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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
Phone: (650) 723-3563
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Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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Haber (Herbert) papers

Speech, memoranda, and computer disk relating to political conditions in Germany.

Haberler (Gottfried) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, printed matter, photographs, slides, and memorabilia relating to economic theory, and especially to laissez-faire economics and associated concepts of liberty.

Hablan los partidos sound recording

Campaign speeches by members of various political parties during the general election in Spain, June 1977.

Haenisch (Konrad) papers

Correspondence and newspaper issues, relating to political conditions and the socialist movement in Germany and to the role of the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands in World War I.

Haensel (Paul) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, curricular materials, and printed matter, relating to economic conditions and especially to tax policy, primarily in the United States.

Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia proofs

Relates to the Italo-Ethiopian War.

Haines (H. H.) report

Relates to Turkish port facilities on the Black Sea.

Haislip (Wade H.) papers

Correspondence, reports, orders, awards, citations, photographs, clippings, and printed matter, relating to American military activities in the European Theater during World War II, and to postwar administration of the Army.

Halacsy (Andrew A.) memoirs

Relates to conditions in Soviet forced labor camps. Photocopy.

Halbrook (Stephen Porter) typescript

Relates to the influence of anarchist and Marxist theories on the Russian and Chinese Revolutions, and on revolutionary movements throughout the world.

Halder (Franz) letters

Relates to military science, the German and American armies, and the Vietnamese War.

Hale (Edward E.) papers

Memoirs, letters, clippings, and photographs, relating to conditions in prisoner of war camps in Japan during World War II.

Half a Century of Communist Cadre Training records

Sound recordings and transcripts of proceedings, and correspondence, memoranda, and conference papers, preparatory to and resulting from the conference, relating to international communist party cadre selection and leadership training.

Halhous (R.) typescript

Published by the Czechoslovak Ministry of National Defense. Translated by R. Halhous and K. Dolezal.

Hall (Charles L.) papers

Photographs and memorabilia, relating to famine conditions and American Relief Administration work in Orenburg and Samara, Russia.

Hall (Dale O.) papers

The collection relates to American military training in the United States during World War II, military mapping in the Pacific Theater, and the postwar occupation of Japan. It consists of correspondence, diary, printed matter, photographs, and miscellany.

Hall (Elmer Gladstone) papers

Writings, pamphlets, and eulogy, relating to missionary activities in the Belgian Congo, conditions at the time of independence, and the evacuation of Europeans and Americans in 1960.

Hall (George F.) papers

Diary, letters, orders, memoranda, leaflets, and financial records, relating to British military operations in Sicily and Italy during World War II.

Hall (Kenneth F.) miscellaneous papers

Memoranda, letters, reports, and speeches, relating to the election campaign of Ronald Reagan for governor of California in 1966, and to miscellaneous aspects of administration of the California state government during his gubernatorial administration.

Hall (Luella J.) papers

Clippings, notes, writings, and correspondence, relating primarily to foreign relations between the United States and Morocco, 1776-1956, and to post-World War II political, social, and economic conditions in Africa, especially North Africa. Includes correspondence with Kaiser Wilhelm II relating to...

Hall (W. Karin) typescript

Relates to Colonel Truman Smith, American military attaché in Germany, 1935-1939. M.A. thesis, San Jose State University.

Hall (William Chapman) papers

Letters, a notebook, and memorabilia, relating to the inspection of foodstuff distributed by the Commission for Relief in Belgium, and to the departure of American members of the commission from Belgium upon the entry of the United States into World...

Haller (Stanislaw) typescript

Relates to the coup of Józef Pilsudski in Poland.

Hallett (A. E.) holograph

Pictorial booklet, relating to the German youth movement. Text and photographs by A. E. Hallett. Paintings by Captain Herrmann, a German prisoner of war. Prepared at PW Camp 184, Llanmartin, near Newport Mons.

Hallgarten (George W.F.) papers

Correspondence, diaries, speeches and writings, photocopies of government documents, propaganda leaflets, and printed matter, relating to European diplomacy, imperialism, psychology of national socialism and totalitarianism, U.S. and German propaganda during World War II, and the arms race, 1870-1970. Includes drafts...

Hallgarten (Katherine Drew) papers

Reports, conference papers and proceedings, laws and treaties, hearing transcripts, correspondence, printed matter, and photographs, relating to international communications and space law.

Halonen (George) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, and printed matter, relating to activities of the Finnish Information Bureau in the United States in publicizing and seeking American recognition of the Soviet government of Finland. Includes writings and correspondence of Santeri Nuorteva, head of the...

Halperin (Samuel) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, legislation, memoranda, reports, studies, and printed matter, relating to federal aid to education in the United States.

Halpern (Joel Martin) papers

The collection contains grant proposals, conference papers, minutes, reports, studies, writings, notes, correspondence, electronic bulletins, and printed matter related to economic and social development of the Southeast Asia region, and American social science studies of the area; ethnology and social...

Halsema (James J.) papers

Diary transcript, other writings, and miscellany, relating to conditions in Japanese internment camps in the Philippines during World War II.

Halsey (William Frederick) proclamations

Relates to Allied occupation of Dutch Timor and Portuguese Timor.

Hamada (Norimi) papers

Reports, minutes, and instructions relating to economic conditions in China during the Sino-Japanese War.

Hamashita collection

Chinese land deeds.

Hamilton (Arthur) papers

Arthur Hamilton was an American Red Cross representative in Russia during revolution and civil war. The collection contains primarily photographs of Siberia during the Russian Civil War, 1918-1920.

Hamilton (Henry W.) papers

Correspondence, reports, bulletins, and photographs relating to social conditions in Poland and the Soviet Union and to American Friends Service Committee relief work.

Hamilton (K. Hope) papers

Correspondence, clippings, photographs, sound recordings, and motion picture film, relating to the activities of Inter-America House in providing entertainment for American and Allied junior officers during World War II.

Hamilton (Maxwell M.) papers

Reports, memoranda, correspondence, lectures, press releases, and printed matter, relating to American foreign policy toward China, Japan, and other government officials concerning economic and political conditions in Japan and Manchuria, 1933-1934.

Hamilton (Minard) papers

Diary and correspondence, relating to activities of the 313th Machine Gun Battalion in France during World War I, food distribution by the American Relief Administration in the Baltic States, and civil aviation in China, 1929-1930.

Hammer (Milton) certificates

Relates to the World War II war effort in the United States.

Hammer (William Edward) processed volume

Relates to American military operations in the Pacific Theater and the Philippines during World War II.

Hammerstein (Ludwig von) typescript

Relates to the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

Hammon (W. P.) papers

Correspondence, reports, contracts, shipping lists, specifications for dredging equipment, annotated maps, and photographs, relating to mining operations in China, Siberia, Korea, Malaya, and Poland.

Hammond (Henry Nelson) papers

Diaries, photographs, printed matter, and miscellany relating to American military operations in Hawaii, Siberia during the Russian Revolution and in the Philippines.

Hammond (Lansing V.) collection

Photographs and drawings, depicting British, Russian, Japanese, German, American, and other ships and airplanes from World War II. Includes a section of photographs illustrating the history of aviation.

Hammond (Richard James) typescript

Relates to Portuguese colonialism in Africa. Includes notes. Published by Stanford University Press.

Hamrets'kyi (IUrii Markovych) papers

Writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to Ukrainian and Soviet history, and especially to the Russian Revolution in Ukraine.

Hand (E. R.) collection

Sixteen artifacts from the Philippines, including knives, spears, and a gong.

Hanford (Edwin T.) papers

Correspondence and printed matter, relating to activities of the American Protective League, a private patriotic organization concerned with subversive activities in the United States during World War I.

Hankou miscellaneous records

Relates to the confiscation of Japanese properties by the Chinese Nationalist government, and to the administration of Hankou under the Kuomintang during the Chinese Nationalist government.

Hanna (Hugh Sisson) letter

Encloses a copy (typewritten) of a letter by Ernest Kletsch, chief of the Division of Files and Information of the United States National War Labor Board during World War I, relating to the compilation of minutes of executive sessions of...

Hanna (Paul Lamont) correspondence

Relates to the attitude of the British government toward the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine in 1917.

Hanna (Paul Robert) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, printed matter, and photographs of the American educator and director of the Stanford International Development Education Center from 1963-1968. Materials relate to education in the United States, the Philippines, and developing countries in general.

Hannaford (Peter) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the political career of Ronald Reagan as governor of California and as presidential candidate in 1976 and 1980. Includes drafts of the book by Peter Hannaford, (New York, 1983),...

Hanover College collection

Pamphlets relating to national socialism in Germany, Nazi persecution of Jews, Jewish-Arab conflict regarding Palestine, Japanese participation in World War II, the Korean War, foundation of the Irish state, and other issues. Collected by Hanover College Library.

Hanquet (Emmanuel) miscellaneous papers

Reports and agreements, relating to relief work and communist influence in the Border Region of China. Photocopy.

Hansen (Joseph) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, minutes, reports, internal bulletins, resolutions, theses, printed matter, sound recording, and photographs relating to Leon Trotsky, activities of the Socialist Workers Party in the United States, and activities of the Fourth International in Latin America,...

Hansen (Kenneth R.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, and printed matter related to the economic development of developing countries, technology transfer to developing countries, and American trade with and investment in developing countries. Some materials relate to American foreign trade and...

Hanser (Richard) papers

Television scripts, other writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter and other research materials relating to a wide variety of episodes in American and world history, including the 1923 putsch by Adolf Hitler, anti-Nazi resistance by students at the Universität München during...

Hanson (Joseph Mills) stereoscopic set

Stereoscope, cica 130 stereographs, and guidebook depicting scenes from World War I.

Hansot (William) papers

Diary, correspondence, orders, identification documents, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating primarily to Allied military operations in France during World War II up to the evacuation from Dunkerque.

Hanssen (Hans Peter) typescript

Relates to political conditions in Germany during World War I, 1914-1918. Originally published as Fra Krigstiden (Copenhagen, 1925). Translated by Oscar Osburn Winther; edited by Ralph H. Lutz, Mary Schofield, and O. O. Winther; published in Bloomington by Indiana University...

Hanwell (Norman David) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, and printed matter relating to political and social conditions in China during the 1930s, the Communist movement in China in the 1930s, and the Sino-Japanese War.

Happe (Kurt Gustav) memoir

Relates to Chinese communist forces during World War II. Includes biographical data and photographs. Photocopy.

Hard (William) radio broadcast transcript

Relates to the Kellogg-Briand Pact and American intervention in Latin America.

Hardt (Fred B.) letters

Letters to F. B. Hardt from various Italian correspondents, relating to political events and public opinion in Italy during the period of its neutrality in World War I.

Harms (Meint) letter

Relates to historical and economic theory.

Harper (F. A.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, clippings, and other printed matter relating to laissez-faire economic and political theory, and to economic conditions and governmental economic policy in the United States.

Harper (Joseph Howard) papers

Photographs, clippings, memorabilia, and personnel records, relating to post-World War II American military activities, especially in the Philippines.

Harrell (Thomas W.) miscellaneous papers

Reports, memoranda, minutes of meetings, tests, manuals for tests, and a photograph, relating to the development and administration of an Army General Classification Test to help select American soldiers for officer training and specialty training during World War II, and...

Harriman (W. A.) and Company agreement

Agreement between the Tchitouri Manganese Exporting Society (Tchemo) and W. A. Harriman and Company. Relates to mining rights in Georgia (Transcaucasia)

Harris (Christina Phelps) papers

Writings, correspondence, lecture notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to political conditions in the twentieth-century Middle East, European intellectual history, and political science.

Harris (David) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, research notes, newsletters, lists, and printed matter, relating to Emperor Napoleon I of France, the Balkan crisis of 1875-1878, international affairs in Europe during the interwar period, and reconstruction of Germany and Austria following World...

Harris (Ernest Lloyd) papers

Reports, memoranda, and correspondence relating to the Russian Civil War in Siberia, the Czechoslovak Legion, political and economic conditions in Siberia, and American policy in Siberia.

Harris (Gladys) photograph collection

Depicts the headquarters of the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, and officers of the Japanese and Czechoslovak forces in Vladivostok.

Harris (Godfrey) papers

Writings, correspondence, reports, memoranda, printed matter, computer disks, and photographs, relating to Panama, American-Panamanian relations, the 1989 American invasion of Panama, Manuel Noriega, and the Foreign Policy Association of Panama. Includes research material for the book by David S. Behar...

Harris (Herbert) reports

Relates to the results of a study of American public opinion regarding the United Nations.

Harris (Lee V.) papers

Writings, correspondence, photographs, maps, and memorabilia, relating to U.S. military operations in China during World War II, the Chinese Civil War, and the Indochinese War.

Harris (Sheldon H.) papers

Writings, correspondence, photocopies of government documents, photographs, sound recordings, video tapes, and printed matter, of an American historian relating mainly to biological warfare, especially as conducted by Japan in China before and during World War II. Includes research material used...

Harris (Stephen A.) typescript

Relates to the history of the Monarkhicheskaia Organizatsiia TSentral'noi Rossii, known as the Trust, and its control by the Soviet secret police for purposes of penetration and manipulation of anti-communist Russian groups in exile, from 1922 to 1927. Master's thesis,...

Harrison (Alexander) papers

Sound recordings and written summaries of interviews, other writings, and photographs relating to the role of the Organisation Armée Secrète (OAS) in the Algerian war for independence and the attempted coup against President Charles de Gaulle of France. Includes interviews...

Hart (Eric) interview

Sound recording of interview, relating to social conditions in Germany and to Allied military activities during World War II. Interview conducted by Bradley Bauer.

Hart (Harry P.) papers

Memoirs, diaries, letters, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to engineering projects, especially highway projects, in various parts of the world, especially in the Philippines, 1919-1921; China, 1922-1924 and 1946; and Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and other parts of South America,...

Hart (Jeffrey Peter) papers

Correspondence and writings relating to American politics and social conditions.

Hart (John N.) letters

Relates to activities of General Joseph W. Stilwell as American commanding general in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II. Collected as research material for an uncompleted book. Includes letters by David D. Barrett, Frank Dorn, and other associates of...

Hartigan (John D.) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, writings, pamphlets, clippings, photographs, and posters, relating to relief work during the two world wars, the Saar plebiscite of 1934-1935, the Allied government in Austria after World War II, and the organization of international trade fairs. Includes...

Hartley (Livingston) typescript

Relates to the functions of the United Nations and of a proposed Atlantic Union. Written by L. Hartley and Clarence Streit.

Hartmann (Elisabeth) correspondence

Relates to social conditions in Germany and to family affairs. Includes some correspondence of other family members.

Hartmann (Waldemar) letter

Relates to German cultural and propaganda work in the United States.

Hartshorn (Merrill F.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, bulletins, newsletters, and printed matter, relating to promotion of social studies in the United States, international educational exchanges, educational policy in Allied-occupied Germany after World War II, and activities of the American Newspaper Publishers...

Hartung (Julia) collection

Photographs of American student visitors in Germany.

Hartwell (Cushman) letters

Letters to his family, relating to conditions in Siberia during the Russian Revolution.

Hartwell (R. M.) collection

Includes correspondence, minutes, conference papers, publications, and agenda of the Mont Pelerin Society, mainly in the form of photocopies, related to activities of the society in promoting laissez-faire economics and associated concepts of freedom. Includes questionnaires sent to Mont Pelerin...

Hartzler (L. P.) papers

Reports, memoranda, studies, correspondence, manuals, notes, and printed matter, relating to education in California, especially alternative schools, and to educational assistance to developing countries, especially Liberia.

Harvard University. Russian Research Center interview transcripts

Mimeographed transcripts of interviews of refugees from the Soviet Union, conducted in West Germany and the United States by the Harvard University Russian Research Center, relating to social conditions in the Soviet Union.

Hary (Nicoletta Mattioli) typescript

Relates to assistance provided by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to improve bibliographic access to the holdings of the Vatican Library. Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University. Photocopy.

Hasenkamp (Bruce H.) photograph collection

Depicts armistice negotiation meetings and other scenes in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea.

Haskell (William N.) memoirs

Relates to relief activities of the American Relief Administration in Romania and especially in Russia in the aftermath of World War I and the Russian Civil War, and to political, social and economic conditions in Russia. Includes observations on conditions...

Haskin (Gretchen) writings

Study, entitled "Rescuing the Czar," relating to the publication in 1920 of a fabricated account by William Rutledge McGarry and Georgii Sergeevich Romanovskii, purporting to describe the secret rescue of Tsar Nicholas II and his family from captivity; and study,...

Hasl (Franz Joseph) miscellaneous papers

Memorandum, entitled Universal Peace, 1916; letter to Woodrow Wilson, 1919; and photograph of F. J. Hasl.

Hass (Eric) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, clippings, serial issues, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Socialist Labor Party, and to social problems of aging.

Hass (Rudolf) papers

Correspondence with the German government relating to the expropriation by the Venezuelan government of the plantation of R. Hass and to his efforts to enlist the aid of the German government in securing its return.

Hassan M. (Moisés) papers

The Moisés Hassan M. papers contain materials relating to Nicaragua during and after the Sandinista revolution of 1979. Moisés Hassan Morales was a prominent figure in the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and participated in the armed struggle against the...

Hasselblatt (Werner) typescript

Relates to the rights of non-German nationalities in Germany.

Hastings (William Henry) papers

Materials relate to the Japanese invasion and occupation of the Philippines and the Japanese prison camp at Santo Tomás. The papers include scrapbooks of newspaper clippings and correspondence, newspaper clippings files, a typescript of letters and diary entries describing time...

Hatfield (Mark O.) typescript

Relates to the views of President Herbert Hoover on the labor movement. Photocopy.

Haugh (James C.) writings

Relates to the career of Herbert Hoover and to the establishment in 1963 of the Herbert Hoover Medal award program at Stanford University.

Hauser (Karl) papers

Correspondence, writings, minutes, reports, circulars, and printed matter, relating to student radicalism in West Germany, especially at the Universität Frankfurt am Main, and to the Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft.

Haushofer (Karl) questionnaire

Indicates the secret membership of K. Haushofer in the Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei.

Havemann-Harnack (Ingeborg) biographical notes

Relates to Arvid and Mildred Harnack, members of the anti-Nazi Rote Kapelle resistance group in Germany during World War II.

Haven (Cynthia L.) papers

Cynthia Haven is an author, critic, scholar of literature, and a specialist on Joseph Brodsky. The collection includes materials by and about poet and essayist Joseph Brodsky and his translator, George Kline.

Hawkins (Sylvia Kennedy) collection

Letters from American servicemen in the European and Pacific Theaters during World War II, to relatives and friends in the United States, relating to war experiences.

Haws (R. Calvert) papers

Correspondence, reports, printed matter, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to the Presidential campaign of 1932, and to Japanese-American foreign relations.

Hayakawa (S. I.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, government documents, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, sound tape cassettes, videotape cassettes, and memorabilia relating to semantics and education, student radicalism, the Japanese American community, American politics, the Republican Party, and American foreign relations...

Hayama (Yoshiki) typescript

Relates to the history of, and current situation in, the Japanese Communist Party. Original article published in (Present Day Japan), edited by P. Mif and G. Voitinsky (Moscow, 1934).

Hayek (Friedrich A. von) papers

Friedrich A. von Hayek, economist and Nobel Laureate. Collection includes diaries, correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, conference papers, conference programs, printed matter, sound recordings, photographs, and digital word processing files relating to laissez-faire economics and associated concepts of liberty, and...

Hayes (Elinor) collection

Memoranda sent to the Santa Barbara (California) News-Press by the national wire services and the United Office Office of Censorship, containing instructions to editors for censorship of war stories. Includes a few photographs.

Hayes (James) papers

Reports, minutes, correspondence, memoranda, contracts, maps, and printed matter relating to various aspects of governmental administration of Hong Kong, and especially to regulation of labor. Includes scrolls of calligraphy by Ching dynasty scholar-officials of Kwangtung Province, China.

Hays (Alice N.) papers

Letters written to A. N. Hays, scrapbook and printed matter relating to the internment of Japanese-Americans in relocation centers during World War II.

Hays (George Price) papers

Orders, certificates, clippings, and photographs, relating mainly to the occupation of Germany and Austria after World War II.

Hazard (Barbara J.) papers

Diary entries, correspondence, printed matter, photographs, and slides relating to artists in Leningrad/Saint Petersburg in the late Soviet and post-Soviet periods. Includes letters by Russian artists, photographs of their artwork, and exhibit catalogs.

Head (Sydney Warren) papers

Photographs and miscellanea relating to the condition of troops stationed in the United States and Hawaii during World War II.

Healy (James A.) collection

Clippings, pamphlets, and newspaper issues, relating to political and economic conditions in Ireland. Includes a motion picture film, entitled , produced by George Morrison. Also includes some correspondence between Herbert Hoover and J. A. Healy.

Heartland Institute collection

Serial issues, newsletters, bulletins, reports, and other printed matter, issued by free market and anti-regulatory organizations, relating to environmental and economic public policy issues in the United States. Collected by the Heartland Institute.

Heath (Donald R.) papers

Donald Read Heath (1894-1981) was a career diplomat in the United States Foreign Service from 1920 to 1961. His papers consist of correspondence, speeches, writings, sound recordings, photographs, and printed matter largely surrounding his diplomatic positions. A few items remain...

Hechinger (Fred M.) papers

A noted American journalist and education editor, the collection includes speeches and writings, correspondence, reviews, memoranda, studies, scrapbooks, and printed matter, all relating to education in the United States.

Heckrotte (Warren) papers

The Warren Heckrotte papers (1940s, 1960s-2000s) document the work of American nuclear physicist and nuclear arms expert Warren Heckrotte through reports, notes, professional correspondence, printed materials, and one recorded interview.

Hedding (Truman Johnson) papers

Orders and personnel records, relating to American naval aviation, especially in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Hefron (Peter Oslin) papers

The papers contain materials relating to American military activities during the Vietnam War, including a memoir, propaganda leaflets, other printed matter, and photographs. Also includes photographs of postwar Vietnam; and photographs, postcards, guidebooks, and other printed matter relating to war...

Hegland (Sheridan) papers

Speeches and writings, transcript of interview, newsletters, clippings, other printed matter, and audiovisual materials, relating to education in California, and especially to California state legislation regarding education.

Heidemann (Gerd) collection

The Gerd Heidemann collection documents major world events, war, and dictatorship in the 20th century through the eyes of German investigative reporter and photojournalist Gerd Heidemann. Compiled research materials and collected records focus on the history of Germany, the Third...

Heiden (Dimitri F., Graf) memoirs

Relates to the involvement of Russia in World War I and the Russian Revolution and Civil War.

Heidrich (Arnost) writings

Relates to conditions in Czechoslovakia during World War II, the postwar communist regime in Czechoslovakia, and postwar world politics.

Heilbron (Louis H.) collection

German national socialist memorabilia, including daggers, knife and sheath.

Heiler (Friedrich) sermons

Delivered in Marburg, Germany. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Heilmann (Ludwig Sebastian) memoir

Relates to German paratroop operations on the eastern and western fronts during World War II through the battle of Monte Cassino.

Heimlich (William Friel) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, interview, photographs, and miscellany, relating to the American military entrance into and occupation of Berlin at the end of World War II. Sound use copies of sound recordings available. In part, photocopy.

Heims (Steven P.) collection

Orders, instructions, and printed matter, relating to the civil administration and relief of the Philippines, 1944, war crime trials in the Pacific, and the administration of government in Japan following World War II.

Heine (Peter L.) memoir

Relates to the foundation and early activities of Radio Free Europe.

Heinlein family papers

Correspondence, diaries, notes, and miscellany, relating mainly to conditions in Germany during World War II and to German military operations. Includes correspondence with family members serving in the German army.

Heinrich (Willi) holograph

Relates to German naval operations during World War II, and to prisoners of war in Norway.

Heinz (Grete) collection

Photographs, mainly depicting the reinterment of the Austrian socialist leader Otto Bauer in Vienna in 1948. Collected by Grete and Otto Heinz.

Heinz (Karl) study

Relates to workers' councils in Austria during the period 1918-1923. The study formed, in part, the basis for the book by Rolf Reventlow, Zwischen Alliierten und Bolschewiken: Arbeiterräte in österreich 1918 bis 1923 (Vienna, 1969). Includes both original typescript and...

Heinz (Luther Carl) papers

Orders, personnel records, and photographs, relating to American naval operations.

Heisler (Ivan C. F.) motion picture film

Ivan C.F. Heisler was an American photographer. This film depicts Leon Trotsky, his wife Natalia Sedova, and members of their entourage, together with the artist Diego Rivera and his wife, the artist Frida Kahlo, in Coyoacan, Mexico. Includes original print,...

Heitman (Sidney) typescript

Relates to social, political, and economic conditions of, and current trends among, Germans in the Soviet Union. Study prepared for the United States Department of State Office of External Research.

Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies collection

Transcripts of autobiographical statements by the philosopher Manfred Buhr, the journalist Günter Wirth, and political officials Günter Kleiber and Manfred Uschner, relating to political and intellectual conditions in East Germany prior to German reunification. Collected by the Helen Kellogg Institute...

Hellgrewe (Rudolf) printed material

Printed reproductions of drawings of people and scenes in German East Africa. Published in Berlin by J. Zenkers.

Helphand (Alexander) receipt

Receipt for funds from the German government for furtherance of revolutionary activities in Russia. Photocopy.

Henderson (Algo Donmyer) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, bulletins, minutes, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to higher education in the United States, especially at Antioch College and the State University of New York, and to higher education for women.

Henderson (Gertrud Greve) papers

Writings and sound recordings of an interview, relating to Richard Sorge, Soviet spy in the German Embassy in Japan. Includes an annotated affidavit by Joachim von Ribbentrop relating to the war crimes trial of Hiroshi Oshima, Japanese ambassador to Germany...

Henderson (Lamar) collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, bulletins, newsletters, clippings, other printed matter, circulated material, correspondence, and notes relating to drought and famine in Ethiopia, relief and development assistance to Ethiopia, and political conditions and civil war in Ethiopia.

Henderson (Loy W.) memoirs

Relates primarily to Soviet-American relations in the interwar period, and also to American Red Cross relief work in Russia, the Baltic States and Germany, 1919-1921, and to American-Irish relations. Published as A Question of Trust: The Origins of U.S.-Soviet Diplomatic...

Hengti (Chao) papers

The collection contains a volume of correspondence between General Chao and other prominent political figures in the 1920s and a calligraphy album commemorating Chao's 80th birthday...

Henle (Raymond) collection

Four silver dollars, dated 1896, 1922, 1923, and 1924; and one coin from the Jamestown Exposition, 1907.

Henriksen (Thomas H.) papers

Correspondence, reports, and printed matter, relating to guerrilla activities of the Frente de Liberta��o de Mo�ambique, the Movimento Popular de Liberta��o de Angola, and the Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde, in Mozambique, Angola, and Guinea-Bissau and...

Henry (Charles Delano) letter

Relates to family affairs.

Henze (Paul B.) papers

The Paul B. Henze papers consist of diaries, writings, correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, research materials, printed matter, and photographs relating to Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty broadcasting to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union; conditions in Eastern Europe, the...

Herbert Hoover Oral History Program interviews

Originals in possession of : Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. Interviews with political leaders, businessmen, military officers, journalists, writers, physicians, secretaries, aides, friends, and associates of Herbert Hoover, relating to their recollections of Hoover in various capacities, including relief work director,...

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library bibliography

Lists clippings, pamphlets, and other ephemeral publications, 1879-1975, by or about Herbert Hoover. Arranged chronologically. Photocopy.

Herbert (Sidney) letters

Relates to the British general strike of 1926. Written by unidentified individuals in Great Britain.

Herbits (Stephen E.) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, memoranda, notes, and printed matter, relating to proposals for an all-volunteer armed force, Congressional action on the proposals, and evaluation of the new volunteer system in operation. Digital copies of select records also available at

Herbst (Jurgen) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, conference papers, reports, and printed matter, relating to the history of education in Germany, Allied educational policy in Germany after World War II, German-American educational exchanges, and activities of the International Standing Conference for the History of...

Herken (Gregg) papers

Interview recordings and transcripts, notes, correspondence, photocopies of government and other documents, and printed matter relating to the development of the atomic bomb. Used as research material for the book by Gregg Herken, (New York, 2002).The collection also contains research...

Herman (Raphael) letter

Relates to proposals by R. Herman for the basis of a peace settlement to end World War I, especially regarding territorial questions.

Hermanns (William) typescript

Relates to militarism in German history.

Hernandez (Alicia) papers

Correspondence, printed materials and facsimiles of research materials relating to Mexican military records, social movements, elections and other aspects of Mexican political life. Materials on the Mexican state, the Mexican Army and various protest movements cover the period from the...

Hernandez Trigueros (Lino) interview

Relates to Sandinista human rights violations in Nicaragua. Interview conducted by Deann M. Alford. Includes English translation transcript.

Heroys (Alexandre) typescript

Relates to Russo-Romanian military activities during World War I and to the Russian Revolution.

Herr (Horace H.) papers

Diary, photographs, and a memoir entitled Face To Face with the Mohammedan Menace in the Maghreb, relating to social conditions in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia.

Herrera (Noe) collection

Photographs and magazine illustrations depicting V. I. Lenin and Joseph Stalin.

Herrington (Dorothy) collection

Brochure, prepared by the Bohemian Club, commemorating the eightieth birthday of Herbert Hoover, 1954; and menu, for a luncheon for Nikita Khrushchev on the Southern Pacific Railroad, 1959.

Herrmann (Egon) trial transcript

Relates to the trial of E. Herrmann and six others in Munich for disturbance of the peace and slander in connection with protests of refugees against the administration of the Bavarian Secretariat of Refugee Affairs.

Herrnkind (Alfred) papers

Correspondence and personal documents, relating to German military operations on the Western and Eastern fronts during World War II. Includes some papers of other Herrnkind family members.

Herrod (B.) mimeograph

Maintains civilization to be contrary to nature.

Herron (Edwin Eugene) drawings

American artist working under the name Copain. Depicts world leaders and revolutionaries. Used to illustrate the journal Intercontinental Press.

Herron (George D.) papers

Correspondence, interviews, lectures, essays, notes, and clippings relating to the League of Nations, territorial questions, prisoners of war, and other political and economic issues at the Paris Peace Conference.

Herter (Christian Archibald) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence with Manley O. Hudson and Arthur Sweetser, officials of the League of Nations, relating to accomplishments of the League of Nations and to prospects of the League for maintenance of peace and resolution of international disputes in the future.

Hertmanowicz (Joseph J.) papers

Writings and speeches, memoranda, and resolutions, relating to the history, economy, and foreign policy of Lithuania and to the movement for Lithuanian independence. Includes appeals from Lithuanian-American organizations to the U.S. government urging recognition of the independence of Lithuania.

Herve (Yvon) papers

Writings relating to the history of Lézardrieux, France, during World War II.

Hervey (Harcourt) papers

Personnel records and correspondence (typewritten) relating to the career of H. Hervey in the United States Army and in the California National Guard. Photocopy.

Herz (Martin Florian) collection

North Vietnamese and Viet Cong propaganda directed at American soldiers in Vietnam. Digital copies also available at

Heshang video tape

Relates to Chinese culture and history, and to current political and economic conditions in China. Broadcast on Chinese television.

Hess (Stephen) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, studies, reports, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs, relating to children and youth in the United States, and to the proceedings of the White House Conference on Children and Youth.

Hessen (Dymitr) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, personal documents, and photographs, relating to literature and philosophy. Includes papers of Sergei Gessen, father of Dymitr Hessen.

Heumann (Karl) correspondence

Relates to German military operations during World War II.

Heuss (Theodor) miscellaneous papers

Three speeches, relating to the moral legacy of World War II; and two letters to the German-American jurist Alfred Gerstel, relating to personal matters.

Heyworth-Dunne (James) papers

Theses, studies, notes, writings, and correspondence, relating to the history, philosophy, literature, education, and religion in Egypt, the Arab world, and Turkey.

Hezbāwi genbār hārenat 'Éretrā [Eritrean People's Liberation Front] sound recordings

Political and nationalist songs relating to the Eritrean revolutionary separatist movement.

Hibi (George Matsusaburo) writings

Relates to art schools in Japanese American internment camps.

Hick (Reginald) mugs collection

Mugs carved by an inmate of the Santo Tomás prison camp in the Japanese-occupied Philippines during World War II.

Hickey (Robert Ferdinand) papers

Correspondence, speeches, orders, personnel records, memoranda, printed matter, photographs, and certificates, relating to American naval aviation, particularly during World War II and the Korean War.

Hiestand (John) collection

Letters, conference proceedings, transcripts of radio broadcasts, propaganda leaflets, and printed matter, relating primarily to the work of the United States Office of War Information and the United States Army Psychological Warfare Branch in the Southwest Pacific, 1944-1945.

Higgins (Frank H.) papers

Correspondence, photographs, printed matter, and memorabilia relating to American defense policy.

Higgins (Trumbull) papers

Writings, correspondence, and photographs, relating to twentieth-century military history, and especially to aspects of World War II, the Indochinese War, and the Cuban missile crisis. Includes drafts of a book-length study entitled "Pluto and Vulture: A Comparison between John F....

High (Sidney C.) papers

Correspondence, writings, studies, reports, memoranda, bulletins, and printed matter, relating to vocational education in the United States, the Philippines, South Vietnam, and elsewhere in Asia and Africa.

High (Stanley) typescript

Relates to the role of the United States in post-World War II reconstruction.

Hilger (Frances E.) collection

The Frances E. Hilger collection relates to the political activism of Hilger, an opponent of the Vietnam War. A lifelong Quaker, Hilger participated in several peace groups in the New Jersey area. Her collection contains many leaflets, pamphlets, and serial...

Hill (Charles) papers

Collection includes correspondence, speeches and writings, dispatches, memoranda, reports, notes, printed matter, memorabilia, and photographs relating to international relations and diplomacy, United States foreign policy during the presidential administration of Ronald Reagan, and the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Also contains speeches...

Hill (George Alexander) papers

Memoirs, entitled Reminiscences of Four Years with N.K.V.D., relating to Anglo-Soviet secret service relations during World War II; and radio broadcast transcripts, entitled Go Spy the Land, relating to British intelligence activities in Russia, Turkey, and the Balkans, 1917-1918.

Hill (Harry Roswell) papers

Personnel records, orders, letters, manuals, servicemen's newspapers, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, and miscellany relating to American military railway service operations in Iran and elsewhere in the Persian Gulf Command during World War II.

Hill (Jim Dan) correspondence

Relates to the existence of unpublished theses on the militia and National Guards of various states. Photocopy.

Hill (Margaret E.) papers

Press releases, bulletins, correspondence, pamphlets, clippings, brochures, photographs, motion picture film, and phonorecords, relating to fundraising in southern California for World War II relief activities. Sound use copies of sound recordings available.

Hill (Paul A.) collection

Letters from famous American and foreign statesmen, authors, and scholars, relating to their evaluation of the historical significance of Woodrow Wilson, President of the U.S., 1913-1921.

Hill (Richard Vernon) video tapes

Depicts street scenes and scenes of social activity in China before and during World War II, and of American military activities in China during the war.

Hill (Robert Charles) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, motion picture film, and sound recordings relating to conditions in and American relations with Latin America and Spain, American foreign policy and domestic politics, and the Republican Party. Digital copies...

Hill (Thomas) collection

Pamphlets, brochures, leaflets, flyers, and other ephemeral printed matter, relating to political, social and environmental issues in Germany, and to German foreign relations and development assistance.

Hiller (Stanley) papers

Correspondence, campaign literature, and memorabilia, relating to the activities of the Willkie Workers League in promoting the campaign of Wendell Willkie in the American presidential election of 1940.

Hillhouse (Joseph Newton) photograph collection

Depicts activities of the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I. Digital copy also available at

Hillman (Sidney) letter

Solicits stock purchases in the Russian-American Industrial Corporation, a company investing in Soviet industrialization.

Hillquit (Morris) miscellanea

Transcript of a debate between M. Hillquit and the British philosopher Bertrand Russell regarding the British Labour government, 1924; Hillquit memorial issue of the New Leader, 1934; and description of the Hillquit papers at the Wisconsin State Historical Society.

Hills (Carla A.) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, speeches, and printed matter, relating to civil litigation involving the United States government, especially lawsuits involving President Richard M. Nixon; housing and community planning and development in the United States during the presidential administration of Gerald R....

Hilton (Ronald) papers

Writings, correspondence, printed matter, sound recordings, video tapes, and photographs relating to international relations and their study at Stanford University; the history of, and political, social, and economic conditions in, Latin America and Spain; Soviet historiography on Herbert Hoover and...

Himmler (Heinrich) papers

Diaries (1914-1924); photographs; photocopies and microfilm of correspondence, reports, and memoranda from the office files of the personal staff of Heinrich Himmler (1942-1944); and recordings of speeches by Himmler (1940-1944) relating to national socialism in Germany, and activities of the...

Hindenburg (Paul von) miscellany

Letter by Paul von Hindenburg, relating to his election as president of Germany, addressed to Grossherzog von Mecklenburg; and photograph of Paul von Hindenburg.

Hinds (Sidney Rae) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, agreements, personnel records, and printed matter, relating to United Nations economic aid to Korea and aid to refugees from various countries, and to the world food supply.

Hines (Walker D.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, and reports, relating to questions of navigation rights on the Rhine, Danube, Elbe, Oder, and Vistula Rivers, restitution of captured ships, and reparations for war damage to river shipping, after World War I.

Hinkel (Hans) speeches and writings

Relates to national socialism and to German culture.

Hinnebusch (Michael P.) collection

Letters, serial issues, and writings, relating to the career of Konrad Cardinal von Preysing, Roman Catholic Bishop of Berlin, 1935-1950.

Hinshaw (David) typescript

Published by Farrar, Straus (New York, 1950)

Hiranuma (Kiichiro) papers

Correspondence, reports, and memorandum relating to the imperial family of Japan.

Hiroshima-Nagasaki Publishing Committee motion picture film

Depicts atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, 1945, and subsequent condition of survivors of the atomic bomb.

Hirsch (Betty) memoirs

Relates to the rehabilitation of German veterans blinded during World War I.

Hirschfeld (Walter) correspondence

Relates to the expulsion of Walter Hirschfeld from the Verband der �rzte Deutschlands, in accordance with Nazi regulations, on grounds of non-Aryan descent. Includes two letters, 1941, relating to his subsequent emigration to the United States.

Hirst (Ronald MacArthur) papers

The Ronald MacArthur Hirst papers consist largely of material collected and created by Hirst over the course of several decades of research on topics related to the history of World War II and the Cold War, including the Battle of...

Historique de la creation et des activites du Rassemblement national des prisonniers de guerre (R.N.P.G.)

Relates to resistance activities of repatriated French prisoners of war during World War II.

Hitler (Adolf) miscellaneous papers

Drafts (typewritten) of two speeches by Adolf Hitler, one relating to the shooting of Ernst Röhm and others, 1934, and the other delivered at a Nazi party convention, 1937; his appointment book, March to June, 1943; photographs, bust and a...

Hitoon (Serge E.) typescript

Relates to the Russian Civil War in Mongolia.

Hitselberger (James F.) collection

Broadsides, flyers, leaflets, serial issues, and sound recordings, relating to political conditions in Iran under the reign of the Shah, the Iranian political opposition, the revolution of 1979, post-revolutionary conditions in Iran, and political opposition to the new Iranian regime....

Hizb al-Ba'th al-'Arabi al-Ishtiraki in Iraq [Ba'th Arab Socialist Party of Iraq] records

Correspondence, reports, membership and personnel files, judicial and investigatory dossiers, administrative files and registers, and videorecordings relating to political conditions in, and governance of, Iraq. Collected by the Iraq Memory Foundation [Mu'assasat al-dhakirah al-'Iraqiyah] from the Ba'th Regional Command headquarters...

Hobson (John Waller) compiled printed material

Series of charts, relating to findings of a poll on newspaper and magazine reading habits of the British public, broken down by region, sex, age, social class, and other characteristics. Compiled by J. W. Hobson and Harry Henry.

Hobson (Oliver Lincoln) papers

Reports, memoranda, notes, statistics, essays, bibliographies, and maps, relating primarily to administration of Allied military government in Japan after World War II.

Hochschild (Adam) collection

Arrest, interrogation, and other judicial records, issued by secret police and other Soviet governmental agencies, relating to the arrest and execution of four Russian-Americans or Russians formerly resident in the United States, on charges of counter-revolutionary activities; and subsequent appeals...

Hodges (Charles) photographs

Depicts World War II scenes in Europe, North Africa, the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, India, and the Aleutian Islands; diplomatic conferences, including the Potsdam Conference, 1945, and the Casablanca Conference, 1943; civilian and military leaders; and maps...

Hoelter (Gerhard) collection

Pamphlets, serial issues, proclamations, letters, ration cards, Nazi membership cards, and miscellany, relating to conditions in Germany during World War II, Nazi propaganda, and the Vietnamese War.

Hoffer (Eric) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, minutes, memoranda, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to philosophy, social psychology, the nature of mass movements, social violence, the social role of intellectuals, and social conditions in the United States.

Hoffman (David E.) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, sound recordings and transcripts of interviews, corporate reports, clippings, other printed matter, videotapes, and photographs, relating to economic conditions and large business enterprises in post-Soviet Russia. Used as research material for the book by David E. Hoffman,...

Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfurst (Stephanie Juliana, Prinzessin zu) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, telegrams, news clippings, manuscripts, and printed matter, relating to Anglo-German relations in the 1930s, political developments in Hungary, and detailing the personal and literary activities of Princess Stephanie from 1914 to 1972.

Holden (Frank Harvey) miscellaneous papers

Letter written by F. H. Holden in Moscow in 1923, relating to Russian operations of the American Relief Administration; and photographs of the German cruiser Wolf, its crew, and ships encountered and sunk by it during its raiding cruise in...

Holder (Wayne) papers

Acquired in 2006, the papers consist primarily of correspondence, writings, and photographs relating to the history and literature of Estonia. Of particular importance are the numerous photographs and writings in the papers that pertain to the struggle for renewed independence...

Holland (Kenneth) papers

The papers contain materials that largely relate to the subject of international education, with a special emphasis on the role played in this field by American institutions in the period after World War II. As the long-time head of the...

Holland shall rise again sound recording

Relates to the anticipated Allied invasion of the Netherlands. Produced by the Netherlands Information Bureau in New York and narrated by Bernard Dudley.

Hollander (Paul) papers

Writings, correspondence, curricular materials, and questionnaires, relating mainly to attitudes of American intellectuals toward communist countries and of American visitors to communist countries.

Hollingsworth (Sidney Pierce) papers

Writings, clippings, and miscellanea, relating to historical trends in the twentieth century, public relations and the social order, the League of Nations and World Court, and a variety of other historical themes.

Hollmann (Dominik) papers

Letters to Soviet government officials, relating to Soviet government treatment of the Volga German community in the Soviet Union, and related printed matter.

Holman (Benjamin F.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, racial incident case reports, other reports, pamphlets, press releases, and clippings, relating to desegregation of schools and other facilities in the U.S.; racial or ethnic friction involving black, Hispanic, American Indian and other minority communities; and efforts of...

Holman (Emile) papers

Draft of a speech delivered at Oxford University in 1915, relating to the relief work of the Commission for Relief in Belgium; and photographs of refugees and war damage in Greece, Bulgaria, and Turkey at the end of the Balkan...

Holocaust and the media conference proceedings

Relates to the reaction of the media and the government in the United States to the Jewish holocaust in Europe during World War II. Conference sponsored by the Harvard Divinity School, the Neimann Foundation, WCVB-TV, and the Anti-Defamation League of...

Holokausta izpetes problemas Latvija conference proceedings

Program, conference papers, press coverage, photographs, and sound recordings and videotape of proceedings, relating to the Holocaust in Latvia during World War II.

Holsti (Rudolf) papers

Writings and correspondence, relating to Finnish independence, foreign relations, and political conditions.

Holtzman (Irwin T. and Shirley) collection

Printed matter, writings, letters, photographs, and miscellany, relating to the Russian writers Isaak Babel', Boris Pasternak and Joseph Brodsky. Consists primarily of printed matter by and about Pasternak, Brodsky and Babel'.

Holtzmann (Robert) papers

Correspondence, writings, pamphlets, leaflets, newspaper issues, clippings, and photographs, relating primarily to the activities of the Tannenbergbund, a right-wing German political organization, active from 1926 to 1933, founded by General Erich Ludendorff. Includes correspondence with E. Ludendorff.

Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary manuscript collection

Memoirs and other writings by Russian military officers and other émigrés, relating to imperial Russian military history, Russian participation in World War I, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, and Russian émigré affairs. Collected by Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville,...

Holzhauerin (Wilhelm) correspondence

Relates to German military operations during World War I.

Homing overlay experiment video tape

Depicts tests of elements of an anti-ballistic missile defense system designed and conducted under direction of the United States Army Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command by Lockheed Missiles and Space Company and subcontractors, and associated with the Strategic Defense Initiative.

Honduran subject collection

Pamplets, reports, speeches, leaflets, flyers, serial issues, other printed matter, audio-visual material, relating to political conditions, elections, and civil rights in Honduras.

Honens (W. H.) photograph collection

Photograph albums depicting activities of the California Friends of France appointed Stanford University Unit of the American Ambulance Service during World War I in France, Albania, Greece, and Serbia.

Honey (John Kohnen) papers

Diaries, letters, correspondence, clippings, postcards, and photographs relating to the American Ambulance Service attached to French Army forces in France during World War I. As a whole, the collection depicts John Kohnen Honey's time in the American Field Service during...

Hong Kong pictorial collection

Slides and transparencies, depicting buildings, residents, street scenes, and scenes of economic and social activity in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong subject collection

Corporation annual reports, serial issues, bulletins, newsletters, pamphlets, clippings, press summaries, election campaign literature, other printed matter, videotape and sound tape reel recordings of television and radio news broadcasts, and memorabilia relating to political, social and economic conditions in Hong...

Hong Kong umbrella revolution collection

Flyers, leaflets, other printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia relating to civil disobedience movements in Hong Kong.

Hong (Sung Chae (Michael)) mimeograph

Relates to anti-government demonstrations by college students in Seoul, 1960. Includes photographs.

Hong (Ze) papers

Correspondence, diaries, writings, and printed matter, relating mainly to the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

Hoo (Victor) papers

Diaries, correspondence, speeches and writings, clippings, reports, memoranda, and photographs relating to Chinese political events and foreign relations, international diplomatic conferences, Sino-Soviet relations, and the United Nations.

Hook (Sidney) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, lecture notes, printed matter, sound recordings, videotape, and photographs relating to philosophy, Marxism, communism in the United States and elsewhere, the question of communists in the educational system, campus disturbances in the 1960s, the Congress for...

Hoover (Allan) collection

Photographs and ephemera relating to the Bohemian Club of San Francisco. Includes photographs of Herbert Hoover and other club members at Bohemian Grove encampments and other locations. In part collected by Fred G. Clark.

Hoover (Henry) journals

Includes observations on the course of the Civil War, pacifism, the Society of Friends and the Methodist Episcopal Church, and reminiscences on Hoover family history and on the early history and settlers of Wayne County, Indiana.

Hoover (Herbert, Jr.) papers

Correspondence and memoranda relating to American foreign policy during the presidential administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Hoover (Herbert): Master of Emergencies motion picture film

Relates to relief work administered by Herbert Hoover, especially that of the American Relief Administration in Russia, 1921-1923. Incorporates footage from that period. Videotape and DVD copies (three versions) also available.

Hoover (Herbert) papers

Writings, notes, typed copies of documents, printed matter, and financial records relating to American foreign policy and domestic policies during the presidential administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, World War II, and the early postwar years. Consists mainly of drafts of...

Hoover (Herbert) subject collection

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, photographs, motion picture film, and sound recordings, relating to the career of Herbert Hoover as president of the United States and as relief administrator during World Wars I and II. Sound use copies of sound recordings...

Hoover (Hulda Randall Minthorn) letters

Relates to personal and family affairs. Includes typed transcripts of all letters. In part, photocopy.

Hoover Institution and the Gorbachev Foundation (Moscow) collection

Sound recordings and transcripts of interviews of Soviet and American officials, relating to Soviet foreign policy during the presidency of Mikhail Gorbachev. Project sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace and the Mezhdunarodnyĭ fond sotsial'no-ėkonomikcheskikh i politologicheskikh...

Hoover Institution Archives Motion Picture Films

This guide describes motion picture films from various collections in the archives. The guide is organized by collection title and includes the number of films, the film gauge(s), and the content matter of the films within each collection. When applicable,...

Hoover Institution Archives photograph card catalog

The guide describes photographs separated from the paper materials of collections of personal or organizational papers organized by the archives until the practice of separating photographs from paper materials stopped in 1992. This guide is being kept online for reference....

Hoover Institution Library Pamphlet Collection

This inventory lists 54,787 pamphlets held by the Hoover Institution Library. The pamphlets relate to twentieth-century political, social, and economic issues around the world. Although the pamphlets are in many different languages, about 33,000 are in English, 10,000 are in...

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Domestic Studies Program working papers

Relates to economics and political science. Selected working papers available in digital format on the Hoover Institution website: .

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, financial, legal and personnel records, statistical data, and audiovisual material relating to international and domestic research programs, and library and archival operations.

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Russian Provisional Government Project. Translation of Documents

Translations of documents relating to the history of the Russian Provisional Government of 1917. Project sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Results published as Robert Browder and Alexander Kerensky, ed., The Russian Provisional Government, 1917 (Stanford,...

Hoover (John Elwood) typescript

Relates to United States Congressional opinions and actions regarding to the Russian Revolution. Photocopy.

Hoover (Lou Henry) miscellaneous papers

Passport, 1913; war zone passes, 1918; sketch of Lou Henry Hoover, 1931; portfolio of reproductions of drawings of Spanish missions in California, 1933; and sketches of the White House, Capitol Building, Washington Monument, and Mount Vernon.

Hoover (Mildred Brooke) typescript

Relates to personal matters, the Hoover family, and the engineering career of Theodore J. Hoover, brother of Herbert Hoover and husband of M. B. Hoover.

Hoover symposium 1982 proceedings

Includes three presentations: Susan Eastbrook Kennedy, "Herbert Hoover and the Two Great Food Crusades of the 1940s"; Gary Dean Best, "Herbert Hoover and the Great Debates over Foreign Policy, 1940-1941 and 1950-1951"; and Frank Freidel, "Comment." Produced by George Fox...

Hoover (Theodore J.) typescript

Relates to the engineering career of T. J. Hoover and to the Hoover family. Includes edited and unedited versions, and microfilm of latter. Photocopy.

Hoover-Rochester Conference on the All-Volunteer Force proceedings

Videotape and sound recordings of addresses and discussion, relating to evaluation of all-volunteer armed forces in the United States. Includes a debate between Milton Friedman and Paul N. McCloskey.

Hoppe (Robert) papers

Correspondence with family and friends, and personal documents, relating to German military activities on the Eastern and Western fronts during World War II.

Horan (Brien Purcell) typescript

Relates to the claim of Anna Anderson to be Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia. Photocopy.

Horák (Jiří) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, bulletins, printed matter, and photographs, relating to socialism in Czechoslovakia, anti-communist political movements, Czech émigré affairs, Radio Free Europe, the Socialist International, and post-1989 political conditions in Czechoslovakia.

Hornbeck (Stanley K.) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, studies, dispatches and instructions, printed matter, memorabilia, photographs, and sound recordings relating to American foreign relations in China, Japan, and other areas of East Asia, political conditions in China and Japan, and Dutch-American relations.

Hornibrook (William Harrison) miscellaneous papers

Photographs, letters, and invitation, relating to miscellaneous aspects of American-Thai relations, and depicting Reza Shah Pahlavi, his son the Crown Prince (later Mohammed Reza Shah), and scenes in Thailand, Iran and Afghanistan.

Horst Wessel Lied sound recording

National socialist German anthem.

Horthy (Miklos) autobiography

Relates to Hungarian politics and foreign relations in the interwar period and during World War II. Includes signed photograph of M. Horthy with dedication to the Hungarian peasantry, 1919.

Hoskin (Harry L.) papers

Correspondence, clippings, reports, affidavits, court proceedings, and photographs, relating to activities of the Russian Railway Service Corps in Siberia, and to subsequent legal disputes regarding the military or civilian status of members of the corps.

Hoskins (Emmett A.) typescript

Relates to American naval operations in the Far East and Siberia.

Hossbach (Friedrich) notes

Relates to a conference of Adolf Hitler and German military leaders concerning German foreign policy, November 5, 1937.

Hou (Chia-chu) papers

The Hou Chia-chu 侯家駒 papers (1955-2004) document Hou's work as an academic, economist, and politician on Chinese and Taiwanese economic development after 1949, and include his manuscripts, diaries, research notes, and photographs related to his academic and political activities.

Houston (John Pollard) photograph collection

Primarily depicts American military aircraft, and scenes of aircraft construction and of aeronautical research.

Howard (Samuel Lutz) report

Relates to activities of the 4th Marine Regiment from 1941 to 1942, including the regiment's evacuation from Shanghai, China, to Olongapo, Philippines; its resistance to Japanese forces as part of the Corregidor garrison; and its surrender upon the fall of...

Howe (Esther B.) collection

Imperial Chinese decoration of the Order of the Double Dragon; description and designs of the decoration; and autographed photographs of Herbert Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover.

Howe (James Pomeroy) papers

Printed news stories, letters, clippings, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to American news coverage abroad, and especially to reportage from China in 1929.

Howe (Julia Ward) letter

Relates to personal matters and to her literary work.

Howman (H. R. G.) papers

Reports, minutes, memoranda, correspondence, legislation, notes, and printed matter relating to governmental administration of, and social and economic conditions in, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).

Hoy (Austin Y.) papers

Correspondence, orders, personnel records, sound recordings of reminiscences, maps, and photographs, relating mainly to British artillery operations in France during World War I.

Hramadzkae ab'iadnanne "Pravaabaronchy tsentr "Viasna" issuances

Serial issues and pamphlets, relating to political conditions and civil rights in Belarus.

Hruby (Peter) typescript

Relates to the communist movement in Australia, and to interactions of Czechoslovak officials with the Communist Party of Australia.

Hruska (Roman L.) typescript

Speech delivered at West Branch, Iowa. Photocopy.

Htun (Mala) collection

Studies, statutes, leaflets, and printed matter, relating to political conditions in Zimbabwe. Includes notes of interviews conducted by Mala Htun with Masipula Sithole and other Zimbabwean political leaders.

Huang (Chen-chiu) papers

Huang Chen-chiu participated in China's war against Japan before moving to Taiwan and serving in the Taiwan Provincial Government (1947-1959) and Taipei City Government (1959-1964). The Huang Chen-chiu papers includes a family memorial book about Huang and a manuscript by...

Huang (Cheng-chiu) papers

Diaries, memoirs, speeches and writings, and biographical data, relating to political and military conditions in China, Chinese participation in World War II, the Chinese Civil War, and defenses of Taiwan.

Huang (Fu) papers

Correspondence, reports, writings, and printed matter, relating to Chinese foreign relations, the 1927 incident at Nanjing, the Tanggu Truce settlement with Japan in 1933, domestic politics in China, Chiang Kai-shek, and the Nationalist government of China.

Huang (Jie) diaries

Diaries of Huang Jie, a general in the Chinese Nationalist Army and governor of Taiwan Province, relating to political conditions and military policy in Taiwan.

Huang (Pai-chi) papers

The Huang Pai-chi 黃百器 papers (circa 1940-2015) document the activities of Huang's work for the Nationalist government running guerrilla operations in opposition to the Japanese military from 1937-1945, anti-Communist operations from 1949-1955, and her political organizations in Taiwan from 1955...

Huang (Po-Wen) typescript

Relates to the Asian Development Bank. Published as The Asian Development Bank: Diplomacy and Development in Asia (New York, 1975). Photocopy.

Huang (Renlin) papers

Memoirs, speeches, clippings, and photographs, relating to the Nationalist Chinese movement, China during World War II, and Taiwan in the postwar period.

Huang (Xinbo) papers

The Huang Xinbo 黄新波 papers (1940-1971) document the activities related to Chinese reporter, guerilla member of the Communist East River Column, and creator of the Association of Chinese Woodcuts, Huang Xinbo. It includes handwritten notebooks from the Cultural Revolution containing...

Huber (Johann Heinrich) music box

Owned by J. H. Huber of Oberkulm, Switzerland, earliest known ancestor of Herbert Hoover.

Hubert (Richard S. R.) papers on the topic of the U.S. Office of War Information in Saipan

Richard Samuel Rene Hubert, 1901-1982, was born in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Collection Includes original Office of War Information (OWI) reports and working papers; correspondence; and Saipan-related propaganda leaflets and other printed matter.

Hudson (Ray) papers

Letters, pamphlets, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to American industry, simplification of industrial practice, the public life of Herbert Hoover, and the 1928, 1932, and 1936 presidential campaigns.

Huenergardt (Mrs. John F.) collection

Printed matter and photographs, relating to relief activities in Hungary at the end of World War I.

Huffsmith (V. C.) letter

Relates to the service of the 701st and 440th Ordnance Companies in the Philippines campaign of 1942.

Huggins (Godfrey Martin) interview transcripts

Relates to the political development of Southern Rhodesia. Interviews conducted by Rex Reynolds.

Hughes (James C.) papers

Diary, notes, and photographs, relating to conditions in Japanese prison camps in the Philippines, Formosa, and Manchuria.

Hughes (Robert and Olga) papers

Robert Hughes, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has a research focus in modern Russian poetry, 20th century experimental prose, and Russian émigré culture. Olga Raevsky-Hughes, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has a research focus...

Hughey (Robert W.) collection

Postage stamps from various countries and miscellany relating to nuclear energy. Includes autographs of prominent nuclear scientists.

Huldermann (Paul F.) photographs

Depicts scenes in China, including military operations of the Chinese Army during the Sino-Japanese War. Includes portraits of Chiang Kai-shek and other Chinese political leaders. Indexes: Preliminary inventory.

Hull (John) interviews

Relates to Nicaraguan contra guerrilla activities from Costa Rican bases, American aid to Nicaraguan guerrillas, allegations of guerrilla drug trafficking, and allegations regarding the attempted assassination of the guerrilla leader Edén Pastora. Interviews conducted by William E. Ratliff.

Hulse (James W.) typescript

Published as The Forming of the Communist International (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1964).

Human Rights Network issuances

Newsletters and minutes, relating to the status of civil rights in Great Britain and throughout the world. In part, photocopy.

Hume (Jaquelin H.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, lists, and financial records, relating to Republican Party fundraising activities, especially in California, election campaigns of Ronald Reagan, especially his presidential campaign in 1976, and the gubernatorial and presidential administrations of Ronald Reagan.

Hungarian subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, serial issues, bulletins, press releases, studies, election campaign literature, and other printed matter relating to various aspects of Hungarian history, including the Revolution of 1918-1919; the Revolution of 1956; Hungarian minorities in other countries; and political, social,...

Hungary. Fegyverszuneti Bizottsag correspondence with Allied authorities

Relates to execution of provisions of the armistice between Hungary and the Allied Powers at the end of World War I.

Hungary. Igazsagugyminiszterium court judgments

Relates to the trials of Hungarian communists for participation in the Hungarian Revolution of 1918-1919.

Hungary. Kovetseg (Soviet Union) records

Dispatches, instructions, and political reports, relating to Soviet-Hungarian relations. Includes photocopies of records at Columbia University.

Hungary. Ko;vetseg (Spain) records

Dispatches, instructions, and reports, relating to Hungarian-Spanish relations. Includes some records of the Hungarian Embassy in Portugal, relating to Hungarian-Portuguese relations.

Hungary. Kovetseg (Switzerland) records

Dispatches and reports, relating to Hungarian-Swiss relations and to activities of the International Anticommunist Entente.

Hungary. Kulugyminiszterium miscellaneous records

Reports, memoranda, and orders, relating to Austro-Hungarian military activities during World War I, domestic opposition to the war, socialist activities, Bolshevik propaganda, problems of minority nationalities during and after the war, postwar land reform, and the formation of soviets in...

Hungary newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Hungary newspaper collection (1906-1996) comprises twenty-seven different titles of publication, in Hungarian, German, English. All titles within this collection...

Hungerford (Herbert Eugene) processed volume

Relates to conditions in Japanese internment camps during World War II, and to the battle for Manila in 1945. Includes camp newsletters and transcripts of wartime letters. By Herbert E. "Gene" Hungerford

Hunkanrin (Louis) papers

Correspondence, clippings, and printed matter, relating to French colonial administration of Dahomey. Includes statements of protest concerning injustices of French colonial administration made by L. Hunkanrin at the Pan-African Congress of 1921. Photocopy.

Hunt (Edward E.) papers

Reports, memoranda, correspondence, diaries, writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to relief and reconstruction in Europe during and after World Wars I and II (especially in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and Poland), the Commission for Relief in Belgium, the American...

Hunter (Hugh B.) diary

Relates to American bombing operations in Europe during World War II. Photocopy.

Huntington (George Herbert) diary

Relates to a visit with the royal family of Romania. Includes correspondence of Elizabeth Dodge Huntington Clarke, wife of G. H. Huntington, 1925-1955, relating to the Romanian royal family.

Huntley (James Robert) papers

Diaries, writings, correspondence, reports, notes, meeting materials, resolutions, statements, and printed matter relating to political, economic and cultural relations among Atlantic community countries and Japan, and private promotion of international cooperation, international education, and international environmental protection.

Huntoon (Dorothy) letters

Dorothy Huntoon (née Abramson). Letters received by Mrs. Dorothy Abramson, mostly from Ivan Nagy, first secretary of the Hungarian Legation in Washington, D.C. until 1948.

Hurewitz (J. C.) papers

The J. C. Hurewitz papers consisted originally of a collection of printed materials, much of it relating to the history of the British mandate of Palestine. This part (Boxes 1-22) includes numerous publications issued by various Zionist parties in the...

Husen (Paulus van) typescript

Relates to Helmuth von Moltke and Peter Yorck, members of the anti-Nazi Kreisauer Kreis resistance group in Germany during World War II, and to the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Huston (Jay C.) papers

Writings, pamphlets, leaflets, and clippings relating to cultural, political, and economic conditions in China, and to communism and Soviet influence in China.

Hutchin (Claire Elwood) papers

Speeches, correspondence, reports, orders, clippings, and photographs, relating to aspects of the peacetime United States Army, especially military justice for black soldiers, and the Maryland Bicentennial Commission.

Hutchinson (B. Edwin) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, financial records, and printed matter, relating to industrial and labor policy in the United States, the promotion of free enterprise and conservative thought, and activities of the Chrysler Corporation, the Foundation for Economic Education, and...

Hutchinson (J. Kent) slide collection

Depicts scenes of daily life and agricultural and other economic activities in Japan and other Asian countries. Includes slide projector.

Hutchinson (John Raymond) papers

Correspondence, film scripts, printed matter, photographs, filmstrips, and phonorecords, relating to the production of U.S. propaganda film by the Office of War Information for distribution in China during World War II, and to the history of television in the U.S.

Hutchinson (Lincoln) papers

Correspondence, writings, and reports, relating to American Relief Administration activities, food conditions in Germany following World War I, and technical assistance provided by American engineers in the Soviet Union.

Hutsell (Robert Carl) papers

Letters, postcards, orders, certificates, booklets, and newspapers, relating to activities of the 5th Marine Corps Regiment in France during World War I and in the occupation of Germany immediately afterward.

Hutt (W. H. (William Harold)) papers

Contains speeches and writings, correspondence, pamphlets, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to laissez-faire economic theory, and to economic conditions and race relations in South Africa by Hutt, a South African economist.

Huxtable (Edward J.) reminiscences

Relates to American naval aviation operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II, and particularly to activities of the aircraft carrier Gambier Bay at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in 1944. Photocopy.

Hx (Daulin) typescript

Relates to Chinese local government primarily in the 1920s and 1930s. Includes variant drafts, reader's report, and correspondence with publishers.

Hyatt (Arthur)

Correspondence, printed matter and miscellany, relating to Soviet-American aerial cooperation during World War II and to the postwar computer industry in the Soviet Union.