Biographical information
Personal documents, membership cards, etc
Judgment against André Rossfelder and Jean Garcia 1963
Interview with Rossfelder and Jean-François Kahn May 2000
Hays, Ken - "Guns, Barges and Mud" [article about Rossfelder] 2000
Miscellaneous correspondents 1949-2005
Daniel, Jean (ed. Caliban) 1949-1950
De Condé, Louis 1994-2000
Destandau, Charles 2000
Dib, Mohammed 1995
Laffitte, Robert 1961, 1963, 1992-2002
Marine Research & Planning, Inc. 1975-1976
Penalva, Georges 2000
Sigaux, Gilbert 1950s
Tetra Tech, Inc.
Drag-Force Currentmeter 1969
Proposal - Design of a Deep-Sea Free Surveying Apparatus 1969
Rextant patents 1969
Geomarex, Inc.
Casings and rods
CEPAC I Expedition 1978
CEPAC III Expedition 1980-1981
Charter agreements 1976-1978
Correspondence - Miscellaneous 1975-1987
Correspondence - Wacker 1979-1990
Design notebook - Vibracorers and drilling systems 1982-1984
Equipment weight for lagoon and land work 1980
Indo-Pacific Oceanic Phosphates Study, Final Report - Plates 1974
Manganese nodules of the Pacific - Correspondence and clippings 1976-1982
Manganese nodules of the Pacific - Map and elevations ca. 1978
P-4 Vibrocorer assembly notes
Phosphates of Mataiva 1978-1988
MSS Pinafore platform 1984-1985
Vibrocore design
Rossfelder Corp.
Actuated core noses 1988-2006
Actuated core noses - Plans 1971-2006
Company / vibrocoring info
Correspondence - Miscellaneous 1988-1997
Correspondence - Aqua Survey, Inc. 1996-2003
Coring penetrometer 1992-1994
Conical sand scoop 1967, 1990
DO-1 vibracore
Drill rod and casings - Proprietary designs 1977-1979
Equipment and drawings, miscellaneous
Equipment rental 1986-1997
Experience / job histories
Miscellaneous plans 1990-1994
Other vibrocorers 1982-1996
P-1, modifications for motors U1-1600 - Plans 1996
P-3 (old) - Plans 1993-1995
Penetration rate meter - Plans 1994
Penetration rate record
Portable coring frame - Plans 1992
Reef blasting
Sketches, notes and correspondence with vendors
Tripod plans 1993
Vibrocoring notes 1989-1996
Vibrowaterlift, jetting assembly and implements 1984-1990
VT-1, #1 - Prototype and plans 1995-1996
ca. 1965-1966
1966-1976, 1986
Free fall sampler, for Bear Creek Mining Company 1966-1968
Worm-screw devices 1972
Free grab - T2 1972-1974
Underwater rig 1975
"417" - Edited typescript 1947
Les Hommes-Frontières (1949) - Information and reviews
Fin de Chantier (1952) - Information and reviews
Rocade-Sud (1953) - Information and reviews
English / French Fisheries Technical Dictionary ca. 1954
Provisional Map of the Algerian Continental Margin (1954)
La Mer où Tout Commence (1956) - Information and reviews
L'Algérie à Bàâtir (1959) - Information, reviews and correspondence
Morphométrie des Sédiments Meubles (1958)
Le Metier de Geologue Maritime ca. 1961
Rossfelder's foreword for "Outline for a Memoir," by General Joseph Vuillemin 1971
Le Plan Gorgone - Typescript and manuscript drafts ca. 1972
Le Plan Gorgone - Notes and research undated
Le Plan Gorgone - Correspondence 1972-1979
Implosive Anchor Feasibility Study 1973
Le Onzième Commandement (2000) - Information and reviews 2000-2001
Response to "Ils n'ont toujours rien compris!" article by Philippe Plonchard d'Assac 2001
"Pour un Soldat Ennemi" - Edited typescript undated
Various articles and notes
1956-1957, 1960-1961
1966 -1967
1970-1971, 1980
13 Mai
Algeria - Oil drilling
Algerian losses 1999-2000
Annotated maps
Aquatic toxicology - Notes
Centre de Geologie Marine et de Sedimentologie 1959-1960
CNR [National Council of the Resistance], Mont Faron, etc. 1971-2000
Feraoun, Mouloud 1957-2003
Gardener Atoll and Amelia Earhart 1992
Laffitte, Robert
Navigation and positioning systems
Oudinot, George 2001
Oued Gueterini (ship) 1988-1990
Société RAFAL 1947-1955
STYX Expedition 1968-1969
Algerian oil
Baie des Pirogues, Baie Ngo
Charter vessels
Duncan in Peru
Geomarex Inc. - Manganese nodules of the Pacific work undated
Geomarex Inc. - Mataiva
Geomarex Inc. - MSS Pinafore platform project
Manned subs
Miscellaneous and unidentified
Rossfelder Corp - R/V Tovuto, Fiji 1990
Rossfelder Corp - V-T 1, #1 1997 February
Reel-to-reel sound recordings - Coronado and Mugu Canyon (no. 353) dives, Westinghouse Cousteau Diving Saucer
Cousteau Diving Saucer - 16mm films
UCSD trial dive
Cousteau Diving Saucer #1
Cousteau Diving Saucer #2
Cousteau Diving Saucer #3