Dr. Jorge Mariscal is an Emeritus Professor of Spanish and Chicano/a Literature at UC San Diego. His papers document his teaching,
leadership, and advocacy roles on campus across the topical areas of student and faculty diversity at the University of California,
the development of the Chicano/a and Latino/a Arts and Humanities Program (CLAH), his writings and research on Latinos and
military service and El Movimiento, and Spanish literature.
Dr. Jorge Mariscal (b. circa 1948) is an Emeriti Professor of Spanish and Chicano/a Literature at UC San Diego. Mariscal is
the grandson of Mexican immigrants, and his father was a World War II veteran. In 1966 he graduated from Millikan High School
in Long Beach, California. In 1968, at the age of nineteen, he was drafted in the U.S. Army to fight the war in Vietnam.
3.6 Linear feet
(8 archives boxes and one shoebox)
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