Series I: Organizing Files, 1978-2003
Subseries A: Administrative Files, 1992-2003
Adjacent Cities, Public Officials, 1998
Alliance for Self-Determination, 1997-1998
American Civil Liberties Union Press Releases, 1998
Boundaries of San Fernando Study Area, with maps, 1996-1998
Brain, Jeff Correspondence, 1996-1999
Brain, Jeff Correspondence, 2000 May 8-2002 June 25
Brain, Jeff Correspondence, 2002 July 1-2002 October 30
California Commission on Local Governance for the 21st Century, 1999
California Latino Redistricting Coalition, 2002
Campaign Victory Proposal, 2002
Candidates, New Valley City, 2001 August 22-2002 November 2
Candidates, New Valley City, Rent Control Pledge, 2002
Candidates Questionnaire, City Council District 7, 1999
Candidates Questionnaire, Mayoral Race, 2001
City Charters, Glendale and Burbank, 2000-2001
City of Los Angeles Interactions, 1998-2002
Civic Forum, 2002
Consultants, 1997-1998
Consultants, 1999
Consultants, 2000-2001
Debt of New Valley City
Declaration of Independence of the People of San Fernando Valley, 2001-2002
Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley, 1999-2000
Electorate Survey of San Fernando Valley, 1998 February 21-March 1
Electorate Survey of San Fernando Valley, 1998 February 21- March 1
Engineers and Architects Association, 2002
Entertainment Industry Development Corporation, 2002
Entertainment Industry Development Corporation, 2002
Fitch Ratings, 2002 May
Floor Plans, La Reina Fashion Plaza, 1998
Hunt v. Local Agency Formation Commission for Los Angeles County, 2002 June
Hunt v. Local Agency Formation Commission for Los Angeles County, 2002 July-November
Independent Ballot Argument in Favor of Reorganization, 2002 August
Independent Contractor, Agreement Forms, 2002
Legal Committee, 1997
Legislation, 1992
Legislation, 1996-1997
Legislation, 1999
Legislation, 2000-2001
Legislation, Government Code Sections, Local Agency Formation Commission for Los Angeles County Powers and Duties
Legislative Council of California, 2001-2002
Letter of Complaint to City Officials, 2002
Maps of Los Angeles Regions
Measure F, 2002
Meetings, Notes, Correspondence, 1999-2003
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Newsletter, 1998 August
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, 1998 March-1999 January
News Coverage, Press Releases, Letters to the Editor, 1997-2002
News Coverage, Press Releases, Letters to the Editor, 2002 January 24-2002 June 30
News Coverage, Press Releases, Letters to the Editor, 2002 July-2002 December
Newspaper Bias Correspondence, 2002
ONE Los Angeles
Petition Application for Special Reorganization, 1998-2000
Petition Drive, Kimball Petition Management, 1998
Petition Drive, Progressive Campaigns Incorporated, 1998
Petition Verification, 1999
Petition Verification Fee, 1998
Polls on Secession, 1996, 1999, 2001-2002
Public Correspondence, 1998-2001
Report Drafts, 2000-2002
Report Drafts and Committee Meetings, 2001
San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission Procedures Guide, 2000
San Fernando Valley CIVIC Foundation
San Fernando Valley Historical Society, 2001
San Fernando Valley Independence Committee, 2001-2002
Secession for Beginners
Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association
Supporting Organizations, 1996, 1998
"Taxable Sales" State Board of Equalization, 1998 January 2
United Chamber of Commerce, 2002 June
Valley Industry and Commerce Association, 1996-1997, 2001-2002
Van Nuys Airport, 2002 August 6
Daily News, "Valley Generations of the 20th Century," 1999 December 31
Maps of Los Angeles Region
The 'Not Born Yesterday' Citizen, 1998 April
San Fernando Valley Business Journal, 2002 April-2002 November
Valley Bulletin, 2002 July 4
Floor Plans, La Reina Shopping Center, 1993
KRLA Radio 870 "Legal Challenges," 2001 June 30
Subseries B: Outreach and Events, 1997-2003
Brain, Jeff Speaking Notes, 2001-2003
Contacts, 1997
Contacts, 1998
Events and Speakers Calendar, 1998-1999, 2001-2002
Forms, 1999
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Valley Secession, 1997-1998
Friends of the Valley Committee
Letter Writing Campaign to Governor Regarding AB62, 1997
Letter Writing Campaign to Governor Regarding AB62, 1997
Letter Writing Campaign to Governor Regarding AB62, 1997
Letter Writing Campaign to Governor Regarding AB62, 1997
Letter Writing Campaign to Governor Regarding AB62, 1997
Measure F Campaign Events, 2002
Measure F Campaign Promotion, Anti-Secession, 2002
Measure F Campaign Promotion, Pro-Secession, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Name the New Valley City, 2002
Newsletters, 1998-1999, 2002
Petition Drive, Daily News Advertisement, 1998
Petition Drive Fliers and Forms, 1998
Petition Drive Planning Materials, 1997-1998
Petition Drive Planning Materials, 1998-1999, 2001
Petition Drive Planning Materials, 1998-1999, 2002
Petition Drive Requests, 1998
Petition Drive, Summary of Signatures, 1997, 1999
Petition Drive Site Lists, 1998
Petition Drive T-shirts, 1998
Petition Drive Van Nuys Airport, 1998
Petition Drive Volunteers, 1998
Petition Drive Volunteers, 1998
Secession Man
Spanish Language Fliers, 1998,2002
Special Requests, 1998-1999
Volunteer Corps, 2001
Volunteers, General Election, 1998 May
Volunteers, General Election, 1998 October-November
Volunteers, Primary Election, 1998
Yes on F Press Kit, 2002
Community Forum on Valley Secession at CSU Northridge, Photographic Prints, 2002 June 12
Measure F Campaign Event, Photographic Prints, ca. 2002
Measure F Campaign Promotion, Anti-Secession Button, ca. 2002
Measure F Campaign Promotion, Pro-Secession Button, ca. 2002
Yes on F Banner, ca. 2002
Yes on F Banner, ca. 2002
Petition Drive Poster
Subseries C: Special Issues, 1987-2002
90 versus 180 Days, 1998 February-August
Assets, 2001 November 8-2002 January 23
Assets and Liablilities, 2001-2002
Calemine, Larry
Candidate Requirements, 2001-2002
City Condition on Money for Study, 2000
Disclosures, 2000
Documentary Transfer Tax, 2002 February 5
Education, 1999
Employees/Workforce, 1998, 2001-2002
Environmental Impact Report, 2001 June-July
Fair Share, 2002 March 12
Financial Disclosure, 1998-2000
Indemnity of Local Agency Formation Commission for Los Angeles County by Applicants, 1999 April 2
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Morality, 1992-2001
Morality, 2001-2002
Northeast Valley Community Revelopment Agency, 1999-2000
Petition Form, 1998
Public Disclosure of Contributors, 1999
Public Disclosure of Contributors, 1999
Public Utilities, 2002 February, May
Revenue Neutrality, 1998
Right to Circulate Petitions, 1999 January
Signature Verification Fees, 1998 November
Signature Verification Fees, 1998 November-December
Speaking to Organizations and the Press, 2002 March 18
Transition Period, 2001 November 28
Valley Council Districts, 2001 September
Valley Demographics, 2002
Valley Districting, 2002 April 10
Van Nuys Airport, 1999, 2001
Water Rights, 1998-1999, 2001
Who Pays for Study, 1998
Fair Share, 1996
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, 1987 July 7
Valley Districting, Demographics and Maps
Water Rights
Subseries D: Independent Reports and Publications, 1978-2002
Committee Investigating Valley Independent City/County, Phase Two Report, 1978
"What Do America's 'Traditional' Forms of School Choice Teach Us About School Choice Reforms?," by Caroline M. Hoxby, 1998 March
"Are Residents Well Served By Large City Governments?," by Shirley Svorny, 1998 Spring
"A Non-Secession Secession Movement: San Fernando Valley's Bid for Autonomy," CSU Sacramento, 1998 July 9
"Let's Break Up the Big Cities," by Howard Husock, 1998
"Keeping Los Angeles Together: Alternatives," Harvard University Masters Thesis, 1999 April 6
"City Size and Civic Involvement in Metropolitan America," by J. Eric Oliver, 2000 June
"Support for Municipal Detachment: Evidence from a Recent Survey of Los Angeles Voters," by Leah Marcal and Shirley Svorny, 2000 September
Symposium on Rightsizing Local and Regional Government, Transcript of Proceedings, 2001 February 5
"Report of Findings on San Fernando Valley Economy," CSU Northridge, 2001-2002
Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley, Vision 2020 Initial Report, 2002 February
League of Women Voters, Report on Secession, 2002 April 16
"Los Angeles in Context: A Comparative Analysis of Current and Proposed Cities in Los Angeles County," Rose Institute, 2002 September
"Los Angeles in Context: A Comparative Analysis of Current and Proposed Cities in Los Angeles County," Rose Institute, 2002 September
"Los Angeles in Context: A Comparative Analysis of Current and Proposed Cities in Los Angeles County," Rose Institute, 2002 September
"Rightsizing Los Angeles Government," by Ronald Oakerson and Shirley Svorny, 2002 September
"Valley Secession: Some Things to Consider," UCLA, 2002 September
Series II: Local Agency Formation Commission of Los Angeles County Investigation, 1998-2003
Applicant Requests, 2002
Bidder's List, 1999 October
Calemine, Larry Correspondence, 2000-2002
Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, 2001 October 4
Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, 2002 January 9
Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, 2002 January 9
Comparative Fiscal Analysis, California State Controller's Review, 2002
Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, Executive Summary, 2001 October 4
Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, Request for Contract Administration, 2002 January 3
Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, Request for "Description of Proposed Services and Organization Structure," 2002 April
Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, Request for Proposal, 1999 December 20
Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, Request for Proposal of San Fernando Valley and Harbor City, 1999 August
Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, Valley Voters Organized Toward Empowerment Comments, 2001 December 6
Disclosure of Contributions and Expenditures Guidelines, 2001 March 8
Environmental Impact Report, 2002 March
Environmental Impact Report, Consultant Services Contract Amendment, 2002
Environmental Impact Report, Initial Study, 2002 January 23
Environmental Impact Report, Valley Voters Organized Toward Empowerment Comments, 2002
Executive Officer's Report, 2002 April
Executive Officer's Supplemental Report, 2002 May 20
Executive Officer's Supplemental Report, Combined Effects of Valley and Hollywood Reorganization, 2002 June 3
Incorporation Guidelines, 2001
Initial Fiscal Analysis, 2001 March 28
Initial Fiscal Analysis, 2001 March 28
Initial Fiscal Analysis, 2001
Initial Fiscal Analysis and Applicant's Reorganization Plan, Valley Voters Organized Toward Empowerment Comments, 2001 July 11
Initial Fiscal Analysis and Applicant's Reorganization Plan, City Response, 2001 May 15, 2001 June 13
Initial Fiscal Analysis and Applicant's Reorganization Plan, City Response, 2001 June 13
Initial Fiscal Analysis and Applicant's Reorganization Plan, City Response, 2001 June 13, 2001 August 30
Mayor's Proposed Consolidated Plan, 2002-2003
Meeting Materials and Correspondence, 1998 October-1999 September
Meeting Materials and Correspondence, 1999 October-2001 May
Meeting Materials and Correspondence, 2001 June-2002 February
Meeting Materials and Correspondence, 2002 March-2002 August
Memo 001, Applicant's Initial Identification of Needs for Data Collection, 1999-2001
Memo 001, City's Response, 1999 June-July
Memo 001, Valley Voters Organized Towards Empowerment Response to City, 1999 June-July
Memo 002, Process and Criteria for the Hiring of Consultants to the Local Agency Formation Commision of Los Angeles County Investigation, 1999
Memo 003, Names Submitted for Local Agency Formation Commission of Los Angeles County Investigation Notices, 1999 July
Memo 004, Preliminary Vision Statement of New Valley City, 2000
Municipal Secession Fiscal Analysis Scoping Study, 1999 January 20
Negotiation Summary, 2001 December-2002 January
Notice of Intent to Petition, 1998
Proposal for Special Reorganization Supplemental Report, 2002 February 21
Request for Information from the City of Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley and Harbor Area Reorganization, 2000 June 20
Resolution of the Local Agency Formation Commission for Los Angeles County Making Determinations for Approval of the San Fernando Valley Special Reorganization, 2002
Resolution of the Local Agency Formation Commission for Los Angeles County Making Determination for Approval of the San Fernando Valley Special Reorganization, 2002
Revenue Neutrality Guidelines, A-C, 1998, 2000
Revenue Neutrality Guidelines, D-E, 2000
Revenue Neutrality Guidelines, F, 2000
Revenue Neutrality Guidelines, G, 1999
Revenue Neutrality Guidelines, H-I, 1999
Revenue Neutrality Negotiations, 1998, 2000, 2002
Special Reorganization Process
Subcommittee on Findings, Terms and Conditions, 2001-2002
Valley Districting, 2002 May 20
Valley Districting Report, 2002 January 14
Valley Districting Report, 2002 April 10
Valley Districting Report, Preliminary Draft, 2001 November 16
Valley Districting Report, Preliminary Draft, 2001 November 16
LAFCO Commissioners Special Reorganization Workshop, 1998 November 18
LAFCO Proceedings, 1998 October 19
LAFCO Proceedings, 1998 November 25
LAFCO Proceedings, 1998 December 9
LAFCO Proceedings, 2000 March 22
Series III: City of Los Angeles, 1994-2002
Ad Hoc Committee on Secession, 2001 June 15
Aging Department, 1999
Animal Services, 2000-2001
Budget Policy for 2003-2004 Fiscal Year, 2002 August 6
Building and Safety, 2000-2001
Capital Improvement Expenditures Program, 2001
City Attorney, 2000-2002
City Clerk, 2000-2001
City Council
Community Development Department, 2000-2001
Cost Burdens Following Separation, Independent Appraisal, 2002 May 13
Cost Burdens Following Separation, Independent Appraisal, 2002 May 13
Cultural Affairs, 2002 January 2
Environmental Affairs Department, 2000-2001
Disability Department, 2000-2001
Facilities Inventory Building Book, 2001 February 21
Fire and Police, 1999-2000, 2002
Fire and Police, 2001
General Services Department, 2001 December 27
Housing Department, 2002
Human Resources Benefits, 2000-2001
"Issues to be Addressed Relating to the Possible Reorganization of the City of Los Angeles," 2001 June 11
Library Department, 2000-2001
Mayor's Special Advisory Committee on Fiscal Administration, 1994
Neighborhood Empowerment Department, 2000-2001
Planning Department, 2000-2001
Public Works, Accounting, 1998-2001
Public Works, Contract Administration, 2000 May 31
Public Works, Director, 2002 January 2
Public Works, Engineering, 2000-2001
Public Works, Management and Employee Services, 1998
Public Works, Sanitation, 2000 March 27
Public Works, Sanitation, 2002 January 2
Public Works, Street Lighting, 2000-2001
Public Works, Street Services, 2000-2001
Recreation and Parks Department, 1998-1999
Recreation and Parks Department, 1999-2000
Revenue Analysis, 2000 December
Revenue Neutrality Checklist, 2002 January 2
Transportation Department, 2000-2001
Water and Electricity Costs of Valley Facilities, 2002 January 8
Workers' Compensation, 2000 December
Series IV: Reorganization Efforts of Nearby Communities, 1994-2002
Eagle Rock, 1998
Elk Grove, Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, 1999 March 15
Harbor, Boundary Adjustment, 2002
Harbor, Budget Proposal, 2002 May 8
Harbor, City Services and Expenditure Analysis, 2002
Harbor, Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, 2001 October 4
Harbor, Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, 2002
Harbor, Environmental Impact Report, 2002 March
Harbor, Executive Officer's Reports, 2002 May
Harbor, Initial Fiscal Analysis, 2001 April 25
Harbor, Initial Fiscal Analysis and Applicant's Reorganization Proposal, 2001
Harbor, Initial Fiscal Analysis and Applicant's Reorganization Proposal, 2001
Harbor, Initial Fiscal Analysis and Applicant's Reorganization Proposal, 2001
Harbor, Initial Study, 2002 January 23
Harbor, Presentation to Commission on Local Governance for 21st Century, 1998-1999
Harbor, Reorganization Proposal and Local Agency Formation Commission of Los Angeles County Memos, 1999-2001
Harbor, Reorganization Proposal and Local Agency Formation Commission of Los Angeles County Memos, 2001 June 8
Harbor Study Foundation, 1999-2000
Harbor, Supplemental Reports, 2002 February
Harbor Voters Organized Towards Empowerment, 1997-1998
Hollywood, Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, 2002 March 6
Hollywood, Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis, 2002 May
Hollywood, Division of Service Cost Burdens, 2002 July 3
Hollywood, Division of Service Cost Burdens, 2002 July 3
Hollywood, Executive Officer's Report, 2002 May-July
Hollywood Independence Committee, 2002
Hollywood Voters Organized Towards Empowerment, 2001-2002
Koreatown, 2002 May 8
Rancho San Vicente, 1998 February 2
Venice, 1998
Westchester, 1994
Westside Cityhood Coalition, 1998-1999
Harbor Boundary Adjustment, Maps, 2002