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Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-6003
Phone: (650) 723-3563
Fax: (650) 725-3445
Email: hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu
Collections with online items: 201
Physical collections: 6670
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11th Bombardment Group (H) Association miscellany

Printed reminiscences, diary excerpts, propaganda leaflets, and photographs relating to aerial bombing operations of the 11th Bombardment Group in the Pacific Theater during World War II, and especially to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the American...

13th Air Force Veterans Association records

Correspondence, memoirs, reports, printed matter, and photographs relating to activities of the 13th Air Force in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

1914-1936 [Tysioc dziewiecset czternascie tysioc dziewiecset trzydziesci szesc] motion picture film

Relates to Polish history from 1914 to 1936. Video use copies available.

1981 Presidential Inaugural Committee records

Reports, memoranda, press releases, programs, guides, and memorabilia relating to the inauguration of Ronald Reagan as president of the United States in 1981.

40th Bomb Group Association records

Correspondence, newsletters, memoirs, and audiovisual material relating to activities of the 40th Bomb Group in the China-Burma-India and Pacific Theaters during World War II, and to subsequent activities of veterans of the group. Includes photocopies of histories of other World...

557th Bomb Squadron Association issuances

Official history and newsletters relating to operations of the 557th Bomb Squadron in the European Theater during World War II. Includes a few orders and newspaper issues of the squadron.

58th Bomb Wing Association records

Bibliography, writings, letters, and printed matter, relating to activities of the 58th Bomb Wing in the China-Burma-India and Pacific Theaters during World War II, and to postwar activities of its veterans.