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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
Phone: (650) 723-3563
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Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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East European Constitutionalism Teacher-Training Project records

Reports, correspondence, memoranda, studies, curricular material, and printed matter, relating to the training of teachers in constitutional history in Eastern Europe. Project sponsored by the American Council of Learned Societies.

East West Trade Associates records

Correspondence, promotional material, other printed matter, photographs, video tapes, and phonorecords, relating to exchange of American and Soviet jazz performers, and marketing of Soviet jazz in the United States.

Easterbrook (Ernest Fred) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, orders, reports, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia relating to American military operations in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II, military operations during the Korean War, American military assistance to Thailand, and American army aviation. Includes...

Eastern European Oral History Project interviews

Sound recordings of interviews of Polish, Romanian, and other Eastern European political leaders, writers and others, and Western experts on Eastern Europe, relating to political conditions in Poland, Romania and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Includes selected transcripts of interviews and...

Eastman (Joseph Houston) papers

Diary, clippings, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to the American ambulance service and American aerial operations in France during World War I.

Ebrahim (Ahmed Moosa) papers

Writings, judicial decisions, sound recordings of interviews, and printed matter relating to the judicial system of Zimbabwe.

Echeverría Martínez (Rodolfo) collection

Reports, correspondence, minutes, conference proceedings, resolutions, speeches, pamphlets, discussion bulletins, newsletters, and printed matter, relating to activities of the Partido Comunista Mexicano from its formation in 1919 until its merger with other parties in 1981, including electoral, trade union, student...

Eckart (Dietrich) printed material

Relates to economic conditions in Germany.

Eckert (Jerry) papers

Reports and studies, relating to American, Canadian and international agricultural development assistance programs in Lesotho.

Eckhardt (Tibor) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, memoranda, clippings and other printed matter relating to twentieth-century Hungarian politics, anti-communist movements in the United States, and Hungarian émigré politics.

Eckhardt (William) writings

Journal articles and reprints, relating to psychological, ideological and social sources of aggressiveness, militarism and war, and of peace.

Economic and Financial Conference records

Minutes of meetings, agenda, committee reports, draft proposals, a roster of delegates, and telegrams sent and received by the Italian delegation, relating to European economic reconstruction and to European economic relations with Russia.

Economic conditions of Kuban Black Sea region typescript

Relates to the topography and economic conditions of the Kuban District, Russia, during the Russian Civil War.

Edgardo Buscaglia and William E. Ratliff collection

The collection consists of research materials that largely relate to the study of judicial systems, legal reform, political institutions, and economic development in Latin America and internationally. The materials are chiefly comprised of official reports, laws and decrees, statistics, and...

Edison (J.) photographs

Depicts demonstrations, military personnel, railways, and scenery in northern China and southern Siberia.

Editions stereoscopiques de guerre slides

Depicts World War I scenes in France.

Edmondson (Robert Edward) papers

The largest known existing archive of propaganda created by 1930s isolationist provocateur Robert Edward Edmondson, a journalist and America First activist with a pronounced anti-Semitic, anti-New Deal agenda. The collection consists of approximately 375 handbills, broadsides, flyers, and newsletters primarily...

Edouart (Alexander F.) papers

Photographs depicting war scenes and social conditions in France during World War I, and conditions in Germany and the Balkans at the end of the war; and writings and press summaries, relating to the motion picture industry.

Edsall (Thomas Byrne) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, memoranda, poll data, statistics, printed matter, and photographs relating to American politics during the presidential administration of Ronald Reagan, especially with regard to campaign contributions and effects on income distribution; and to the gubernatorial administration of Michael...

Education and World Affairs records

Governing documents, minutes, correspondence, memoranda, reports, and printed matter relating to international education from Education and World Affairs, a private American non-profit organization created in 1962 for the promotion of internationalism in education. Education and World Affairs is the predecessor...

Education subject collection

Pamphlets, newsletters, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to various aspects of education in the United States and abroad.

Educational Research Council of America records

Correspondence, minutes, reports, memoranda, studies, financial records, textbooks, teachers' manuals, printed matter, motion picture film, and other instructional materials, relating to elementary and secondary school education in the United States.

Edwards (Gordon) typescript

Relates to the introduction of anesthetic innovations in military hospitals during World War I.

Edwards (Lee) papers

The Lee Edwards papers (1878-2021) contains correspondence and clippings, writings and research material, speeches, memoranda, reports, studies, financial records, printed matter, material related to the Victims of Communism Museum, sound recordings of interviews, video recordings and digital media. The material...

Edwards (Marvin R.) papers

Writings, photocopies of military reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to activities of the 492nd Bomb Group during World War II, especially in support of Office of Strategic Services clandestine operations inside Germany; and to the postwar Malmedy war crimes...

Edwards (Paul C.) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, press releases, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to the movement to nominate Herbert Hoover for president in 1920. Photocopy.

Eendracht is Macht records

Letterbook of outgoing correspondence relating to the Flemish question in Belgium.

Eesti NSV Riikliku Julgeoleku Komitee [Estonian KGB] records

Correspondence, reports, and investigative files relating to secret police and intelligence activities, dissident and anti-Soviet activities, and repatriation and nationalism issues, in Estonia, and to Russian refugees in Estonia before 1940 and post-World War II Estonian refugees in western Europe....

Efimoff (Anatole Alexandrovich) papers

Correspondence, personal documents, printed matter, photographs, and miscellany relating to art and to Russian émigré affairs.

Efimov (Avenir Gennadievich) papers

Correspondence, writings, orders, and photographs relating to the Russian Civil War. Includes correspondence with B. B. Filimonov.

Efimovskiĭ (Evgeniĭ Amvrosievich) papers

Correspondence, writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian Civil War and to subsequent Russian émigré affairs.

Egbert (Donald Drew) typescript

Relates to the effects of Marxism and communism on American art, and the relationships between works of art and the social, economic, and political beliefs of the artists who produced them, 1680-1959. A revised version of this study was published...

Egbert (Edward H.) papers

Correspondence, notes, clippings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian Revolution, relief work in Russia, and Ekaterina Breshko-Breshkovskaia. Includes correspondence with E. Breshko-Breshkovskaia and Herbert Hoover.

Egerskii vestnik bulletins

Relates to the history of the Russian Imperial army regiment, Leib-gvardii egerskii polk, especially during the Russian Civil War, and to activities of veterans of the regiment. Issued by a regimental veterans association.

Eggertsen (Claude A.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, memoranda, reports, minutes, printed matter, curricular material, student papers and records, and photographs, relating to comparative and international education, American educational exchange programs in Great Britain and India, the history of education, and administration of...

Egypt. Delegation for Negotiations with Great Britain memorandum

Relates to Egyptian demands for the withdrawal of British troops from Egypt.

Egyptian subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, election campaign literature, other printed matter, and miscellany, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Egypt.

Ehrlichman (John) papers

The John Ehrlichman papers (1941-1999) consists of documents, manuscripts, correspondence, speeches and writings, court cases, handwritten notes, schedules, appointment books, media coverage, manuals, budgets and expenses, sketches, printed materials, clippings, newspapers, photographs, photograph albums, framed oversize material, scrapbooks, audio and...

Eichmann (Adolf) trial excerpts

Includes excerpts from the testimony of Eichmann and others, and from the closing defense statement.

Eichrodt (Joan Beecher) collection

Sound recordings, transcripts and summaries of interviews, notes, reports, conference proceedings, newspapers, other printed matter, and photographs relating to nationalism and separatism in Chechnya and elsewhere in the Caucasus. Digital copies of selected items available.

Eidel'man (N. IA.) typescript

Relates to the imposition of change from above as a theme in Russian history from the sixteenth century to 1917. Photocopy.

Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich collection

Protocols of meetings, bulletins, statutes, programs, statements, position papers, pamphlets, and printed matter, relating primarily to the Swiss organizations Eidgenössische Gemeinschaft and Gotthard-Bund, Swiss preparations for resistance to a possible German invasion during World War II, and proposals for political...

Eifler (Carl Frederick) papers

Orders, reports, personnel records, correspondence, writings, printed matter, photographs, and motion picture film relating to Office of Strategic Services sabotage and espionage operations in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II. Digital copies of select records also available at

Eiler (Keith E.)

Correspondence, notes, collected writings, photocopies of military records and collected correspondence, printed matter, and photographs related to the career of General Albert C. Wedemeyer, commander of American forces in China during World War II. Used as research material for the...

Eilers (William L.) miscellany

Thesis, certificates, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to American development assistance in Asia. Consists mainly of three-dimensional objects.

Eizans (Andrejs) papers

Correspondence, personal documents, printed matter, photographs, sound recordings, and memorabilia, relating to political conditions in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Latvia, and especially to the S"ezd Narodnykh Deputatov.

Ekonomicheskoe polizhenie Sov. Rossii typescript

Relates to the economic situation of Soviet Russia.

Ekstrom (Clarence E.) papers

Photographs and printed matter, relating to American naval operations in the Pacific Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, during and after World War II.

Elachich (S. A.) typescript

Relates to the Russian Revolution, the Omsk government of Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak, and the Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia.

El'darova (Margarita Khristoforovna) holograph

Relates to social conditions in Transcaucasia.

Elections et les partis typescript

Relates to the Hungarian elections of 1922, and to Hungarian political parties. Signed "J. G."

Eliashev typescript

Relates to Soviet legislation.

Eliel (Paul) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, pamphlets, propaganda materials, and newspaper clippings, relating to labor legislation, unionism, and communism in California during 1938.

Eliseev (Fedor I.) memoirs

Relates to operations of the Kuban Cossack Divisions of the Russian Imperial Army, 1910-1919, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, 1917-1920, and operations of the French Foreign Legion in Indochina, 1943-1945.

Elleman (Bruce A.) papers

Lists, writings, and letters, relating to Soviet treaties with foreign countries, and constituting working material for a comprehensive inventory of Soviet treaties from 1917 to 1991.

Ellington (Richard) papers

Writings, letters, sound recordings of interviews, pamphlets, and serial issues, relating to anarchism in Spain, especially during the Spanish Civil War, and to anarchism in the United States and elsewhere.

Elliot (Iain and Elisabeth) papers

Iain Elliot was director of Radio Liberty (RL); Elisabeth Robson-Elliot was the former Head of the BBC Russian Service. The collection includes VHS tapes of Soviet and post-Soviet TV news, many of NTV, the first Russian independent TV station. Also...

Elliott (David W. P.) papers

Transcripts of interviews of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese prisoners and defectors, notes, maps, and related material, relating to the Vietnamese War. Used as research material for the book by David W. P. Elliott, , 1930-1975 (Armonk, New York, 2003).

Elliott (John Elbert) papers

Includes letters, photographs, clippings, printed matter, and memorabilia of an American oil geologist, engineer, and entrepreneur.

Elliott (William Yandell) papers

Correspondence, writings, speeches, research notes, clippings, and printed matter relating to American national security and defense, American politics and foreign relations, American military-industrial relations, and American national labor policy.

Ellis (Leon Hubbard) papers

Photographs and memorabilia, relating to personal life in the United States and to travel in China, Central America and Europe.

Eloesser (Leo) papers

Memoirs and other writings, correspondence, reports, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, motion picture film, memorabilia, and miscellany, relating to international medical aid to Spain during the Spanish Civil War, international medical aid to China during the Sino-Japanese War and Chinese...

Eloesser (Nina Franstead) papers

Letters, printed matter, certificates, photographs, and medals, relating to relief work in Belgium during World War I, and to Herbert Hoover.

Elstad (Peter Howard) papers

Personnel records, reports, maps, booklet, and photographs relating to operations of the United States Army XX Corps in France and Germany during World War II.

Eltse (Ruth Ricci) papers

Correspondence, writings, and photographs, relating to the Italo-Ethiopian War, to Italian colonization of Libya, and to Italian relations in North and East Africa. Includes an album of photographs of Benito Mussolini.

Ely (Northcutt) typescript

Relates to the life of Ray Lyman Wilbur. Speech delivered to Fortnightly Club, Redlands, California Photocopy.

Embree (Edwin Rogers) mimeograph

Relates to observations while traveling in Central America.

Emel'ianov (Ivan V.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian agricultural cooperative movement and to the theory of economic cooperation. Includes papers of Nataliia V. Emel'ianova, chemist and wife of I. V. Emel'ianov.

Emerson (Edwin) letter

Relates to Swiss neutrality during World War I.

Emerson (George H.) papers

Correspondence, reports, maps, photographs, and clippings, relating to the activities of the Russian Railway Service Corps, the political situation in Russia during the Russian Civil War, and the Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia.

Emery (Jacob Adams) letters

Relates to American military activities during World War I.

Emin (Vahan) collection

Serial issues, clippings, reports, appeals, resolutions, and letters, relating to Armenians and Armenian nationalism in the Soviet Union, and especially in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

Emmerson (John K.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Japanese-American relations, post-World War II Japanese politics, the Vietnamese War, and U.S. foreign policy in the Far East. Papers date mainly from the period of Emmerson's retirement.

Emmet (Christopher Temple) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, press releases, writings, recordings of radio broadcasts, and photographs, relating to anti-Nazi and anti-communist movements in the U.S., U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War, and U.S.-German relations. Digital copies of select records also available at

Emmons (Delos C.) papers

Correspondence, reports, and orders, relating to the U.S. military mission to Great Britain in 1940, and to U.S. troops stationed in Hawaii and on the U.S. Pacific coast during World War II.

EMNID-Institut fur Meinungsforschung und Sozialforschung records

Questionnaires used in a survey to determine West German and West Berlin public opinion regarding the Berlin question, and excerpts from the results of the survey.

Emparan (Madie Brown) papers

Correspondence, writings, clippings, memorabilia, and photographs, relating to the 1928 Republican convention and presidential campaign of Herbert Hoover in California, and to historic landmarks in California.

Endrzheevskii (Adol'f Adol'fovich) papers

Adol'f Adol'fovich Endrzheevskii was a Russian émigré colonel who participated in the Second World War in the Russian Corps in Yugoslavia. One folder of his papers contains his correspondence with the founder and first commander of that unit, General Mikhail...

England (Robert) mimeograph

Relates to rehabilitation and readjustment of World War I veterans and expected problems of, and approaches to, rehabilitating and readjusting World War II veterans, especially in Canada.

Engle (Shirley H.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, memoranda, newsletters, bulletins, and curricular materials, relating to various aspects of education in the United States, especially the teaching of social studies and international education.

Engleman (Finis Ewing) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, photographs, and printed matter, relating to the administration of higher education and of international schools, the Association for the Advancement of International Education, the Department of State Office of Overseas Schools, the American Association of...

Enke (Stephen) printed reports

Relates to aspects of the American economy and population, especially economic effects of slowing population growth, and to the South Vietnamese economy. Prepared for TEMPO.

Ennes (James M.) papers

Writings, and working materials assembled for writings, relating to the Israeli naval and air attack on the American naval intelligence ship Liberty on 8 June 1967. Includes copies of court of inquiry proceedings, copies of naval messages and other documents...

Epstein (Fritz Theodore) papers

Writings, correspondence, clippings, and orders, relating to Allied intervention in Russia during the Russian Civil War, the German military government of Strasbourg during World War I, the trial of Menshevik leaders in Russia in 1931, and the authenticity of the...

Epstein (Julius) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, clippings, photographs, and printed matter, relating to World War II, communism, forced repatriation of Russian prisoners to the Soviet Union following World War II, the Katyn forest massacre, unreported deaths of Soviet cosmonauts, and the efforts...

Equatorial Guinean subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, and other printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Equatorial Guinea.

Erasmus-Feit family papers

Correspondence, scrapbooks, memorabilia, printed matter, and photographs relating to the daily lives of Russian émigrés in China and the United States, and family matters.

Ergushov (P.) typescript

Relates to White Russian military activities during the Russian Revolution.

Erhard (Ludwig) typescript

Delivered at Stanford University, July 17, 1967. Includes an autographed photograph of Erhard. Photocopy.

Erickson (Douglas) collection

Correspondence, lists, and bulletins, relating to White Russian military activities during the Russian Revolution, and to subsequent activities of émigré Imperial Russian cavalry officers.

Erickson (Eric) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, bulletins, newsletters, clippings, and serial issues, relating to the 1963 coup overthrowing President Ngô Dình Diêm in South Vietnam and to the question of American involvement in the coup.

Erikson (Rolf) papers

Rolf Erikson was an American engineer and naval historian. The collection includes photographs of Soviet ships and correspondence with German author Jürg Meister regarding the photographs.

Eritrean subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, press releases, speeches, printed matter, memorabilia, and videotape. Materials relate to the independence movement led by the Eritrean People's Liberation Front; the establishment of Eritrean independence in 1993; political, social, and economic conditions in Eritrea; and conditions...

Ermakov (Petr Zacharovich) typescript

Written as told to Richard Haliburton. Photocopy.

Erman (Irma C.) papers

Irma Erman (1908 August 10-2000 December 10) was a German-Jewish writer and artist, and refugee to Shanghai and the United States. The collection documents her life and creative work, and includes poetry, plays, artworks, correspondence, research materials, and photographs. Also...

Ernst (Kurt) computer disk

Digital photographs depict scenes of the West German-East German border. Includes explanatory material.

Ervin (Charles Wesley) collection

Internal bulletins, minutes, other internal documents, pamphlets, and serial issues, issued by Trotskyist organizations in India, Sri Lanka, the United States and elsewhere, and by the International Secretariat for the Fourth International, relating to international Trotskyism. Includes some minutes of...

Esenin-Vol'pin (A. S.) papers

Includes memoirs, other writings, correspondence, a police file, pamphlets, other printed matter, and photographs relating to civil liberties and dissent in the Soviet Union.

Esmer (Mithat) typescript

Relates to the Turkish communist leader Mustafa Suphi and the Turkish communist movement. Exerpts from pamphlet published in Moscow, 1923. Translated by Mithat Esmer. Turkish translation from Russian.

Estampas de la revolucion espanola : 19 julio de 1936 printed material

Reproduces paintings of scenes from the Spanish Civil War. Issued by the Oficinas de Propaganda of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo and the Federación Anarquista Ibérica.

Esterowicz (Samuel) memoirs/ Samuel Esterowicz in collaboration with Pearl Esterowicz Good

Relates to the Jewish holocaust in Lithuania. Also includes Russian-language version.

Estonia newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Estonia newspaper collection (1947-2000) comprises ten different titles of publication, in both Estonian and Russian. All of the titles...

Estonia. Riigi Kohus records

Indictment and summary of police interrogation of witnesses, relating to charges made against Andres Larka, Johannes Holland, and others, accused of involvement in the 1935 attempted coup against the Estonian government by the organization Eesti Vabadussojalaste Liit. Photocopy.

Estonia. Valimste Peakomitee miscellaneous records

Minutes, directives, and circular letters, relating to the conduct of Soviet-sponsored elections to the Estonian Riigivolikogu (Chamber of Deputies) in July 1940. Includes commentary by Karl Aun, who copied the documents; and translations, together with a commentary article, by Rein...

Estonian Prisoners of Conscience in the USSR issuances

Appeal, case histories, and list of Estonian prisoners. Photocopy.

Estonian subject collection

Serial issues, bulletins, newsletters, pamphlets, clippings, electronic bulletins, election campaign literature, and other printed materials relating to Estonian history, particularly the movement leading to the re-establishment of Estonian independence in 1991, as well as subsequent Estonian politics and elections. Includes...

The Estonians: for the record video tape

Relates to the history of Estonia since its declaration of independence in 1918, and to Estonian refugees in various countries, especially Canada.

Estoniia i pomoshch golodaiushchim typescript

Relates to civilian relief in Estonia at the end of World War I.

Etchegoyen (Olivier, comte d') holograph

Translation by Ivor M. V. S. Livingstead of by O. d'Etchegoyen (1925), relating to political, social, and economic conditions in Poland immediately after World War I.

Ethiopia and Eritrea Returned Peace Corps Volunteers collection

Correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, reports, pamphlets, newsletters, photographs, slides, artifacts, teaching materials, and other printed matter relating to political, economic, cultural, educational and social affairs of 1960s Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Ethiopian subject collection

The collection includes electronic bulletins, pamphlets, reports, press releases, communiqués, newsletters, conference papers, clippings, and other printed materials. These documents relate to social, political, and economic conditions in Ethiopia, as well as drought and famine, revolutionary movements, and post-1974 military...

Ethnogeographic Board (Washington, D.C.) mimeograph

Series of reports relating to European and Far Eastern area study programs at the University of California, the University of Chicago, Harvard University, Cornell University, the Carnegie Institute of Technology, and Grinell College. Edited by William N. Felton.

Etter (Maria von) papers

Letters of appointment, commendation, and appreciation, certificates, and awards, relating to the charitable volunteer work of M. von Etter. Includes a record book of patients at the Russian Red Cross von Etter Infirmary, 1915-1916, and a memorial album with an...

Eudin (Xenia J.) papers

Writings, translations, notes, and clippings, relating to the Russian Revolution and to various aspects of Soviet society in the 1920s and 1930s, including politics, foreign policy, economics, agriculture, and minority policies.

Eurich (Alvin C.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, studies, memoranda, photographs, and other printed matter, relating to higher education in the United States, national educational planning, education in developing countries, and United States Navy personnel management during World War II.

Eurich (Nell) papers

The collection includes speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, studies, reports, and printed matter related to international and comparative education, higher education in the United States, adult education and literacy, career and job training, and corporate involvement in education. Digital copies...

Europaische Zeitung newspaper issue

Issue of July 1979, relating to elections to the European Parliament.

European pictorial collection

Photographs, postcards, and slides, depicting cities, prominent personalities, and historical events in various European countries, particularly in Eastern Europe. Includes scenes of the Hungarian Revolution of 1918-1919; the coup of 1926 in Poland; the revolt of 1934 in Austria; post-World...

European subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, serial issues, proclamations, reports, certificates, correspondence, election campaign literature, video tapes, and memorabilia, relating to various aspects of twentieth-century European history and politics, and especially to the socialist movement in Europe between the two world wars, post-World War...

European Technical Advisers records

Correspondence, reports, statistics, and financial records, relating to railway operation, fuel production, and other aspects of economic reconstruction in Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia.

Evangelische Kirchen Deutschland. Hilfswerk letters

Relates to food relief received from the Church World Service in Soviet-occupied Germany.

Evangelische Kirchen Deutschland newsletter

Relates to the situation of religion in Germany.

Evans (Arthur Maybury) miscellaneous papers

News stories, clippings, speeches and writings, post cards, and memorabilia, relating to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, and to miscellaneous political events.

Evans (Henry S.) papers

Memoranda, transcripts and analyses of radio news broadcasts, press releases, and scrapbook relating to Syngman Rhee, the 1948 Tibetan Mission to the U.S., conditions in China during World War II, Mme Chiang Kai-shek's visit to the U.S. in 1943, and...

Evans (I. B. Pole) holograph

Relates to conditions of grazing land in Basutoland. Includes illustrative photographs and map.

Evans (Luther Harris) conference summaries

Relates to meetings of the American delegation to the third session of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization General Conference, 1948.

Evans (M. Stanton) collection

United States government reports relating to Soviet espionage in the United States.

Evans (Maerose J.) papers

Correspondence, minutes, reports, financial records, bulletins, newsletters, serial issues, clippings, and photographs relating to efforts to secure the release of American prisoners of war in Vietnam, efforts to secure information on American servicemen reported missing in action, and the families...

Evans-McCan Group video recordings

Video recordings related to political conditions in the Soviet Union. Includes interviews with Soviet political leaders. All recordings are on VHS tapes.

Evatt (Herbert Vere) interview

Radio interview conducted by Clark M. Eichelberger, director of the American Association for the United Nations, and broadcast by the National Broadcasting Company, relating to activities of the United Nations.

Evdokimov (Rostislav) papers

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, newspaper issues, election campaign literature, other printed matter, photographs, and video tapes, relating to activities of the Narodno-Trudovoĭ Soiuz and other anti-communist and labor organizations in the Soviet Union, and to political conditions in the Soviet Union...

Eveland (Wilbur) papers

The papers contain drafts and galleys of the book by Wilbur C. Eveland, (New York, 1980), relating to the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in American diplomacy in the Middle East, and photocopies of personnel records and correspondence with...

Event of the Week radio news broadcast

Broadcast over Station KCVN, College of the Pacific, Stockton, California. Relates to controversies regarding the city government of Stockton.

Everatt (M. W.) legal petition

Appeals for a review of the conviction of 74 German soldiers for the massacre of Allied prisoners of war and civilians at Malmédy, Belgium, 1944-1945.

Everett (Junius A.) papers

Reports, intelligence summaries, memoranda, orders, and personnel records, relating to conditions in the Philippines at the end of World War II. Includes reports of the governor of Lanao Province, relating to conditions during the Japanese occupation.

Evers (Williamson M.) papers

Bulletins, newsletters, clippings, election campaign literature, serial issues, minutes, correspondence, reports, memoranda, manuals, curricular material, and photographs relating to libertarian thought in the United States, activities of the Libertarian Party, and Libertarian Party electoral campaigns, especially the 1984 campaign of...

Eversley (David E.C.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, studies, reports, memoranda, notes, agenda, minutes, statistical data, printed matter, and maps, relating to population studies, including urbanization, immigration, and family planning; and urban and regional planning, including housing and other social and economic planning aspects,...

Ewers (Ernest A.) papers

Correspondence, reports, orders, commissions, field and specification manuals, personnel records, and notes, relating to Signal Corps activities in World War II.

Ewing (Rodney C.) papers

Rodney Charles Ewing, born in 1946; mineralogist, materials scientist, nuclear security expert, author, and professor. The collection includes personal writings, clippings, photographs, correspondence, pins, badges, medals, and other materials relating to Ewing's military service during the Vietnam War.

Exiles video tape

Relates to the immigration to the United States of European intellectuals during the 1930s and World War II, and to their contributions to American culture.

Exter (John) speeches and writings

Relates to the American and world monetary system, and the gold standard.

Extermination des Juifs polonais mimeograph

Relates to the genocide carried out against Jews in German-occupied Poland during World War II. Written by an unknown Polish Jew.

Exton (Frederick) letter

Relates to the relief work of the Commission for Relief in Belgium during World War I.