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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
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Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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Gabensky (Dora) papers

Correspondence, bulletins, newsletters, reports, pamphlets, serial issues, certificates, and photographs relating to Bulgarian literature and culture; Bulgarian émigré activities; activities of various anti-communist organizations, including the Bulgarian National Front, the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, and the Assembly of Captive European...

Gabon subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, reports, speeches, and other printed matter, relating to political social and economic conditions in Gabon.

Gabor (Aron) papers

Writings, correspondence, personal documents, photographs, sound recordings, and video tapes, relating to conditions in Soviet forced labor camps, and to political conditions in Hungary. Includes some papers of Emmy Gábor, wife of �ron Gábor.

Gabor (Robert) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, legal agreements, clippings, and photographs, relating to establishment of the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, Kenneth Kaunda Foundation and Milton Obote Foundation for the purposes of publishing and other educational and cultural activities in Kenya, Zambia and Uganda respectively.

Gadsby (Henry Franklin) papers

Writings, correspondence, printed matter, and memorabilia relating to Canadian and British politics, primarily in the inter-war period, and to British Empire war efforts during World War I.

Gaeth (Arthur) radio news broadcast

Broadcast from Nuremberg, Germany, over the Mutual Broadcasting System, relating to the execution of leading Nazis convicted of war crimes.

Gaffney (Thomas St. John) papers

Correspondence, writings, and printed matter, relating to international relations, the World War I war guilt question, reparations, Irish independence, American domestic politics and foreign policy, and Jews. Includes correspondence with Kaiser Wilhelm II in exile, Baron Hermann Speck von Sternberg...

Gage (N. L.) interview transcript

Relates to activities of the American Educational Research Association in promoting educational research in the United States. Interview conducted by David Madsen. Photocopy.

Gahagan (G. William) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, photographs, motion picture films, printed matter, and wartime propaganda relating to G. William Gahagan's work with the Office of War Information during World War II, focusing on American propaganda operations and analyses of Japanese propaganda. Also included...

Gahn (Larry) photographs

Includes photographic images (digital copies) related to UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) activities in China around 1947; shows refugees and relief activities in China. Includes biographical data.

Gaimushō reports

Includes materials created by Gaimushō (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Japan). Includes reports relating to foreign media coverage of Japan and to economic conditions within the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Gaines (Marcus Junius) letterbook

Copies of dispatches to and instructions from the United States Department of State, relating to American-Tripolitanian relations.

Gajda (R.) photograph album

Depicts Czechoslovak, White Russian and Allied troops in Siberia during the Russian Civil War. Includes photographs of Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak.

Galambos (Ludwig) photographs

Depicts social conditions in Romania.

Galinski (Adam J.) papers

Correspondence, reports, personal documents, writings, photographs, and printed matter, relating to conditions in Soviet forced labor camps, and to twentieth century Polish history and culture.

Gallagher (Ray) interview

Relates to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Gallem (Leopold) judicial report

Relates to military judicial action taken against Sergeant Leopold Gallem, German army, for violation of traffic regulations.

Gallois (Pierre M.) speeches and writings

Books, articles, and lectures, relating to aviation, nuclear weapons, French defense policy, the Cold War, collective security, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Gally (Benjamin W.) miscellany

Photocopies of an inventory of items released by the United States government to the Chinese National Palace Museum in Peking, 1946; and photocopies of letters from a British consular official in Tientsin, describing the communist occupation of Tientsin, 1949.

Galpin (Perrin C.) papers

Correspondence, reports, photographs, clippings, and printed matter, relating to the Commission for Relief in Belgium, the American Relief Administration, Herbert Hoover and American electoral politics, and the 1938 trip to Europe and 1946 food relief activities in Europe of Herbert...

Galvin (John A. T.) collection

Reproductions of paintings, depicting scenes from the Franco-Prussian War, the Boxer Rebellion, and the Russo-Japanese War, including the Battle of Tsushima Straits. Also includes miscellaneous scenes, mainly of Japan.

Gambian subject collection

Statements, pamphlets, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Gambia.

Gamble (David P.) collection

Serial issues, bulletins, posters, other printed matter, and radio broadcast transcripts, relating to political and economic conditions and education in Sierra Leone.

Gamburg (Pierre) diaries

Relates to conditions in German prison camps during World War II.

Gamelin (Maurice Gustave) miscellany

Memoranda, notes, directives, and declarations relating to pre-World War II plans for the defense of the northern frontier of France, and to the conduct of General Maurice Gamelin in commanding French defenses against the German offensive in May 1940.

Gamet (Wayne Neal) typescript

Relates to American naval operations in European waters, 1918-1920, and activities of Squadron 40-T in European waters, 1939-1940.

Gankin (Olga) writings

Drafts and notes for the book by Olga Gankin, The Bolsheviks and the World War : The Origin of the Third International. Relates to Russian political events and the Russian Army during World War I, Bulgarian political events during World...

Gann-Duignan papers

Drafts and galleys of books by L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan, and related correspondence, photographs, and research materials relating to colonialism in Africa, the history of Northern and Southern Rhodesia (Zambia and Zimbabwe), the Rhodesian administrator Godfrey Huggins, aspects...

Gardinier (David E.) writings

Printed writings, relating to education in the states of Equatorial Africa.

Gardner (John William) miscellaneous papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, and memoranda, relating to urban policy, social policy, and efforts of Common Cause to promote political, economic, and educational reforms in the United States. Photocopy.

Garnier-Lancon (Monique) papers

Correspondence, conference papers, agenda, memoranda, studies, press releases, clippings, serial issues, other printed matter, and audiovisual material, relating to French foreign and cultural relations, European defense policy and collective security, and international anti-communist movements.

Garofali (Ingrid) miscellany

Passport and genealogical booklet, relating to Latvian emigration.

Garrett (Garet) letter

Relates to American foreign policy during World War II. Annotated by Robert A. Millikan, physicist.

Garrett (James J.) collection

Letters, writings, printed matter, photographs, memorabilia, and miscellany, relating to conditions in Germany during and after World War II, control of the border between West Germany and East Germany, and Cold War propaganda in Germany.

Garrity (Devin A.) papers

Correspondence, manuscripts and galleys of books, reviews, printed matter, photographs, and motion picture film relating to publishing activities of the Devin-Adair Company.

Garside (Bettis A.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, and printed matter, relating to mission schools in China, the life of the American missionary Henry W. Luce, communism in China, and post-World War II relief to China and refugees from China.

Gartner (Margarete) writings

Relates to the interwar dispute between Germany and Lithuania over Memel; East Germany under Soviet occupation after World War II; and the Berlin blockade of 1948-1949.

Garvi (Petr Abramovich) writings

Writings, entitled Vospominaniia Sotsialdemokrata, relating to the Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party, 1906-1917; Profesional'nye Soiuzy Rossii v Pervye Gody Revoliutsii; and Rabochaia Kooperatsiia v Pervye Gody Russkoi Revoliutsii, 1917-1921.

Garvin (Glenn) papers

Glenn Garvin covered Latin America for four decades as a journalist for the Washington Times and the Miami Herald. The collection includes Glenn Garvin's working files and notes, news clippings, notebooks containing interview material, photographs, and manuscript drafts, mostly concerning...

Garvy (George) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, personal documents, and photographs relating to the socialist movement in Russia and to the Mensheviks in exile. Includes some papers of Petr Garvi, father of George Garvy, and of Wladimir S. Woytinsky.

Garztecki (Marek) collection

Postage stamps issued by the Polish organization Solidarnosc, and photographs and printed miscellany relating to Solidarnosc.

Gaskill (C.A.) diary

Relates to conditions in Ukraine during the Russian Civil War.

Gasper (Jo Ann) papers

The collection documents the political activities of Jo Ann Gasper from 1977 to 1993. The collection is focused on her time as the editor and publisher of "The Right Woman" newsletter, as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs for...

Gauld (Charles Anderson) papers

Clippings, correspondence, pamphlets, and serial issues, relating to political, social, and economic conditions in Latin America, especially Brazil, to Latin America's role in World War II, to the Castro regime in Cuba, and to problems of birth control, food production,...

Gautier (Gilbert) caricature

Depicts Georges Clemenceau, French premier and war minister during World War I.

Gauze (René) papers

Diary, relating to the 1959 race riots in Brazzaville; and a history, entitled La République du Congo ex-Fran�ais vers son Destin, published in an abridged English translation.

Gavrilovic (Milan) papers

Correspondence, diaries, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Yugoslav politics and government, relations between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia during World War II, the Yugoslav government-in-exile, Draza Mihailovic and the Cetnik resistance movement...

Gavronsky (A. B.) papers

Reports, protocols of meetings, statistics, and photographs, relating to conditions in Vienna immediately after World War II, especially demography, economic conditions and food supply, and to activities of the four-power Inter-Allied Command in administering the city. Includes hand-painted crests autographed...

Gavronsky (J. O.) papers

Passport, certificates of appointment, letters, biographical material, and photographs, relating to foreign relations of the Russian Provisional Government, and to the medical career of J. O. Gavronsky. Includes photographs of Aleksandr Kerensky, caricatures of Kerensky and other members of the...

Gawlikowski (Leszek) interviews

Sound recordings of interviews of former Radio Free Europe Polish Service employees relating to Radio Free Europe broadcasts to Poland. Also includes selected Radio Free Europe broadcast recordings.

Gay (Edwin Francis) papers

Correspondence, diary, reports, memoranda, and writings, relating to American economic mobilization and government control of the economy during World War I, and to activities of the Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics, War Industries Board, War Trade Board, Shipping Board,...

Gay (George I.) papers

Drafts and galleys of the book compiled by G. I. Gay, titled (Stanford, 1929) and correspondence relating to relief activities of the Commission for Relief in Belgium during World War I. Includes three paintings on flour sacks.

Gazeta wyborcza photographs

Depicts scenes of political and social conditions in Poland following the fall of the communist regime. Includes portraits of political leaders, scenes of protest movements, and scenes of religious activities.

GDR Oral History Project Interviews

Sound recordings and transcripts of interviews of East German government and Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands leaders, and East German dissidents, relating to political processes and policymaking in East Germany from 1945 to 1990. Project directed by A. James McAdams, and sponsored...

Ge Ming Dao Shi Sun Zhongshan Xian Sheng video tape

Relates to the Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen.

Geary (John R.) letters

Relates to the Tokyo earthquake in 1923.

Gehlke (Florence) diary

Relates to Hoover family life in the White House.

Geiger (Theodor Julius) memorandum

Relates to reconstruction of the German educational system after World War II.

Gelpke (Alhard) collection

Writings, leaflets, and correspondence relating to activities of anti-Nazi organizations in Switzerland during the 1930s and World War II. Includes samples of anti-Nazi propaganda.

Genecin (Milton) papers

Correspondence, writings, minutes, internal bulletins, other internal party documents, serial issues, and pamphlets, relating to socialist and communist movements in the United States, especially the Socialist Workers Party, and to activities of Trotskyist groups abroad.

Genesis, rise and decline of terrorism in Italy conference papers

Relates to the ideology of the Red Brigades and other terrorist groups in Italy in the 1970s and 1980s, their relationship to the political situation in Italy, and the tactics of terrorist and counter-terrorist operations in Italy. Conference co-sponsored by...

Genis (June R.) papers

Correspondence, press releases, notes, election campaign literature, serial issues, clippings, sound and video recordings, photographs, and memorabilia relating to libertarianism in the United States and to Libertarian electoral campaigns for Congress in California.

Genkin (E.) typescript

Relates to the development of the communist movement in Mongolia. Original report published in , 1924.

George Peabody College for Teachers reports

Relates to a project carried out by the George Peabody College for Teachers in cooperation with the Government of South Korea to provide technical assistance in the training of teachers in South Korea.

George (Rosemary) textbook collection

Cuban elementary and secondary school textbooks, relating to the Cuban political system, and to world affairs.

Georgescu (Horia) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to Romanian diplomacy during World War II, and to postwar Romanian emigre affairs. Includes a few papers of the Romanian diplomat Catalin Vladescu-Olt.

Georgevich (Dragoslav) typescript

Relates to the adherence of Yugoslavia to the Tripartite Pact, and to the coup against the government of Prince Paul in Yugoslavia. Photocopy.

Georgian pictorial collection

Photographs, depicting elections and scenes of political activity in Georgia and especially in Ajaria, and military operations in South Ossetia.

Georgian subject collection

Press releases and clippings, relating to various aspects of Georgian history, especially during the Russian Revolution and in the period leading up to establishment of Georgian independence in 1991.

Georgievich (M.) typescript

Relates to Russian military organization during World War I.

Gerber (Carl R.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, printed matter, and photographs relating to the Atomic Energy Commission's Plowshare Program, which developed proposals for peaceful uses of nuclear explosions, including Project Gasbuggy plans for natural gas release.

Gerbode (Martha) report

Relates to British, Malay, and Chinese public opinion regarding the Malayan independence movement, as revealed by an analysis of British press coverage.

Gerhard (Edward Ashley) diary

Relates to the Japanese conquest of the Philippines, and conditions in Japanese camps for American prisoners of war. Includes photocopy of typed transcript.

Gerhardt (Philipp) collection

Printed matter, letters, notes, bibliography, and photographs, relating to the Soviet economist Nikolai Kondrat'ev and to economic long-cycle theory. Includes printed copies and typed copies of writings by Kondrat'ev; holograph fragments by Kondrat'ev; typed copies of letters from Kondrat'ev to...

Gerlach (Roman T.) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to twentieth-century Polish history, especially during World War II, and to scouting in Poland. Includes a book-length study, "Diamond-Tipped Arrows," relating to resistance activities of Polish boy scouts during World War II.

German American Bund records

Minutes of the Executive Committee, translations of Führer commands, financial records, propaganda, and photographs, relating to activities of the Bund. Collected by Paul Dunne. Photocopy.

German pictorial collection

Photographs, postcards, and slides, depicting various political, military, and naval scenes in Germany, including communist rallies in the 1920s, the Berlin blockade of 1948-1949, and various prominent German personalities, including East German head of state Walter Ulbricht.

German subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, serial issues, election campaign literature, other printed matter, reports, memoranda, letters, depositions, and miscellany, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Germany, primarily since the German Revolution of 1918, and relating especially to the Weimar period, post-World...

German-Soviet treaty protocols

Secret protocols of agreements between the German and Soviet governments relating to delineation of spheres of influence in eastern Europe prior to and following the outbreak of World War II. Photocopy.

Germany. Auswartiges Amt. Archivkommission press release

Announces the publication of as the first volume of a series to be entitled , consisting of documents from captured Allied archives relating to the origins of World War II.

Germany. Auswartiges Amt. Geschaftstelle fur die Friedensverhandlungen memoranda extracts

Relates to negotiations concerning the eastern boundaries of Germany at the Paris Peace Conference. Includes notes made by Alma Luckau.

Germany Deutsche Kongress-Zentrale records

Correspondence, memoranda, pamphlets, conference proceedings, clippings, and newspaper issues, relating to conferences of cultural, scientific, social reform, professional, business, educational, and other organizations.

Germany. Geheime Staatspolizei. Aussendienststelle miscellaneous records

Correspondence, memoranda, and reports, relating to the secret national socialist movement in Polish Silesia.

Germany. Geheime Staatspolizei reports

Relates to agitation activities, particularly anti-militarist activities, of the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands between the two world wars, and to communist anti-Nazi activities in Germany and German-occupied areas in the latter half of 1941.

Germany. Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeistelle Breslau bulletins

Relates to individuals wanted for political offenses, escaped prisoners, and censorship activities in Germany during World War II.

Germany. Grosses Hauptquartier telegrams received

Telegrams from Berlin to German Army Headquarters at Charleville, France, mostly addressed to Captain Schnitzer, reporting political and war news gleaned from the foreign press.

Germany Heer 2 Landsturm-Infanterie-Bataillon Heidelberg 5 Kompanie war journal

Relates to German military activities during World War I. Includes rosters and maps.

Germany. Heer. Armeekorps 9 regulations

Relates to censorship in Hamburg during World War I.

Germany. Heer. Infanterie-Regiment 163 photographs

Depicts officers and men of Infanterie-Regiment 163 of the German army, and scenes of the activity on campaigns in France and Belgium during World War I.

Germany. Heer. Kraftwagen Park 2 war journal

Relates to German military transportation on the Western Front during World War I.

Germany. Heer. Propaganda-Abteilung Italien portfolio

Mounted propaganda leaflets, flyers, broadsides, posters, postcards, and stamps, issued between September 1943 and March 1944, and directed at the Italian civilian population.

Germany. Konsulat (San Francisco) press releases

Relates to the national socialist regime in Germany.

Germany newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Germany newspaper collection (1871-2001) comprises five-hundred and five (505) different titles of publication. Further analyzed title information can be...

Germany. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Fuhrerhauptquartier. Stenographischer Dienst conference transcripts

Stenographic records of conversations of Adolf Hitler, Führer of Germany, with civilian and military aides, relating to German policy during World War II, December 1942-March 1945.

Germany. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht orders

Relates to German plans for attack on Belgium. Captured from a German officer at Mechelen, Belgium, January 10, 1940. Photocopy.

Germany. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Wehrbezirkskommando Berlin V memoranda

Relates to the organization and duties of offices for the registration and conscription of civilians for military service.

Germany. Oberste Heeresleitung records

Intelligence and other reports, leaflets, radio news scripts, clippings, and press releases, relating to political conditions in Russia and the Netherlands, Allied and Bolshevik propaganda, German propaganda, and military positions at the front during World War I.

Germany. Reichsernahrungsministerium memoranda

Relates to German food supply in the period 1924 to 1935.

Germany. Reichskanzlei. Adjutantur des Fuhrers records

Correspondence, memoranda, personnel records, and miscellanea, relating to the German economy, military activities of the Schutzstaffel (SS) Begleitkommando, and miscellaneous administrative matters.

Germany. Reichskanzlei. Fuhrerschutzkommando logbook

Correspondence sent and received by the Führerschutzkommando.

Germany. Reichskommissar beim Prisenhof Hamburg record extracts

Relates to the seizure of Baltic ships on high seas during World War II, and to indemnification questions. Transcripts made by Heinz von Bassi.

Germany. Reichsluftfahrtministerium report

Report and supporting documents, relating to the history of German military aviation, 1919-1927. Prepared by General Wilberg.

Germany. Reichsministerium fur Volksaufklarung und Propaganda miscellaneous records

Political newsletters, radio broadcast transcripts, and letters of radio listeners. Includes an abstract of a speech given before the Berlin Association of Foreign Correspondents on October 14, 1941, and a protocol of the Ministry for Eastern European Affairs regarding its...

Germany. Reichsrat miscellaneous records

Petitions, applications, memorials, proposals, and presentations, submitted by various companies, persons, organizations, and local governments, for deliberation and consideration, December 1928-December 1929.

Germany. Reichsschrifttumskammer publications

(1938), enumerating prohibited authors and books; and (1942), listing approved writers. Photographic copy.

Germany. Reichswirtschaftsministerium memoranda

Relates to foreign currency cash requirements for German industry and to liaison between the Ministry of the Economy and the office of the Deputy to the Führer.

Germany. Sonderbeauftragter fur die personenbezogenen Daten des ehemaligen Staatssicherheitsdienstes typescript

Relates to investigation of the Staatssicherheitsdienst collaborator code-named IM Sekretär, and the possibility of his identification as the German politician Manfred Stolpe. Photocopy.

Germany speaks typescript

Relates to national socialism in Germany. Written by several Nazi leaders, and originally intended for publication in the U.S. under the title Germany Speaks. Includes copy of a foreword by Adolf Hitler.

Germany. Statistisches Reichsamt tables

Relates to changes in the German labor force from May 31, 1939 to May 31, 1940, broken down by industry, sex, and region.

Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) Office of Military Government for Bavaria Kreis Traunstein

The records of American administration of occupied Germany (U.S. Zone), Kreis Traunstein relating to civil administration, including problems of public health and safety, administration of justice, allocation of economic recourses, organization of labor, denazification, and disposition of displaced persons contain...

Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) Office of Military Government miscellaneous records

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, statistics, indexes, laws, proclamations, press releases, and bulletins, relating to American administration of occupied Germany after World War II, and especially to civilian relief, economic conditions, housing, and denazification.

Germany (Territory Under Allied Occupation, 1945-1955) records

The records relate to demilitarization, denazification, democratization, and reconstruction of Germany after World War II. Includes minutes, reports, memoranda, laws, proclamations, press releases, agenda, and bulletins.

Germany. Waffenstillstandskommission 1918-1919. Unterkommission fur die Ruckgabe von Maschinen und Material an Belgien und Frankreich records

Reports, memoranda, and statistics, relating to the German surrender of heavy equipment in compliance with armistice agreements at the end of World War I.

Gershman (Carl) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, minutes, resolutions, and printed matter relating to the U.S. Mission to the U.N., socialist and radical movements in the U.S., and Social Democrats, U.S.A.

Gerth (Edwin P.) papers

Diary and letters, relating to American military activities in France.

Gerua collection

Correspondence, reports, communiques, and printed matter, relating to White Russian military activities in northern Russia during the Russian Revolution, and to White Russian liaison with the British War Office. Consists mainly of records of the White Russian special military mission...

Gesamtverband Deutscher Antikommunistischer Vereinigungen records

Writings, reports, and clippings, relating to the international communist movement and to Jews.

Gesellschaft fur Deutsch-Sowetische Freundschaft. Kreisverband Jena records

Minutes, correspondence, resolutions, announcements, programs, printed matter, and photographs, relating to German-Soviet cultural ties. Includes a holograph memoir by Emil Kühn of his experiences as a German prisoner in Russia during World War I.

Gesellschaft fur kulturellen Austausch mit dem Ausland photographs

Depicts social and economic conditions in East Germany, particularly in the district of Cottbus, and events in the life of Wilhelm Pieck, first president of the German Democratic Republic.

Gessen (B.) typescript

Relates to transportation systems in Russia during the Russian Civil War.

Gessen (I. V.) papers

Reports, letters, and leaflets relating to the White Army in the Russian Civil War. Includes two translations of I. V. Gessen's memoirs, , one entitled , translated into English from the Russian by E. Varneck, and a second entitled ,...

Geszty (Julianna) papers

This collection comprises travel journals, correspondence, and photographic negatives belonging to Hungarian author Julianna Geszty (1904-1993). The materials document her travels throughout Asia and Africa in 1933-1935 and 1943.

Getsinger (Joseph W.) papers

Orders, photographs, maps, clippings, and pamphlets, relating to activities of the 340th Field Artillery Regiment in France during World War I and as a part of the occupation force in Germany in 1919.

Geyer (Georgie A.) papers

Writings, notes, printed matter, and other research material, relating to President Fidel Castro of Cuba; Central America; and citizenship and immigration issues in the United States. Used in preparation of the books by G. A. Geyer, (Boston, 1991), and (New...

Ghana. Central Bureau of Statistics questionnaires

Survey questionnaires of randomly selected households in Ghana, relating to incidence and value of household expenditures for various categories of food items, clothing, transportation, medical care, and other purposes, correlated by household income and rural or urban location. Includes information...

Ghanaian subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, reports, communiqués, serial issues, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Ghana.

Ghiani (Francesco) letters

Francesco Ghiani was an Italian soldier who fought in World War II. The collection contains 195 letters written by Ghiani to his daughter while he was fighting as a Carabinieri with 2nd Infantry Division Sforzesca in Ukraine in 1942-1943.

Ghika (Dimitrie, Principe) typescript

Relates to Romanian foreign relations. Photocopy.

Ghioldi (Americo) papers

The Américo Ghioldi papers in the Hoover Institution Library & Archives document the multifaceted career of a prominent Argentine politician, journalist, and educator. Joining the Partido Socialista at an early age, Ghioldi wrote prolifically for the socialist press, principally for...

Giberga Angulo (Manuel Rafael) papers

Correspondence, speeches, reports, notes, financial and legal records, and printed matter relating to political conditions in Cuba, Cuban political prisoners and emigrants, political and other activities of Hispanic Americans, Republican Party activities (especially during the administration of Richard M. Nixon),...

Gibson (Herbert Daskum) papers

This collection contains orders, correspondence, certificates, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating mainly to American military operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Gibson (Hugh S.) papers

Diaries, writings, correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, photographs, and printed matter relating to American foreign relations, international disarmament, the League of Nations, and relief work in Europe during World Wars I and II. Diaries from 1918 also available on microfilm...

Gieniewski (Czeslaw) papers

Memoirs, letters, personal documents, and photographs, relating to deportation of Poles to the Soviet Union during World War II, Polish military operations on the Western front, especially at the Battle of Monte Cassino, and postwar Polish émigré life in the...

Giesecke (Erna E.) letters

Relates to economic and social conditions in southern Germany.

Gilb (Corinne Lathrop) papers

The collection contains correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, studies, reports, teaching and research materials, and printed matter, relating to political science, interdisciplinary approaches to American and world history, the history of law, urban history, the history of automobile and high...

Gilbert (Elon J.) typescript

Relates to profitability of the Hoover Farm in Kern County, California, owned by Herbert Hoover, and operated by the Poso Land and Products Company.

Gilbert (Felix) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, research material, and conference papers, relating to historiography, and to various aspects of the political, cultural, intellectual, diplomatic and military history of Europe, and especially of Italy and Germany, from the Renaissance to the twentieth...

Gilbert (Horace N.) typescript

This collection contains a typescript about the Russian industrialization program in 1931....

Gilbert (John) collection

Painting, depicting two soldiers on guard on the Eastern front during World War II. Found in German army barracks in 1945.

Gilchrist (Harry L.) papers

Includes biographical material, including correspondence and photographs, relating to the career of U.S. Army surgeon Harry L. Gilchrist.

Gil'dina (Zoia Moiseevna) papers

Correspondence, writings, personal documents, clippings, and photographs relating to Kommunisticheskai͡a partii͡a Sovetskogo Soi͡uza activities.

Gilinsky (Victor) papers

Reports, memoranda, transcripts of hearings and telephone conversations, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to nuclear power plants, mainly in the United States, including issues of domestic and international licensing, fuel cycle and waste management, emergency planning, safety problems, and the...

Gill (Cecil B.) collection

Deeds of sale and certificates relating to the ownership of Likiep and other islands in the Marshall Islands group.

Gill (Charles C.) mimeograph

Relates to experiences of American veterans of the attack on Pearl Harbor who were residing in Claremont, California in 1951.

Gillett (Paula) collection

Autobiographical essays by immigrant and refugee children in California public schools, relating to their lives in their native countries, their journeys to the United States, and their experiences in adjusting to life in the United States and to American schools....

Gilman (G. W.) memoranda

Relates to the organization and equipment of an international radio-telephone communications system in Japan.

Gimbel (John) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, photocopies of government documents, bibliographical materials, and printed matter, relating to the American occupation of Germany after World War II, the Marshall Plan, and postwar German history, politics, science and technology.

Ginn (H. Lucas) letters received

Letters from pen pals in the Soviet Union, relating to social conditions and youth culture in the Soviet Union.

Ginzburg (Aleksandr Il'ich) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, identification documents, photographs, sound recordings, video tape, and memorabilia relating to civil liberties and dissent in the Soviet Union, and to Russian émigré affairs.

Giraud (Henri Honore) report

Relates to causes of the French military defeat in 1940. Report to Philippe Pétain, chief of state of France.

Girs (Mikhail N.) papers

Correspondence, studies, reports, telegrams, memoranda, statistics, charts, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to White Russian diplomatic, political, and military activities during the Russian Revolution, Russian émigré activities, and conditions in Russia during and after the Revolution.

Giscard d'Estaing (Valery) speeches and writings

Transcripts of speeches, election statements, and transcripts of press conferences and interviews, relating to the 1974 presidential election in France, and to subsequent French governmental domestic and foreign policy.

Gitlow (Benjamin) papers

Writings, correspondence, minutes of meetings, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to communism and socialism in the United States and Europe.

Giurescu (Constantin C.) mimeograph

Volume II of the book by C. C. Giurescu, entitled Istoria Romanilor, originally published in 1937, and relating to the medieval period of Romanian history.

Gladilin (Anatolii) papers

Anatoliĭ Gladilin (1935-2018) was a Soviet writer who emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1976. The collection includes correspondence, speeches and writings, photographs, and other materials documenting Gladilin's life and career.

Gladkii-Gladchenko (Ivan Tikhonovich) papers

Writings and clippings relating to Russian literature and émigré affairs. Includes memoirs and poems.

Gladnick (Robert) memoirs

Relates to activities of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain during the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1937.

Gladun (Leon) - Janina Sulkowska papers

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, genealogical and biographical material, printed matter, and sound recordings, relating to Polish prisoners in the Soviet Union during World War II, and to postwar Polish émigré affairs. Includes papers of Janina Sulkowska, wife of Leon Gladun.

Glanc (Tomas) collection

Clandestine circulated writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to political developments and the state of civil liberties in Czechoslovakia, the Soviet invasion of 1968, and the Charta 77 movement.

Glaser (Kurt) collection

Bulletins, press releases, and correspondence relating to Allied military governmental structure in Germany after World War II, governmental structure in Switzerland, the Common Market, Sudeten Germans, and the views of Senator William E. Jenner on American foreign policy.

Glaser (Michael) papers

Correspondence and writings, relating mainly to World War II Polish diplomacy, prospects for Jewish emigration from Poland and creation of a Jewish state before the war, and postwar displaced person problems.

Glass (C. Frank) papers

Correspondence, writings, police reports, personal documents, printed matter, photographs, and postcards, relating to Trotskyism in South Africa, China and the United States. Includes many letters by Rayna Prohme, American revolutionary journalist in China and sister-in-law of Glass.

Glassford (William Alexander) mimeograph

Relates to tactics of the naval battle of Jutland, 1916.

Glazer (Michal) memoranda

Relates to the international conditions of Jews, especially in Poland, to prospects for creation of a Jewish state, and to the effects of British and American policy on those prospects.

Glickman (Harvey) papers

Notes, questionnaires, pamphlets, speeches, reports, press releases, statutes, directories, budgets, newspaper issues, and other printed matter, relating to the Tanganyika African National Union, and to political conditions in Tanzania.

Glink (Ermil, pseud.) papers

Writings and correspondence, relating to political conditions in the Soviet Union and to anti-communist movements in the United States.

Global Thinking Project collection

Reports and curricular materials relating to American-Russian educational exchanges, and promotion of international education on environmental issues. Project directed by Jack Hassard and Julie Weissberg.

Globus Publishers records

Memoirs, studies, correspondence, printed matter, financial records, personal documents, and audiovisual material relating to various aspects of Russian history, especially military history, the Russian Civil War, operations of the Russkaia osvoboditel'naia armiia during World War II, and Russian émigré affairs.

Glotzer (Albert) papers

Correspondence, writings, minutes, audio cassette recordings of interviews, internal bulletins and other internal party documents, legal documents, and printed matter relating to Leon Trotsky. Collection materials relate to the development of American Trotskyism from 1928 until the split in the...

Glowny Komitet Pamieci Ofiar Stalinizmu w Polsce records

Memoirs, bulletins, and other printed matter, relating to political persecution in Poland during the period from 1939 to 1953. Consists primarily of memoirs submitted in response to a competition sponsored by the committee.

Glowny Urzad Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Wodowisk w Warszawie issuances

Regulations, instructions, and reports, relating to guidelines for media censorship in Poland. Includes English translation. Published in Polish as Czarna Księga Cenzury PRL (London, 1977-1978) and in translation as The Black Book of Polish Censorship (New York, 1984). Photocopy.

Gluchowski (Krzysztof) interviews

Video tapes and transcripts of interviews of Polish intellectuals, relating to intellectual life and cultural conditions in Poland. Portions of the interviews were broadcast on Polish television, and portions were published in Rozmowy na koniec wieku (Kraków, 1997-2001).

Gniessen (Vladimir F.) typescript

Relates to Russian military activities during World War I, and White Russian military activities, especially in Turkestan, during the Russian Civil War.

Godard (Yves Jean A. N.) papers

Correspondence, messages, reports, dossiers, maps, photographs, clippings, and speeches and writings relating to military and resistance operations during World War II, military operations during the Indochinese War, and military, police, and terrorist activities during the Algerian independence struggle. Includes records...

Godson (Roy) typescript

Relates to the Communist parties of Western Europe. Photocopy.

Goebbels (Joseph) papers

Diaries, correspondence, academic and fictional writings, school notebooks, personal documents, memoranda and expense accounts, and sound recording of a speech relating to the early life of Joseph Goebbels, and to activities of the Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei and of the German...

Goeckel (Robert F.) typescript

Relates to state policy toward religion in East Germany in the 1960s.

Goehring (Victor) processed volume

Relates to American military operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II, and especially to the invasion of Okinawa.

Goerdeler (Karl Friedrich) miscellaneous papers

Writings and reports, relating to political and economic conditions in Belgium, Canada, Great Britain, France, and the United States as observed on his trip of 1937-1938, to his participation in the July 20, 1944, assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler, and...

Goforth (Paul) papers

Memoranda, notes, translations, printed matter, and photographs relating to the Manchurian incident of 1931 and to missionary activity in Manchuria.

Goguen (Raymond J.) miscellaneous papers

Regimental history written by Goguen and medals relating to activities of the 329th Infantry Regiment in France and Germany from 1944 to 1945.

Gold (G. Leonard) collection

Photographs, pamphlets, and miscellany, relating to World War I and the American Expeditionary Forces in France.

Goldberg (Benedict Stoll) papers

Photographs, postcards, and printed matter, relating to United States Marine Corps operations in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Goldberg (Harry) photographs

Photograph albums and slides, depicting delegates and scenes at international trade union conferences, especially in Asia; buildings and street scenes in Asia and Europe; and family and friends.

Golden (Nathan Daniel) papers

Correspondence, autobiographical data, personal documents, and photographs relating mainly to the motion picture industry.

Golder (Frank A.) papers

Correspondence, writings, diaries, memoranda, transcripts of documents from Russian archives, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Russian American Company in Alaska, conditions in Russia during the Russian Revolution and Civil...

Goldhammer (Keith) papers

Speeches and writings, reports, notes, letters, printed matter, and sound recordings, relating to education in the United States.

Goldman (Jack) medal collection

Approximately 520 medals, from 121 countries. Digital copies of select records also available at

Goldsmith (Alan Gustavus) letters

Relates to the work of the Committee of Experts of the Reparations Commission in formulating the Dawes Plan.

Goldwin (Robert A.) papers

Letters, memoranda, and speeches, relating to national domestic and foreign policy during the administration of President Gerald R. Ford, and especially to relations between the academic community and the administration.

Golitsyn family papers

The papers consist of memoirs, writings, correspondence, identification documents, and certificates, relating to conditions in Russia prior to, during and after the Russian Revolution, and to Russian émigré life in Harbin, China, France, and the United States. Includes material relating...

Golovan (Sergei A.) papers

Correspondence, military orders, communiqués, and clippings, relating to the Russian Civil War, and White Russian military relations with Switzerland.

Golovin (Nikolai N.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, and printed matter relating to Russian military activities during World War I, the Russian Civil War, and the Sino-Japanese War.

Golovkova (L. A.) papers

Sound recordings of an interview, and printed matter, relating to mass executions in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, and to Russian public opinion regarding them in the post-Soviet era. Interview conducted by Tatiana Zhilkina.

Golubev history

Relates to White Russian military activities in Mongolia during the Russian Civil War, and particularly to Baron Roman Ungern-Shternberg. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Gomez Gorkin (Julian) typescript

Play, relating to conditions in tsarist Russia during the early twentieth century.

Gomulka (Wladyslaw) miscellaneous papers

Photocopy of memoirs; original letters and notes; police interrogation files; interview transcripts of associates of Gomułka; and photographs; relating to communism in Poland and political conditions in Poland.

Gontarz (Ryszard) collection

Photocopies of Polish government and communist party documents, minutes, bulletins, reports, circulated material, and printed matter, relating to political conditions and secret service activities in Poland during the communist era.

Gonzalez (Servando) writings

Relates to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, and to Cuban-Soviet relations during the period 1959-1962. Photocopy.

Good (Albert Irwin) papers

Memoir, entitled , relating to missionary activity in the 1920s, and printed matter, relating to missionary activity in Africa, 1890-1908.

Good (James W.) speeches

Relates to the history and activities of the War Department, American waterways, the Republican Party, and Anthony Wayne, American Revolutionary leader.

Goodfellow (Millard P.) papers

Correspondence, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Office of Strategic Services operations in North Africa and the Far East during World War II, and to postwar reconstruction in Korea. Digital copies of select records also available at

Goodman (Allan E.) papers

Writings, reports, correspondence, clippings, notes, interviews, and printed matter relating to the Vietnam War, the Paris peace talks of 1968-1973, elections in South Vietnam from 1967 to 1971, the South Vietnamese legislature, migration to Saigon, urbanization and political and demographic...

Goodner (Maurice M.) papers

Notes, précis, and manuals, mostly issued by the Allied Control Commission School (Air), relating to German history, politics, and military and aerial organization, and to the prospective Allied occupation of Germany.

Goodrich (Pierre F.) papers

Correspondence, agenda, conference materials, memoranda, speeches, printed matter, and photographs related to activities of the Mont Pelerin Society, the nature of liberty, and laissez-faire economic theory.

Goodwin (Hugh H.) miscellaneous papers

Citations, letters of commendation, published writings, and printed matter, relating to naval aviation and the career of H. H. Goodwin.

Goodyear (Anson C.) papers

Correspondence, diary, speeches and writings, memoranda, reports, maps, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to coal production and distribution in Silesia, Bohemia, Galicia, and Serbia, political and economic conditions in Poland, and the partition of Silesia.

Gopshtein (E. E.) papers

Diaries, and historical, biographical and bibliographical writings, relating to the history of the Crimea, especially during the period from the Russian Revolution to the 1950s; the history of publishing in the Crimea during this period; notable persons of the Crimea,...

Gorbachev (Mikhail Sergeevich) typescript

Transcript of conversations with the Czech political leader Zdenek Mlynár, relating to political reform in the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. Published in Czech as Reformátori Nebývají Stastni (Prague, 1995). Photocopy.

Gorchakov (G. N.) writings

Memoirs, essay, and letters, relating to conditions in prison camps in the Soviet Union. Photocopy.

Gordeeff (Woldemar) typescript

Relates to conditions in Germany during World War II.

Gordon (Charles George) letters

Extracts from letters, relating to British administration of Equatoria.

Gordon (Michael) collection

Propaganda leaflets issued by various countries during World War II and various other military conflicts.

Goring (Hermann) interrogation transcript

Also includes reports, correspondence, photographs, and miscellanea, relating to H. Göring, 1914-1946, and a United States Office of Strategic Services report on art looting by H. Göring, 1945.

Gorky (Maksim) appeal

Relates to the need for foreign relief to aid Russian intellectuals. Includes four essays by Soviet scholars, relating to the literary, political, and humanitarian ideas of M. Gorky.

Gorst (Eldon, Sir) papers

Diaries, autobiographical notes, appointment book, and clippings, relating to British administration of Egypt, 1886-1911. Photocopy.

Gorton (Willard L.) papers

Correspondence, reports, clippings, and photographs, relating to reclamation and irrigation projects in Turkestan.

Gosudarstvennyi bank SSSR issuances

Statements, reports, and monthly economic surveys, relating to banking and general economic conditions in the Soviet Union.

Gotfryd (Bernard) papers

The Bernard Gotfryd papers reflect Gotfryd's status as both an author of true stories about the Holocaust and a professional photographer. The papers consist of clippings, correspondence, and numerous photographs and include hundreds of letters of appreciation from students and...

Gotlieb (Allan Ezra) speeches

Relates to various aspects of relations between Canada and the United States. Includes a few speeches by Peter M. Towe, Canadian ambassador to the United States, 1977-1981.

Gottesman (Leslie) papers

Correspondence, writings, pamphlets, bulletins, serial issues, other printed matter, audio and video recordings and transcripts of interviews, and slides relating to the history of Eritrea, including its political and social conditions as well as education. Used in part as research...

Gould (Randall C.) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, and photographs relating to political and military events in the Far East, especially in China during the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945. Includes photographs of the Japanese bombing of Shanghai in 1937.

Goure (Leon) papers

Speeches and writings, reports, studies, conference materials, printed matter, and slides, relating to Soviet defenses and military policy, especially civil defense measures, and to nuclear warfare strategy.

Governor and the Students videotape series

Videotape cassettes and selected transcripts of broadcasts of a televised series of question-and-answer sessions with high school students conducted by Ronald Reagan as governor of California relating to California state political issues. Produced by JRH and Associates, Inc.

Grabe (Kurt) collection

Autobiographical accounts, letters, and discharge certificates, of various East German prisoners, relating to their arrests and imprisonment. Includes some printed matter. Photocopy.

Grady (Henry F. (Henry Francis)) typescript

Relates to American pre-World War II foreign trade and tariff policy, Allied military government in Italy during World War II, and postwar American foreign relations with India, Greece and Iran.

Graf family papers

Garal'd Karlovich Graf was a Russian naval officer. In 1921 he became the head of the Chancery of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich and was arrested by the Germans in 1941, before settling in Pennsylvania in 1950. The Graf family papers...

Graham (Malbone W.) papers

The Malbone Graham papers largely consist of diplomatic correspondence, reports, and summaries of conversations that Graham had with leading personalities in Eastern Europe and academic specialists in the West. The materials reflect Graham's interest in the political order that emerged...

Gramotin (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich) report

Relates to activities of the Russian Imperial family during the Russian Revolution. Photocopy.

Gramsci raccontato : testimonianze raccolte da Cesare Bermani, Gianni Bosio e Mimma Paulescu Quercioli printed material

Relates to the Italian communist theoretician Antonio Gramsci. Includes accompanying phonotape cassette.

Granada Television program transcripts

Dramatizes major economic decisions of the British government and of the European Economic Community, 1975-1980. Includes press releases and clippings relating to the programs.

Grani articles submitted for publication

The collection contains novels, poems, and articles submitted for publication in literary, cultural, and political magazine Grani.

Granoff (Jack Jacob) interview

Digital sound recording and transcript of interview relating to experiences in Russia and immigration to the United States. Also includes digital sound recording and transcript of interview of Jeanne Granoff Grant, sister of Jack Jacob Granoff.

Grant (Donald) writings

Notes, diary entries, letter extracts, and a pamphlet, relating to social conditions and relief work in Russia and Eastern and Central Europe, 1920-1922, and to the economic and social policy of the socialist municipal government in Vienna, 1919-1934.

Grant (George William Patrick) memoir

Air Commodore George William Patrick Grant, British Royal Air Force officer during World War II. The memoirs offer an account of how intelligence was gathered in wartime Britain, how it informed decision-making and policy-making, and how military and political leaders,...

Grant (Steven A.) papers

Correspondence, reports, studies, polling data, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to public opinion in the Soviet Union and former Soviet Union. Includes some material on humor in the Soviet Union.

Grattan (Clinton Hartley) report

Relates to conditions in Australia and New Zealand during World War II.

Graves (William S.) papers

Correspondence, reports, monographs, and photographs, relating to the Allied intervention in Siberia, 1918-1919. A table of contents listing each document begins each folder.

Gray (Edward Rutherford) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, statistics, and printed matter, relating to finances of federal, state, and local governments in the United States, and to post-World War II economic reconstruction in Europe.

Gray (Edwin John) speeches and writings

Speeches, Congressional testimony, statements, and letters, relating to activities of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation in regulating savings and loan and similar institutions in the United States.

Gray (H. L.) typescript

Relates to political and economic conditions in Dalmatia, the history of Dalmatia, and conflicting Italian and Slavic claims to the area.

Gray (Marilyn) motion picture film script

Relates to a fictitious Sino-American war.

Grayson (Walter A.) papers

Military intelligence studies, photographs, clippings, and memorabilia, relating to activities of the 27th Infantry Regiment in Siberia, 1918-1920.

Great Britain. Director of Propaganda in Enemy Countries leaflets

British propaganda leaflets, prepared for distribution behind German lines during World War I.

Great Britain. Foreign Office mimeograph

Relates to the British war effort, 1914-1916, including statistics, a summary of British war activities, and statements of British war aims.

Great Britain. Foreign Office. Research Department intelligence summaries

Relates to world political events during World War II.

Great Britain. Foreign Office. Wellington House publications

Books, pamphlets, and miscellany, relating to World War I and British participation in it. Card file drawers at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives describe this collection.

Great Britain. Ministry of Home Security issuances

Diagrams of incendiary bombs, and motion picture films illustrating how to safely dig through bomb debris to rescue survivors, prepared for the civil defense use during World War II.

Great Britain. Ministry of Information propaganda

Pamphlets, posters, serial issues, press releases, photographs, and postcards, distributed during World War II.

Great Britain. Navy. Grand Fleet radio message transcripts

Messages exchanged between the British Grand Fleet and the German High Seas Fleet prior to the surrender of the High Seas Fleet, November 12-29, 1918. Includes photographs of the German ships and miscellaneous newsletters from the U.S.S. Arkansas, which intercepted...

Great Britain newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Great Britain newspaper collection (1856-2001) comprises ninety-seven different titles of publication in English, Estonian, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, German, French,...

Great Britain. Special Operations Executive miscellaneous records

Dispatches, memoranda, reports, and letters, relating to analysis of the political situation in Yugoslavia prior to the coup of 1941, British involvement in the coup, assessment of Partisan and Četnik resistance forces in Yugoslavia, and formulation of British policy in...

Great Britain. War Office. Intelligence Division index

Indexes information summaries by the British War Office Intelligence Division.

Great war : Britain's efforts and ideals printed material

Series of lithographic prints representing British war objectives, military activities, and efforts on the home front during World War I.

Greaves (Percy L.) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, testimony, interview transcripts, reports, and printed matter, relating to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and to laissez-faire economics.

Greece. Hypourgeion Anoikodomeseos charts

Illustrates economic losses suffered by Greece during World War II. Includes handwritten annotations and a typewritten synopsis.

Greece newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Greece newspaper collection (1912-2001) comprises forty-nine different titles of publication, in Greek, German, English, French, and Italian. All titles...

Greek subject collection

The collection consists of correspondence, reports, notes, pamphlets, leaflets, newsletters, and other printed matter, relating to miscellaneous aspects of twentieth-century Greek history, and especially to relief aid to Greece after World War II, the Greek civil war, and the military...

Green (Joseph C.) papers

Diary, correspondence, writings, reports, pamphlets, clippings, maps, and printed matter, relating to the Commission for Relief in Belgium, American Relief Administration activities in Romania and Transcaucasia, and the Herbert Hoover-for-President campaign in 1920.

Green (Marshall) papers

The Marshall Green papers consist of speeches and writings, correspondence, dispatches, memoranda, reports, studies, and printed matter relating to American foreign policy in East Asia, especially with regard to China, Korea, and Japan; American foreign relations with Indonesia and Australia;...

Green Party of California records

Platforms, minutes, meeting materials, reports, memoranda, correspondence, bulletins, newsletters, election campaign materials, legal and financial records, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to political conditions and environmental issues in California. Includes material on other Green organizations at the local, state,...

Green (Stephen) collection

This collection includes reports, memoranda, dispatches, microfilm, and printed matter, relating to relations between the United States and Israel since 1948, and information regarding Israeli relations with other nations. Among these documents include materials directly related to the Israeli naval...

Green (William J.) papers

Correspondence, speeches, reports, memoranda, minutes, newsletters, and printed matter relating to United States Farm Security Administration aid to tenant farmers, and to agricultural assistance to Guam, China, Peru, Burma, Bolivia, and Taiwan.

Greene (Felix) films

Includes film, slides, and a sound recording created by journalist Felix Greene on the subjects of Tibet, China, and North Vietnam.

Greening (Thomas C.) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, conference materials, and printed matter relating to the peace movement, personal dimensions of Soviet-American relations, and psychological aspects of international relations.

Greenspan (Bud) December 7, 1941 sound recording

Speeches, radio addresses, and radio news broadcasts, 1940-1945, relating to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the events leading up to it, and its aftermath. Includes facsimiles of pages from the New York Times, December 6-9, 1941.

Gregg (Charles F.) diaries

Relates to conditions in internment camps for enemy civilians in Japan during World War II. Includes some later recollections of C. F. Gregg. Also includes several issues of English language newspapers published in Japan during World War II.

Gregor (Tibor) papers

Memoirs, bulletins, serial issues, pamphlets, and programs, relating to conditions in Czechoslovakia during World War II and to Czech refugees in Great Britain during the war.

Gregory (Bion Samuel) papers

Correspondence, business records, printed matter, photographs, and maps, relating to American business investment in Mexico.

Gregory (Paul R.) interviews

Interviews of Soviet government officials, economists and engineers, relating to the economy of the Soviet Union. Photocopy. Soviet government documents, relating to political repression and party purges in the Soviet Union. Digital copies. Also includes Russian-English dictionary owned by Lee...

Gregory (Thomas T.C.) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to the work of the American Relief Administration in Central Europe, the fall of the 1919 Bela Kun communist regime in Hungary, and the 1928 Presidential campaign of Herbert Hoover.

Gregory (Warren) miscellany

Certificates, currency, lacework, memorabilia, drawings, and photographs, relating to relief activities of the Commission for Relief in Belgium during World War I.

Grenada miscellaneous records

Protocols of international agreements, resolutions, reports, letters, and minutes of meetings of the Central Committee and Political Bureau of New Jewel Movement, relating to political and economic conditions in Grenada, Grenadan foreign relations, and foreign assistance to Grenada. Documents captured...

Grenfell (David) reports

Relates to relief work among Angolan refugees in the Congo. Later reports by Frederick James Grenfell.

Grenfell (Elton Watters) papers

Correspondence, orders, drafts of speeches, and photographs, relating to American submarine operations during World War II and in the postwar period.

Grenfell (Francis Wallace Grenfell, Baron) typescript

Typed transcripts of letters, 1863-1897, relating to the Kaffir Wars and Zulu War in South Africa, and to the revolt of the Mahdi in the Sudan. Annotated by Lord Grenfell. Includes subsequent related correspondence.

Gresham (Harold Dean) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, reports, studies, statistics, and printed matter, relating to American foreign trade policy, and to public finance and trade in Paraguay, Iran and Afghanistan.

Grewe (Wilhelm Georg) mimeograph

Relates to the role of Christians in post-World War II reconstruction, especially in Germany.

Grey (Ben) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, writings, clippings, printed matter, photographs, and motion picture film, relating to miscellaneous aspects of American politics and foreign relations with Latin American, especially Haiti.

Grey (Tom) papers

Correspondence, reports, studies, memoranda, notes, newsletters, and printed matter, relating to economic conditions and economic policy formulation in Slovakia, especially in the areas of privatization and of efforts to secure foreign investment and foreign aid. Includes correspondence with Ján Carnogurský.

Gribanov (Alexander) papers

Alexander Gribanov (Aleksandr Borisovich Gribanov); Soviet-era dissident activist. The Alexander Gribanov papers (1960s-2010s) includes correspondence and interviews with fellow Soviet dissidents documenting their activities, primarily as they relate to the Chronicle of Current Events.

Griffin (Robert A.) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, speeches and writings, photographs, and printed matter, relating to American technical and economic assistance missions to China and Southeast Asia.

Griffiths (Daniel Edward) papers

The Daniel Edward Griffiths papers contain materials relating to the theory and practice of education in the United States over a period of four decades. Griffiths served for many years as Dean of the School of Education at New York...

Grimm (D. D.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, press reports, printed and other material, relating to the Russian emigre community in Finland and other parts of Europe, and to the Russian Civil War.

Grin (J.) holograph

Relates to the Austrian pacifist Bertha von Suttner.

Grivnina (Irina) papers

Correspondence, memoirs, other writings, printed matter, photographs, visual materials, and sound and video recordings relating to civil liberties in the Soviet Union, and especially to misuse of psychiatry for political repression in the Soviet Union.

Grizzard (James Carr) papers

Correspondence and miscellany, relating to the post-World War II occupation of Italy. Includes typewritten account by Stephen F. O. Mavis.

Grocholski (Ksawery) papers

Police files, trial transcript, clippings and photographs relating to the trial and execution of Ksawery Grocholski in Poland for anti-communist activities. Photocopy.

Groeling-Che (Hui-wen von) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, meeting materials, and printed matter relating to the Chinese community in Europe, especially in Germany, and to women in China.

Groenen (Jan-Henry) papers

Questionnaires, studies, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to Polish perceptions of American politics, and to political conditions in Poland.

Grommon (Alfred H.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, conference papers, bulletins, instructional materials, and printed matter, relating to various aspects of education in the United States, especially the training of English teachers.

Gronskii (Pavel Pavlovich) typescript

Relates to the political structure of Russia during World War I and the period of the 1917 Provisional Government.

Grose (Ada Morse) papers

Typescript, correspondence, reports, passports, news clippings, handwritten notes, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to the peace movement during World War I.

Grosjean (Paul) clipping collection

Clippings from Belgian newspapers relating to the activities of King Léopold III of Belgium during World War II and to the future of the Belgian monarchy.

Gross (Richard E.) papers

Writings, correspondence, reports, minutes, curricular material, notes, and printed matter, relating to the teaching of social studies.

Grossman (Kurt R.) papers

Writings, correspondence, clippings, and serial issues, relating to Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany, postwar German and Austrian restitution payments to Jewish war victims, German-Israeli relations, the conditions of Jews throughout the world, and civil liberties in the United States and...

Grossman (Victor) collection

Programs, bulletins, pamphlets, serial issues, leaflets, and flyers, relating to international film festivals and folk music festivals in East Germany, and to cultural and political conditions in East Germany and post-reunification Germany.

Groten (Arthur H.) war stamps

War stamps of the principal belligerent countries, relating to World War I, and to American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee relief to Russian refugees following World War II. Includes related catalogs.

Grothe (John Peter) collection

Soviet propaganda posters and other printed matter, relating to Soviet propaganda.

Group of English Speaking Communists leaflet

Bolshevik propaganda leaflet distributed to American and British soldiers in Russia.

Grove (Leon) memoir

Relates to conditions in the Philippines under Japanese occupation during World War II. Photocopy.

Growth of Regulation Conference proceedings

Sound recordings of addresses and discussion relating to government regulation of economic activity in the United States.

Grubbs (Frank Leslie) collection

Microfilm copies of correspondence, minutes, and printed matter, from various sources, relating to activities of the American Alliance for Labor and Democracy and the People's Council of America in competing for labor support on the question of American participation in...

Grubbs (Thomas W.) letters

Relates to conditions at the Tule Lake Japanese relocation center, Newell, California, 1945, and to social conditions and the progress of Christianity in Japan, 1948-1949.

Gruber (William Rudolph) papers

The papers of William Rudolph Gruber, U.S. Army brigadier general, consist of correspondence, orders, reports, memoranda, writings, certificates, printed matter, maps, and photographs relating to American military administration of the Panama Canal and American military operations in France during World...

Gruenwald (Oskar) papers

Correspondence, writings, conference materials, and printed matter, relating to communism and philosophy, especially in Yugoslavia.

Gruner (William P.) report

Relates to information display requirements for tactical military operations. Prepared by the Space Systems Division of the Lockheed Missiles and Space Company.

Grunfeld (Judith) papers

Writings and correspondence, relating to the Soviet economy, and especially to the role of women in the Soviet labor force from 1917 to World War II; the role of women in the Soviet armed forces during World War II; and...

Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo issuances

Bulletins, press releases, memoranda, letters, and lists of assassinated or abducted individuals, relating to human rights violations in Guatemala, and to the fate of missing persons. Photocopy.

Grushin (Boris A.) papers

Public opinion poll data, analyses, and reports, relating to Soviet public opinion, including public opinion of Soviet youth, regarding social conditions, social problems, urban issues, leisure, work, and values. Polls conducted for the newspaper and for Soviet research institutions.

Gu (Mingyuan) typescript

Includes version in Chinese. Photocopy.

Guangzhou leaflet

Relates to the Canton government's assumption of power.

Guatapara Japanese settlement collection

The Cotia colony in Brazil was founded in 1962 through a collaboration between Japanese and Brazilian agricultural organizations. The collection is composed of computer print-outs of diaries, printed matter, and other assorted papers.

Guatemalan subject collection

Reports, campaign material, pamphlets, and other printed matter, relating to political conditions, elections, and civil rights in Guatemala.

Guba (Mikhail Vasil'evich) papers

Includes Mikhail Vasil'evich Guba's service records and memoirs....

Gubarev (P. D.) typescript

Relates to the Russian Civil War in the Tersk area.

Gudelis (Petras) typescript

Relates to anti-Bolshevik partisans in Joniskelis County, Lithuania, 1918-1919. Published as Joniskelio Apskrities Partizanai, vol. I (Rome, 1975). Includes correspondence between P. Gudelis and Zibuntas Miksys, and between Miksys and others, 1972-1975, relating to publication of the work.

Guerard (Albert L.) papers

Radio transcripts, memoranda, reports, correspondence, and pamphlets, relating to broadcasts of the French section of the Office of War Information during World War II, and to the activities of the Committee to Frame a World Constitution.

Guerre d'Algerie sound recording

Speeches and radio addresses, 1954-1962, relating to the Algerian War, its repercussions in France, the fall of the Fourth Republic and rise of the Fifth, the attempted military coup of 1961, and the Organisation Armée secrète

Guerth (Karel) memoranda

Relates to plans for organization of an information ministry and intelligence service in Czechoslovakia after World War II.

Gugenheim (Alice Aron) papers

Diary notes, annoted sketches, postcards, photographs, clippings, memorabilia, and a biographical sketch, relating to the Commission for Relief in Belgium.

Guillard (Joanny) typescript

Relates to agriculture in Cameroon. Photocopy.

Guinea-Bissau subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, reports, communiques, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to revolutionary movements in Guinea-Bissau, especially the Partido Africano da Independ^encia da Guine e Cabo Verde, and to post-independence political, social and economic conditions.

Guinean subject collection

Pamphlets, bulletins, serial issues, reports, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Guinea.

Guins (George Constantine) papers

George C. Guins is best known to historians as the administrative secretary (upravliaiushchii delami) of the Siberian (later All-Russian) anti-Bolshevik government at Omsk. The George George Constantine Guins papers (1917-1971) consist of correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, reports, declarations, and...

Gulyga (Ivan Emel'ianovich) holograph

Includes a biography of I. E. Gulyga by Karaushin.

Gumensky (Catherine A.) papers

Correspondence, writings, financial records, clippings, and photographs, relating mainly to Russian émigré and family affairs.

Gunn (Rex B.) typescript

Relates to the 1949 treason trial in the United States of Iva Toguri, accused of making 'Tokyo Rose' propaganda broadcasts from Japan during World War II.

Gunn (Selksar M.) mimeograph

Relates to educational, scientific, technical, and cultural assistance activities of the Rockefeller Foundation in China and to proposals for future activities.

Gunther (Thomas) papers

Writings, artwork, catalogs, printed matter, and miscellany, relating to culture and art in East Germany and reunified Germany.

Gunther (Wilhelmina) miscellany

Two photographs of Wilhelmina Gunther, inkwell used by her, and naval ribbon from the Russo-Japanese War.

Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan collection

Replicas of Chinese art objects housed in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.

Gurko (Vladimir Iosifovich) typescript

Relates to the reign of Nicholas II. Translation published (Stanford, 1939). Russian manuscript includes two chapters omitted from published translation.

Gurley (Joseph E.) papers

Reports, memoranda, and telegrams, relating to United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration aid to Yugoslavia.

Gurvich (A. M.) writings

Study, written under the pseudonym F. Kh. Gamov, and newspaper articles, relating to the philosophy of history and to the history of the Soviet Union. Photocopy.

Gusev-Orenburgskii (S. I.) letters

Relates to Russian literature and personal matters.

Guthrie (Evelyn Stuart) Williams papers

Memoirs, correspondence, citations, clippings, and photographs, relating to the naval career of H. A. Guthrie, shore life of Navy wives, conditions in Germany in the 1930's, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and Red Cross work in Hawaii during World War...

Guthrie (Robert R.) photographs

Depicts American soldiers in Hawaii.

Gutierrez G. (Jaime) miscellaneous papers

Letters, memoranda, notes, and printed matter, relating to President José Figueres Ferrer of Costa Rica, aspects of Costa Rican politics and Costa Rican relations with the United States, and Haitian émigré opposition to President François Duvalier of Haiti. Photocopy.

Guttmann (Ketty) typescript

Relates to the disillusionment of K. Guttmann with Soviet rule in Russia.

Guyana newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Guyana newspaper collection (1976-2000) comprises three different English-language titles of publication. All of the titles within this collection have...

Gyallay-Pap (Zsigmond) papers

Correspondence, dispatches, radio broadcast scripts, personal documents, memoranda, and photographs, relating to Hungary during World War II, postwar Hungarian émigré affairs, and radio broacasting to Hungary.