The collection is made up of 147 black and white images, 113 of which are 8" x 10;" the balance range from 2" x 3" to 5" x
7." All photographs are housed in one document box. They span the years from 1934 to 1950. The bulk are in the 1940s.
Representatives of sixty-one unions and five central bodies convened in San Francisco, January 1901, and organized the State
Federation of Labor. The only group of workers which refused to affiliate was the building trades unions. They, in turn, formed
the State Building Trades Council later that same year. This situation was reversed however in 1910 when P. H. McCarthy, President
of the Building Trades Council, permitted building trades locals to affiliate with labor councils in their community and with
the CSFL.
Copyright has not been assigned to the Labor Archives & Research Center. All requests for
permission to publish or quote from materials must be submitted in writing
to the Director of the Archives. Permission for publication is given on behalf
of the Labor Archives & Research Center as the owner of the physical items and is not intended
to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be
obtained by the reader.
Collection is open for research.