Consists of materials related to Coleman's work as General Organizer and International Representative for the Iron Workers
International Union. Includes weekly reports, correspondence, convention proceedings, and minutes for the District Council
meetings, and contracts for locals 509 (Los Angeles), 624 (Fresno), 627 (San Diego), 790 (San Francisco, Oakland), 562 (Salt
Lake City), 801 (Reno), and 803 (Honolulu), along with other District Council materials. Includes COPE, Shop Division, and
Ironworkers conference materials, as well as ephemera, photographs, and publications produced by various locals of the International
Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers. Artifacts consist of union memorabilia, including Coleman's
collection of convention pins and badges.
William Neal Coleman was General Organizer and International Representative for the Iron Workers International Union, and
a member of Iron Workers Local 509.In the late 1800s, the increased number of railroads around the United States, combined with the use of new materials such
as cast iron and steel, led to stronger, safer forms of bridges being built to support them. At the same time, these new materials
also allowed for innovative forms of building construction to be developed. The face of the construction industry was changing,
and a specialized type of iron worker was born. Structural and ornamental ironworkers were responsible for the construction
of some of the most famous structures in North America, including the Brooklyn Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Sears Tower,
and the World Trade Center.
19.5 cubic feet
(17 cartons)
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