The office files of the UPC are divided into sixteen series.
Types of materials within the collection include the minutes of
the executive board, constitution and bylaws, membership
documentation, publications of the UPC and its locals, grievance
files, committee records, collective bargaining material,
information on the CSUC budget and policies, subject files on
salaries, hiring, affirmative action, strikes and pickets
material, and information on other academic organizations.
The United Professors of California, a statewide college
faculty union, was founded on 13 June 1970 as the result of an
alliance between the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and
the Association of California State College Professors (ACSCP).
A merger was proposed at a news conference on 29 September 1969
whereby the AFT College Council and ACSCP State Council would be
dissolved and a single faculty union, tentatively named the Union
of Associated Professors (UAP), would be created in their place,
The new organization was renamed the United Professors of
California during the course of negotiations. Following a
membership vote an interim board composed of representatives of
the two councils called for the dissolution of the former
organizations in favor of the UPC. AFT locals within the
University of California system remained with the UPC until 1971
when they divided to form an autonomous UC Council, leaving CSUC
locals with the UPC. UPC representation after 1971 was confined
to the California State University College campuses.
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to the Director of the Archives. Permission for publication is given on behalf
of the Labor Archives & Research Center as the owner of the physical items and is not intended
to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be
obtained by the reader.
Collection is open for research.