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Westmoreland Versus CBS Collection
MSS 0155  
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The WESTMORELAND/CBS COLLECTION contains many of the joint exhibits entered into the record during the libel suit of General William Westmoreland against the Columbia Broadcasting Company in 1985. Included are photocopies of interview transcripts, notes, memoranda, cables, CIA records, books, and newspaper articles. The collection is arranged in numerical order in one series: JOINT EXHIBITS.
On January 23, 1982, the Columbia Broadcasting System aired a CBS Reports documentary entitled "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception," which suggested inaccuracies in United States estimates of North Vietnamese troop strengths between 1966-1968. General William C. Westmoreland, who commanded the U.S. Military Assistance Command in Vietnam between 1964 and 1968, sued CBS, several CBS employees, and former CIA analyst Samuel Adams for libel on September 13, 1982. Westmoreland argued that the documentary defamed him because it asserted that he had led a conspiracy to manipulate intelligence on enemy troop sizes.
14.00 linear feet (14 records cartons)
Publication rights are held by the creator of the collection.
Collection is open for research.