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Finding aid to the American Federation of Musicians, Local 6 (San Francisco, Calif.) records
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The records are primarily composed of meeting minutes of local chapters of the American Federation of Musicians. They also contain preliminary meeting of organizers, the articles of incorporation, the consent and minutes of first meeting and subsequent meetings of the Musicians Club of San Francisco, Inc. They consist of 15 bound volumes and 4 folders containing minutes, and 1 folder of correspondence to members.
The American Federation of Musicians (AFM) is the largest labor union for professional musicians in the United States and Canada. Local 6 in San Francisco, California, is one of its chapters. The purpose of this union was to engage in collective bargaining on behalf of working musicians who faced competition for jobs and poor working conditions, especially during the 1800s when San Francisco became a major metropolitan city. The first successful organizing attempt resulted in the formation of the Musicians' Mutual Protecting Union, Local 10, that was chartered by the National League of Musicians on September 3, 1885. After the National League of Musicians ceased operations, many of its locals were granted charters by the AFM, the new national musicians union. Todays' Musicians Union Local 6 in San Francisco was granted its charter on February 2, 1897.
1.84 Cubic Feet (4 legal manuscript boxes)
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Collection is open for research.