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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
Phone: (650) 723-3563
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Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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From A to Z
0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
"A is for atom, B is for bomb" video tape

Relates to the career of the physicist Edward Teller. Broadcast on the television series Nova.

Abdank-Kossovskii (Vladimir Konkordovich) papers

Correspondence, consular and financial records, writings, personal documents, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the Russian emigration. Used for a Zarubezhnaia Rus' exhibit. Includes some papers of V. K. Abdank-Kossovskii.

Abel (Elie) papers

Speeches and writings, radio and television broadcast transcripts, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to world politics and to the press. Includes photocopies of drafts of and correspondence relating to the book by E. Abel, (1966). Also includes drafts of the...

Abel (Theodore F.) papers

Diaries, other writings, and printed matter related to sociological theory and world politics. Also includes autobiographical sketches (biograms) by members of the Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei relating to their reasons for becoming national socialists, collected by Theodore Abel as research material...

Abenheim (Donald) collection

Serials, clippings, bulletins, and photocopies of speeches and reports relating to post-World War II German military history, and especially to the West German army. In part, used as research material for the Ph.D. dissertation of Donald Abenheim, "A Valid Heritage:...

Abernethy (David B.) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, notes, reports, pamphlets, and other printed matters, relating to political, economic, cultural, and social affairs in Nigeria, and to the campus movement in the United States for divestment from South Africa.

Ab'iadnanaia hramadzianskaia partyia belarusi issuances

Programmatic statements, serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, and election campaign literature, relating to political conditions in Belarus.

Abizaid (John) collection

United States government reports, manuals, and other publications; news dispatches; clippings; sound recordings; video tape; and photographs, relating to Somalia, Somali language instruction, American military intervention in Somalia in 1992, and activities of the United States Army 10th Mountain Division...

Abkhaz subject collection

Election campaign literature and serial issues, relating to political conditions in Abzhaziia.

Ablard (Charles D.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches, and clippings, relating to legal aspects of administration of the United States Army, and especially to the honor system at the United States Military Academy; and to activities of Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe in...

Abraham (Wendy) interviews

Sound and video recordings of interviews of Jews in China, relating to the Chinese Jewish community. Used as research material for the doctoral dissertation by Wendy Abraham, The Role of Confucian and Jewish Educational Values in the Assimilation of the...

Abrams (Irwin) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, minutes, bulletins, newsletters, curricular material, and other printed matter, relating to activities of the American Friends Service Committee, international volunteer work camps, conscientious objection during World War II, education in Germany, international educational and cultural...

Abramson (Joan) typescript

Fictionalized account of the persecution of Jews in Warsaw and elsewhere in Poland during World War II.

Abramson (Lillian) collection

Photographs, orders, and booklet relating to activities of the United States Army Air Forces 31st Photo Reconnaissance Squadron in England, France and Germany during World War II.

Academy for Educational Development records

Correspondence, speeches, memoranda, minutes, financial records, reports, studies, bulletins, photographs, phonotapes, and videotapes, relating to education in the United States, particularly higher education; education in underdeveloped countries; and the use of communications technology in education

Accessories to the crime mimeograph

Relates to the territorial dispute between Germany and Lithuania regarding Memel.

Ad Hoc Committee for the Organization of Romanian Democracy records

Correspondence, memoranda, petitions, resolutions, and reports, relating to political conditions in Romania, Romanian foreign relations, and United States government policy with regard to Romania.

Adair (Fred Lyman) papers

Correspondence, reports, notes, printed matter, and photographs relating primarily to activities of the American Red Cross in Belgium, 1918-1919, and to the America First Committee, 1940-1942.

Adam (Wilhelm) memoirs

Relates to the failure of the German military to oppose Adolf Hitler during the 1930s. Microfilm.

Adamich (Zenon V.) papers

Writings, lists, memoranda, and printed matter, relating to Yugoslav naval operations and relations with the Allies during World War II, Slovene territorial claims in 1941, and decisions concerning Yugoslavia made at the Yalta Conference.

Adamishin (A. L.) papers

Diaries, writings, letters, and clippings, relating to Soviet and Russian foreign policy, and relations with Italy and Great Britain.

Adams (Arthur E.) typescript

Includes bibliography.

Adams (Ephraim Douglass) papers

Correspondence and leaflets relating to the administration and finances of Stanford University and to American participation in World War I. Correspondence mostly with Herbert Hoover. Includes a series of leaflets by E. D. Adams, entitled with Germany, 1918. Includes photocopied...

Adams (Marie) papers

The collection includes materials relating to Santo Tomás Internment Camp and the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II, in the form of correspondence, propaganda leaflets, printed matter, and memorabilia.

Adams (Sidney F.) letters

Relates to military training in the United States Army and military operations of the 91st Infantry Division in France and Belgium during World War I. Letters sent to Ephraim Douglass Adams, father of S. F. Adams, and other family members.

Adams (Wallace E.) papers

Notes, drafts, photocopies of French governmental documents, computer data cards, press summaries, and printed matter, relating to French politics and foreign policy during the Third and Fourth Republics, and especially to the career of the French politician André Tardieu. Mostly...

Adamson (Bruce Campbell) typescript

Relates to the life of George William Ely, secretary of the New York Stock Exchange, 1874-1900 and 1905-1919.

Addezio (Salvatore D') photographs

D'Addezio was an Italian veterinarian and soldier who served on the Eastern Front during World War II. Photographs of Captain Salvatore D'Addezio.

Adenauer (Konrad) miscellaneous papers

Transcripts of an interview and a speech and photographs relating to West German politics and foreign relations.

Adenauer prints

Portfolio of prints depicting Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of West Germany. Photographed by Josef Albert Slominski.

Adleman (Robert H.) papers

Correspondence, questionnaires, transcripts of interviews, drafts of writings, galleys, research notes, sound tape reels, photographs, and maps relating primarily to the First Special Service Force (composed of American and Canadian troops) and its operations in Italy and Southern France during...

Adlershteyn (Leon) and Irina Bereznaya papers

The Leon Adlershteyn and Irina Bereznaya papers includes memoirs, interviews, and correspondence relating to the lives of Adlershteyn, a naval architect and researcher, and his wife, a Russian/English translator.

Aehrenthal (Aloys Leopold Baptist, Graf Lexa von) typescript

Relates to relations between Austria-Hungary and Russia.

Afghan partisan serials collection

Consists of more than four thousand individual issues of twenty-nine newspapers, journals, and magazines published in Dari, Pushto, Arabic, and English by various Afghan organizations (political and other) relating to political conditions and warfare in Afghanistan. Afghanistan's social and intellectual...

Afghan subject collection

Leaflets, flyers, other printed matter, map, sound recordings, and miscellany relating to political conditions and military insurgency in Afghanistan.

African pictorial collection

Photographs, postcards, and slides, depicting scenes of daily life, cultural and historical sites, prominent personalities, and works of art in various countries of Africa.

African subject collection

Electronic and other bulletins, pamphlets, leaflets, clippings, serial issues, reports, communiqués, press releases, maps, and other printed matter, relating to various aspects of twentieth-century African history; political, social and economic conditions in Africa as a whole; revolutionary movements in Africa;...

Agassi (Joseph) correspondence

Relates to the philosopher Karl Popper. Includes correspondence with Popper. Photocopy.

Agence telegraphique de Petrograd bulletins

Daily news bulletins relating to world military and political events.

Agencia Interamericana de Prensa Económica articles distributed

Paper and computer disk versions of articles, relating to political and economic conditions in Latin America, and especially to free market reforms in Latin America. Includes indexes.

Agnew (Harold M.) miscellaneous papers

Correspondence, reports, photographs, and miscellany relating to the explosion of atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in 1945. Includes motion picture film depiction of the explosions.

Agriculture subject collection

Pamphlets and bulletins, relating to international agricultural production, research and expositions.

Ahlborn (Emil) letter

Relates to the origins of World War I and to American entry into the war.

Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals records

Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, financial records, and photographs relating to relief work for Chinese refugees.

Aikin (Wilford Merton) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to education in the United States, and especially to the eight-year study of the Commission on the Relation of Schools and Colleges. Photocopy.

Aikoku Fujinkai papers

The Aikoku Fujinkai (Patriotic Women's Association) was an organization founded in 1901 by Okumura Ioko. The collection consists a photo album of the Suginami Branch of the Aikoku Fujinkai.

Aitchison (Bruce) mimeograph

Regarding the administration of occupied enemy territory by the British in the Middle East.

Ajami (Fouad) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, printed matter, and audiovisual material relating to political conditions in the Middle East and to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Includes an edited version of Ajami's memoir, "When magic failed"

Akademiia nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe otdeleniie miscellaneous records

The collection relates to the administration of scientific and other academic research in Siberia and elsewhere in the Soviet Union, consisting of regulations, directives, resolutions, minutes, decisions, and correspondence.

Akaemov, Nikolai holograph

Relates to the White Russian movement led by Aleksei Kaledin during the Russian Civil War.

Akbar (Said Hyder) sound recordings

Sound recordings relating to conditions in Afghanistan.

Akhmedov (F.) translation

Translation by the United States Joint Publications Research Service of an article published in the Baku newspaper Bakinskiĭ rabochiĭ, 1968 May 28.

Akintievskii (Konstantin Konstantinovich) memoirs

Relates to activities of the Russian Imperial army during World War I, 1914-1917, up to the revolution of November 1917. Includes partial translation by L. N. Zaitzevsky.

Akselrod (Yulia) papers

Memoirs and other writings, and printed matter, relating to the Trotsky family, the childhood and youth of Y. Akselrod in the Soviet Union, the imprisonment of her parents, her emigration to the United States, and efforts to secure the rehabilitation...

Alai Hussein writings

Relates to the financial situation in Persia, the Persian oil industry, and the role of Persia in world affairs. Includes writings by A. C. Millspaugh, administrator general of the finances of Persia.

Albania newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Albania newspaper collection (1966-1992) comprises seven different titles of publication. All of the titles within this collection have been...

Albanian subject collection

Pamphlets, other printed matter, and video tape, relating to the government and foreign policy of Albania. Includes speeches by the Albanian leader Enver Hoxha.

Albano (Antonio) legal motion

Relates to the trial of Mehmet Ali Ag̐ca and others for the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in 1981. Includes a summary of the prosecution's reconstruction of the course of events. Also includes translator's notes and marginal annotations....

Albert (Paul W.) letter

Relates to Major Generral Spencer B. Akin, chief signal officer to General Douglas MacArthur during World War II. Includes photograph.

Albert (Steve) papers

Writings, notes, interview sound recordings and transcripts, photocopies of trial transcripts, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to the drug trafficking trial in the United States of General Manuel Noriega of Panama. Used as research material for the book by...

Albertini (Georges) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, and other writings, relating to political conditions in France, communism in France, international communism, and anti-communist movements.

Albertson (Earnest) papers

Photographs, letters, and printed matter, relating to and depicting social conditions in Eritrea.

Albrecht (Frank M.) papers

Orders, reports, correspondence, and drafts of speeches, relating to U.S. military engineering in the European Theater during World War II and in the U.S. in the interwar period.

Albrecht (Ralph G.) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, writings, notes, leaflets, clippings, and photographs, relating to the Nuremberg war crime trials, the Schuman Plan, European Coal and Steel Community, the dismantling of German steel plants, the settlement of German external debts, and the national government of...

Albrecht (Richard) papers

Writings, notes, and collected printed matter, relating to the life of the Russian physiologist Sergei Chakhotin, including his membership in the Smena Vekh circle, his �migr� life in Germany, his involvement in the anti-Nazi movement, and his work in the...

Aldrich (Mildred) letters

Relates to conditions in France during World War I, and to activities of Gertrude Stein and other literary figures in France. Letters sent to a friend in the United States, probably Harriet Levy.

Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin subject collection

Writings, printed matter, and miscellany, relating to the Russian writer Aleksandr Pushkin.

Aleksandra Iosifovna letters

Relates to family and dynastic affairs. Written to Queen Olga, daughter of Grand Duchess Aleksandra Iosifovna.

Alekseev (Mikhail V.) papers

Correspondence, writings, notes, memoranda, reports, military orders, and photographs, relating to Russian military activities during the Russo-Japanese War, World War I, and the Russian Civil War, and especially to the organization of the Dobrovol'cheskaia Armiia. Includes some posthumous biographical material

Alekseev (Vasilii Ivanovich) papers

These papers reflect the writings and research interests of Vasilii Ivanovich Alekseev, a historian, writer, and professor in emigration. Among his writings are works related to the Russian Orthodox Church in the Soviet Union under the German occupation.

Aleppo news-letter

Four issues, June-July 1920, relating to social conditions and relief work in Syria.

Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, decree

Relates to the status of Russian 5% bank notes and investments in Russian banks.

Alexander (Yonah) papers

Writings, reports, studies, conference papers, serial issues, journal articles, bulletins, newsletters, office files, manuscript drafts, and videotapes relating to domestic and international terrorism, and to the counter-terrorist institutes at the Potomac Institution for Policy Studies, including the Inter-University Center for...

Alexandra (Mother) papers

Writings, correspondence, clippings, and photographs, relating to the Romanian royal family and to the Romanian Orthodox Church in the United States. Includes photocopies of correspondence of Queen Marie of Romania.

Alexandra, Queen, consort of Edward VII, King of Great Britain photograph album

Depicts King Edward VII of Great Britain and members of his family and entourage, and members of other royal families. Includes both original photographs and printed reproductions of photographs.

Alexandra Township collection

Photocopies of government documents, studies, reports, and printed matter, relating to social conditions in Alexandra Township, a black township near Johannesburg, South Africa.

Alexeef (Victor V.) papers

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, bulletins, and photographs, relating to Russian émigré affairs, and especially to Russian life in Harbin, China, prior to World War II.

Algerian subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, serial issues, other printed matter, miscellany, and video tapes, relating to the Algerian war of independence and to political, social and economic conditions in Algeria.

Alimanestianu (Dinu) papers

Writings, letters, and printed matter, relating to conditions in Romania during and after World War II, and to radio broadcasting to Romania.

Alinsky (Jean Graham) papers

Memoirs, correspondence, legal and financial papers, memoranda, press releases and printed matter, relating to the career of Saul Alinsky as a radical and organizer of impoverished communities in the United States. Includes published writings and a few papers of Saul...

Alioto (Robert F.) miscellaneous papers

Writings, reports, memoranda, sound recordings of conference proceedings, and printed matter, relating primarily to the San Francisco, California, public school system.

Alksnis (Arveds) statement

Relates to the health of President Kārlis Ulmanis of Latvia in 1933.

Allan (Edwin Chester) papers

Correspondence, legal and financial records, printed matter, photographs, and miscellany, relating to the American community in Shanghai prior to, during, and immediately after, World War II. Includes the diary and other papers of Godfrey R. Gregg, son-in-law of E. C....

Allderdice (Norman) collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, and other printed ephemera, issued by right-wing, left-wing and other political organizations, and by governmental, business, labor, religious, educational and other organizations, relating to political, social and economic conditions in the United States and abroad, and especially to...

Allen (Barbara C.) papers

Photocopies of notes on and transcripts of correspondence, writings and police records drawn from files on Aleksandr Shli͡apnikov and Sergeǐ Medvedev in Russian archival repositories, 1917-1958, relating to the Workers Opposition movement in the Soviet Union in the 1920s. Includes...

Allen (Benjamin S.) papers

Correspondence, press releases, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs, relating to activities of the Commission for Relief in Belgium, U.S. Food Administration and U.S. Fuel Administration during World War I, and of the National Committee on Food for the Small...

Allen (Hollis P.) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, financial and military records, printed matter, photographs, and miscellany, relating primarily to educational administration in the United States.

Allen (Niel R.) papers

The materials relate to Niel R. Allen, a Second Lieutenant in the 8th Infantry of the U.S. Army during World War I. Most of the material centers on , a newspaper which Allen helped create, edit, and publish for Camp...

Allen (Richard V.) papers

Contains correspondence, speeches, interviews, legal files, subject files, photographs, audio and video recordings, clippings, and notes relating to Allen's work in American politics and government. As a specialist in security and foreign policy, Allen worked on the Nixon and Reagan...

Allen (Ronald) letter

Relates to a discussion between R. Allen and Herbert Hoover in the Waldorf Towers on current world affairs.

Allen (Theophilus) letter

Relates to the prospects for German admission to the League of Nations.

Alleva (Armando) photograph albums

Photo albums belonging to General Armando Alleva, Inspector of Military Commissariat 2nd Zone. General Alleva was born October 31, 1881. He was promoted to Brigadier General Commissariat in 1939 and then promoted to Inspector of Military Commissariat 2nd Zone on...

Allgemeine Zeitung clippings

Relates to foreign relations of, and domestic conditions in Turkey.

Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920) Inter-Allied Food Council records

Minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, and statistics, relating to the coordination of Allied food supply and regulation during World War I.

Allied and Associated Powers Treaties

Printed copies of treaties, relating to the conclusion of World War I. Countries represented include the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Austria, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Romania, and Turkey.

Allied Forces. South West Pacific Area. Allied Geographical Section printed material

Terrain study no. 132 of the Southwest Pacific Area Allied Geographical Section relating to the geography of Tokyo and the Kwanto Plain area of Honshu Island.

Allied Forces. Supreme Headquarters. Psychological Warfare Division letter

Requests Generalleutnant von Schmettow, commanding general of the German troops on the Channel Islands, to establish telephone communication from the French mainland to Jersey.

Allison (Ernest M.) papers

Diaries, flight logs, correspondence, printed matter, photographs, business papers, maps, VHS tapes and memorabilia of the American aviator relating to commercial aviation in the United States and China before World War II. Includes other family papers and collected material on...

Allman (Norwood F.) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, radio broadcast transcripts, memoranda, reports, notes, biographical card files, and clippings relating to conditions in China (especially in Shanghai) before and after 1949, American-Chinese relations, and American intelligence activities in China during World War II. Digital...

Almond (Nina) and Ralph Haswell Lutz collection

Bulletins, reports, and memoranda, published in , edited by Nina Almond and Ralph Haswell Lutz (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1935).

Alsberg (Henry Garfield) typescript

Relates to food supply in Europe and Turkey during World War I.

Altengrabow (Germany : Prison Camp) newspaper issues

Relates to conditions at Lager Altengrabow, Germany, and to political events in Russia and Germany. Issued by Russian prisoners of war in the camp.

Alter (Arthur S.) collection

Photograph of Adolf Hitler, taken on his birthday in 1931, and autographed by German national socialists; and a German propaganda leaflet in the form of an American dollar bill, distributed in France in 1944.

Altmeyer (Walter) papers

Correspondence and photographs, relating to German military operations on the Eastern front during World War II.

Altrocchi (Rudolph) papers

Correspondence, office diary, reports, speeches, military orders, newspaper clippings, postcards, posters, sheet music, and printed matter, relating to American war propaganda work in Italy and Lyons, France.

Alvarez Montalvan (Emilio) speeches

Radio interview, and Rotary Club speech, relating to political conditions in Nicaragua.

Amalrik (Andrei) lectures

Andrei (Andrey) Alekseevich Amalrik was a Soviet writer and dissident. Collection includes transcripts of lectures given in the United States after Amalrik's exile from the Soviet Union; topics include various aspects of the social and political conditions in the USSR.

America First Committee records

Correspondence, minutes, reports, studies, financial records, press releases, speeches, newsletters, campaign literature, clippings, photographs, and other audiovisual material, relating to the issue of American neutrality in World War II.

American Association for Higher Education records

The collection relates to higher education in the United States. It consists of minutes, conference and meeting materials, correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, publications, membership records, and video recordings.

American Children's Fund records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, financial records, and printed matter, relating to funding of the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boys' Clubs of America and other organizations carrying out work in the areas of child health and welfare in the United States.

American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism processed volume

Relates to anti-communist movements among émigrés from the Soviet Union.

American Committee for the Encouragement of Democratic Government in Russia records

Correspondence and printed matter relating to American public opinion regarding the February Revolution.

American Committee on United Europe records

Conference proceedings, newsletters, pamphlets, reports, clippings, and photographs relating to the European Federalists' Union, the European Movement, the European Youth Campaign, and affiliated organizations in promoting European political and economic unity.

American Committee to Keep Biafra Alive collection

Ephemeral publications of private governmental organizations, including the United States Agency for International Development, the government of the Republic of Biafra, and the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; press releases from the United States Department of State, American...

American Council on Education records

Minutes, reports, memoranda, correspondence, speeches, and printed matter, relating to higher education in the United States, governmental educational policy, promotion of international education, and American assistance to foreign institutions of higher learning, especially in Africa. Sound use copies of sound...

American Educational Research Association records

Correspondence, minutes, memoranda, reports, statistics, and sound recordings, relating to education and educational research activities in the United States.

American Emergency Committee for Tibetan Refugees records

Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, and photographs, relating to relief for Tibetan refugees in Nepal and India.

American Forum for Global Education records

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, studies, minutes, conference papers, financial records, grant proposals, curricular material, and printed matter, relating to education in the United States, international understanding, the promotion of study of foreign languages, analysis of the causes of conflict and war,...

American Foundation miscellaneous records

Correspondence, notes, and printed matter relating to the question of American adherence to the World Court.

American Friends Service Committee. Civilian Public Service records

Bulletins, serial issues, reports, handbooks, correspondence, memoranda, and other printed materials relating to the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) Civilian Public Service, an organization founded to provide alternatives for conscientious objectors to war and members of peace churches during World...

American Friends Service Committee. Coal Relief Section records

Report, audit, bulletins, statistics, and maps, relating to relief for children of unemployed bituminous coal miners in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky and Illinois.

American Institutes for Research reports

Relates to development and evaluation of educational programs and methodologies, career guidance and training programs, and study of human behavior in various specific aspects.

American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism records

Correspondence, speeches and writings, press releases, and printed matter, relating to Jewish-Arab relations in the Middle East. Microfilm.

American Law Institute. Committee to Encourage Discussion of Essential Human Rights. Statement of essential human rights mimeograph

Relates to the views of legal experts from several Allied countries regarding human rights.

American Library Association War Service records

Photographs, postcards, blueprints, insignia, and reports, relating to the work of the American Library Association War Service in providing library buildings, books, and librarians, for American military servicemen in the United States and overseas during World War I.

American National Labor Party Platform mimeograph

This collection contains a mimeograph of the American National Labor Party's platform in 1936....

American National Red Cross records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, financial records, lists, and photographs relating to relief work in Europe and the Middle East, Russia, and China during and immediately after World War I. Also available on microfilm (339 reels).

American pictorial collection

Photographs depicting various prominent personalities in the United States, American communists, and miscellaneous political, military and scientific scenes.

American Relief Administration European operational records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, appeals, financial records, lists, and press summaries relating to American relief in Europe following World War I, and food and public health problems, economic conditions, and political and social developments, in Europe. American Relief Administration abbreviated throughout...

American Relief Administration Russian operational records

Correspondence, telegrams, memoranda, reports, agreements, minutes, histories, financial records, lists, press summaries, and photographs relating to American relief in the Soviet Union following the Russian Civil War, and food and public health problems, agriculture, economic conditions, transportation and communications, and...

American Samoa interim legal code

American Samoa interim legal code

American Slav Congress issuances

Program, press releases, speeches, resolutions, and pamphlets, issued at the founding congress in Detroit, relating to American Slav contributions to the United States and Allied war effort.

American Society for Russian Naval History collection

Correspondence, memoirs, other writings, service records, certificates, printed matter, photographs, and postcards relating to imperial Russian naval history. Includes papers of former Russian naval officers. Collected by the American Society for Russian Naval History.

American songs of peace sound recording

American songs relating to peace, 1767-1940, sung by John Swingle.

American Spectator Educational Foundation records

Minutes, correspondence, reports, memoranda, financial records, research files, book drafts, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to political conditions and conservatism in the United States, and to publication of The American Spectator.

American students organize : Founding the National Student Association after World War II : an anthology and sourcebook preview proofs

Relates to the United States National Student Association. Prepared under sponsorship of the NSA Anthology Charitable Trust. Includes reader's guide and slide show supplement.

American Subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, serial issues, clippings, other printed matter, memoranda, reports, letters, writings, and miscellany, relating to political and social conditions in the United States, and especially to socialist, libertarian and radical movements.

American Volunteer Motor Ambulance Corps correspondence

Letters by members of the American Volunteer Motor Ambulance Corps relating to activities of the Corps in France during World War I.

America's town meeting of the air radio broadcast

Relates to the founding of the United Nations and its prospective role in ensuring world peace.

Amerikas Latweetis newspaper articles

Relates to the Soviet occupation of Latvia, 1940-1941, Latvian foreign relations, the Latvian communist party, and the Latvian press in the United States. English translation from Latvian.

Ames (David W.) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, and interview transcripts, relating to adaptation to drought conditions by cattle herders in northeastern Nigeria.

Amis de la Pologne issuances

Circulars and memoranda relating to relief work for Polish refugees in France.

Amnesty International USA, Western Regional Office miscellaneous records

Correspondence, memoranda, depositions, reports, studies, minutes, bulletins, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to investigation of torture and other human rights abuses, primarily in Chile, and to efforts to secure release of political prisoners and to aid political refugees.

Amoedo (Julio) interviews

Relates to the Cuban revolution of 1959. Interviews conducted by Keith Botsford. Typed transcript.

Amrein (Polly) letters

Relates to social conditions in China and to the Chinese educational system.

Amvrosii (Archimandrite) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, and photographs, relating to the Russian Orthodox Church and to Russian émigré affairs.

Amy (Henry Joseph) papers

Orders, reports, organizational equipment lists, personnel records, correspondence, diary, reminiscences, clippings, maps, certificates, and photographs, relating to American military operations in France during World War I, and to shipment of American military equipment overseas during World War II.

Anaya (S. James.) typescript

Relates to civil rights conditions in Nicaraguan Indian refugee settlements in Honduras, and to the role of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in Honduran administration of the camps. Photocopy.

A.N.C. : V.I.P.'s of violence : video tape

Relates to the relationship between the African National Congress and international terrorism.

Anders (Wladyslaw) collection

Orders, reports, card files, questionnaires, accounts, Soviet government documents and publications, photographs, microfiche, and printed matter, relating to World War II, the Polish Armed Forces in Russia, the Polish 2d Corps in Italy, Polish citizens arrested and deported under German...

Anderson (Annelise G.) papers

Schedules, memoranda, correspondence, reports, notes, clippings, and sound recordings relating to the presidential campaign of Richard M. Nixon in 1968 and Ronald Reagan in 1980, and to preparations for the presidential administration of Ronald Reagan; and draft and final report,...

Anderson (Charles G.) biographical writings

Biographical accounts of World War II service of American servicemen from Texas, mainly airmen and mainly prisoners of war, primarily based on interviews.

Anderson (Dillon) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, oral history interview, and notes, relating to Dwight D. Eisenhower and to American politics during his presidential administration. Includes facsimile copies of President Eisenhower's handwritten notes.

Anderson (Edgar) miscellaneous papers

Includes a typescript study, The Baltic Area in World Affairs, 1914-1920 : A Military-Political History; and writings, correspondence, notes, and photographs, relating to Latvian nationalist underground organizations and Swedish-Latvian contacts during World War II, the World Latvian Youth Conference held...

Anderson (Frederick L.) papers

Correspondence, diaries, memoranda, reports, studies, notes, manuals, printed matter, motion picture film, photographs, and memorabilia relating primarily to Allied aerial bombardment strategy, tactics, and operations in Europe during World War II.

Anderson (Jeannette) letters

Letters by Arnošt Nikolovský and others, relating to social conditions in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic.

Anderson (Martin) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, printed matter, photographs, and audiovisual material relating to U.S. domestic policy, especially during the administrations of Richard M. Nixon and Ronald Reagan, adoption of all-volunteer military services, U.S. foreign policy, and Republican Party politics.

Anderson (Ronald S.) papers

Correspondence, writings, bulletins, reports, photographs, slides, phonotapes, and motion picture film, relating to education in Japan before and after World War II, and to postwar educational policy of the Allied military government in Japan. Includes numerous autobiographies written in English...

Anderson (Roy Scott) papers

Letters and reports, relating to the Chinese economy, Chinese foreign relations with Japan, Russia and the United States, and historical and political events in China.

Andersson (Kingsley) diaries

Relates to American military engineering operations in the European Theater during World War II.

Anderthalb Jahre in einer Sowjet "Glawka" typescript

Memoir of an anonymous Soviet civil servant, relating to his work in Soviet agency for administration of the lumber industry from 1919 to 1920, to conditions in the lumber industry, and to the unreliability of official statistics on industrial production.

Andreev (I. M.) papers

Correspondence, and speeches and writings, relating to the Russian Orthodox Church and to Russian émigré education.

Andreev (N. N.) letters

Relates to impressions of the Civil War in Russia formed during a trip from the Crimea to Vladivostok. Photocopy.

Andrew (A. Piatt) papers

The A. Piatt Andrew papers provide a record of the life and work of a prominent American who achieved distinction in a number of fields in the first part of the 20th century. Andrew taught economics at Harvard before being...

Andreyev (Leonid) miscellaneous papers

Plays, poems, short stories, letters, and photographs relating to Russian literature and drama, and to conditions in Russia during World War I. Includes diary of Anna Andreeva, wife of Leonid Andreyev. In part, photocopy. Digital copies of select records also...

Andreyev (Nikolay) papers

Nikolay Efremovich Andreyev (1908-1982) was a Russian émigré, professor, and author of works on Russian history and literature. Includes correspondence with academic associates and with other Russian émigrés.

Andrushkevich (Nikolaĭ Aleksandrovich) writings

Histories entitled Posledniaia Rossiia, 1931, and Prokliatyĭ Korabl', 1936, relating to the Russian Civil War in Vladivostok and the Far East, 1919-1922, and to travels in Eastern Europe, the Near East and Asia.

Aneks collection

Reports, memoranda, minutes, and circulars, mainly issued by the political bureau of the Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Poland, Polish foreign relations and church-state relations, and civil liberties and dissident movements in Poland....

Angell (Frank) papers

Writings, correspondence, notes, statistics, printed matter, personal documents, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to the work of the Commission for Relief in Belgium, the Comité National de Secours et d'Alimentation, and Frank Angell's involvement with both organizations. Materials document the relief...

Angolan subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, reports, communiqués, press releases, press summaries, clippings, other printed matter, and letters, relating to revolutionary movements in Angola, the establishment of Angolan independence, civil war, and political, economic and social conditions in Angola.

Anichkov (Vladimir Petrovich) holograph

Relates to the Russian Revolution and Civil War in Siberia, 1917-1922. Includes a typescript translation by his daughter, Nathalie Nicolai.

Annenkov (Boris Vladimirovich) orders

Orders of the 1st Assault Mounted Battery of the partisan detachment of B. V. Annenkov relating to the Russian Civil War.

Annenkova (E. N.) diary

Wife of a guards officer. Diary covering events in Russia, 1915-1919.

Anti-socialist activities in Great Britain typescript

Relates to socialist, communist, anti-socialist, and anti-communist organizations in existence in Great Britain.

Antonenko (V. P.)typescript

Relates to events in Vladivostok during the Russian Civil War, 1920-1922. Also available on microfilm (1 reel).

Antoniade (Constantin) letter

Letter of authorization, signed by Dinu Bratianu and Iuliu Maniu, respectively leaders of the National Liberal Party and National Peasant Party of Romania, for Antoniade to make contacts abroad in the name of the two Romanian parties. Photocopy.

Antonov (O. K.) papers

Writings, correspondence, aircraft designs, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs, relating to the Soviet aeronautics industry. Includes some material collected by Tatiana Zhilkina relating to O. K. Antonov.

Apollinariĭ (Archbishop) papers

Diaries, correspondence, and speeches and writings, relating to the Russian Orthodox Church and to Russian émigré affairs.

Applebaum (Anne) collection

This collection comprises the reports, memoranda, and lists, relating to administration and financial situation of a small forced labor camp Kedrovy Shor, a division of Intlag camp in the Soviet Union. The collection includes lists of salaries of guards, food...

Applegarth (John S.) collection

Ephemeral publications, propaganda leaflets, newspaper clippings, photographs, placards, and a sound recording, relating to the riots in the Panama Canal Zone in January 1964 and to activities of political parties in Mexico, and Central and South America.

Arabic newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Arabic newspaper collection (1861-2001) comprises ten different titles of publication. All of the titles within this collection have been...

Arakchaa (Kara-kys Dongikovna) papers

Resolutions, declarations, appeals, press releases, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to the armed conflict in Chechnia. Includes many official Russian government issuances.

Araki (Sadao) papers

Correspondence, reports, minutes, and journals relating to the Russo-Japanese War and to military intelligence regarding Russia.

Aras (Tevfik Rustu) typescript

Relates to world politics between World Wars I and II

Arbeiter-Zeitung (Vienna) newspaper issues

Relates to the 1927 convention of the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschösterreichs.

Arcelo (Adriano A.) processed volume

Relates to education and manpower needs in the Philippines.

Archaia-Logvinov family papers

Regards Russian émigré families, Archaia and Logvinov. Includes printed matter and photographs relating to displaced persons in post-World War II Germany and Russian émigré life in 1930s Yugoslavia.

Architects and Planners in Support of Nicaragua records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, proposals, newsletters, printed matter, and photographs relating to housing and other development assistance to Nicaragua, and to American relations with the Sandinista government of Nicaragua.

Archives of the Soviet communist party and Soviet state microfilm collection: Russian State Archive of Contemporary History (Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv noveishei istorii - RGANI)

Relates to political conditions in the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1991. Filmed from finding aids and holdings dating from 1903 to 1991 of the Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyĭ arkhiv noveisheĭ istorii.

Archives of the Soviet communist party and Soviet state microfilm collection: Russian State Archives of Social and Political History (Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsialno-politicheskoi istorii - RGASPI)

Relates to political conditions in the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1991. Filmed from finding aids and holdings dating from 1903 to 1991 of the Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyĭ arkhiv sot͡sial'no-politicheskoi istorii.

Archives of the Soviet communist party and Soviet state microfilm collection: State Archives of the Russian Federation (Gosudarstvennyĭ arkhiv Rossiĭskoĭ Federat͡sii - GARF)

Relates to political conditions in the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1991. Filmed from finding aids and holdings dating from 1903 to 1991 of the Gosudarstvennyĭ arkhiv Rossiĭskoĭ Federat͡sii.

Archiwum Wschodnie collection

Transcripts of interviews with Polish survivors of Soviet concentration camps, written reminiscences of survivors, and photographs, relating to the deportation of Poles to the Soviet Union and their internment during and after World War II. Interviews conducted by the staff...

Arday (Lajos) writings

Relates to national minorities in Hungary and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, and to ethnic conflict in Eastern Europe since World War II.

Arevalo (Apolinar F. de) commission

Commission as lieutenant colonel of territorial militia of the Philippines.

Arey (James A.) papers

Speeches, correspondence, statistics, press releases, phonotapes, transcripts of interviews, and photographs, relating to airplane highjackings. Used as research material for the book by J. Arey, The Sky Pirates (New York, 1972).

Argelander (Frank) memorandum

Relates to the 1927 uprising of the Communist Party in China.

Argentina. Consulado General (Berlin) records

Correspondence, reports, and clippings, relating to Argentine-German relations, especially trade relations.

Argentina newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Argentina newspaper collection (1906-1992) comprises forty different Spanish-language titles of publication. All titles within this collection have been further...

Argentine subject collection

Speeches, bulletins, pamphlets, flyers, serial issues, reports, and sound recordings, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Argentina, and especially to the presidential administration of, and political movement led by, Juan Peron

Argo (Arnold Clarence) papers

Correspondence, speeches, reports, printed matter, and photographs, relating to education, technical assistance and social conditions in Japan, Lebanon and Libya.

Ariadna (Mother) papers

History, letters, and printed matter, relating to the Russian Orthodox convent Bogoroditse-Vladimirskaia zhenskaia obitel' in China and relocated in California.

Arima (Midori) papers

Midori Tokura Arima was born in Kurashiki, Okayama in 1924. She was a reporter at Godo Shinbun in western Japan. The Midori Arima papers consist of a handwritten biographical sketch, ten photographs of Emperor Hirohito, and information about the Arima...

Arkhangel'skii (Aleksei Petrovich) papers

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, writings, military records, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian émigré affairs, Russian nationalism, monarchism and anti-communism, and Russian military activities in World War I and the Russian Revolution. Includes records of the Russkiĭ Obshchevoinskiĭ Soiuz.

Arkus (Albert H.)

The collection relates mainly to technical and personnel aspects of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty broadcast operations, in particular at the New York Programming Center. It is comprised of correspondence, memoranda, newswires, reports, manuals, printed matter, photographs, slides, blueprints,...

Arlon (Belgium) proclamations

Proclamations issued by German occupation authorities in Arlon, Belgium, 1940-1944, and by Allied occupation authorities in Arlon, 1944-1945, relating to regulation of civil activities.

Armenian subject collection

Election campaign literature, and other printed matter, relating primarily to elections in Armenia

Armour (Lester) papers

Class notes and correspondence relating to the Naval Air Combat Intelligence Officers School, Quonset Point, Rhode Island, and the Aviation Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas; and official orders, reports, correspondence, photographs, and other materials related to the U.S. Navy and...

Armstrong (Eunice Burton) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, bulletins, newsletters, clippings, other printed matter, mailing lists, and address cards relating to the efforts of the America First Committee to ensure American neutrality during World War II. Includes issuances of, and correspondence with, other peace organizations.

Armstrong (Hubert Coslet) papers

Writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, curricular materials, and printed matter relating to various aspects of education in the United States, educational programs in Japanese American internment camps during World War II, and postwar education in Japan.

Armstrong (Winifred) papers

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, bulletins, and printed matter, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Africa; mining and mineral resources in Africa; American and international business investment in Africa; American foreign policy and developmental assistance in Africa; and environmental...

Army Industrial College memoranda

Relates to plans for the development of an industrial mobilization scheme for use in future wars.

Army War College (United States) Historical Section miscellany

Outline of American World War I military participation, 1926, and guide for indexing American World War I records, 1930, both prepared by the Army War College, Historical Section; and copies of miscellaneous orders, reports, and memoranda of the American Expeditionary...

Arndt (Edward J. Arndt) phonorecord collection

Relates primarily to German history. Includes a series of revolutionary songs recorded in East Germany, entitled Lieder der Zeit.

Arnold (Julean H.) papers

Diary, correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, dispatches, instructions, and memoranda relating to the American consular service in China, economic and political developments in China, and American commercial and foreign policy in East Asia. Digital copies of select records also available...

Arnold memoranda

Three memoranda, two entitled "Neueste Tragödie" and "Der unabhängige Staat Kroatien", and one untitled, relating to political conditions in Croatia and Istria during World War II.

Arnold (Patricia Louise) typescript

Analyzes debate in the 80th United States Congress on the question of military and economic aid to China, 1947-1949. Master's thesis, University of Washington.

Arnold (Ralph) typescript

Relates to the Herbert Hoover-for-President campaign in 1920 and 1928. Photocopy.

Aroche Parra (Miguel) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, memoranda, internal bulletins, and printed matter, relating to political conditions in Mexico, and especially to political parties and electoral alliances of the left, including the Partido Comunista Mexicano, the Partido Obrero Campesino Mexicano, the Movimiento...

Aron (Leon Rabinovich) papers

Correspondence, notes, printed matter, sound recordings of interviews, and videocassettes relating to Boris Yeltsin, president of Russia. Material assembled for a projected biography of Yeltsin.

Aron (Raymond) papers

Writings, notes, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to twentieth-century political and social thought, especially with reference to philosophy of history, political ideology and social structure, and especially with reference to France and Europe. Includes hard photocopies of a few items.

Arrigo (Jean Maria) Intelligence ethics collection

Testimonies, interviews, correspondence, and performance art projects compiled by American social psychologist and oral historian Jean Maria Arrigo, relating to the ethical aspects of government intelligence and covert operations.

Arrowsmith (Robert) papers

Correspondence, clippings, printed matter, memorabilia, and photographs relating to conditions in German-occupied Belgium during World War I, relief activities of the Commission for Relief in Belgium (CRB), and war loan and relief publicity in the United States.

Artemov (Stepan) papers

Stepan Artemov was a tenor in Serge Jaroff's Don Cossack chorus. Materials include documents, photographs, clippings, a scrapbook, programs, and prints related to Stepan Artemov and other members of the chorus, general Cossack life, and Cossack emigration.

Artis (Edward A.) miscellany

Videotape cassettes, press releases, other printed matter, and miscellany, relating to the question of detention of Americans in the Soviet Union, and to humanitarian assistance activities of the Knights of Malta in various parts of the world.

Artists at the front portfolio

Drawings and paintings by Soviet artists of scenes on the Eastern front during World War II, 1942-1944.

Arvidson (Richard A.) diary

Relates to conditions in Japanese internment camps during World War II. Includes partial typed transcript.

Ascherl (Frank George) papers

Frank George Ascherl served as a United States Prisoner of War Escort in 1919. The Frank George Ascherl papers consists of a WWI-era photograph album.

Ashford (Douglas Elliott) papers

Writings, correspondence, reports, clippings, notes, interview transcripts, government publications, other printed matter, and teaching aids, relating to the politics, government, education, and agriculture of Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and other North African nations.

Ashizawa (Hirozumi) papers

Writings, personal documents, and photographs relating to Hokubei Butokukai, a martial arts organization established for Japanese Americans.

Asia Foundation records

Correspondence, memoranda, project reports, conference proceedings, and financial records relating to scholarships, exchange programs, and projects for social and economic development, and for aid to education, communications, health, and administration of justice in countries of South, Southeast and East Asia.

Asian pictorial collection

Photographs, drawings, and paintings, depicting miscellaneous scenes and personalities in Asia, including scenes of revolutionary disturbances in Iran, ca. 1908.

Asian subject collection

Electronic bulletins, pamphlets, leaflets, serial issues, election campaign literature, clippings, other printed matter, miscellany, video tape, and memorabilia, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Asia, and to elections in Asia.

Asselstine (James K.) papers

Memoranda, reports, studies, and correspondence, relating to nuclear power plants in the United States, including issues of licensing, safety, and waste management.

Assistance Committee for the Democratic Opposition in Poland records

Correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial records, and printed matter, relating to Polish-American support for the Solidarnosc movement in Poland.

Associated News Service photographs

Depicts scenes from World War I, and other world events.

Association for Comparative Economic Studies records

Correspondence, minutes of meetings, conference papers and proceedings, memoranda, newsletters and other publications, and financial records relating to comparative economic studies in the United States. Includes records of one of the Association's predecessor organizations, the Association for Comparative Economics.

Association of Russian-American Scholars in U.S.A. records

Correspondence, minutes, financial and membership records, and editorial records of the Association's journal, relating to Russian culture and to Russian scholars in the United States. Includes some records of predecessor organizations.

Association of Space Explorers records

Reports, correspondence, and questionnaires, relating to promotion of international cooperation in furtherance of space exploration.

Athanassopoulos (G. D.) letter

Relates to the Italian attack on Greece in World War II.

Atherton (John McDougal) papers

Diaries, letters, certificate, photographs, and memorabilia, relating to activities of the American destroyer Meredith in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans during World War II, and to the sinking of the Meredith and the death of J. M. Atherton during the...

Atlantic Council of the United States records

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, minutes of meetings, conference proceedings, bulletins, financial records, and printed matter, relating to NATO, and American foreign, military and economic policy. Includes records of the Atlantic Institute, the Atlantic Treaty Association, the Committee on Atlantic Studies,...

Atlas Network records

Correspondence, writings, memoranda, conference papers and other conference materials, fundraising and grant award records, other financial records, and printed matter relating to international promotion of free market economic policies.

Atwood (William G.) letter

Relates to the resolution of Yugoslav-Italian boundary disputes by the Treaty of Rapallo in 1920.

Augusts (Gvido) collection

Latvian motion picture film, including dramas, documentaries, and newsreels, depicting daily life in Latvia, various aspects of Latvian culture, and postwar treatment of events in Latvia during World War II; and orders, certificates, and miscellany, relating to conditions in Latvia...

Ausky (Stanislav A.) collection

Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, microfilm and photocopies of German and American military documents, bulletins, pamphlets, other printed matter, sound recordings, motion picture film, slides, and photographs relating to the Russkai͡a Osvoboditel'nai͡a Armii͡a, led by General AndreĬ A. Vlasov, and to...

Austria newspaper collection

The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Austria newspaper collection (1883-2001) comprises sixty-one different titles of publication, in German, Italian, Czech, and English. All titles within...

Austria (Territory under Allied Occupation, 1945-1955) records

The records relate to civilian relief efforts, economic conditions, housing, and denazification in Austria after World War II, including minutes, reports, memoranda, statistics, laws, and bulletins.

Austrian subject collection

Pamphlets, leaflets, clippings, serial issues, and other printed matter, relating to various aspects of twentieth-century Austrian history and politics, including the socialist revolt of 1934, the Anschluss of 1938, the anti-Nazi movement in Austria, post-World War II student radicalism at...

Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Ministerium des K. und K. Hauses und des Aussern dispatches

Dispatches from the Austro-Hungarian embassy in Turkey and from the Austro-Hungarian legation in Switzerland, relating to activities of Ukrainian nationalist organizations.

Autograph collection

Autographs of various famous persons.

Avisov (George) papers

The George Avisov papers (1970s-2000s) document Avisov's activities with the Congress of Russian Americans, a national organization in which Avisov held multiple positions, including President.

Axelbank (Herman) motion picture film collection

Depicts major events in the twentieth-century Russian history, including the Russian Revolution and World Wars I and II, the tsarist family and court, communist political and military leaders, and scenes of economic, social, and cultural activities in the Soviet Union.

Axentieff (N.) memorandum

Relates to relief needs of Russian refugees living in exile. Sent to Herbert Hoover during or immediately after the Russian Civil War.

Axford (W. Ian) collection

Diary, memoirs, letters, notes, biographical and genealogical data, and printed matter, relating to the White Russian military commander Dmitrii Khorvat, and to the Khorvat and Benois families in Russia and China. Photocopy.

Ayau (Manuel F.) miscellaneous papers

Speech delivered at the general meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society held at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1980; and a prospectus and miscellany, relating to the Universidad Francisco Marroquin.

Aymerich (Joseph Gauderique) holograph

Relates to French military operations in Cameroon during World War I and to other aspects of French colonial administration.

Ayres (Leonard Porter) diary

Relates to the work of the Allied Powers Reparation Commission. Digital copy also available at

Ayres (Paulo) typescript

Lecture delivered at the Center for Strategic Studies, Georgetown University, relating to the 1964 Brazilian revolution.

Azerbaijani subject collection

Election campaign literature, pamphlets, serial issues, electronic bulletins, other printed matter, and video tapes, relating to elections and to political, social and economic conditions in Azerbaijan.