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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
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Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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La Fargue (Thomas Edward) collection

Photocopies and typed copies of letters and reports, pamphlets, printed articles, and miscellaneous writings, relating to early contacts between China and the United States, to Charlie Jones Soong (father of T. V. Soong, Madame Sun Yat-sen and Madame Chiang Kai-shek),...

La Picirella (Joseph) sound recording

Song relating to the French resistance movement during World War II. Words and music by J. La Picirella. Sung by Michel Sande.

La Tondre (Richard B.) medals

Japanese military medals.

Laba (Roman) collection

Roman Laba (1944-2022) was an author and researcher on Eastern European poltics. The collection consists of material relating to political conditions in Poland, Russia and Ukraine, and especially to the Solidarnosc movement in Poland and to political developments in Russia...

Labedz (Leopold) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, serial issues, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, sound recordings, and motion picture film relating to political and cultural conditions in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Soviet and Eastern European dissidents, Russian and Eastern European...

Labin (Suzanne) processed volume

Relates to Soviet propaganda.

Labour and Socialist International. Congress issuances

Bulletins, reports, pamphlets, and miscellaneous printed matter, relating to and issued by the Fourth Congress of the Labour and Socialist International.

Labour Party (Great Britain). Broadcasting Section sound recordings

Relates to Labour Party policy regarding the British economy, racial tensions, defense, local government, and ownership of the mass media.

Lademan (Joseph U.) papers

Memoranda, writings, reports, printed matter, clippings, and photographs, relating to the return of the U.S.S. Milwaukee (re-named Murmansk by the Russians) to the United States Navy from the Soviet Union in 1949, and to the atomic bomb testing at Bikini...

Lagow (Larry D.) typescript

Relates to the Center for Vietnamese Studies. Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Photocopy.

Lahousen (Erwin) journal

Relates to German secret service operations during World War II. Typed transcript (in part, photocopy)

Lai (Mingtang) papers

Published versions of speeches and oral history, other printed matter, computer disks, medal, and photograph, relating to the armed forces of Taiwan.

Laissez Faire Books records

Correspondence, memoranda, financial documents, catalogs, other printed matter, and photographs relating to libertarianism and publishing in the United States.

Laitin (David D.) papers

The David D. Laitin papers contain speeches, notes, writings, correspondence, dissertations, pamphlets, bulletins, serial issues, and other printed matter relating to the history, language, political, and social conditions of Somalia in particular and the Horn of Africa in general.

Lake (John P.) papers

Orders, reports, personnel records, certificates, and photographs, relating to American military assistance to Chinese forces during World War II, and to attempted American mediation between Kuomintang and Chinese communist forces in 1946.

Lakoba (N. A. (Nestor Apollonovich)) papers

Nestor Apollonovich Lakoba (1893-1936) papers document life and activities of the politician, revolutionary, party and government official, and victim of the purges.

Lalevitch (Dushan) typescript

Relates to conditions at Dachau.

Lamberton (Harry Clabaugh) papers

Harry Lamberton (1906-1961) was a lawyer and Assistant General Counsel in the Rural Electrification Administration, Solicitor for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, and active in numerous committees for democracy. The Harry Clabaugh Lamberton papers includes documents, papers, and...

Lambrino (Jeanne Marie Valentine) papers

Memoirs, diaries, letters, notes, clippings, and photographs, relating to the marriage of J. M. V. Lambrino with Prince Carol and its subsequent annulment. Includes a diary about Prince Carol, 1919-1920.

Lancashire (David) photographs

Depicts the Chinese communist leaders Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, and the former emperor Puyi.

Landau (George W.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, clippings and other printed matter, video tapes, and photographs relating to American relations with Paraguay, Chile, Venezuela, and other countries in Latin America.

Landau (Saul) papers

Interview transcripts, correspondence, sound recording, videotape cassettes, and motion picture film reels, relating to political conditions and revolutionary movements in Latin America.

Landauer (Carl) papers

Correspondence, printed matter, and sound recordings of interviews relating to economics, world politics, and efforts to aid German Jewish refugees to the United States during the 1930s and World War II.

Landers (John) photographs

Includes one photograph album and loose photographs taken during the 1940s; photographs include images of San Francisco architecture and scenery, naval facilities in San Bruno, California, naval officers relaxing, dancers, boxers, the Stanford University campus, and a naval parade in...

Landesen (Arthur C.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, and miscellanea, relating to White Russian consular activities in San Francisco.

Lane (Charles) papers

Writings, notes, printed matter, sound recordings, photographs, and miscellanea, relating to military conflicts in Central America and in Bosnia.

Lane (L. W.) miscellany

Photographs, speech transcript, printed matter, and flags, relating mainly to the United Nations.

Lane (Thomas A.) papers

A major general in the United States Army and conservative columnist, lecturer, and author, the bulk of the collection reflects Lane's interests in American foreign and military policy, the Vietnam War, religious political issues, communism, and activities of Americans for...

Lange (F. W. T.) letter

Relates to the collection of literature on World War I.

Lange (George Adam) papers

Orders, reports, correspondence, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to American naval operations, especially in the Pacific Theater during World War II, and to Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Lanneret (Pierre) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, internal bulletins, and photographs, relating to left-wing resistance activities in France during World War II, and to libertarian socialist and communist movements in France, the United States and elsewhere.

Lansdale (Edward G.) papers

Writings, memoranda, reports, studies, correspondence, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs relating to the Vietnam War and to counter-guerrilla operations, especially in Vietnam and the Philippines.

Lansing (Robert) miscellaneous papers

Diaries, correspondence, and memoranda, relating to American foreign policy during World War I and to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Photocopy.

Lansing (Warren) Typescript diary

Relates to conditions in France at the time of its capitulation in World War II.

Lanz (Hubert) memoirs

Relates to German mountain warfare operations in the Soviet Caucasus and in Yugoslavia and Greece during World War II. Photocopy.

Lapel pin collection

Lapel pins from the United States relating to political parties, elections, the World War I war effort, relief activities, and a variety of other topics.

Lapham (Roger Dearborn) papers

Policy papers, memoranda, estimates, relating to American aid to China.

Lapteff (Alexis V.) papers

Memoirs, reports, and photographs, relating to relief work in the Ufa-Urals district.

Large (Jean Henry) miscellaneous papers

Writings, a diary, correspondence, and photographs, relating to the genealogy of the Henry family and to personal affairs of Jean Henry Large and Lou Henry Hoover.

Larin (Georgii Pavlovich) papers

These papers contain the correspondence of Georgii Pavlovich Larin, a Russian émigré and Cossack, who was active in China, and later emigrated to Australia. Included are various materials relating to the activities of the Bratstvo russkoi pravdy in China, a...

Larminat (Joseph de) diary

Relates to the imprisonment of J. de Larminat at Mont-Dore, France, by Vichy government officials.

Larsen (E. S.) collection

Clippings, reports, and pamphlets, relating to political events in East Asia.

Larson (Clarence E.) collection

American leaflets dropped on Japanese cities in conjunction with the atomic bombing of Japan, calling for Japanese surrender. Includes translations. Photocopy.

Larsons (M. J.) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, government documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to life in Russia prior to the 1917 Revolution; the persecution of the Jews in Russia and their emigration to Germany, 1904-1906; Soviet financial and commercial policy, 1918-1925; the purchase...

Lasic-Vasojevic (Milija M.) holograph

Relates to conditions in Yugoslavia during World War II and to Yugoslav resistance movements and ethnic strife. English translation published as Enemies on All Sides: The Fall of Yugoslavia (Washington, 1976). Photocopy.

Laskowicz (Krystyna) papers

Correspondence, personal documents, photographs, printed matter, and memorabilia, relating to the Solidarność movement in Poland.

Lasota (Irena) collection

Books, pamphlets, and serial issues, relating to political conditions in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Includes underground publications and publications of the Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe.

Latell (Brian) papers

The Brian Latell papers primarily consist of research materials on Fidel Castro and Cuba. These contain a large chronological file comprised of English translations from the Cuban media and transcriptions of numerous speeches by Fidel Castro. Also included among the...

Latin American Strategic Studies Institute collection

Reports, studies, booklets, pamphlets, press summaries, press releases, bulletins, newsletters, serial issues, journal articles, and clippings, relating to political and human rights conditions in Nicaragua, the contra guerrilla war in Nicaragua, relations between the United States and Nicaragua, and American...

Latin American subject collection

Reports, correspondence, position papers, bulletins, serial issues, newsletters, campaign material, speeches, minutes, resolutions, printed matter, and audiovisual materials, relating to political conditions in various Latin American countries, especially to guerrilla activities, election campaigns and civil rights; and to United States...

Latter (Richard) papers

Writings, correspondence, studies, reports, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to theoretical physics, nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons testing, and especially the Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests.

Latvia before and after the establishment of an authoritative regime mimeograph

Relates to the abolition of parliamentary democracy in Latvia in 1934.

Latvia. Ministru Padome issuances

Printed lists of prohibited books.

Latvia newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Latvia newspaper collection (1914-2000) comprises thirteen different titles of publication, in Latvian, Russian, English, and German. All of the...

Latvia Sutnieciba (Sweden) records

Correspondence, memoranda, and reports, relating to Latvian foreign relations and to Latvian-Swedish relations. Records of the Latvian Embassy in Stockholm.

Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies collection

Newsletters, annual reports, pamphlets, clippings, and printed matter, relating to human rights and ethnic relations in Latvia. Collected by the Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies. Includes neo-fascist literature, and some issuances of the Latvian Center for Human...

Latvian DP publications collection

Books, pamphlets, and serial issues published in Latvian displaced persons camps in Germany and Austria after World War II.

Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church collection

Books, pamphlets, and serial issues relating to socialism, culture, and Latvians in the United States collected by the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church of San Francisco, California. Many items were formerly part of the library of the San Francisco branch of...

Latvian Oral History Project interviews

Sound recordings of interviews of Latvian political leaders, governmental officials, and others relating to political, social, and economic conditions in Latvia. Includes transcripts of questions and some related printed matter. Project sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and...

Latvian subject collection

Serial issues, election campaign literature, bulletins, newsletters, pamphlets, other printed matter, and video tapes, relating to various aspects of Latvian history, and especially to the movement culminating in re-establishment of Latvian independence in 1991, and to subsequent Latvian politics and...

Latviesu Centrala Komiteja records

Memoranda, reports, correspondence, registration forms, printed matter, and motion picture film, relating to conditions in Latvia under Soviet and German occupation, and to Latvian displaced persons during and after World War II. Also available on microfilm (199 reels).

Latvijas cels records

Programs, conference materials, circulated documents, and other issuances, relating to political conditions in Latvia.

Latvijas PSR Valsts Drosibas Komiteja [Latvian KGB] selected records

Reports and other documents relating to secret police activities in Latvia. Digital copies.

Latynski (Marek) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, reports, broadcast transcripts, and printed matter relating to radio broadcasting to Poland, and to Polish-Swiss relations.

Lau (Kenneth) collection

Nationalist Chinese propaganda distributed at a student demonstration in Peking.

Lauer (Gisela) correspondence

Correspondence with German soldiers, relating to German military operations on the Eastern front during World War II.

Launay (Jacques de) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to various aspects of twentieth-century European history, and especially to Romania and Belgium during World War II; the Little Entente; the relationship between Adolf Hitler and Lord Rothermere, 1933-1939; the Walloon Legion...

Lausanne Conference protocol

Autographed by Ramsay Macdonald, prime minister of Great Britain; Sir John Simon, foreign secretary of Great Britain; Franz von Papen, chancellor of Germany; and Dino Grandi, foreign minister of Italy.

Lauzanne (Stephane Joseph Vincent) papers

Writings, transcripts of radio broadcasts, and clippings, relating to French politics and foreign policy, international relations, and the Vichy regime in France during World War II.

LaVarre (William) papers

Memoirs, letters, memoranda, clippings, periodical issues, lists, notes, and financial records, relating to political development in Latin America, especially in the 1930's; United States relations with Latin America, 1933- 1945; the American Mercury; international communist subversion; and international affairs.

Lavrent'ev (K. I.) typescript

Relates to White Russian activities in Mongolia during the Russian Revolution.

Lavrov (Sergei) holograph

Relates to Baron Roman Ungern-Shternberg and White Russian military activities in Mongolia, 1920-1921.

Lavrov (Sergey) typescript

Relates to the Japanese capture of Hong Kong during World War II.

Lawder (Shirley Stevenot) processed item

Relates to the role of Joseph Emile Hamilton Stevenot in development of civil aviation in the Pacific Ocean region during the interwar period.

Lawrence (Eva) papers

Diary and photographs, relating to Red Cross work in Siberia during the Russian Revolution.

Lawrence (John Hundale) papers

Correspondence, writings, minutes of meetings, memoranda, reports, and printed matter, relating to administration of and student radicalism at the University of California, and to American medical aid to South Vietnam. Photocopy.

Lawrence (T. E.) letters

Relates to the publication of two books by T. E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1926), and Revolt in the Desert (1927). Includes some printed matter.

Lawyers Committee for Human Rights video tapes

Training video tapes for lawyers representing applicants for asylum in immigration hearings in the United States. Includes a mock asylum hearing and background lectures regarding applicants from Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Iran.

Laxalt (Joyce N.) album

Photographs depicting Austro-Hungarian soldiers on the Russian, Serbian, Romanian and Italian fronts during World War I, including scenes of trench life, combat, prisoners, ordnance, naval and aerial operations, and aerial views of troops and trench emplacements.

Layne (Ewart) miscellaneous papers

Letters, press releases, minutes of meetings, printed matter, and miscellany, relating to conditions in Grenada prior to the American invasion in 1983. Documents captured by an American soldier.

Lazar (Samuel) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, speeches, press releases, serial issues, and photographs relating to Iraqi-American relations, the Iran-Iraq War, and the Israeli bombing of the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq.

Lazarev (E.) E. letters received

Relates to Russian revolutionary émigré activities.

Lazarev family papers

Memoir, personal documents, genealogies, printed matter, photographs, and miscellany, relating to Russian emigration to the United States after the Russian Revolution.

Lazarev (Vladimir IAkovlevich) papers

Collection consists of writings, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to political and cultural conditions in Russia.

Lazic (Branko M.) typescript

Relates to the views of Albert Vassart on the French Communist Party.

Lazowski (Eugene S.) collection

Correspondence, legal agreements, and miscellany, relating to the ownership of memorabilia of Marshal Józef Pilsudski of Poland.

Le Queux (William) holograph

Propagandistic fictional work.

Le Vine (Victor T.) papers

Pamphlets, campaign literature, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to the political development of the Cameroons. Used as research material for the book by V. T. Le Vine, (1964)

Lea (Homer) letters

Relates to plans for recruitment of American volunteers to participate in military overthrow of the Chinese imperial government. Photocopy.

Leach (Charles Nelson) papers

Diaries and photographs relating to Commission for Relief in Belgium and American Relief Administration activities in World War I-era Europe; correspondence, reports, and collected materials relating to internees and internment camps in the Japanese-occupied Philippines; and correspondence and printed materials...

Leaders of the Russian revolution microform

Relates to Russian revolutionaries. Filmed from holdings of the Rossiiskii tsentr khraneniia i izucheniia dokumentov noveishei istorii.

Leaf (Edward Glenn) memoirs

Relates to recruitment of Section 578 of the United States Army Ambulance Service from the Stanford University community, its training, and its service in France during World War I.

League of Arab States. Maktab Jami'at al-Duwal al-'Arabiyah bi-al-Quds miscellaneous records

Reports, drafts, and correspondence, relating to Arabs in Israel, and especially to Jewish-Arab relations, Arab lands, and Palestinian political organization.

League of Arab States Pact mimeograph

Relates to pan-Arab cooperation. Includes an annex (typewritten) relating to the Palestinian question.

League of Nations High Commissioner, Free City of Danzig mimeograph

Relates to the dispute between Danzig and Poland regarding the use of the port of Danzig.

League of Nations miscellany

Slides and oversize printed matter relating to officials and activities of the League of Nations.

League of Red Cross Societies miscellaneous records

Correspondence, telegrams, reports, and minutes of meetings, relating to the founding of the League of Red Cross Societies and to relief operations in Europe.

Leale (Marion W.) diary

Relates to conditions on Guernsey Island during World War I.

Leary (Mary Ellen) collection

Clippings, press releases, California state government publications, and other printed matter, relating to the political career of Ronald Reagan and to California state politics and government during his gubernatorial administration (1967-1974)

Leavitt (May Hoover) letters

Letters from Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoover to M. H. Leavitt, relating to personal and family matters, and undated letters from the grandmother of Herbert Hoover to her grandchildren. Photocopy.

Lebanese subject collection

Reports, pamphlets, leaflets, election campaign literature, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Lebanon, and to elections in Lebanon.

LeBaron (Robert) papers

Biographical sketches, reminiscences, speeches, letters, appointment books, memoranda, memorabilia, and photographs relating to the development of U.S. atomic weapons, and to peaceful uses of atomic energy.

Lebbe (Vincent) papers

Correspondence, writings, reminiscences, reports, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to Roman Catholic missions in China, diplomatic relations between China and the Vatican, and activities of Chinese students in Belgium and elsewhere in Europe. Includes four volumes of printed hard copies...

Lebedev (Nikolai Nikolaevich) papers

Financial records, minutes, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to charitable activities on behalf of Russian immigrants in the United States. Includes records of the Russian Benevolent Trust Fund in Memory of V. P. and M. P. Anitchkoff.

Lechin Oquendo (Juan) papers

The papers provide an overview of the life and career of a prominent Bolivian trade unionist and politician, Juan Lechín Oquendo who served as head of the powerful Central Obrera Boliviana for 35 years (1952-1987), and was vice president of...

Lechin Weise (Juan Claudio) interviews

Video recordings and transcripts of interviews of Latin American and Spanish writers, relating to political and cultural conditions in Latin America.

Lee (Edward Bartlett) papers

Correspondence, leaflets, pamphlets, posters, clippings, photographs, and postcards relating to the activities of various relief organizations during and immediately after World War I and to the Liberty Loan drives and other aspects of the war effort in the United States.

Lee (Fitzhugh) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, testimony, orders, personnel records, and printed matter, relating to naval aviation, naval operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II, inter-service controversies within the American armed forces, issues arising from civilian control of the...

Lee (John Clifford Hodges) papers

Memoirs, printed matter, and photographs, relating to American military operations in Europe during World Wars I and II.

Lee (Josephine) collection

Campaign leaflets issued by various Portuguese political parties, relating to the national election of 1980.

Lee (William Thomas) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, and printed matter, relating to Soviet armed forces, the Soviet economy, and American defense policy.

Leehey (Donald James) letter

Relates to statistical and other information on the careers of members of the class of 1920.

Lefever (Ernest W.) papers

Writings, correspondence, interview summaries, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to pacifism in World War II, postwar African politics, United Nations intervention in the Congo, nuclear proliferation, American military and police-training aid to foreign countries, the role of religion in...

Lefranc (Georges) papers

Writings, reports, syllabi, and printed matter relating to social conditions and to the socialist, syndicalist, and labor movements in France.

The Legacy of Milton and Rose Friedman's Free to Choose conference proceedings

Video recordings of proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas relating to contributions of Milton and Rose Friedman to free market economics.

LeGendre (William C.) letter

Relates to proposals in the United States for a negotiated end to World War I and Polish independence, 1916-1917. Also includes translations of excerpts from by Jerzy Jan Sosnowski, Russian diplomatic representative in the United States during World War I.

Legie česká records

Orders, proclamations, leaflets, pamphlets, serial issues, writings, and photographs relating to the activities of the Czechoslovak Legion during the Russian Civil War. Includes a history of the Legion, entitled .

Legie ruská photograph collection

Photograph albums depicting the Czechoslovak Legion (Legie ruská) in Siberia, 1918-1920, as well as earlier activity on Eastern Front in WWI before their arrival in Siberia.

Legrand (Francois) papers

Diary and reports, relating to political and social conditions in Siwantzu and elsewhere in the communist zone of northern China, and to the situation of Roman Catholic missionaries in the communist zone.

Lehnert (Marek) papers

Dispatches and sound recordings, relating to political conditions in Poland and to Vatican relations with Poland.

Lei (Zhen) papers

Lei Zhen (1897-1979) was a human rights activist, liberal thinker, and vigorous political opponent of Chiang Kai-shek and Kuomintang rule in post-1949 Taiwan. The collection, consisting of Lei Zhen's memoir, correspondence, and writings dated 1960-1977, primarily relates to the pro-democracy...

Leikhtenberg (Gertsog Nikolai Nikolaevich fon) diary

Relates to White Russian attempts to secure aid from Germany during the Russian Civil War. Includes annotations by his father. Photocopy.

Leitenberg (Milton) collection

Clippings, printed articles, press releases, press conference transcripts, and other printed matter, relating to Soviet-American arms limitation negotiations.

Leiva (Miriam) writings

Relates to social and economic conditions in Cuba.

Lejins (Janis) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to the annexation of Latvia to the Soviet Union, conditions in Latvia under communism, Latvian émigrés in Canada and the United States, and anti-communist Latvian émigré movements.

Lejnieks (Dagmara) collection

The collection contains significant materials relating to the movement for Latvian (and Baltic) independence in the late perestroika era of the Soviet Union, as well as documents pertaining to the first year of the renewed Latvian state that emerged in...

Leman family memoirs

Relates to economic conditions in Russia, especially Siberia, in the interwar period, and to economic policy of the Vysshii sovet narodnogo khoziaistva.

Leman (J. Howard) reports

Relates to political and economic conditions in Poland.

Lemanczyk (Tadeusz) writings

Relates to communism in Europe. Includes some correspondence.

Lemarchand (Rene) papers

Government reports, ephemeral publications, interviews, correspondence, notes, and printed matter relating to the political development of the Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda.

Lemkin (Raphael) mimeograph

Regulations of German military governments in various occupied countries in Europe, 1940-1941.

Lemm (Hans) journal

Relates to voyages of the German naval cruiser Emden in the Atlantic and Mediterranean prior to World War II.

Lenczowski (George) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, clippings, and other printed matter relating primarily to Middle Eastern studies in the United States, political and economic conditions in the Middle East, and American foreign policy in the Middle East.

Lenglet (Frans B.) papers

Reports, studies, and pamphlets, relating to rural development and education in the Côte d'Ivoire, and especially to the use of educational television there.

Lenigk, (Margot Stein) processed

Relates to conditions in Indonesia and Japan during World War II. Includes phonotape cassette of reminiscences.

Lenin (Vladimir Il'ich) miscellaneous speeches and writings

Pamphlet, entitled K Studenchestvu : Zadachi Revoliutsionnoi Molodezhi (1903); leaflet (co-authored with V. Bonch-Bruevich), entitled Usluzhlivyi Liberal; photocopy of the table of contents of Stat'i i Rechi o Srednei Azii Uzbekistane (co-authored with Joseph Stalin, 1940); and recordings of speeches,...

Lenz (Friedrich) typescript

Relates to the career of the German statesman Walther Rathenau.

Leon Trotsky collection

Writings and correspondence of the Russian revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky, including drafts of articles and books, correspondence with John G. Wright and other leaders of the Socialist Workers Party of the United States, and typed copies of correspondence with V....

Leonard (John Paul) papers

Speeches and writings, reports, memoranda, manuals, textbooks, and other printed matter, relating to American educational assistance to India, Lebanon, and Latin America.

Leopold III, der Konig im Banne des Schicksals: sein Liebesroman und Leidensweg typescript

Relates to King Léopold III of Belgium. Incomplete. Includes a clipping.

Leprette (Jacques) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, conference and meeting materials, printed matter, and audiovisual material, relating to French foreign relations; French participation in the European Economic Community, European Union and other European organizations; French participation in the United Nations...

Lerner (Daniel) collection

Reports, correspondence, pamphlets, leaflets, and radio transcripts relating to Allied propaganda in Europe during World War II, analysis of German propaganda, evaluation of wartime German morale, and German public opinion during the post-war Allied occupation. Includes reports of interrogations of...

L'Escaille (Mademoiselle de) letters

Letters from individuals connected closely with the Russian Imperial family, relating to personal matters in the lives of the Russian Imperial family. Includes translations of some letters.

Leschander (Walter L.) collection

Writings, diary, correspondence, photographs, maps, clippings, and pamphlets, relating to espionage, military intelligence, prisoners of war, and escape techniques, primarily during World War II.

Leslie (Richard C.) correspondence

Relates to American merchant marine activities in Pacific, Caribbean and Atlantic waters during World War II. Correspondence mainly with L. C. Leslie, father of R. C. Leslie.

Lesotho subject collection

Electronic bulletins, serial issues, pamphlets, speeches, press releases, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Lesotho.

Lessing (Erich) photographs

Depicts post-World War II scenes in Austria reflecting Cold War themes, and scenes from the Hungarian Revolution.

Letofsky (Irv) collection

Pressbooks for motion pictures in which Ronald Reagan appeared as an actor.

Leung (Tom) collection

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, and financial records, relating to the Chinese political reformer Kang Youwei, and activities of his political organization Bao Huang Hui and of the organization Tianyi Hui in the United States. Originals in: University of California at Los...

Leurquin (Philippe P.) bibliography

Relates to the Congo before and after independence.

Levaco (Benjamin Michael) papers

Autobiographical writings, letters, certificates, bulletins, and photographs relating to the Russian Jewish community in China from 1915 to 1950.

Levchik (Dmitrii Aleksandrovich) papers

Writings, correspondence, reports, memoranda, notes, election campaign literature, and other printed matter relating to political conditions and election campaigns in Russia, activities of the Sot͡sial-demokraticheskai͡a Partii͡a Rossiĭskoĭ Federat͡sii, and organization of independent miners' trade unions in Russia.

Leveaux (Roberta Boyd Sandoz) papers

Interview transcript, other writings, pilot log books, printed matter, and photographs, relating to airplane ferrying by women pilots in Great Britain during World War II.

Levi (M.) typescript

Closing speech for the defense in the trial in a German court of Prince Mpundo Akwa of Cameroon on charges of fraud and false assumption of a title of nobility. Includes a foreword and translation by Victor Grove. Photocopy.

Levi (Paul) miscellaneous papers

Funeral oration delivered in Berlin, February 2, 1919, in memory of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, German communist leaders; and catalog of books in the private library of P. Levi.

Levin (Fedor) papers

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to literature in the Soviet Union, and to the Soviet "anti-cosmopolitanism" campaign in 1949.

Levine (Isaac Don) miscellaneous papers

Memorandum, 1958, and transcripts of hearings of the United States Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1957, both relating to the dispute between I. D. Levine and Martin K. Tytell regarding the authenticity of documents used by I. D. Levine in his...

Levinskaia-Lesman collection

The collection consists of serials, pamphlets, and leaflets issued by nationalist, fascist, and religious organizations in Saint Petersburg, Russia, relating to political conditions in Russia. They were collected by Irina Levinskaia and Iuriĭ Lesman.

Levinson (John M.) papers

Speeches and writings, conference proceedings, reports, studies, memoranda, correspondence, pamphlets, hearing transcripts, serials, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to medical conditions in Vietnam and elsewhere in Indochina, private American medical and other relief assistance to Vietnam, and the...

Levinstein (David) processed volumes

Relates to Beniamin Levinshtein, a Polish-Soviet inmate of forced labor camps in the Soviet Union.

Levitskii (D.) holograph

Relates to the forced repatriation to the Soviet Union of Soviet prisoners by Allied authorities in Germany in 1945. Includes typed transcript.

Levitsky (Eugene L.) papers

Memoirs, other writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian military operations during World War I and to the Russian Revolution.

Lew (Yao-huan) papers

Diaries and notes, relating to relations between China and Taiwan.

Lewis (Arthur J.) papers

Reports, bulletins, studies, correspondence, minutes, and pamphlets, relating to education in various countries in Africa and elsewhere, and to American educational assistance programanuscript Includes much material on work of the Overseas Liaison Committee of the American Council on Education.

Lewis (John Wilson) miscellaneous papers

Reports, correspondence, notes, conference material, and photographs relating to political conditions in China, to relations between China and the United States, and especially to visits to China by Lewis in 1972 and 1975.

Lewis (Marx) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, bulletins, newsletters, press releases, resolutions, trial transcripts, pamphlets, and clippings, relating to the 1919 trial of Victor Berger under the Espionage Act; Socialist Party internal politics, especially during the mid-1930s; post-World War II opposition to communism...

Lewis (Roger L.) papers

Reports, notes, correspondence, printed matter, clippings, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to operations of the American Red Cross in Archangel, Russia.

Lewis (Sherman) collection

Clippings, journal articles, bulletins, newsletters, government publications, and other printed matter, relating to American foreign and military policy, international relations, international economics, arms control, human rights, environmentalism, international relief, and international development assistance.

Lewy (Guenter) collection

Bulletins, newsletters, serial issues, university catalogues, books, pamphlets, reports, and photocopies of correspondence, minutes and military documents, relating to university education and student radicalism in West Germany, especially at the Universitat Bremen; and the American peace movement, especially activities of...

Lewytzkyj (Borys) papers

Drafts and biographical data used in preparation of the book by B. Lewytzkyj, The Stalinist Terror in the Thirties : Documentation from the Soviet Press (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1974). Includes material relating to political purges in the Soviet Union...

Ley (Robert) press releases

Relates to a proposal by R. Ley for an old-age pension in Germany.

Li (Rui) papers

Correspondence, diaries, other writings, printed matter and photographs relating to government policy in the People's Republic of China.

Li (Shenzhi) papers

Li Shenzhi (1923-2003) was a social scientist and key advisor to leaders in the People's Republic of China. He served as foreign affairs secretary for Zhou Enlai; foreign affairs advisor to Deng Xiaoping; founder and vice-president of the Institute of...

Liang (Fulin) writings

Relates to law and economic conditions in Hong Kong. Photocopy.

Liang Heng collection

Writings, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs, relating to student democratization movements in Hunan Province, China.

Liang (Lone) photographs

Depicts Chinese diplomats, including T. V. Soong and H. H. Kung, in Europe.

(Liao) Jiunn-Yeh

Chinese army officer and Taiwan official. The collection includes writings, certificates, and photographs relating to the Chinese Civil War and especially to the February 28, 1947 Incident in Taiwan.

Liashevskii (Reverend Stefan) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, and photographs, relating to the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian émigré affairs.

Liberation sound recording

South African black nationalist songs. Produced by the South African Freedom Committee, New York.

Liberian subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, reports, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Liberia, and to the coups of 1980 and 1990.

Liberman (E. G.) letter

Letter to American history student Jimee Sue Andrews, relating to Soviet economic reforms. Photocopy.

Libertarian Party of California records

Election campaign literature, correspondence, memoranda, newsletters, legal documents, press releases, statistics, lists, clippings, position papers, video tapes, and sound recordings, relating to presidential and gubernatorial election campaigns of the Libertarian Party of California.

Library of Congress photographs

Depicts the shipment of library and archival material from Germany to various Allied repositories by the Library of Congress at the end of World War II.

Library of Social History collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, internal bulletins, other internal documents, and electoral and convention material, issued by Trotskyist groups throughout the world, and especially in the United States, Latin America and Western Europe, and including some materials issued by non-Trotskyist left-wing...

Libyan subject collection

Video tapes and miscellany, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Libya.

Lichty (Robert D.) papers

Photographs, printed matter, and miscellany, relating to American military activities in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II. Includes photographs depicting social conditions in India during the war.

Liebknecht (Karl Paul August Friedrich) printed material

Relates to the preparation of the German Revolution in October-November 1918. Article consisted of previously unpublished notes by K. Liebknecht, and was published in the (Munich), November 10, 1925. Photocopy.

Liebman (Marvin) papers

Correspondence, printed matter, press releases, campaign literature, reports, and photographs, relating to activities of American conservative and anti-communist organizations, including many involved with Asian and African affairs. Includes records of the firm Marvin Liebman Associates.

Liebowitz (Daniel) typescript

Relates to the nineteenth-century British explorer and diplomat Sir John Kirk, and to the antislavery movement, especially with regard to Zanzibar. Photocopy.

Liepins (Olgerts) papers

Correspondence, clippings, writings, and reports, relating to Latvian domestic and foreign affairs, and Latvians in the United States.

Lietuviu Salpos Draugija Prancuzijoje correspondence

Relates to Lithuanians serving in the French Foreign Legion.

Lietuvos TSR Valstybės Saugumo Komitetas [Lithuanian KGB] selected records

Reports, memoranda, correspondence, lists, directives, and other documents relating to secret police, intelligence and counter-intelligence activities, dissident and anti-Soviet activities, and repatriation and nationalism issues, in Lithuania.

Life (Chicago, Ill.) selected articles

Relates to World War II and the Korean War. Collected by William W. Eaton.

Liga fur Volkerfreundschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik open letter

Protests police violence against blacks in the 1980 Miami, Florida, riot. Addressed to the U.S. Committee for Friendship with the GDR.

Ligachev (E. K.) speech

Relates to political conditions in the Soviet Union. Delivered at the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Washington, D.C.

Liggio (Leonard P.) papers

Writings, correspondence, conference papers, personal documents, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to libertarian political and free market thought.

Ligurian campaign in Italy : processed volume

Relates to operations of the 92nd Infantry Division of the United States Army in the Ligurian region of Italy, from September 1944 to April 1945.

Likely (Robert D.) papers

Correspondence, reports, pilot's flying logbook, and memorabilia, relating to activities of the United States 135th Aero Squadron in France during World War I.

Lilienthal (Alfred M.) papers

Collection includes speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, memoranda, press releases, serial issues, conference papers, interviews, studies, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, motion picture film, video cassettes, and sound recordings relating to the Middle East, Zionism and anti-Zionism, Israel/Palestine, and American...

Lin (Sharat G.) collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, and flyers, relating to violations of civil liberties in India and elsewhere in South Asia, and to political conditions and communist movements in India. Includes issuances of the Indian People's Association in North America, India Forum,...

Lin (Zhao) papers

Letters and diaries, written in prison; photographs; and posthumous rehabilitation documents and printed matter: relating to political prisoners in China.

Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church records

The Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church records (1892-2018) includes church records and photographs relating to the Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church in Salinas, California, a Presbyterian church with a predominately Japanese American congregation.

Lincoln (Lawrence J.) processed volume

Relates to strategic planning during World War II, and to subsequent American military engineering and other military activities. Interview conducted by the United States Army Corps of Engineers Office of History.

Lincoln Renaissance miscellaneous records

Correspondence, statements, brochures, and clippings, relating to educational issues in Canada such as parental control and sex education.

Lincoln (W. Bruce) collection

Proposals, plans, reports, census records, and financial records, prepared by various agencies of the Imperial Russian government, relating to emancipation of the serfs, and to various aspects of governmental administration in Russia. Microfilm.

Lind (Alfred) correspondence

Relates to conditions of Jews in Germany and in Palestine.

Linden (John H.) writings

Relates to the circumstances of the liberation of prisoners at Dachau by American troops in 1945, especially to the role of Brigadier General Henning Linden; and to the American military occupation of Austria, 1945-1948.

Linderfels (Graf von.) typescript

Relates to the financing of the German Nazi Party.

Lindgren-Utsi (Ethel J.) papers

Journals, relating to anthropological field trips to Manchuria, 1929- 1932; notes, relating to the literature of anthropology; and a film of domesticated reindeer in Manchuria.

Lindley (Sir Francis Oswald) processed volume

Relates to British relations with Russia during the Russian Revolution. Consists of English translation with commentary by Maria Ashot of 2011 published Russian-language edition of the memoirs translated with commentary by A. V. Bykov.

Lindon Bates, Jr. collection

Memorial volume, Commission for Relief in Belgium issuances, and printed matter relating to Lindon Bates, Jr., a Commission for Relief in Belgium worker who died in the sinking of the ocean liner by a German submarine in 1915. Includes telegrams...

Lindsay (Franklin) papers

Reports, memoranda, correspondence, and photocopies of Office of Strategic Services and British government documents relating to resistance movements in Yugoslavia during World War II, Allied relations with them, Office of Strategic Services operations in Yugoslavia and Austria, post-World War II...

Lindsay (Hsiao-li, Baroness) memoirs

Relates to Chinese communist leaders during World War II, the United States Observer Mission to Yenan, China, 1944-1945, and two visits by United States Ambassador Patrick Hurley to Yenan, 1944. Microfilm.

Linebarger (Paul M. A.) papers

Diaries, correspondence, speeches and writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to political conditions in China and elsewhere in the Far East, and to psychological warfare during and after World War II. Includes microfilm of P. M. A. Linebarger papers at...

Linebarger (Paul M.W.) papers

Diaries, correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to political conditions in China and to Sun Yat-sen.

Linghu (Pu) papers

Diaries, memoirs, interview transcripts, personal documents, and photographs relating to the Sino-Japanese and Chinese Civil Wars and to communist rule in China.

Linvald (Axel Steffensen) biographical sketch

Relates to the Danish politician Hans Peter Hanssen.

Liosnoff (Alexander) papers

The papers contain information on the Shanghai American School Association, American psychological warfare activities during the Korean War, and the post-World War II American civil administration of the Ryukyu Islands, based in Okinawa, including reversion to Japan in 1972. The...

Liperovskii (Vladimir Iur'evich) memoir

Relates to military operations during the Russian Civil War.

Lipinski (Eryk) papers

Correspondence, identification documents, photographs, and cartoons relating to Polish politics, art and literature, and to world politics. Includes satirical anti-Nazi and post-World War II pro-communist cartoons.

Lipkowska (Teresa) letter

Relates to conditions in Soviet concentration camps and to the success of the Polish government in securing the release of its citizens from them.

Lisle (Anna Howell Hayward) papers

Anna Howell Hayward Lisle worked with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration and Near East Foundation relief efforts in Greece from 1944-1946. The papers include correspondence, reports, and photographs, relating to social conditions and relief work in Greece at...

Lisovoĭ (I͡Akov Markovich) papers

I͡Akov Markovich Lisovoĭ was a Colonel in the Russian Imperial army and subsequently lecturer in the United States. The I͡Akov Markovich Lisovoĭ papers (1904-1964) include personal documents, biographical data, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian Revolution as well...

Lisowski (Konstanty and Wladyslaw) photographs

Depicts Polish military activities before and during World War II. Includes photographs of Władysław Lisowski, son of Konstanty Lisowski and Polish army captain.

Lithuania newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Lithuania newspaper collection (1915-2001) comprises thirty-nine different titles of publication, in Lithuanian, Polish, German, Russian and Belarusian. All titles...

Lithuanian National Council of America miscellaneous records

Correspondence, resolutions, and reports, relating to the movements to secure Lithuanian indepedence and American recognition of Lithuania.

Lithuanian subject collection

Serial issues, bulletins, newsletters, pamphlets, and other printed matter, relating to various aspects of Lithuanian history, and especially to the movement culminating in re-establishment of Lithuanian independence in 1991, and to subsequent Lithuanian politics and elections.

Litoshenko (Lev Nikolaevich) papers

Writings and photographs, relating to agriculture in the Soviet Union and industry in the United States. Includes drafts and final typescript of "Agrarian Policy in Soviet Russia before the Adoption of the Five Year Plan" (co-authored with Lincoln Hutchinson), and...

Littlefield (Marion V.) photograph collection

Depicts aerial activities on the western front during World War I, captured or destroyed German planes, and bomb damage in France and Germany. Photographs taken by the United States Air Service.

Littlejohn (Robert M.) printed material

Relates to the provision of food and clothing by the United States Army Quartermaster Corps to American troops in the European Theater.

Litvinov (Ivy and Tatiana) papers

The Ivy and Tatiana Litvinov papers contain autobiographical, fictional, and other writings; interview transcripts; diaries; correspondence; and sound recordings relating to the life of Ivy Litvinov in Great Britain and the Soviet Union, her marriage to the Soviet foreign minister...

Litvinov (Pavel Mikhailovich) papers

Correspondence, memoirs and other writings, notes, printed matter, and photographs relating to political prisoners, civil rights and dissent in the Soviet Union, and to Russian émigré affairs.

Liu family records

A collection of early twentieth-century land deeds and contracts from the Zhejiang region of China offer a valuable glimpse into China's real estate market from the 1880s to the 1930s.

Liu (Francis Fulton) typescript

Relates to the history of Muslims in China from the seventh century to the twentieth.

Liuba (Justin) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, printed matter, and sound recording cassettes, relating to Radio Free Europe broadcasts to Romania, and to political conditions in Romania, Romanian history, and Romanian émigré affairs. Includes interviews conducted by Justin Liuba for Radio Free Europe broadcasts.

Liubimov (Dmitriĭ Nikolaevich) memoirs

Relates to political conditions in Russia, 1902-1906.

Liudi vne zakona typescript

Relates to the experiences of an unidentified Soviet soldier during World War II, his incarceration in several German prisoner of war camps, and conditions in those camps.

Livermore (Edith) photographs

Depicts activities of the German army during World War I, military parades and training exercises in Berlin, war damage in France, a 1913 parade in honor of Tsar Nicholas II at Potsdam, and British troops on parade in London.

Livingstead (Ivor M. V. Z.) typescript

Relates to the fall of the House of Romanov in Russia.

Šljivar (Vojislav) papers

Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Serbian émigré affairs, the Serbian Orthodox Church in the United States, and Yugoslav history since World War II.

Llerena (Mario) papers

Relates to Fidel Castro and to the Movimiento Revolucionario 26 de Julio in Cuba, 1956-1958. Includes memoirs and photocopies of correspondence, including two letters from Fidel Castro. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Lloyd George (David) essay

Relates to the Geneva Disarmament Conference and to prospects for world disarmament.

Lobanov-Rostovsky (Andrei) papers

Clippings, writings, correspondence, notes, and other printed matter relating to Russian history, world politics, and other subjects of interest to and about Andrei Lobanov-Rostovsky.

Lochner (Louis P.) collection

Correspondence, writings, reports, and printed matter relating to the Nazi party, domestic conditions in Germany and German foreign policy before and during World War II, post-war occupation of Germany, denazification efforts, and communist party activities in Germany. Includes correspondence of...

Lochner (Robert H.) papers

Printed matter and photographs, relating to American radio broadcasting to Germany. Digital copies of select records also available at

Locke (Krystyna Kopaczyk) papers

Bulletins, serial issues, clippings, and miscellany, relating to Polish military activities during World War II.

Lockett (Edward B.) papers

Biography of General Claire Chennault, and memoranda, report, extracts from a thesis, letter, and photographs, relating to adoption of the Marshall Plan, and to American aid to China during the Civil War period.

Lockhart (Sir Robert Hamilton Bruce) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, diaries, notes, memoranda, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to miscellaneous aspects of Anglo-Soviet relations during the Russian Revolution, British espionage in the Soviet Union during the Russian Revolution, miscellaneous aspects of British government activities during World War...

Lockley (Fred) collection

Letters, notices, clippings, and mimeographed material, relating to pacifism, disarmament, and the American pacifist leader Sydney Strong.

Lockwood (Charles A.) papers

Writings and correspondence, relating to the development of the submarine and to American submarine operations in World War II.

Lodge (John Davis) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, dispatches, reports, memoranda, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, sound recordings, and motion picture film relating to the Republican Party, national and Connecticut politics, and American foreign relations, especially with Spain, Argentina and Switzerland. Digital copies of...

Lodyzhenskii (Iurii Il'ich) papers

Memoirs, other writings, bulletins, reports, and printed matter relating to medical practice in Russia during World War I, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, efforts to resettle White Russian veterans and refugees after the war, and activities of the International...

Loehr (Mrs.) collection

Photographs, notes, and printed matter, relating to conditions in Petrograd during the Russian Revolution.

Loesch (Karl Christian von) collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, newspaper issues, clippings, and writings, relating to politics and elections in Germany and Austria, the German Revolution of 1918-1919, the Kapp Putsch, the Hitler Putsch, the Nazi Party, and the independent Croatian state during World War II.

Loewa (Joachim) letters

Relates to social conditions in Germany and to personal matters.

Loewenberg (Peter) typescript

Analyzes the adolescent personality and behavior of Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer SS and Chef der deutschen Polizei of the German Third Reich, based on his diaries, 1914-1924. Photocopy.

Loewenthal (Alfred Max) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, serial issues, other printed matter, and motion picture film relating to electrical workers' unions in the United States, to teachers' unions in the United States and abroad, and to socialism, communism, and Trotskyism in the United...

Loft (George) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, interview summaries, printed matter, and photographs, relating to American Friends Service Committee activities in Africa, especially relating to housing in Zambia; international development projects in Africa; and political and social conditions in Zambia, Zimbabwe and elsewhere in...

Loftis (Anne) papers

Correspondence, reports, research notes, printed matter, and phonotape reels, relating to the evacuation and relocation of Japanese-Americans, 1942-1945. Includes oral history interviews of immigrants to California.

Logan (James Addison) papers

Contains correspondence, memoranda, and reports that reflect the prevalent international situation during and after World War I. They relate to the U.S. war effort, conditions of prisoners of war, the Paris Peace Conference, postwar reconstruction in Europe, and war reparations.

Logunova (Nataliia Apollinarievna) papers

Diary, correspondence, fictional and other writings, and photographs, relating to Russian literature and Russian émigré affairs.

Lomovskaia (Nataliia Dmitrievna) papers

Correspondence, personal documents, and photographs, relating to science in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia. Includes papers of family members.

London (Herbert I.) papers

Herbert I. London was an American conservative author, activist, and academic born in 1939 in Brooklyn, New York. The Herbert I. London papers includes correspondence, speeches and writings, transcripts of radio commentary and interviews, photographs, and various clippings regarding London's...

London (Ivan D.) papers

Correspondence, writings, questionnaires, interview transcripts, notes, reports, memoranda, and printed matter relating to political science, social conditions in the Soviet Union and China, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the psychology of the Soviet people and émigrés from the Soviet Union, and...

London (Kurt) collection

Pamphlets, reports, conference papers, government documents, and printed miscellany, relating to various aspects of world politics and international relations since World War II.

London Naval Conference miscellaneous records

Minutes of meetings, reports of committees, and rosters of delegates.

Lonergan (Thomas C.) collection

Writings, letters, notes, and maps, relating to activities of the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I. Includes histories of individual divisions and other units in the American Expeditionary Forces.

Long (James) Stanley correspondence

Relates to Young Men's Christian Association work with American troops in France and Germany during and after World War I.

Long (Victor Dismukes) papers

Orders, citations, and photographs, relating to American naval operations before, during, and after World War II.

The Longest day sound recording

Recording of excerpts from the motion picture dramatizing the Allied invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944.

Longstreet (Stephen) paintings and drawings

Depicts scenes from World War II and the Vietnamese War, and portrays twentieth-century celebrities from various countries and fields of endeavor.

Longuevan (Joseph B.) collection

Reminiscences, letters, and printed matter, relating to activities of the United States 31st Infantry Regiment in Siberia, and to the Russian Revolution in Siberia.

Lonsdale (Richard C.) papers

Studies, reports, speeches, printed articles, serial issues, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to administration of public schools and universities and colleges in the United States, and especially in the state of New York.

Lonzinov (V.) memorandum

Relates to the emigration of German Russians from Russia to Germany, and to conditions in Russia causing the emigration. Includes a photograph of German Russian children in Kiel, en route to Canada.

Look (Susanne Avery) papers

Memoirs and photographs, relating to Red Cross work in St. Aignan, France.

Lookin in on the Pope printed volume

Ship's history of the American destroyer escort Pope and its anti-submarine service in the Atlantic Ocean during World War II. Includes related photographs and computer disk account of its capture of the U-505 in 1944.

Loomis (Christine Brown) diary

Relates to United States Navy medical facilities in Great Britain during World War I.

Loomis (Orland) papers

Postcards, photographs, clippings, and miscellany relating to American participation in World War I.

Lopatin (Boris Petrovich) papers

Writings, notes, diaries, biographical data, and printed matter, relating to the Russian Civil War in Siberia, Russian émigré affairs, and world politics in the interwar period.

Lopez Fresquet (Rufo) typescript

Relates to political conditions in Cuba, 1959-1960. Includes photographs. Published as (Cleveland, 1966).

Lordkipanidze (Khasan Ismanlovich) papers

Writings, correspondence, official documents, and photographs, relating to the history of the Ajari revolutionary movement and to conditions in Soviet Ajaria.

Lordkipanidze (Zekeriia) Indictment

Relates to the indictment of Zekeriia Lordkipanidze and others in Georgia on charges of treason, counterrevolutionary activity, sabotage, and subversion.

Lorenzi (Fabius) paintings

Depicts battle scenes on the western front during World War I.

Lorenzo (César M.) typescript

Relates to political activities of the Spanish anarchists-syndicalists, 1868-1968. Published in abridged form. Photocopy.

Loret (Jean-Marie) papers

Letters, memoranda, certificates, notarized statements, military records, psychological profile, medical data, printed articles, clippings, and photographs, relating to the question of Adolf Hitler's paternity of Jean-Marie Loret.

Lorimer (Frank) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, minutes, newsletters, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the development of population studies in the United States and abroad.

Loring (William Joseph) papers

Correspondence, reminiscences, business records, printed matter, and photographs, relating to mining operations in Australia and the United States, and to Herbert Hoover. Includes correspondence with Hoover.

Los Angeles (Calif.) Soldier's and Sailor's Replacement Bureau typescript

Relates to post-World War I reconstruction in Los Angeles, California.

Losh (William J.) papers

Diaries, correspondence, photographs, memorabilia, and printed matter, relating to the American Ambulance Service in France and Albania during World War I; the Polish legation in the United States, 1920-1921; Polish ambassador Casimir Lubomirski; the John Scopes trial in Dayton, Tennessee,...

Lotocka (Stefania) typescript

Relates to conditions in Ravensbrück.

Loucheur (Louis) papers

Correspondence, speeches, notes, reports, and photographs, relating to industry in Russia during World War I, inter-Allied diplomacy during World War I, war reparations, and postwar French and international politics.

Loukashkin (Anatole S.) papers

Speeches and writings, financial and legal records, minutes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian Center of San Francisco, the San Francisco newspaper Russkaia zhizn', and various aspects of Russian history and Russian émigré affairs.

Loveland (Ralph Andrus) papers

Correspondence and photographs relating to American military operations on the Mexican border, 1916-1917; to military engineering in the European Theater of Operations; and to the Michigan National Guard.

Lovestone (Jay) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, bulletins, clippings, serial issues, pamphlets, other printed matter, photographs, and sound recordings relating to the Communist International, the communist movement in the United States and elsewhere, communist influence in American and foreign trade unions, and organized labor...

Lowdermilk (Walter C.) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to land use and soil and water conservation, primarily in China and Japan.

Lowe (Pardee) papers

The papers consist primarily of writings, correspondence, notes, reports, memoranda, minutes, bulletins, clippings, pamphlets, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to the U.S. Department of State, international education, educational activities of UNESCO, political and economic conditions in East Asia,...

Lowenkopf (Martin) papers

Reports, memoranda, notes, press summaries, relating to American aid to Liberia, Liberian economic conditions and labor relations, and politics and movements for independence in Uganda and Tanganyika during the 1950s.

Lowenthal (Leo) interview transcript

Relates to twentieth-century German and world civilization and history. Interview conducted by Alfred Eichhorn and broadcast on Radio Aktuell (Berlin). Photocopy.

Lowman (David D.) papers

Writings, correspondence, photocopies of government documents and court proceedings, and printed matter, relating to internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Includes typescript study, "Broken Codes and Broken Homes: The Untold Story of U.S. Intelligence and the Evacuation of...

Lowman (Myers G.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, pamphlets, photographs, motion picture film, sound recordings, and clippings relating to communism and other leftist movements, the civil rights movement, and anti-communism, primarily in the United States.

Lubeck (Paul) papers

Writings, reports, clippings, and notes, relating to the trade union movement in Africa, primarily during the 1960s.

Lubin (David) papers

Correspondence, writings, pamphlets, clippings, and photographs, relating to world agricultural problems, and activities of the International Institute of Agriculture. Includes papers of Laura Lubin Saqui, daughter of D. Lubin.

Lubitz (Wolfgang) collection

Issuances of German sections of the International Left Opposition and of the Fourth International, relating to Trotskyist politics. Includes issues of Klarheit, 1933-1934; Das Freie Wort, 1938; Internationale Information, 1954-1962; and Bulletin der trotskistischen Militanten der IV Internationale in Deutschland,...

Lubman (Stanley B.) papers

Writings, correspondence and printed matter, relating to law reform in China.

Lucas (Bertha June Richardson) papers

The Bertha June Richardson Lucas papers consist of the correspondence, writings, and notes of June Richardson Lucas relating to relief work in World War I and politics and international relations in the 1930s. Also included in the collection are numerous...

Luce (Gordon C.) papers

Letters, postcards, notes, clippings, and photographs, relating to the acquaintanceship of G. C. Luce with President George Bush, and to Republican Party politics. Includes numerous letters and notes written by George Bush. Photocopy.

Luck (James Murray) miscellaneous papers

Report relating to food supply in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain, 1941; report relating to an American scientific exchange mission to the Soviet Union, 1960; and photographs of the British home front during World War II.

Luckett (W. T.) writings

Relates to the defenses, economy, geopolitical situation, and energy policy, of Namibia.

Lude (Otto) diaries

Relates to German military activities during World War I.

Ludecke (Kurt Georg Wilhelm) papers

Correspondence, petitions, and clippings relating to efforts of K. Ludecke to secure reinstatement as a member of the German Nazi Party, and to activities of pro-Nazi German-Americans in the United States.

Ludel (Susan) papers

Notes, tax records, printed articles, and clippings, relating to the consumer advocate Ralph Nader, his organization Public Citizen, similar public interest lobbying groups, and their tax-exempt status.

Ludlow (James Minor) papers

Correspondence, lectures, studies, reports, memoranda, bulletins, schedules, syllabi, printed matter, and phonotapes, relating to American foreign policy, especially in the Near East, the training of foreign service officers, and the United Nations.

Ludwikow (Maria) collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, and other underground publications, relating to political conditions and civil liberties in Poland.

Ludwikowski (Rett R.) typescript

Relates to the history, nature, and prospects of communism. Includes photocopy of a longer preliminary draft.

Lukomskii (Aleksandr Sergeevich) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, writings, notes, and printed matter, relating to Russian military operations during World War I, and to the Russian Civil War. Also available on microfilm (5 reels).

Lule (Arthur B.) memorandum

Relates to the political composition and politics of the government of Latvia.

Lundeen (Ernest) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, notes, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to American politics, American neutrality in World Wars I and II, military conscription in the United States, New Deal social and economic legislation, the Supreme Court controversy of...

Lungu (Dov B.) typescript

Relates to Romanian foreign relations in the years immediately preceeding World War II. Photocopy.

Lusk (Graham) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, statistical tables, photographs, and printed matter, relating to food rationing, food production and distribution, and nutrition in Europe during World War I.

Luten (Daniel B. Jr.) papers

American demographer and technical adviser to the chief, Natural Resources Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Japan, 1948-1950. Materials include writings, correspondence, memoranda, statistics, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to natural resources and population in Japan,...

Luther (Craig W. H.) papers

Memoirs, diaries, questionnaire responses and interview summaries of military veterans, notes, photocopies of military records, printed matter, and photographs relating to German military operations during World War II, mainly on the Eastern Front. Used as research material for the books...

Lutz (Hermann) papers

Writings, notes, and correspondence, relating to British foreign policy before World War I, the World War I war guilt question, German foreign policy under Adolf Hitler, prospects for European reconstruction after World War II, the German army during World War...

Lutz (Hugh Ward) letter

Relates to conditions at the front in France during World War I.

Lutz (Ralph H.) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, and diaries, relating to administration of the Hoover Institution, teaching of history and international relations at Stanford University, and various aspects of European history during World War I and the interwar period.

Luxembourg newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Luxembourg newspaper collection (1914-1990) comprises three different titles of publication, in both German and Luxembourgish. All of the titles...

Luxemburg Jacob papers

Correspondence, annotated daily calendars, and photographs, relating to the German socialist and communist movements, and to the imprisonment of Rosa Luxemburg during World War I. Includes a memoir by Mathilde Jacob, personal secretary to Rosa Luxemburg, entitled "Von Rosa Luxemburg...

Luza (Radomir) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, memoranda, notes, radio broadcast transcripts, interview transcripts, and printed matter, relating to twentieth-century Czechoslovak history, resistance movements in Czechoslovakia and Austria during World War II, socialism in Czechoslovakia, the International Union of Socialist Youth, the...

Lykes (Gibbes) papers

Reports, dispatches, correspondence, and photographs, relating to relief work in Ukraine and to political conditions in Hungary during the Hungarian Revolution.

Lyle (Annie G.) papers

Correspondence, clippings, and campaign literature relating to Herbert Hoover and the American presidential elections of 1928 and 1932.

Lynch (Julie G.) collection

Memorandum, entitled "Holland and the European Army," and a press release relating to Dutch opinion regarding Dutch national defense and its relation to European collective defense.

Lynn (Bernard B.) papers

Speeches and writings by B. B. Lynn and others, relating to government auditing and defense procurement.

Lynn (Harold F.) papers

Photographs and memorabilia, relating to the activities of the United States 93rd Naval Construction Battalion in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Includes a time studies report on construction operations.

Lyon (Bessie Eddy) papers

Letters, reports, clippings, and photographs, relating to activities of the American Red Cross Commission in Siberia and the political and military conditions in Siberia during the Russian Civil War.

Lyons (Eugene) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, pamphlets, other printed matter, photographs, and sound recordings, relating primarily to conditions in the Soviet Union under communism, the international communist movement, and the career of Herbert Hoover.

Lyons (Marvin) collection

Biographical sketch of the Russian Major General Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Drentel'n, adjutant to Tsar Nicholas II; and summary of an interview of Joseph Germek, a member of the Cheka during the Russian Revolution.

Lytton (Henry D.) papers

Reports and other writings, correspondence, memoranda, statistics, and printed matter, relating to economic aspects of geopolitics, especially during World War II and the Korean War; the efficacy of bombing policy during World War II; measurement of productivity in both industry...