of the Communist Party, U.S.A. and of the American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, and to Marion Miller's acquaintanceship with Ronald Reagan.

Miller (Oliver W.) papers

News releases, radio messages, printed matter, photographs, clippings, and maps, relating to the development of radar and its applications in electronic warfare in the American and Canadian air defense forces, to the beginning of the Korean War, 1950, and to...

Miller (V. L.) typescript

Relates to activities of the Rossiiskoe obshchestvo krasnogo kresta in conjunction with forces of Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak in Siberia during the Russian Civil War.

Miller (William P.) papers

The William P. Miller papers (1939-1974) document United States Army Signal Corps operations in North Africa, Germany, Italy, and France during World War II. Includes a letter, biographical information, motion picture film, photographs, and a Nazi flag. Digital copies of...

Miller-Kurakin (George) papers

Correspondence, writings, petitions, leaflets, flyers, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to clandestine activities of the Narodno-Trudovoi Soiuz in the Soviet Union and its public activities in the West, in opposition to Soviet communism and in support of Soviet...

Millican (Charles Bowie) papers

Personnel records, orders, diaries, correspondence, handbooks, reports, other printed matter, certificates, medals, and memorabilia, relating primarily to American military intelligence activities and publications during World War II.

Millis (Walter) mimeograph

Relates to prospects for peace through international disarmament. Written by W. Millis and James Real. Subsequently published.

Mills (Margaret Netherwood) papers

Correspondence, diaries, and clippings, relating to nursing work of the British Red Cross during World War I.

Milone (Pauline Dublin) collection

Reports, studies, conference proceedings and papers, census reports, and printed matter relating to urban planning and other aspects of economic and social development in Indonesia

Milrud (Aleksei) papers

Correspondence, printed matter, personal documents, and photographs, relating to Russian and Latvian émigré affairs. Includes papers of Hella Beatrice Milrud, wife of Aleksei Milrud, and of Mikhail Mil'rud, father of Aleksei Milrud and journalist in Latvia.

Milton (Harry) papers

Letters, memoranda, clippings, and photographs, relating to the service of H. Milton with the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (POUM) militia during the Spanish Civil War, his acquaintanceship with the writer George Orwell in the POUM militia, and miscellaneous activities...

Minden (George Caputineanu) papers

Reports, lists, letters, and financial records, relating to United States government-sponsored book distribution in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

Mineyko (Anna) papers

Copies of Anna Mineyko's wartime memoirs, drawings from exile in Kazakhstan, and WWII POW correspondence between Tomasz and Anna Mineyko.

Mings (Stephen Daniel) typescript

Relates to Anglo-American relations during World War II. Photocopy.

Mining Magazine clippings

Editorials and articles relating to World War I and to the role of engineers in the war. Collected by H. Foster Bain. Photocopy.

Minneapolis Public Library collection

Photographs and clippings, relating to notable individuals from Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Collected by the Minneapolis Public Library.

Minnesota statute

Prohibits criminal syndicalism.

Minter (Harold R.) collection

Russian samovar and wooden plates.

Minutes of the Council of Ministers of Peru

The Council of Ministers of Peru (Consejo de Ministros del Perú), or the Cabinet of Peru, is a constitutional body. The collection is composed of the minutes of the Council of Ministers of the Government of Peru during periods of...

Miranda-Ratliff papers

Writings, memoranda, correspondence, and notes, relating to the Nicaraguan civil war. Used as working material for the book by Roger Miranda and William E. Ratliff, The Civil War in Nicaragua: Inside the Sandinistas (New Brunswick, N.J., 1993).

Miroliubov (Iurii Petrovich) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to Russian literature and to Russian émigré affairs.

Miroliubov (Nikander I.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and clippings, relating to the investigation of the deaths of the Romanovs, 1918-1920, the creation of the first Far Eastern Republic, and Russian émigré organizations in the Far East, 1921-1927.

Miroshnikov (Lev Ivanovich) typescript

Relates to the history of Asian studies in pre-revolutionary Russia and in the Soviet Union. Photocopy.

Mirovicz (Major General) papers

Reports, orders, maps, and photographs, relating to military operations of the Second and Third Finland Rifle Brigades in four battles on the Riga Front and in the Carpathian Mountains.

Mirrielees (Edith Ronald) typescript

Relates to the activities of the Stanford Women's Unit in providing relief services for the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I.

Missiessy (Pierre de, comtesse.) typescript

Relates to the life of an underground fighter in German-occupied Belgium during World War II.

Mitchell (Anna V.S.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, clippings, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to World War I relief work in France, 1915-1920, and relief work with Russian refugees in Istanbul, 1921-1936.

Mitchell (Bruce T.) collection

Autographs, mainly of delegates to the United Nations Conference on International Organization in 1945; inflated German currency of the 1920s; and miscellany.

Mitchell (Diana) papers

The Diana Mitchell Papers document her activities as a social and political activist, journalist, educator, and consultant in her native Zimbabwe, dating from the late 1950s to the early 2000s. The collection consists of correspondence, writings, reports, minutes, biographical data,...

Mitchell (George Douglas) papers

Memoirs, memorabilia, clippings, and photographs, relating to British military operations in France and Belgium during World War I.

Mitchell (Richard Paul) collection

Writings, newspapers, magazines, journals, books, clippings, and other printed matter relating to the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic culture and political movements, and conditions in Islamic countries. Also includes material related to US foreign policy and other global issues from the late...

Mitkiewicz (Leon) papers

Diary, correspondence, writings, and printed matter, relating to Polish foreign relations with Russia, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic States, and other countries, 1914-1944; the Warsaw uprising of August 1944; and World War II Allied diplomacy.

Mittelman (Joseph B.) miscellaneous papers

The papers include a History of 9th Division operations in Germany from 1944 to 1945 and memorabilia from the European Theater in World War II, including a helmet and other items from Nazi headquarters at Berchtesgaden, Germany.

Mitterrand (Francois) speeches and writings

Transcripts of speeches, statements, press conferences, and interviews, relating to French domestic and foreign policy.

Mixed Claims Commission (United States and Germany) United States Agency letter

Relates to evidence of German sabotage in the United States during the period of American neutrality in World War I. Includes depositions, 1935, to that effect. Letter written by H. H. Martin, acting United States agent, Mixed Claims Commisssion.

Miyawaki (Noboru) papers

The collection contains research files and scrapbooks compiled by political science Professor Miyawaki Noboru.

Modelski (Izydor) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, memoranda, pamphlets, clippings, and serial issues, relating to Polish military and diplomatic policy during World War II, the Polish Government-in-Exile in London, postwar political conditions in Poland, Polish-American and Soviet-American relations, Soviet espionage in the...

Moffitt (Albert Hubbard) papers

Orders, reports, memoranda, proclamations, press releases, statistics, charts, and correspondence, relating to the evacuation of Japanese Americans from the West Coast of the United States during World War II, and to relocation of displaced persons in Europe at the end...

Mohler (Harry A.) collection

Chinese and Thai military and civil medals. Includes medals issued by various Chinese warlords, 1911-1928.

Mohsell (Irmela) collection

Clippings, pamphlets, and other printed matter, relating to peace movements and education for peace in East and West Germany and in Norway.

Moldovan subject collection

Election campaign literature, newspapers, pamphlets, other printed matter, sound recording, and video tape, relating to political conditions and elections in Moldova.

Moley (Raymond) papers

Correspondence, diaries, reports, memoranda, speeches and writings, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to criminology and the administration of justice, assimilation of immigrants, politics in the United States, the presidential campaign of 1932, the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and...

Mollenhauer (Tekla Van Norman) papers

Memoirs, clippings, and miscellanea, relating to pre-World War I social conditions in Poland and Polish émigré life. Includes a photograph of Józef Pilsudski and Ignace Paderewski.

Molteno (R. V.) miscellaneous papers

Study, entitled The Role of Certain North American Academics in the Struggle Against the Liberation of Southern Africa, presented at the United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning Conference on Socio-Economic Trends and Policies of South Africa, December...

Monagan (Walter E.) papers

Reports, ordinances, proclamations, and legal opinions relating to political, economic, and legal aspects of governmental administration in Korea, and to repatriation of Japanese in Korea. Collection also available on microfilm (12 reels); microfilm is off-site.

Monastyrskaia (Svetlana) papers

The Svetlana Monastyrskaia papers (1858-2016) includes photographs, identification documents, and genealogical records documenting the experience of Russo-Polish emigrants after the Second World War.

Monday (Mark) papers

Correspondence, writings, news dispatches, reports, bulletins, pamphlets, leaflets, clippings, and photographs, relating to the Minutemen and other right-wing paramilitary groups in the U.S., and to the Irish republican movement in Northern Ireland. Video use copies of motion picture film available.

Monetary and Economic Conference miscellaneous records

Proposals, memoranda, and resolutions, relating to international cooperation in commerical and financial policy.

Mongolia. Velikii Khuraldan typescript

English translation from Russian by J. Attree. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Mongolyn Sotsial-Demokrat Nam issuances

Pamphlets, declarations, and programmatic statements, relating to political conditions in Mongolia and to prospects for future development.

Monkemoller (Fr. P.) collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, proclamations, orders, memoranda, reports, newspaper issues, maps, photographs, and postcards relating to German military operations during World War I; political, social, and economic conditions in Germany during the war; war relief; war propaganda; prisoners of war; the German...

Monod (Noel) papers

Reports and printed matter, relating to the French resistance movement and to the conscription of French workers for forced labor in Germany during World War II. Includes samples of German propaganda.

Mont Pèlerin Society records

Correspondence, conference papers, programs, meeting materials, schedules, minutes, financial and membership records, essays, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs relating to economic policy, laissez-faire, and liberty. Digital copies of select records also available at

Montenegrin subject collection

Election campaign literature, and printed matter, relating to political conditions and elections in Montenegro.

Montgomery (John Dickey) papers

Writings, reports, notes, interview summaries, and printed matter relating to American aid to South Vietnam and other southeast Asian countries, economic development in various Asian and African countries, Japanese and German public opinion regarding the purge of wartime leaders after...

Montrose (Sherman) papers

Correspondence, press copy, memoranda, photographs, and clippings, relating to military campaigns in Europe and the Pacific during World War II.

Monument (Geoffrey) papers

Correspondence, memoirs, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to conditions in Japanese prison camps during World War II. Includes accounts of other prisoners.

Mood (James R.) typescript

Relates to the construction, financing, and diplomatic history of the Bagdad Railroad. Typescript appears to be incomplete.

Moody (L. B.) collection

Reports, memoranda, pamphlets, bulletins, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to communism and China.

Moolten (Sylvan E.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, reminiscences, and clippings relating to the public health policy of the Allied occupation government in Japan after World War II, especially in regard to reform of medical education and to the role of the Japanese physician Yoshio...

Moore (Frank John) papers

Reports, memoranda, proposals, and studies, relating to development, planning, especially with regard to education, in underdeveloped countries, especially in Africa.

Moore (John H.) miscellaneous papers

Minutes, reports, studies, memoranda, and correspondence, relating to the activities of the National Science Foundation in furthering scientific research and education in the United States. Includes a report by J. H. Moore on the 11th Conference between Soviet and American...

Moore (Thomas Gale) miscellaneous papers

Reports, memoranda, correspondence, notes, statistics, and printed matter, relating to governmental regulation of air carriers in the United States, governmental transportation policy in various countries of Western Europe, and governmental energy policy in the United States.

Moore (William C.) collection

Photographs, clippings, a pamphlet, cartoons, and poems relating to the outbreak of World War I, military life during the war, and the first Boy Scout International Jamboree in London, 1920.

Mora (George C.) papers

Diary and reminiscences, relating to conditions in the Santo Tomás and Los Baños Internment Camps during World War II, and to postwar efforts to secure compensation, benefits and recognition for American civilian internees of World War II.

Moran (Hugh Anderson) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, maps, posters, and photographs relating to the Russian Civil War, political and economic conditions in Siberia and Manchuria, and relief work in Siberia and Manchuria, especially in the prisoner of war camps, during the Russian Civil War.

Moran (Patrick Edward) papers

Writings and background research material, relating to the genealogy of the Moran and Coate families. Includes material on possible ancestors of Herbert Hoover.

Moravskii (Valerian I.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, resolutions, proclamations, financial and legal records, and photographs, relating to the Russian Civil War in Siberia, the anti-Bolshevik Siberian governments of 1918-1922, the Council of Plenipotentiary Representatives of Organizations of Autonomous Siberia, political activities of White Russian...

Morawski (Jerzy) interview transcript

Relates to political conditions in Poland and to Polish foreign relations. Photocopy.

Moreland (William D.) papers

Correspondence, reports, dispatches, newspapers, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to political, economic, and social conditions in West Africa.

Moreno (Robert) photographs

Depicts military operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Morey (Nancy Booker) miscellaneous papers

Diary, memoir, letters, postcards, and other printed matter, relating to social conditions in the Soviet Union in 1929, and to British children in the United States during World War II.

Morgan (George Allen) miscellaneous papers

Writings, notes, and printed matter, relating to the political philosophy and views on revolution of Joseph Stalin. Mainly background material for, and reactions to, the article "Stalin and Revolution" by G. A. Morgan, published in Foreign Affairs in 1949.

Morino (Jean L.) typescript

Relates to Italian colonial administration in Ethiopia and Somalia in 1936 and 1937.

Morita (Akio) processed item

Translation of the book "No" to ieru Nihon: Shin Nich-Bei kankei no kado (Tokyo: Kobunsha, 1989), relating to Japanese-American relations, and especially to economic relations.

Morozoff (Valentine F.) papers

Correspondence, writings, financial records, personal documents, and photographs, relating to the Russian community in Japan. Includes papers of other Russians resident in Japan.

Morozova (Olga) papers

Writings, correspondence, and photographs, relating to Russian literature, Russian émigré affairs, and post-World War II Russian refugees in the Philippines.

Morphet (Edgar Leroy) papers

Diaries, writings, correspondence, reports, clippings, certificates, printed matter, and photographs, relating to various aspects of educational administration and finance in the United States, and to education in the Philippines.

Morris (Henry Curtis) papers

Correspondence, speeches, and clippings, relating to Herbert Hoover and especially to his 1928 and 1932 presidential campaigns.

Morris (Louise Page) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, speeches, notes, and financial records, relating to activities of the Free Trade Union Committee in opposing communist influence in trade unions abroad, especially in Asia and the Middle East, and to political conditions in those regions. Includes...

Morris (Margaret Helen McLeod) and Garnet Green Morris processed volume

Transcript of journal of Margaret Morris as fugitive from Japanese capture in the Philippines in 1942; and transcript of journal of her son Garnet Morris upon return visit to the Philippines in 1984. Includes computer disk version.

Morse (John H.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, studies, and printed matter, related to nuclear warfare strategy, questions of nuclear arms testing and disarmament, the positioning of nuclear missiles in Europe as a part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance, and the...

Morshen (Nikolai) papers

Writings, correspondence, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to Russian literature. Includes papers of Nikolaĭ Narokov, Russian writer and father of Nikolaĭ Morshen.

Morzycki (Zygmunt) writings

Memoirs and other writings, relating to social conditions in Poland.

Moscow Conference photographs

Depicts American, British, and Soviet delegates to the Tripartite Conference in Moscow in October 1943.

Moseley (George Van Horn) typescript

Relates to the organization of supply for the American Expeditionary Forces in France, to American defense policy between the two world wars, and to right-wing political movements in the United States, 1938-1944.

Mosher (Clelia Duel) papers

Correspondence, writings, office files, photographs, and postcards, relating to relief work of the Red Cross in France from 1917 to 1919, and to the promotion of health education for women in the United States. Includes correspondence with Lou Henry Hoover.

Mosher (Steven W.) collection

Chinese government records and copies of records, population registers, pamphlets, serial issues, clippings, and other printed matter relating to rural social conditions in China, including demographics, education, land reform, food supply, and collective farm life.

Moskovskoe gubernskoe zemstvo printed material

Relates to treatment of mental patients in the Moscow region. Report is autographed by many members of the zemstvo.

Moskvin (Oleg Nikolaevich) papers

The papers are comprised of writings, correspondence, memoranda, government documents, and printed matter relating to civil liberties and independent labor movements in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.

Mosolff (Hans) mimeograph

Compiled by Hans Mosolff on behalf of the Deutsches Sekretariat für Internationale Zusammenarbeit im Studentischen Sozialdienst. Relates to financial aid programs for students in Europe and the United States.

Mote (Frederick W.) papers

Frederick Mote was professor emeritus at Princeton University and an important contributor to the Cambridge History of China. The Frederick Mote papers contain research files, unpublished manuscripts, paintings and drawings, photos of various periods, and files regarding his academic activities.

Motion Picture Research Council records

Correspondence, by-laws, minutes, administrative reports, records, and research and reference materials, relating to the film industry and the effects of films on the community.

Mott (George Fox) papers

Writings, correspondence, reports, studies, press releases, legal documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to post-World War II Allied military government in Korea and Japan; political, social and economic conditions in Korea; Korean-American relations; education in East Asia, especially South Korea...

Mott (Thomas Bentley) report

Relates to the military situation on the Italian front and to the condition of the Italian army. Report to the assistant chief of staff, G-2, General Headquarters, American Expeditionary Force in France, March 19, 1918.

Motter (Thomas Hubbard Vail) collection

Newsletters issued aboard the United States Army transport ship Siboney, December 29, 1941 to February 1, 1942, relating to ship activities and war news. The ship transported the United States Military North African Mission, Military Mission to Iran, and Military...

Mountain States Legal Foundation issuances

Legal briefs, newsletters, brochures, and press releases, relating to litigation mainly concerning government management of public lands and regulation of utilities and other private enterprises.

Moussavi (Fakhreddin) papers

The papers include the creator's dissertation, along with newspapers, clippings, serial publications, booklets, and other writings relating to education in Iran, the Iranian revolution of 1979, and political, social, and economic conditions in Iran.

Mouvement populaire de la revolution (Zaire) miscellaneous records

Minutes of meetings, conference proceedings, speeches, reports, and memoranda, relating to political conditions in Zaire and administration of the government of Zaire. Includes records from the national level of the party, some provincial and local levels, and the youth affiliate...

Mouw (J. Arthur and Edna) papers

Photocopies of letters, sound recordings of reminiscences, pamphlets, and studies, relating to missionary work among the Dayak people of Borneo. Includes a printed memoir by Sydwell Mouw Flynn, daughter of J. Arthur and Edna Mouw.

Mowrer (Edgar Ansel) report

Relates to post-World War II reconstruction and prospects for an international organization. Report to the World Citizens Association.

Mozambican subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, reports, communiqués, press releases, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Mozambique, and to revolutionary movements, especially the Frente de Libertaçao de Moçambique, in Mozambique.

Mozny (Josephine) sound recording

Song tribute to Herbert Hoover.

Mstow (Poland) Posterunek Policji records

Telegrams, orders, and dispatches, relating to administration of Mstów under German occupation during World War II.

Mu'assasat al-dhakirah al-'Iraqiyah [Iraq Memory Foundation] records

File-based videorecordings, videocassettes, optical discs, and transcripts, as well as brochures and legal and financial records relating to political conditions and human rights violations in Iraq under the Ba'th party regime. Includes digitized video testimony of survivors.

Mudry (Michal) papers

Radio broadcast scripts, correspondence, writings, memoranda, reports, and printed matter, relating mostly to Radio Free Europe broadcasts to Czechoslovakia.

Mueller and Graeff Photographic Poster collection

Photographs of posters, relating primarily to Germany during World Wars I and II, German political events in the interwar period, and the Spanish Civil War. Includes posters from the Soviet Union, France, and a number of other countries.

Muench (Aloisius Joseph) typescript

Relates to Allied denazification policy in Germany.

Muggeridge (Malcolm) papers

Correspondence, diaries, and other writings, relating to British and world culture. In part, typewritten transcript. In part, microfilm. For description of the microfilm contents, see the Malcolm Muggeridge Papers (microfilm edition) finding aid

Muhr (Allan H.) photograph collection

Depicts the American Lafayette Flying Corps in France.

Muir (Malcolm) typescript

Relates to social conditions in the Soviet Union.

Mukhanov (Mikhail Georgievich) papers

Correspondence, printed matter, reports, and photographs, relating to conditions in Russia before, during, and after the Revolution of 1917, and to experiences of various members of the Mukhanov family. Includes letters from the great-uncle of M. G. Mukhanov, Georgii Bakhmetev,...

Mulford (David C.) papers

Notes and printed writings relating mainly to political development in Zambia. Used as research material for the book by David C. Mulford, Zambia: The Politics of Independence, 1957-1964 (London, 1967). Consists mostly of transcribed copies of selected British colonial records.

Mulford (Don) papers

Correspondence, reports, bulletins, clippings, and government documents, relating to subversive activities and radicalism in California, and especially to student radicalism, primarily at the University of California, Berkeley.

Muller (Alfred) judicial decision

Decision by the Argentine Federal Court of Appeals relating to allegations by Heinrich Jürges that Alfred Müller, acting as an agent of the German government, had plotted to bring about the secession of Patagonia from Argentina.

Muller (Henry J. Jr.) papers

Memoirs, speech, interview transcript, and letters, relating to American military intelligence activities in the Philippines and elsewhere in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Muller (Herbert) correspondence

Relates to German military operations on the Eastern front during World War II.

Muller (Matthias) correspondence

Relates to German military activities during World War II.

Muller (Walter J.) papers

Memoranda, orders, maps, reports, charts, photographs, and printed matter, relating to the invasion of French Morocco, Sicily, and southern France, activities of the Third and Seventh United States Armies, and the occupation of Bavaria.

Mulligan (Timothy Patrick) typescript

Relates to German policy in occupied areas of the Soviet Union during World War II. Photocopy.

Mulloy (Gareth) memoirs

Relates to British administration of Hong Kong, and especially to housing issues.

Multi-country newspaper collection

The Multi-Country newspaper collection consists of forty-four unique titles from thirty different countries: Algeria, Angola, Brazil, Burma, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, French West Africa, Guatemala, Haiti, Hong Kong, Indochina, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Mali, Madagascar, Manchuria, Pakistan,...

Muncis (Janis) miscellaneous papers

Photographs, certificates, diplomas, sketches, and memorabilia, relating to mass propaganda open air theatrical productions during the Ulmanis regime in Latvia, 1934-1939.

Munetic (Annaliese Grube) papers

Letters, writings, personal documents, printed matter, photographs, and sound recording of an interview, relating to social conditions in Germany, especially during World War II.

Mungai (Njoroge) letter

Relates to acquaintances of N. Mungai at Stanford University.

Munger (Henry W.) diary

Relates to conditions in Japanese prison camps in the Philippines during World War II.

Munro (Dana Carleton) papers

Reports, correspondence, leaflets, and notes, relating to political and economic conditions in Turkey, Zionism, relief work and the conduct of German occupying forces in Belgium during World War I, American neutrality in World War I, war propaganda, and proposals for...

Munro (Ross H.) collection

Reports, internal documents, serial issues, and printed matter relating to the Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines and guerrilla activities of its New People's Army affiliate. Includes issuances of the party and Philippine government intelligence reports.

Munson (Frederick P.) papers

Captured Japanese war documents, correspondence, orders, memoranda, maps, charts, diaries, and photographs, relating to the Solomon Islands battlefields during the Pacific campaigns of World War II.

Munters (Vilhelms) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, memoranda, and press releases, relating to Latvian-Soviet relations and to the imprisonment of V. Munters in the Soviet Union, 1941-1954. Photocopy.

Muraveiskii (S.) typescript

Translation by Xenia J. Eudin of the pamphlet , published in Tashkent in 1926.

Murav'eva (Ekaterina I.) papers

Correspondence, memoirs, and notes, relating to the Russian Revolution and political events in Russia and abroad. Correspondents include V. A. Maklakov, P. N. Miliukov, Ekaterina Kuskova, Vera Figner and other leading Russian political figures.

Murdock (Deroy) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, and press releases, relating to political conditions, race relations and conservative movements in the United States.

Murphy (Jerome) collection

Identification cards, passes, paybooks, photographs, and miscellany, relating to forced labor in Germany during World War II and to German military operations. Includes a few World War I itemanuscript Also includes a Nazi flag.

Murphy (John Damian) papers

Consists of court proceedings, investigative reports, regulations, orders, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs relating to trials held on Guam, 1946-1949, of Japanese military personnel for war crimes.

Murphy (Merle Farmer) typescript

Relates to social and economic conditions in Russia.

Murphy (Robert D.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, dispatches, speeches and writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Allied diplomacy during World War II (especially preparatory to the invasion of French North Africa), wartime and postwar diplomatic conferences, administration of occupied Germany, postwar American foreign...

Murra (Wilbur Fim) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to comparative and international education.

Murray (A. C.) report

Relates to operations of the Trans-Siberian Railroad between Omsk and Irkutsk during the Russian Revolution, 1919-1920.

Murray (Augustus Taber) papers

Photocopies of correspondence and clippings, relating to the attendance of President Herbert Hoover at the Friends Meeting House. Includes some miscellaneous material on Friends World War I relief and other charitable activities.

Murray (Columbo P.) report

Relates to political and economic conditions in China.

Murray (Hyde H.) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, legal documents, draft legislation, and printed matter, relating to Republican congressional organizations, the presidential administration of Ronald Reagan, taxation, agriculture, ethics investigations, the Republican Party, and the United States Congress.

Murrow (Edward R.) sound recording

Compilation of radio broadcasts from Europe, 1939-1946, relating to military activities in Europe and the home front in Great Britain during World War II.

Museum of Russian Culture manuscript collection

Miscellaneous diaries, memoirs, studies, and other writings, by various Russian and Russian émigré writers, relating to Russian history and culture, Russian participation in World War I, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, and Russian émigré affairs. Collected by the Museum...

Museum of Russian Culture Miscellaneous Materials collection

Papers of various Russians and Russian émigrés, including correspondence, writings, personal documents, and photographs, relating to Russian history and culture, Russian participation in World War I, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, and Russian émigré affairs. Collected by the Museum...

Musgrave (Alan) papers

Correspondence and photographs, relating to Karl Popper and the philosophy of science. Includes correspondence with Popper.

Musin-Pushkina (Nataliia Borisovna, grafiniia) typescript

Relates to the Dolbezhev family and to social conditions in southern Russia before and after the Russian Revolution. Photocopy.

Mussolini (Benito) typescript

Relates to agricultural policy in Italy under fascism.

Muzaffar (Jamal) writings

Includes American-Soviet Policy toward Egypt, 1953-1957; The Question of Fertile Crescent Unity, relating to pan-Arabism; and Terror of the Red Fox and Reform of the Grey Wolf, relating to the Turkish revolution of 1918-1923.

My home, my prison audiovisual materials

Relates to the Palestinian activist Raymonda Hawa Tawil. Film made by Erica Marcus and Susana Muñoz. Includes raw footage and sound recordings.

My two years spent in Soviet Russia under Stalin typescript

Jan Adam Romer (a.k.a. John Adam Romer) was an electrical engineer and reservist in the Polish Army during World War II. He was arrested by the NKVD (Narodnyĭ komissariat vnutrennikh del) and sent to several forced labor camps in the...

Myers (James Conrad) letters

Letters to family members relating to American military operations in China and India during World War II.

Myers (Ramon Hawley) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to the history and culture of China, contemporary politics and government in China and Taiwan, and East Asian studies in the United States. Consists primarily of letters from the American historian Thomas A....

Myers (Robert John) miscellany

Photographs of Korean troops during World War II, and sound recordings of interviews, relating to the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in American foreign policy. Interviews conducted by Ramon H. Myers.

Myers (William Starr) typescript

Relates to the Presidential administration of Herbert Hoover. Written by W. S. Myers and Walter H. Newton. Published in New York by C. Scribner's Sons, 1936. Includes research material.

Mysels (Karol) letters received extracts

Letters written to K. Mysels by a relative living in a Polish refugee camp in New Zealand relating to the experiences of Polish refugees in Russia and elsewhere during World War II.