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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
Phone: (650) 723-3563
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Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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IAkovkina (El.) diary transcript

Relates to cultural conditions in the Soviet Union. Photocopy.

IAkovlev, (IAkov Arkad'evich) mimeograph

Relates to social, economic, political, and cultural conditions in Russian villages in 1923. Also includes an article by P. Aksenov, entitled "How the Village Lives" (published in , 1923).

I͡Akovlev (Lev) papers

Lev I͡Akovlev was a Russian Imperial Navy officer who immigrated to the United States and became a musical critic in the San Francisco Bay Area. The collection contains personal papers, photographs, printed materials, and correspondence.

IAremenko (A. N.) transcript

Relates to the Russian Civil War in Siberia. Published in Russian in .

Iavorskaia (Elena Iur'evna) papers

These papers contain the family files of Elena Iur'evna Iavorskaia, a Russian émigré, who lived in Switzerland after the Russian revolution, and include educational documents, genealogical files, and various certificates.

Ichelson, (David L.) typescript

Relates to military life in the United States Army in the United States and the European Theater during World War II. Includes video tape of interview.

Ickes (Harold L.) printed material

Relates to development of mining and power plants in relation to the war effort.

Ignat'ev (Semen Dmitrievich) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, financial records, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian choirs in the United States.

Ignat'eva (Antonina Dmitrievna) papers

Diaries, correspondence, fictional and other writings, personal documents, printed matter, and photographs relating to the Russian Civil War in Siberia, and to Russian émigré affairs. Includes papers of other family members.

Iklé (Fred Charles) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, testimony, schedules, appointment books, telephone logs, and printed matter relating to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks and other arms control issues, the 1980 presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan, and American defense policy during the...

Ikstens (Ainars) collection

The collection is comprised of printed matter relating primarily to the history of Latvia in the 20th century, with a few titles dating from the 1890s. Consisting largely of monographs, pamphlets, and serial issues, the collection contains a considerable number...

Iliescu (Gheorghe) papers

Correspondence, dispatches, writings, transcripts of radio broadcasts, clippings, and serial issues, relating to Anglo-Romanian relations, activities of anti-Axis Romanians in Britain during World War II, the Free Roumanian Movement, postwar Romanian refugees, and postwar émigré Romanian affairs. Includes transcripts of...

Iliff (John L.) slide collection

Depicts the Caucasus region and the reconstruction of Moscow. Used in a Russian seventh grade class.

Ilin (I. S.) clipping collection

Relates to Japanese military activities in Manchuria. From Russian-language newspapers in China.

Il'in (Vasilii Sergeevich) papers

Writings, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to plant physiology and to Russian émigré affairs.

Il'in (Vladimir M.) papers

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian émigré affairs, and to accusations of fascism brought against Il'in. Includes posthumous family correspondence relating to Freedom of Information Act inquiries.

Iliou (Ph.) printed material

Relates to philhellenism in France. Published in the Greek newspaper .

Ilyin (Olga) typescript

Memoir of conditions in Russia during the Russian Revolution. Published under the same title (New York, 1984).

Imnaishvili (Georgii Valer'ianovich) papers

Personal documents, and photographs, relating to activities of the Soviet secret police in Georgia.

Imperial War Museum photographs

Depicts activities of the British army and navy during World War I, including scenes of the western front, the Middle East, aerial operations, women workers on the home front, and the army of occupation in Germany. Distributed by the Imperial...

Importance de la Georgie en tant que voie de transit mimeograph

Relates to the commercial geography of Georgia.

Inawashiro collection

Governmental records of land use allocation in Inawashiro-cho, Yamagun, Fukushima-ken, Japan.

Inchiesta sulla morte di Mussolini sound recording

Testimony of eyewitnesses to the death of Benito Mussolini in 1945, taken by a group of investigators under the direction of Marcello Bonicoli, and issued by Aletti Editore.

Indian National Congress. Foreign Relations Department photographs

Depicts Jawaharlal Nehru, Eleanor Roosevelt, the Indian Embassy in Washington, D.C., and various dignitaries and representatives of other nations.

Indian subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, serial issues, election campaign literature, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in India, and to elections in India.

Indonesia. Special Military Tribunal records

Relates to the trials of Indonesian communists and others implicated in the attempted coup of 1965, including Politbureau member Sudisman, Foreign Minister Subandrio, and Air Force Chief of Staff Omar Dhani.

Indonesian subject collection

Press releases and newsletters, issued by various agencies of the Dutch and Indonesian governments, relating to the establishment of Indonesian independence, and to Indonesian government, foreign relations, economy, and culture.

Information Digest miscellaneous issues

Relates to activities of communist, radical and left-wing organizations and individuals in the United States. Includes miscellaneous issues of The International Reports: Early Warning, a related newsletter, and miscellaneous reports of the Maldon Institute, a related organization, 1993-1994, both analyzing...

Inglis (John) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, and clippings relating to the Boxer Rebellion and the siege of Peking. Includes papers of Theodora Inglis, wife of J. Inglis. Also includes medals and a printing block.

Inglis (Thomas B.) papers

Orders, reports, memoranda, correspondence, board of inquiry proceedings, and printed matter, relating to American naval operations, and especially to activities of the cruiser Birmingham and other ships in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Photocopy.

Inkeles (Alex) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, memoranda, reports, printed matter, and sound recordings relating to social change in the twentieth century, and to promotion of international educational exchanges and intellectual cooperation, especially between the United States and China. Includes computer data cards, printout...

Innis (Harold Adams) typescript

Relates to the visit of Western scholars to the celebration.

Inouye (Goichiro) papers

Correspondence, personal documents, and photographs, relating to Japanese immigration to the United States.

Inouye (Kotoharu and Sumiye) papers

Diaries, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Japanese American community and to internment of Inouye and his wife Sumiye during World War II.

Institut d'etudes europeennes de Strasbourg bulletins

Relates to post-World War II reconstruction of Germany and to the Alsace-Lorraine question.

Institut zum Studium der Judenfrage collection

German antisemitic propaganda, including clippings, leaflets, and posters. Collected by the Institut zum Studium der Judenfrage.

Institute for Humane Studies miscellaneous records

Collection comprised of sound recordings of lectures by various economists and other speakers delivered at the Institute for Humane Studies, relating to laissez-faire economic and political theory; correspondence, memoranda and financial records, relating to production of the festschrift Toward Liberty...

Institute for Soviet American Relations records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, proposals, financial records, serial issues, and other printed matter relating to Soviet-American cultural relations, relations between the United States and the successor states to the Soviet Union, and environmental programs in those states.

Institute of Current World Affairs memorandum

Relates to the aims and organization of an Institute of Current World Affairs for the study of international relations.

Institute of Economic Affairs (Great Britain) records

Correspondence, minutes, press releases, financial records, conference proceedings, drafts and printed copies of publications, other printed matter, photographs, motion picture film, videotapes, and sound recordings relating to laissez-faire economic theory and associated concepts of liberty, and to analysis of British...

Institute of Pacific Relations. San Francisco Bay Region Division records

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, studies, and printed matter, relating to the study of political, social, and economic conditions in the Far East and of U.S. foreign policy in the Far East.

Instituto Cubano del Libro Biblioteca Familiar publications

Set of classic works of world literature.

Instytut Studiow Politycznych (Polska Akademia Nauk) collection

Statistical data resulting from various public opinion surveys carried out by social science and public opinion research institutions in Poland, relating to Polish public opinion regarding political, social and economic conditions in Poland. Includes hard copies of explanatory material concerning...

Inter-American Conference records

Reports, memoranda, correspondence, reprints, and clippings, relating to economic, social, legal, educational, scientific, and cultural aspects of Pan-American cooperation, and to American foreign policy in Latin America.

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission miscellaneous records

Reports, bulletins, and minutes of meetings, relating to the promotion of international oceanographic research under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement records

Reports, memoranda, correspondence, studies, questionnaires, tests, statistics, financial records, photographs, and sound recordings, relating to comparative education in various countries and to methods of measurement of educational attainment.

International Commission against Concentration Camp Practices records

Minutes, proceedings, testimony, and reports, relating to the incidence of concentration camps and to conditions prevalent in them, throughout the world, and especially in the Soviet Union.

International Committee for Immediate Mediation records

Report and minutes of meetings, relating to the international peace movement during World War I.

International Committee of the Red Cross. Centenary Congress issuances

Reports, press releases, and printed matter, relating to the Centenary Congress of the International Red Cross at Geneva.

International Conference of the Baltic Archives Abroad

The International Conference on the Baltic Archives Abroad collection documents conferences held by the Baltic Heritage Network, an organziation linking archives and depositories internationally that are concerned with the history of the Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian diaspora. The collection consists...

International Conference on the Work of Eric Voegelin conference papers

Relates to the philosophy of history of Eric Voegelin.

International Conference on U.S. Interventions in Iran issuances

Speeches, statements, and communiqués, relating to American involvement with the government of the Shah of Iran, and to American attitudes and actions regarding the post-Shah regime. Includes documents captured from the United States Embassy in Iran. Photocopy.

International Congress of Women memorandum

Relates to the founding of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace (later known as the International Congress of Women), and to its efforts to secure a negotiated peace to end World War I.

International Congress of Women resolutions

Relates to the World War I peace settlement, the League of Nations, and the rights of women.

International cooperation to combat cyber crime and terrorism conference proceedings

Relates to international legal and technical aspects of computer crime. Includes printed copies of conference papers and sound recordings of proceedings. Conference co-sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace.

International Council for Educational Development records

Reports, studies, conference papers, minutes, correspondence, memoranda, pamphlets, bulletins, and other printed matter relating to education, rural development, health, and family planning in developing countries.

International Exhibition of Water Technics miscellany

Drawings and reproductions of photographs, prepared for the International Exhibition of Water Technics held at Liège, Belgium, in 1939, depicting scenes in Liège and illustrating the history of the city.

International Human Rights Conference issuances

Resolutions, petitions, statements of delegates, press releases, and leaflets, relating to efforts to secure the legalization of the Solidarnosc trade union in Poland, and to further human rights in Poland and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Conference sponsored by the Komisja...

International Institute for Educational Planning records

Minutes, correspondence, reports, memoranda, studies, questionnaires, curricular material, personnel records, financial records, and printed matter, relating to research in and promotion of educational planning, and training of educational administrators.

International Labor Defense news releases

The International Labor Defense (1925–1947), was a legal advocacy organization established in 1925 as the American section of the Comintern's International Red Aid network. The collection is composed of news releases produced by the Midwest Regional Office.

International Law Symposium proceedings

Relates to the impact of terrorism on multinational corporations. Sponsored by the University of Akron Law School.

International Military Tribunal for the Far East records

Court exhibits, transcripts, summaries of proceedings, summations of counsel, judgments, photographs, and indices relating to the trial of Japanese military and government officials accused of war crimes during the Second World War.

International Military Tribunal proceedings

Testimony and evidence, relating to the trials of alleged German war criminals at Nuremberg.

International Peace Conference photographs

Depicts delegates to the first and second Hague Peace Conference, 1899-1907. Includes identification chart for the second photograph.

International Political Science Association. World Congress conference papers

Relates to political behavior and to political problems regarding civil-military relations, technocracy, nuclear administration, and polyethnic states.

International Rescue Committee records

Case files, correspondence, reports, memoranda, financial records, personnel records, and statistics, relating to resettlement of refugees and displaced persons, and especially to refugees from Europe after World War II, from the post-World War II communist countries of Eastern Europe, from...

International Revisionist Conference proceedings

Sound recordings of speeches, relating to revisionist interpretation of various aspects of World War II and of World War II historiography. Conference sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review.

International Socialists Issuances

Internal bulletins, minutes, resolutions, reports, and discussion material relating to socialist political activity in the United States.

International Studies Conference report

Report of the fifth session.

International'nyi front truidlashchikhsila Latviiskoi SSR issuances

Statements, memoranda, and printed matter relating to the question of Latvian independence from the Soviet Union. Includes some similar materials from other Soviet republics.

Ioann (Metropolitan) typescript

Relates to Metropolitan Gurii of the Russian Orthodox Church and to religious repression in the Soviet Union.

Ioffe (N. A.) memoirs

Relates to A. A. Ioffe and his relationship with Leon Trotsky.

Ipatieff (Vladimir N.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, patents, biographical data, and photographs, relating to chemical research in Russia and the Soviet Union, and to Russian émigré affairs.

Iran Freedom Foundation records

The collection relates to the Iranian revolution of 1979, subsequent political conditions and civil rights abuses in Iran, the Iran-Iraq War, Iranians in the United States and elsewhere, and American foreign policy toward Iran. It contains correspondence, press releases, appeals,...

Iranian Embassy collection

Photographs depicting buildings and art objects in Iran.

Iranian political opposition literature collection

Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, bulletins, and newsletters issued by Iranian political groups in exile relating to political conditions in Iran.

Iranian subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, other printed matter, video tape, and miscellany, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Iran, and especially to the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran.

Iranian-American Foreign Policy Oral History Project interviews

Transcripts of interviews of American diplomats and State Department officials, relating to Iranian-American relations and political and economic conditions in Iran, primarily during the decades of the 1960s and 1970s. Interviews conducted as a project sponsored by the Foundation for...

Iraq printed material

Relates to the history of Iraq and to political, social, and economic conditions in Iraq. Includes 24 slides of scenes in Iraq.

Iraqi subject collection

Reports, leaflets, other printed matter, computer disk, video tape, and miscellany, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Iraq, and to the Gulf War of 1991 and the Iraq War of 2003.

Iraweck (Jutta) collection

Illustrations from German newspapers, depicting scenes from the first month of World War II, collected by a German student.

Ireland newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Ireland newspaper collection (1914-1982) consists of two-hundred and eleven (211) boxes and eleven (11) unique titles. All of the...

Ireson (William Grant) papers

Correspondence, reports, financial records, and printed matter, relating to the establishment of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science for the training of scientists and technologists in South Korea, and to assistance provided by the United States Agency for International Development...

Irie (Toshio) draft bills

Draft bills relating to the Japanese secret police and national security provisions.

Irimescu (Radu) papers

Correspondence, reports, dispatches, memoranda, clippings, and photographs, relating to Romanian politics and foreign policy, and to the development of aviation in Romania.

Irish subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, bulletins, election campaign literature, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to various aspects of twentieth-century Irish history, political conditions in the Irish Republic and in Northern Ireland, and especially to elections and to referenda on and prospects...

Irvine, (Dallas) mimeograph

Relates to the founding of the American Military Institute to promote the study of American military history.

Irwin (William H.) papers

Correspondence, writings, and printed matter, relating to Herbert Hoover, and to political and social conditions in the U.S. Includes drafts of fictional and other writings by W. H. Irwin, and correspondence with Herbert Hoover.

Isaenko (Evgeniia Sergeevna) papers

Writings, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian literature and to Russian émigré affairs. Includes some papers of Aleksei Leonidovich Isaenko, husband of Evgeniia Isaenko.

Isambard-Owen (Elizabeth Clemence Heulwen) typescript

Relates to the German occupation of France during World War II.

Islamic Fundamentalism collection

Electronic bulletins, serial issues, pamphlets, other printed matter, sound recordings, and video tapes, relating to political aspects of Islam in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Islamische Gemeinschaft Milli Gorus issuances

Pamphlets and brochures, relating to Islam and to Muslims in Europe.

Israel newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Israel newspaper collection (1929-1953) comprises three different titles of publication, in Hebrew, German, and English. All of the titles...

Israeli democracy under stress conference papers

Relates to the Israeli political system and to problems of and the prognosis for democracy in Israel. Conference co-sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace and the Israel-Diaspora Institute.

Israeli subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, election campaign literature, other printed matter, and video tape, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Israel, and to elections in Israel.

Issarescu (Stefan) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs, relating to conditions in Romania, Romanian émigré affairs, the Romanian royal family, and the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Istituto Luce (Italy) photograph album

Depicts visit of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax to Italy in 1939.

Istoricheskaia komissiia Markovskogo artilleriiskogo diviziona mimeograph

Relates to activities of the Markovskii Artillery Brigade during the Russian Civil War. Edited by Colonel Zholondkovskii, Lieutenant Colonel Shcharinskii, and Captain Vinogradov.

Italian Bureau of Public Information photographs

Photographs and postcards, depicting activities of the Italian army in World War I, including many scenes of mountain warfare; Woodrow Wilson; and children of the Italian royal family.

Italian subject collection

Leaflets, pamphlets, campaign literature, propaganda, and other printed matter, relating to various aspects of twentieth-century Italian history and politics, and especially to Italian elections of 1976 and after.

Italy. Ente di rinascita agraria per le Tre Venezie map portfolio

Indicates land allocation and ethnicity distribution in the Tre Venezie region of Italy.

Italy. Esercito. Reggimento artigleria motorizzato marmarica 44 brochure

Commemorates the activities of the Italian 44th Artillery Regiment in the Italo-Austrian campaign during World War I, 1915-1918.

Italy. Ministero degli affari esteri miscellaneous records

Correspondence and memoranda, relating to the Munich conference, the outbreak of World War II, and Anglo-Italian relations.

Italy. Ministero dell'interno. Direzione generale pubblica sicurezza records

Correspondence and reports, relating to the communist and anarchist movements in Italy.

Italy newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Italy newspaper collection (1882-2001) comprises one-hundred and forty-four different titles of publication, in Italian, French, German, and English. All...

Iuliu Maniu American Romanian Relief Foundation records

Minutes, correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, financial records, printed matter, and audiovisual material, relating to Romanian émigré affairs, Romanian-American relations, and anti-communist movements in the United States. Includes some material relating to the Comitetul Nat,ional Român and the Assembly of...

IUnakov (N. L.) holograph

Relates to N. L. IUnakov's last months in active service, October-December 1917.

Ivanic (Delfa) memoirs

Relates to medical and charitable activities in Serbia during the Balkan Wars and World War I.

Ivanitskii (Mstislav Nikolaevich) collection

Writings and miscellany, relating to Russian military activities during World War I and the Russian Civil War. Includes memoirs of S. I. Ver.

Ivanov (Miroslav) processed volume

Relates to the role of Ladislav Vanek in the assassination of the Nazi official Reinhard Heydrich in Prague in 1942, and to controversy regarding alternative characterizations of Vanek as a loyal member of the Czech underground during World War II...

Ivanov (Nicolay) collection

Newspaper and journal articles, bulletins, pamphlets, serial issues, and memoirs, relating to various armed resistance movements within the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1945 against the Soviet government. The bulk of the material relates to the Russkaia Osvoboditel'naia Armiia led...

Ivanov (Viacheslav Vsevolodovich) papers

The collection consists of writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to linguistics, the Russian language and literature, and Russian culture.

Ivanov (Vsevolod Nikanorovich) typescript

Relates to the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1898-1930. Translation by Elena Varneck, of excerpts from Manchuria i Manchugo, 1932: Nabliudeniia i Prognozy.

Iwanow (Mikolaj) papers

Writings, correspondence, printed matter, photocopies of reports and government documents, and computer disks, relating to Poles in the Soviet Union prior to World War II, and to Jewish and Polish resistance activities in Belarus and Poland during World War II.

Iwanowski (Zygmunt) papers

Correspondence, writings, personal documents, printed matter, and photographs relating to art, the establishment of Polish independence, Ignace Paderwski, and Polish émigré affairs. Includes some later family papers.

Iwashita (Kihei) papers

Iwashita Kiyochika (June 19, 1857 - March 19, 1928), also known as Iwashita Seishu, was a businessman and statesman. The Iwashita Kihei papers includes letters relating to reconnaissance missions in Singapore and Riau Islands.

Iz pisem smertnika typescript

Relates to political prisoners in the Soviet Union. Transcript of excerpts from correspondence between two unidentified political prisoners, ca. 1988-1989. Includes editorial commentary.

Iz vozzvaniia k Karel'skomu naseleniiu Kemskogo uezda typescript

Relates to the Russian Civil War. Written by a group of White Russian leaders.

Izquierda Cristiana de Chile miscellaneous records

Correspondence, memoranda, circulars, internal bulletins, and press releases, relating to political conditions and the status of civil liberties in Chile, and to political activities of Chileans in exile. Photocopy.

Izvestiia revoliutsionnoi nedeli newspaper aticle extracts

Relates to the February Revolution in Petrograd. Includes texts of Russian government decrees and appeals and resolutions of Russian political groups.